One question that is puzzling me here is why do i need to choose a author name when posting a blog or a story here under my account name? Its a minor issue really but one that got irritating here. I forget that field the other night when posting and when I had to go back and choose one, my wireless Ethernet failed me and it took an hour to get it back running. It has really been giving me trouble lately and I cant figure that out. It isnt Erins fault its the wireless bridges.
My request is I would love someone to help me by reading my story carefully and giving me some general pointers on exactly what points i need to improve on and how I can go by doing that. I know one of my biggest weak points is sentence structure and spelling. my skills there are so weak I have been told english must not be my main language lol. If it isnt, what is. I was born in Illinois. ive spoken it all my life. I just have a disability in that area
Author name categories
The author name category is so that stories by you can be found by people looking for them. Just because you posted something doesn't man you're the author so the poster name and author category are different things though the terminology built into Drupal presumes that poster and author are the same person. So that's confusing.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
thank you
yeah that is confusing but thank you Erin
Send me your story
Send me your story. I'm no genius with all the grammar but I can tell you how to make it a good story, or that you have one going as is.
I'll honestly do what I can to help.
Just send it to [email protected] and let me know I invited you to do this. I will respond, and even argue if you like. But I will be honest about what I think of the story.
Macon County Hospital Decatur, IL
What do you know a fellow Illinoisan!
Good things come from that state!
Pro Libertate (For liberty)
Family Crest and Motto
:( cool. I live near Chicago.