I am going to contact the ACLU about Bellsouth and see if they can put their legal muscle in play and force them to allow full access. We pay for full access and if we are not getting it, then they are in breach of contract. It is also not their place to say what we can and cannot access online as a moral issue. It is a violation of free speech. If parents want to prevent their kids from gaining access to it that's fine. Fictionmania is fully cooperative with Netnanny and other child protection software. We are consenting adults that pay for service and we have a right to get what we pay for.
AT&T Admits They Are Blocking FM
I am passing on the complete text of an email that I received in response to my complaint.
"As a valued AT&T customer we are always happy to be of help and answer
any questions that you may have about your DSL services and equipment.
However after research was done on the IP address in question it was
found that this site was block because it is under Scam FraudAlert.
Those type of URLs are blocked for our customers protection by our
company. We apologize for any inconvenience that this matter may have
caused you."
"Thank you for contacting AT&T Internet Service Email Support."
"Again, thank you for this opportunity to address your concerns. Help is
just a click away! Solutions to common technical problems, answers to
frequently asked questions, and real-time chat with a AT&T Agent are
all available online at http://support.att.net You may also call us
anytime at 1-888-321-2375."
Mitchell S.
They don't explain just what a "Scam FraudAlert is or why they think that they need to "Protect" us from it. But, at least they are not calling the site obscene or pornographic. Those of us who pay for full internet access need to flood them with emails and phone calls comlaining.
Fraud Alert....
FMSTORIES.COM seems to be on a SHARED hosting server, not a dedicated server, or at the least, there is documented proof that someone was using the server to hosting a fake ebay site that they were using to "phish" for account info. There is also documentation on a fake escro service being run from the same IP address.
All I did to find these and other links, was google for the fmstories.com IP address....
Name: fmstories.com
The best course of action would be for the fictionmania team to ask their provider to move them to a different shared server. Or for said provider to provide proof to AT&T that the fraudulent websites/users have been taken care of, and ask that the IP address be removed from their ban.
I actually LIKE image SIGs!