Younger Audience (g/y)

Until We Meet Again (Expanded)

Janie Lewis and I were the best of friends ever since the first day of Preschool and we did everything together. So many times we would hear people say "Those two are almost like conjoined twins" It seemed like it too. Our mothers would have to promise that we would get to go to each others houses the next day to ever get us to go home. I would play with her toys when I was at her house and she played with mine when she was at mine. I always wondered why my toys weren't the same things Janie had, but I was afraid to ask.

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This story is 107 words long.

Ding, dong the witch is dead?

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Well, I think the pills are starting to have an effect. This morning after I got home, I considered err... relieving some tension, and discovered that even my over-active imagination could not make the old soldier salute, as it were. God, that is such a relief.....

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The day Samantha caught the train (part four the end.)

The day Samantha caught the train (part four the end.)

As Samantha walked in to the dinning room there in front of her were the twenty boys and girls that were at the party. All the children were dressed in what they were wearing for the party. All the children including Samantha were told to sit down at the places that were marked for them.

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This story is 65 words long.

Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 1343


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The Daily Dormouse.
(aka Bike)
Part 1343
by Angharad

Copyright © 2011 Angharad
All Rights Reserved.

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This story is 13 words long.

knock knock ... anyone home??

Started seeing a shrink/therapist/getting help with as a goal GRS, when I was 17yo. Got the okay in 2003 (witch resuleted of the GRS being in 2004) with 1 commentary. Namely probable personality development disorder (hope I got the right group name in english). Didn't care mutch about it at the time, but as usually those things kind of bite you in the ass when your aren't looking.

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A KittyHawk Tail
by Saless

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This story is 6 words long.

things are going sideways, and I cant seem to make them stop

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I find myself wondering if there is something in the air. My girlfriend Kylie seems to have gone into a pit of despair, and at least 3 other friends of mine are not far off from that. I wish I could help, but I'm barely functional myself. God, have mercy on us all.

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Shakey, and beyond shakey

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Well, today started well, and went downhill. I had my daughter, we had a good day. But my gf Kylie is down, and by the time she went to bed, I was a worried for her. Then, I happened to read the most recent chapter of "you meant it for evil" After I read it, I started shaking and couldn't stop. My brother was committed after my dad died, and after I visited him there, I had nightmares of being committed myself, especially because I thought my gender issues meant I was crazy. Thank God for some online friends who held me together until I got my breath back.

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Justice Denied

Justice Denied
By TG Bear

The aircar was unusual. Not that it was larger than most, it was, but that it was in the air at all. In the Year Of Our Lord 2078 there were almost no private aircars because there was finally an almost perfect public transportation system.

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This story is 49 words long.

Moved by "Case Closed"

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There are occasionally, stories one shouldn't read in certain moods. I loved it, but Randalynn's story "Case Closed" hit me hard. The trouble i have is how much I feel like Paul:

"what do I have to look forward to? Years stretching ahead of me, all alone and in pain, tormented by all the real people? That’s the clarity you gave me this morning, by the way. I know now that I can’t be anything but what I am — the human joke. It’s not going to change.”

“You could — ”

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Aurora - Chapter 3 - Parent’s, Family and Friends

Aurora Book Cover/Image
Aurora - Chapter 3 - Parent’s, Family and Friends

“What do you mean, they planned this?” Brian’s Mom, Sarah asked with more than a bit of bite to her voice.

“Not the accident, well not the car accident. The Accident with the costume.” Tracy said as she tried to convey both just how sorry she was, and how important Aurora was to the child that lay in the bed.

Hi All! Here is Chapter 3! Chapter 4 is still a work in progress but I think you will like it. I've been told that Chapter 3 here is best yet, so please let me know your thoughts!

This story will always post FIRST to LG Tales, then to TG Fiction dot NET and then to BigCloset.


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This story is 125 words long.

So now that the euphoria's worn off... Transition. Oh !#@%.


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Sitting here wide awake this morning, thinking about what I decided over the past couple of days. I've started taking my voice lessons very seriously for one, but something else has wormed its way into my thoughts, now that the initial euphoria of the final puzzle piece falling into place has started to wear off.

How the hell can I actually do this? I literally have no idea what's involved in actually making this work.

Aurora - Chapter 1 - The Plan

Aurora Book Cover/Image

Brian just wants to be normal like everyone else. His best friend helps hatch a plan that will make that happen. How will it all turn out?

...we both looked down at my torn pants and started to tell the story.

This is the first chapter, in what I hope to be a near novel length book. Chapter 2 is with editors, and work has progressed well on Chapter 3. Your comments and encouragement will help speed me along.

This story will always post FIRST to LG Tales, then to TG Fiction dot NET and then to BigCloset.


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This story is 97 words long.

Falling Off the Wagon

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Yesterday was not a good day for me.

i fell off the cross-dressing wagon.

It had been over 4 yrs since I last cross-dressed.
All I will say is that my wife has been away overseas with her mom for a month, and I miss her.

But I'm not making excuses. The question I have to answer for myself is whether I will be able to tell her.

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Without a Trace - Part 14

Without a trace part 14

The start of the end

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This story is 9 words long.

The Trial of the Phoenix

The Trial of The Phoenix

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Well, I had a doozy of a nightmare last night. I was behind a person, who had his back to me. I tried to get his attention, and his head snapped around without his body turning, while a deep note played like from a soundtrack. It was very frightening.

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Aurora - Chapter 1 - The Plan

Aurora Book Cover/Image

Brian just wants to be normal like everyone else. His best friend helps hatch a plan that will make that happen. How will it all turn out?

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This story is 27 words long.

Totally Insane 35 - Combinations


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Totally Insane 35–Combinations.

by Angharad


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This story is 5 words long.

Without a Trace - Part 11

Without a trace part 11 … The Monsters loose

On the outskirts of the city at Rogers Hall Dr Eva Delving sat behind her desk looking at a bank of monitors. Her face drawn in its permanent scowl, Miss Francis stood behind her looking at the monitors showing the wing where their victims/subjects were housed. The two of them were looking at one feed in particular and Eva was almost growling.

“Well Danine seems this one is a lot tougher to break?” Eva pointed at the screen.

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This story is 86 words long.

Sydney Australia help

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I was hoping someone at BC could answer a question or two about the section known as 'The Rocks' and whereever Sydney's main business district is.( Where the big banks are. Is it the Rocks or another part of Sydney close to The Rocks. ). If someone can help me out, I'd appreciate it. Please PM me or leave a comment here.

Thank you.

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fighting temptation

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I am fighting a serious temptation right now. To put it in simple terms, I want to give up, to surrender. I am not talking about killing myself, but just shut down again, like i did as a kid. I have even considered finding a dom/domme and just be a slave, so I dont have to think or feel anything again. I will resist it, but i could use help, and prayers

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When I first started this journal, the only real rule I set for myself was that I was going to be as honest as I possibly could, and I think i am succeeding.

Mostly, it really hasnt been much of a struggle, other than the difficulty of finding the best words.

I have talked about good times, bad times, and all the times in between, and most of the time, I have felt no hesitation.
Indeed, most of the time, i have been anxious to share.

But today, I find myself struggling to write this.

I want to just babble on about my writing, or whatever.

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Duty, Honor, Country, Family, Part 29

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I promised to get this story chapter out by the end of this week. Unfortunately, I been a little too busy with household matters. I've got a little over 12,000 words written but there are two major scenes I still have to complete.

Plus I need to fix up the story before turning it into Puddin. DHCF Part 29 will be ready soon, but now I'm estimating it will be more like Monday to Wednesday of next week before its published.

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About "no son of mine"

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For those of you who are interested in such things, i would like to share with you how "No Son of Mine" came about. It started with the old Genesis song of the same name. (you can read the lyrics at: Because i could truly identify with the character in the song, it was a moving piece for me from the first time I heard it. It ends pretty darkly, and at some level that bothered me. I wanted some hope, some possibility of a reconciliation. Then i saw the "loophole".

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Ironies, and another tough night

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Had another series of flashbacks yesterday, and thank God for the friends who chatted with me online as i worked my way through it. I am finding all kinds of ironies in my struggles, both with the assaults and with my gender. For example, I realized that i owed to my abusive step-father a thanks, because by forcing us to move when he did, I was able to escape from the monster who was using me. And despite his other flaws, he never touched me sexually, which gave me some opportunity to heal enough to function.

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"It's a big building with patients, but that's not important right now,"

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Actor Leslie Nielsen has passed away. I never watched the Police Squad movies, but loved his role in Airplane! RIP.

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Flashback, grief, and recovery

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Well, it has been an interesting day, to say the least. I am still fighting a bit of a cold, so I chose to stay home and not go to church today. I went on a chat site to talk to some friends about my depression, and while we were talking, I started having a pretty strong flashback. One of my friends there has my phone number, so she called me, and listened while i cried to the point i could barely talk. Feeling slightly better after i unloaded, i fidgeted, played video games, and made lunch. Then, some remnant of my flashback nagged at me, and i started to write.

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Is this what I think it is?

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A visit to FM's Hyperboard and I found something......I don't want to look too closely. But an image in a Hyperboard reply appears to be of someone stroking themselves. {LINK REDACTED - EDITOR}

If I right, FM has gone down the toilet. It's been going that way, but this is just absolute confirmation. The person who posted it, isn't a registered user. So their post had to get approved before being allowed on the Hyperboard.

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Happy Thanksgiving

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May everyone here at BC have a great day tomorrow.

I have a new story that will be published either today or tomorrow. It's a one part Spells R Us tale. I won't say much except it is gentle and not very long tale.(A one-parter) You could also describe my plot as what would happen if you mix the SRU Wizard and Groundhog Day together.

For my Duty Honor Country Family readers, the next chapter will be published next week. I took a couple of days off from DHCF to write the Spells R Us tale. It been rolling around in my head for at least two months.

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Dreams and Truth


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Falling girl

Dreams and Truth

It should be raining, Robert thought. It seemed like whenever there was a funeral in the movies or on TV, it was raining. But for a early November afternoon, it was sunny and warm. He found it hard to grieve for his mother. In one way, she had been gone for a while, lost in Alzheimer’s.

He found it also ironic that she would be buried today, on November 11, Remembrance Day. She had been, after all, the daughter of a soldier, and a soldier’s wife. For some reason the old poem came into his mind.

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This story is 100 words long.

Not another one

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I've mentioned this before but sometimes while writing I make crazy mistakes. Like typing Elephant instead of elevator. While typing Chapter 26 of Duty Honor Country Family, I did something similar at least three times.

The most recent of which was when I typed Betty instead of Becky. Becky*(Also known as Hiromi) is only the story's main character.

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The evolution of Choices

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I would like to take a moment to talk about how the story "Choices" evolved. Like some other ideas i have had, this one came to me while I was struggling to sleep, and originally, it was a lot darker.

At the time, it was going to be about a straight male who is presented with horrible choices, of which slowly transforming into a woman is the least objectionable to him, even though he is not transgendered. Everyone believes this transformation is his own idea, and is totally supportive, which he finds frustrating.

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Help with Japanese

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Two years ago I got something translated into Japanese for me. I think it was done at the TG fiction list but it could have been. I need to get it translated back to English. Here's what I wrote

Urigiri koto no kei desu ne, Reina-kun? Sayonara

If someone can help me, I'd appreciate it. Thank you.

Side note- Chapter 25 of Duty Honor Country Family is finished and now being worked on Puddin. It will be published later this week. I even have almost 2,000 words written for Chapter 26.

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One Heart to Another: Christina's Story


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One Heart To Another
Christina's Story
 ©2010 Zoe Taylor

Christina loved John like a brother in life. Can she learn to let go of him in death before it's too late?

One of a pair alongside John's Story.

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This story is 37 words long.

Getting back to our routines- Updated

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The funeral for Nanay was last Saturday afternoon. Three priests said the mass for her. If two other priest friends of ours weren't away, there would have been five there.

In addition there was a large crowd for the mass. Leonette's friends came from as far as Kendall(80 miles away) and the local Filipino community also showed up. Omar, Jenni's former Muslim boyfriend, came. He said he had never been to a funeral before. I thank all these people for making what was a difficult week so much easier.

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Shadowcraft: Aria Blade (Revised) - Issue 1


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Issue 1: Enter Aria Blade

When we last left our heroine, she had just escaped the clutches of her apparent nemesis, the dark sorceress Raven Wing. A psychic shockwave disrupted Raven’s focus allowing Aria to slip free, but so wracked with pain was the villainess that she called out, begging the heroine not to abandon her.

Aria Blade bid a hasty retreat, but as the crisp night air washed over her gold-trimmed white costume and her exposed flesh, she turned to stare back at the ruin, Raven Wing’s pleading words echoing in her mind.

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This story is 95 words long.


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My Nanay aka mother-in-law suffered two ischemic strokes last Saturday. At first we thought Nanay may recover from them, but beginning Tuesday she started sliding badly. An MRI today showed Nanay's brain to have more damage than first diagnosed. Nanay is all but gone now.

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