General Audience (pg)

Billy Joel

I was just listening to one of my favorite tracks by Billie Joel, We did'nt start the fire:

Harry Truman, Doris Day, Red China, Johnnie Ray
South Pacific, Walter Winchell, Joe DiMaggio

Joe McCarthy, Richard Nixon, Studebaker, television
North Korea, South Korea, Marilyn Monroe

Rosenbergs, H-bomb, Sugar Ray, Panmunjom
Brando, "The King and I" and "The Catcher in the Rye"

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And Loving It!

<In the Get Smart television series, CONTROL agent Charlie Watkins was a master of female disguise. Played by actress Angelique Pettyjohn, she/he was a sexy, gorgeous undercover spy. Maxwell Smart found blonde bombshell Charlie, much to his chagrin, disconcertingly attractive. Written a few years ago, an updated And Loving It! is presented on Big Closet in honor of the Get Smart film release.>


Drabble Theatre: A Matter of Taste

Dinner was over, dessert was delicious, and the coffee was, too. ‘Maddy always knows the best places to eat,’ Jason mused as they left the restaurant. Luck or magic, he didn’t know — and didn’t really care.

He kissed her lovingly.

“Mmmmmm,” she whispered. “Yummy. You taste …”

“Like what?” he asked, curious.

This will probably make me unpopular, but...

This will probably make me unpopular, but...I don't like drabbles! If I'm gonna click on a story, I want a STORY...not a short article. Sorry. That's the way I feel.

Does it take talent to do drabble? Of COURSE! It also takes talent to do Rap, and I can't stand those either. Now I'm pretty much done with this mini-rant.

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And so begins a new journy into the realms of the unknown

Ok so I know the title is a bit ..hmm weird and all mysterious like ,but I like my intros that way as they represent me the best way (The weird part , I am not that mysterious).

So lets go on to the intro shell we?

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Drabble Theatre: The Wizard of Ozzfest

"Dude, we HAVE to get back there and see Zodiac!"

"Noone gets backstage without a pass." The security guard pushed the two overweight men back.

"Cummon, we'll do anything!"

Melissa & Kimmy Elizabeth

Melissa died because she didn't get a organ transplant; Kimmie died because she was rejected for an organ transplant. It is imperative that each of us have done the paperwork to allow the doctors to harvest your organs, just in case. You can save lives! Remember that if the situation occures you aren't going to need the organs where you're going.


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Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 323

Easy As Falling Off A Bike
by Angharad

After waking followed by ablutions and breakfast, I phoned the local police. "Exactly, for what do you need me to attend the station?"

"We need a statement Miss Watts."

"I thought I'd made one to the officers who attended."


"I don't think I could add to it."

"We'd be grateful if you could pop in and make a new one."

A few changes

A Few Changes
By allie elle

Part One

Steve sat in his favourite tree looking out over the fields; he swung
his legs idly as he watched the dusk sun. He was happy with himself; he
had managed to avoid the fallout from his latest escapade. He had
managed to lock most of the doors to the Martin's farm house and make
it so only one door opened. He sat there laughing to himself as he

A Mothers touch

Synopsis: Billy was a normal boy or so it seemed, behind his eyes
though there raged a battle and slowly the conflict was eased by his
mothers touch.


A story by Allie Elle.

Billy stood there hands on his hips looking down with a sneer on his
face at his defeated opponent and wiped the blood from under his nose.

The Unicorn's Gift - Part 6

The struggle makes us stronger
As we pass through life’s travail
And all without our knowing,
if we live, or if we fail.

We face the pain and strife,
that threaten to divide us.
To our surprise we find,
a strength that burns inside us.

So tempered, by the flame.
And, forged like steel or iron.
We find within ourselves,
The courage of a lion.


Sarah Lynn Morgan
The Unicorn's Gift
Part Six

Drabble Theatre: The Questionnaire

"Pencils down."

It was over. The most gruelling two hour test ever, to be sure. And a definite failure, but what did they expect? And with the rule in place that all questions must be answered in order 'to aid in the determination of your absolute potential' or some crap like that, and 'only mark one answer per question. If more than one applies, choose the answer that fits you best.'

It's an epidemic!

Sixteen drabbles. Wow.

In less than two days the whole 'Drabble Theatre' thing has evolved from an interesting title for a writing exercise to, I'm not sure what, but something much bigger.

Thanks Edeyn for making this possible, and thanks to those authors who found the concept as attractive as I did for the inclusion of your stories.

Melanie E.

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Mahatma Gandhi

Mahatma Gandhi has been in the news somewhat this year, the 60th anniversary of his death. I came across an interesting observation about him.
As you probably know he walked barefoot most of the time, so his feet were extremely callused. He also ate very little, which led to his frailty and, with his odd diet, gave him bad breath. This made him a super callused fragile mystic hexed by halitosis.

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Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 322

Easy As Strangling A Certain Cat!
by: not >^^<

I rushed down to see my latest babies, who were doing fine, they should Spike was an experienced mother. However, I was wasting valuable time, I had so much to do. I would have preferred to stand and gawp at the wonder of new life, but I had to get some things done.

Drabble Theatre: Third Time's the charm!

"Congratulations! It's a beautiful uh, heh, nurse?"

"Oh for heaven's sakes, can't you tell it's a... well..."

"It doesn't matter," the newborn's father interrupted. "We have a son and a daughter already. I guess now we have one more of both."

The doctor smiled in relief at being let off the hook, but couldn't help wondering, what color blanket to use?


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