Be warned this post contains spoilers.
I just wanted to comment on some of my comments.
Mrs. McBride aka Chuck's Mother isn't meant to be a sterotypical Mother-in-law. I don't believe in the stereotype to start with. My MIL and I had a great relationship.
Chuck's Mum never held a high opinion. That based on her being a gangster and that she felt Hiromi was using her son and didn't really love him. That does describe the original Hiromi to a T. She has had little chance to know Ripley. Her son comes back, he just had a fight with his wife, so she assumes the worst.
Throwing Chuck with the garbage
Hiromi loves Chuck and Gabrielle. When she was doing Swan Song far away from Gabby, Hiromi was mesmerized by Chuck. He treated her love and kindness when she needed just that.
Chuck is a laid back guy. He doesn't react angrily often(He did tackle the guy in Macau but stood by in another case when Ryuku snatched his cell phone right out of his hands) and is scared when confronted with his wife's work(His peeing in his pants during the Firecracker chase). Chuck has let Hiromi run his life and make decisions affecting both of them. He's done this out of love and because of his laid back nature. He had been with Hiromi over 4 years, she's suddenly gone, and now Chuck has to make decisions during a very unsettled time for him. Chuck's a easygoing, loving person, but Hiromi is right, he's a wuss also. She needs a full partner in life, not someone who is going to let her carry most of the burden. And as DHCF readers know, Hiromi has alot of burdens.
Gabrielle isn't a wuss, she has fought like the devil for Hiromi and will continue to do so, is willing to make sacrifices, and most importantly loves Hiromi completely without condition. The Slaters are also a big influence on Hiromi. She loves her parents and wants them to be happy. Mom Slater wanted Tom and Gabrielle to marry, now she wants Rebecca and Gabrielle to have a commitment ceremony. She's seen how strong Gabby's love is for her daughter. The Slaters on the other hand, know very little about Chuck except that he isn't around right now when his wife is needing him.
Hiromi is caught between Chuck and Gabrielle. Much like Chuck is between the two Hiromis. Hiromi has alot on her plate also- Chuck or Gabrielle, Swan Song, and a baby on the way. As Gabrielle noted, its causing Hiromi's emotions to fluctuate wildly.(At the same time she needs support but from someone willing to take burdens off of her, not just ride along or be a burden themselves) She's defensive of Chuck and then angry at him not too long afterwards. Hiromi is human, not superwoman after all. She doesn't want him hurt but also wishes he'd come to his senses finally.
The missed connection due to Mrs. McBride not giving Chuck the phone message his wife called, is having a similar affect to when Gabrielle said no to Hiromi's request to get naked 6 months back. It pushed Hiromi in the opposite direction. Hiromi's situation is very unsettled to say the least, it will fluctuate till she finally gets calmness and simplicity in her life. That can only happen once Swan Song is kaput.
Note Hiromi wanted Gabby to be with her for one very big reason. Not knowing what Chuck is going to do, its seen as their last chance to be together as two women because Gabby looks headed to Dr. Wagner and being turned into Chuck very soon.
Those are just my thoughts. I thank those who left me comments. Maggie, Kimmie, Puddintane(who works on my stories before they are published and can't thank her enough), John in Wauwatosa, Terrynaut, and others.