Comments and Reviews

About comments

Hi everyone...

I'm registered on this site since about a year and I commented quite a few stories. The problem I encountered was that people really prefer the comments on their stories differently.
I actually avoided registering on this site since I was used a rougher climate from another fiction site and didn't want to melt people in the rain. In the end I did it anyway because someone started to complain she got too few comments.

TG Anime and Manga.6


Taxonomy upgrade extras: 

I recommend the website ONEMANGA.COM which I mentioned previously. The site provides thousands of pages from scanned Japanese-origin graphic novels (mangas). The library is divided into dozens of sub-categories, among them one called GENDER BENDER. The site's system is simple to use even for computer idiots like myself thus I've been able to make my way through its listings with no difficulty.

TG Anime and Manga.5


Taxonomy upgrade extras: 

HOUROU MUSUKO: I followed up on Calei Esprit's suggestion and have read as much of Hourou as is available - four volumes at present. I had a hard time using the address she gave and used instead It's much easier as the manga is already downloaded . All one has to do is click on a button to turn the page.

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