General Audience (pg)

Siss International

Siss International
You have Miss International. We have Siss International. This is the next Dauphin Interactive project. It includes you.
You will present your Sissy and decide what he wears and what he looks like. You will decide what country he comes from and even what he says. Then Dauphins readers will vote Eurovision style on who is Siss International 2008

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Sweet TG Manga

Hello! While at the Crystal Hall forums for Whataley stories, I ran across a link to a Japanese manga named Hourou Musuko. It is a very sweet story of two Japanese TG students. So for unlike some this one is rated G and is pretty good. If this is your sort of thing the link is.

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Well, the interviews went okay, but the signing was a bit disappointing.

The radio spot went off with nary a hitch. The interviewers asked insightful and intelligent questions, and never once strayed from that format. I think I got at least some of our message out, as well as promoting our stories and writers.

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I have a problem

My problem is that I really don't like the direction my story about Alicia Is going. The latest chapters seem good but the entire direction it took bugs me. IT hasn't turned out the way I wanted when I begun writing it. Including the title. I think I will pull the Alicia stories and rewrite them correctly.
I hav not made any final decisions yet, I am really conflicted.


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Dyslexia - a pain in the bum!

My broadband is back and finally working OK, (Wooohoo!)No more having to speak Outer Mongolianese to sort out my internet woes.

Anyway, I was going to start a new chapter of Working Girl. To refresh my poor memory, I went back over the previous chapter and saw that I had made a lot of silly mistakes in formatting and spelling.

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Nitty Gritty Details of the Non-Existent

Writing for me is often like combing tangled hair. The strokes that I first take are short, ending abruptly, each such stroke usually being the major part of a sitting's work. The next stroke, at the beginning of the next sitting, usually has me comb through the same hair making sure the knots are gone, before attacking the tangle once more.


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Take A Look At The Counter

At the bottom of the page. We have had over 3,200,000 people to come and view things here.

I do not know if that means totally new visitors or if it is counting everybody that comes, but that is an impressive number.

Erin has created quite a site here at Big Closet and I want to thank her for all of her hard work as well as the many authors and editors that make this place so special.

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As I said. I get nothing good without something bad to counter it.

After a day of days for me, a day in which I affirmed my femininity and my writing. After a day filled with interviews with Radio, Television, and Newspaper, a little while ago I got word that Mom is back in the hospital with what appears to be a major stroke.

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this site is one of the best I have ever sceen

IF it were taken down I am not sure what i would do. ONe thing i do know is that i would be filled with sadness. BUt i do understand how Erin feels. She puts alot of her effort into running this site and we need to appreciate that. SHe wants it to be peaceful and atmosphere where we all feel welcome. So lets please try to keep it peaceful here and show erin how much her effort is appreciated.

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Stopping the Train

I'm really considering pulling the plug on BC. It seems many people are unhappy with my attempts to keep this a friendly place to read, write and discuss TG fiction.

Recent blogs seemed to be going well then people started quitting because of remarks in the blogs. So I pulled the blogs and now more people are quitting.

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why is are so many of the best authors leaving

this week we received blogs that alys was leaving and then michelle. Now i read angel is upset and leaving. There is just so much bad news that it has made me feel so sad. I loved all of their stories. Angels was wonderful she is such a talented author i really don't want her to leave. :((

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Today will be a busy, stressful day, but hopefully, fun too.

Well, today at 9:30 A.M. I go on the air with one of our local radio station, live, for an interview about the book, the signing, and my being TG. Am I nervous? You bet your bippy I am! Then, as if that isn't stressful enough, at Noon I go to the Chautauqua Mall for a television bit about the signing!

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There were four or five blogs with some rather hot discussions going on. Lots of good and thoughtful and thought-provoking posts. Unfortunately, some people were being hurt, two authors have quit and another may quit. Some of the most hurtful comments were well-intentioned but perhaps too easily misunderstood.

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Case Files of Dr. Sanura Miller - Casefile 4572

"At a mere 28 years old, Sanura Miller is now an esteemed Doctor specializing in the new field of Elementology and Operator of the National MORFS Elemental Registry Database. Dr. Miller has taken it upon herself to help police the Elementals of the world. These are her case files."

My race to be 288th

Well after looking at all the Thank You's for reaching certain mile markers here at BC I thought I would enter my one of my own. Heroes of Justice my most read story with just over 3200 hits rates as 288th in the all time most popular stories! Yay!!! I feel very much like those old TV Snapple commercials talking about their race to be number THREE!

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When it rains...

It really pours!!

I had intended on writing the third chapter of Teri/y's dilemma, but something has come up to prevent me from doing so. The 21ts of this month I had corrective surgery to repair some damage in my shoulder, low and behold I had done more damage than was originally suspected. So i will be out till some time in July as typing with 1 hand is a major pain in the backside.

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New! Oh goody.

Well, I opened the page and got the usual look, then noticed my persistent login had failed again, so I hit the button and logged in, but when I got back to the home page. things have changed. Blogs has moved, some of the ads have moved, and two stories if not more are missing. Hope you can find them or the author notices and they get reposted.

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Ghost - part 1

"Max had always loved superheroes and comic books, so when MORFS spread last year he thought it could be cool. His parents, along with pretty much everyone else was afraid of what was happening. So what will Max do when he undergoes MORFS while his parents are out of town?"

Thanks to those who helped me acheive my first daily voting hat trick

I was pleasantly surprised to find three chapters of "Hell yeah it hurt" on the front page for daily voting.It has done far better than I would have ever thought it would have.Chapter one is now past 1900 hits and the other chapters have done good as well.I would also like to thank all those who read and commented on "It worked out for the best" I was afraid of how it would be recieved and if ma

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There are some hot discussions going on and some rants, but there's no flamewar. :)

I felt sort of annoyed last night when I went to bed at 2 a.m. about the discussion but this morning I'm pleased. We can have a free-for-all and express opinions without getting insulting. Good.


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Writing again

I'm gradually getting back into story writing. Huge story in the works which sort of revolves around a topic Eric posted on a few weeks back about liking TG stories where someone is made a copy of someone else and the wrong twin swaps back. The idea intrigued me so I started writing a story about that.

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Normal service will be resumed...

I would like to apologise to my several readers (including my dog Gemma, and cats, Biscuit and Ellie), for the infrequent updates to my stories.

It is a tale of woe to match any saga.

There I was on the Internet, surfing away merrily, a light song on my lips, when suddenly it happened.

My connection dropped.

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Yin Yang - Part 3 (A MORFS Universe Story)


Laura is still stuggling with her new gender and although she has started to assert herself it is now causing tension with her Mother. She meets another new kid at school and makes a friend, but this new friend just brings up even more issues for Laura to deal with.


The first day of the rest of my life, OR, The first day of my Real Life Test.

Today was the first day of my Real life Test...officially, that is. Unofficially I began on Sunday, spending the whole day and the following Monday, Memorial Day, as my real self.

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A question for authors

I have an idea for a book based on "it worked out for the best".A book composed of real life and fiction with poems or musings and written by different authors.The common theme is it worked out for the best and of course ending in a way that really wasn't the best.It's about showing how we see things that others may view as harmless and in some cases what some may find good and how they effect u

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