Real World

Sweet Dreams-53 "It's only a flesh wound!"

Sweet Dreams-53 “It’s only a flesh wound!”

Chapter 53

It’s been a really good day. The sex and the food in the morning and the coffee and watching movies was just so amazing. But so was Alex's idea of laying there together and napping. And taking the day off from classes was nice even though I actually like school here it was still really, really needed, I think I did need just being with Alex like this.

I have had very little times in my life when it was just okay to stop and just do that stop. Let someone care for me in little ways.

Like a nap at eleven in the morning after watching a movie and sitting there in the sunshine with Alex spooning me and feeling that huge warm bulk of his body there and those strong arms gently circling around me.

No sex, no necking as awesome as that is just being held and sleeping.

The Roar of Love - 9

by Andrea Lena DiMaggio
for all who seek to love and to be loved...

“You have listened to your fears, child. Come, let me breathe on you. Forget them….”
”• C.S. Lewis, Prince Caspian

“I….I didn’t mean to be so silly.” It was all she knew to say. Recalling the playful if tentative gestures of only days before; the moment of realization that she didn’t merely want to be serious, but that realization of what that seriousness meant to both of them. The girl who flirted by blowing innocent kisses in departing was becoming a young woman who longed for kisses…those same feelings that seemed to permeate every dream in sleep and even every day-dream while awake. While the young woman might still be desperate for the love of a father, it was that calm, perfectly ordinary want….no…that need for romance that nudged her closer, even if only in her heart.


Jess Stone had breasts. He had been like this his entire teen life not quite fitting in anywhere that he had lived and at the same time he hadn’t really had the chance to. His folks moved around a lot with his dad being a hydrological engineer but they were slightly afraid of what might happen to Jess if he attended school. Some people just didn’t get it or wanted too. Jess was now attending a new school when he decided to change things...

Only it was everyone else that was getting changed!

Chapter 25
by Bailey Summers

Copyright © 2012 Bailey Summers
All rights reserved.

Never, Never-Land.

Never, Never-Land.

There are times when the world is full of idiots and just a bunch of damned suckiness. Guys treat girls like crap and frankly they do the same. It doesn’t look like it a whole lot of the time but it’s there a whole lot more than I like.

Guys women aren’t whores. No means no and no fucking pictures after sex, no being a douche hole and sharing those to every other asshole on your friends list.

Girls…a guy’s not a status symbol period. Yeah hot’s good, a nice car is too and that’s fine but he’s not you’re ticket to the top of whatever imaginary pecking order you think matters. It doesn’t.

Why don’t people actually tell these assholes over and over on both sides of things that?

What a good boy...Chapter 24

What a good boy…Chapter 24

“So what do you exactly need seconds on Gwen?” I ask grinning at her and she laughs and Sophie chuckles.

I grin and not just because I’m all super sexed up and still buzzed on my after glow. Okay it is a factor but the same for my girls since they’re really well laid too.

No it’s just them. I love Gwen’s light, she’s sunny and bright and cheerful and her laugh just reflects it too. Gwen’s one of those girls that isn’t quiet; I really love her for that.

Yeah Love.

Images 51

Images 51

Chapter 51

I’m driving with Daddy for awhile and he’s not going right home/back to the diner instead he takes us first to Tim Horton’s and I look ay him. “Daddy?”

“You need a break honey, just some time to relax.”

I look at him and he knows, he’s worried and he knows.

(Sniffle.) “I.. I guess. My plate’s piled a little high huh?”

“Yeah, come on let’s take some father daughter time.”

(Sniffle.) “’Kay…I…I could use that.”

The Roar of Love - 8

by Andrea Lena DiMaggio
for all who seek to love and to be loved...

“There is no other day. All days are present now. This moment contains all moments.”
”• C.S. Lewis, The Great Divorce

“Come, Susan.” The lion’s voice felt like a cross between a growl and a purr.” She looked at the bridge. It was filled with holes and seemed almost rickety.

“May I come later?”

“It is time.”

Sweet Dreams-52

Sweet Dreams-52

Chapter 52

I’m all for it y’know that so sort of sexy girl thing of giving her guy a BJ when reality gets in the way. I’m not a snake like I’ve said before…Alex is a big guy and he’s pretty much proportional?

I don’t really know actually, it’s not like I’ve paid attention to that kind of stuff before. But I know he’s above the national average. Huh if father like son there’s another reason April puts up with Adam.

And I’m almost laughing because of where this thought just took me.

“Okay…just give me a minute.”

I kiss it…yeah, kind of weird. Kiss his ab’s…oh…mmm…I could keep doing that. I slip really quick to the stereo and put in a burner cd I made and I walk slowly back to him as *Never Tear us Apart* by INXS starts playing.

You ever really listen to that?

Lights down low…touching and kissing a lover.


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