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Ezekiel's Victory - Chapter 8

Ezekiel's Victory

by BB
Chapter 8

In a time and place where his wrongness would lead to him being stoned or burned unto his death, Ezekiel found a way to fulfil all of his duties as given to be him by God, and yet still be true to himself.

This is the story of Ezekiel's Victory.

Constance kissed Charity lightly on the lips. "Do not fear, like all else it is a part of God's plan. Hold God in your heart and all else will happen as He wills. Now let us sleep for it is late and I am finding this travelling to be very tiring."

Ezekiel's Victory - Chapter 7

Ezekiel's Victory

by BB
Chapter 7

In a time and place where his wrongness would lead to him being stoned or burned unto his death, Ezekiel found a way to fulfil all of his duties as given to be him by God, and yet still be true to himself.

This is the story of Ezekiel's Victory.

Samuel and his family slept the night under the wagon.

Ezekiel's Victory - Chapter 6

Ezekiel's Victory

by BB
Chapter 6

In a time and place where his wrongness would lead to him being stoned or burned unto his death, Ezekiel found a way to fulfil all of his duties as given to be him by God, and yet still be true to himself.

This is the story of Ezekiel's Victory.

In the meantime, back at the village:

Ezekiel's Victory - Chapter 5

Ezekiel's Victory

Chapter 5

In a time and place where his wrongness would lead to him being stoned or burned unto his death, Ezekiel found a way to fulfil all of his duties as given to be him by God, and yet still be true to himself.

This is the story of Ezekiel's Victory.

When Charity was finally done, she lay down next to the body of her sister and wept.

Ezekiel's Victory - Chapter 2

Ezekiel's Victory

Chapter 2

In a time and place where his wrongness would lead to him being stoned or burned unto his death, Ezekiel found a way to fulfil all of his duties as given to be him by God, and yet still be true to himself.

This is the story of Ezekiel's Victory.

"My son," said Samuel, his voice breaking. "Are you certain that this is the right thing to do? It goes against God for you to wear those clothes."

"I am her brother," replied Ezekiel. "She is innocent and it is my duty to protect her. I will protect her even unto my dying breath. They are too many to fend off with weapons. This is the best way. If God objects, well, I shall face Him soon enough and then I shall discover God's will."

My Super Secret Life-28.

My Super Secret Life-28.

Chapter 28

It’s been about four days since they cleared me from being off on medical and I’m back to living in my quarters as Tyler…well as me. It’s been increasingly different being a guy full time and honestly as much as dad’s trying to offer advice he’s sort of got this too scientific style in how to be a guy for me.

Steven is too busy and as Champion he’s busy too much for me to get advice from on being a guy beyond the fact that he suggested the best way to get past this was to live a mile or two in guy boots.

The Changeling Chronicles

The Changeling Chronicles

When strange things begin happening to Shane, he soon discovers the truth about himself and this leads to an adventure in a world of myths and legends.

My Super Secret Life-27.

My Super Secret Life-27.

Chapter 27

I’d been awake awhile and still pretty achy and sore after mom had left. I was in one of those snazzy private hospital styled rooms and stuff. I’m watching TV trying to sort of zone in on the whole being a guy thing.

“This is harder than I thought.”



Chapter 13

Southlands Prep. Highschool….

I think it was a good sign getting off the bus and while there was a few protesters there from their “Holy rollers.” holding some signs up and yelling bible stuff in protest of me playing.

They had to do it off the school grounds since their right to free speech and assembly wasn’t applicable to the school grounds here. That was a good sign that they weren’t allowing them there. But then again those signs saying “God hates fags.” don’t look good for the school.

There was also two cop cars there just in case.

The First Queen in the Village 11

The First Queen in the Village 11

by WannabeGinger

After a morning’s relaxation (??!!) Christine and Andy have dressed for the afternoon’s encounters

No explicit details are contained in this chapter, so no need for CAUTION.

Chapter 11 — The afternoon that Bev and Heidi……did!!

The Ghost of the Summer of 85

The Ghost of the Summer of 85

Its a trip back the 1980s as Tony and Jeannie make new waves as new romantics in the summer of 1985.

Permission is hereby granted by Kozmik Alaska for the publication of this story on his behalf here at Big Closet Top Shelf only.

The First Queen in the Village 10

The First Queen in the Village 10

by WannabeGinger

Andy and Christine spent the evening before their ‘day of research’ just relaxing in the glow of an early evening bout of love-making. Andy remained in his Astrid mode. Christine relapsed into her married-woman-with-CD-husband mode.

My Super Secret Life-24.

My Super Secret Life-24.

Chapter 24

Darkness, it’s all darkness and pain and muffled noises and the sense of movement. I think that I hear sirens. Them I’m pulled down back into the darkness again.

I don’t want to die.

They say that your life flashes before your eyes when stuff like that happens and it’s sort of true. You think, I think before you die about all the stuff that you did and whether or not you’re a decent person. Did I do good with the life that I was given?


My Super Secret Life-23.

My Super Secret Life-23.

Chapter 23

Okay going to the mall with Terry and her Mom was a really good time and it helped me get my mind off of things. I even kind of had a few of these really cool moments where I could see Terry’s fledgling girl soul starting to flourish and come out into the foreground of her new self.

It makes me wonder because am I like that remotely?

The First Queen in the Village 8

The First Queen in the Village 8

by WannabeGinger

It seems that Heidi will be central to whatever happens in Christine’s plan for Andy and the extra time she wants them to stay in the village as Astrid and Christopher.

Chapter 8 — The plot thickens

In Penny Lane there is a crimper showing photographs
Of every head she's had the pleasure to have known
And all the people like to come and go,
Stop and say hello
(with loving appreciation of Lennon and McCartney)

The First Queen in the Village 7

The First Queen in the Village 7

by WannabeGinger

A new character, one who is especially well-connected in the Village is someone that Christine feels that Andy should meet.

Chapter 7 — Through the looking glass

The Case Files of Cindy Masters, Dyke Detective: A Chance Encounter Pt2

The Case Files of Cindy Masters, Dyke Detective
This Episode: A Chance Encounter - Part Two
by Trapper Jock McIntyre

Masters is the name. Cindy Masters. I'm a detective. I get $50 a day and expenses, $75 if I can get it.

The Case Files of Cindy Masters, Dyke Detective: A Chance Encounter

The Case Files of Cindy Masters, Dyke Detective
This Episode: A Chance Encounter - Part One
by Trapper Jock McIntyre

Masters is the name. Cindy Masters. I'm a detective. I get $50 a day and expenses, $75 if I can get it.

The Wanderer: Eating Dreams

The Wanderer: Eating Dreams

By poetheather

Erin Summers has been enjoying her vacation but all good things come to an end and when a girl who feels like a boy needs her help she must fight against Hungry Ghosts for the dreams of street kids.

The Mean Street - A TWILIGHT ZONE story

gun_holster.jpg"You're traveling through another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind; a journey into a wondrous land whose boundaries are that of the imagination. Next stop: THE TWILIGHT ZONE."--Rod Serling


The Mean Street - A TWILIGHT ZONE story
By Anon Allsop

Marlene was a unscrupulous woman that had made very poor decisions all throughout her life; decisions that for one reason or another would continue to haunt her until the day she would die. A day quite possibly determined on the mean streets of a dusty little town located inside...THE TWILIGHT ZONE.

The Girl, oops, Boy Can't Help It

The Girl, oops, Boy Can't Help It By Kozmik Alaska

Tommy Tisch, needs an act, Geraldine needs a gig. My tribute to Frank Tashlin's 1956 film, The Girl Can't Help It.

Permission is hereby granted by Kozmik Alaska for the publication of this story on his behalf here at Big Closet Top Shelf only.

The First Queen in the Village 6

The First Queen in the Village 6

by WannabeGinger

After the interval, or chapter 5, the author returns to her keyboard having enjoyed a couple of weeks’ “R&R” away from it all. Some development of the storyline has been conceived in her mind and she hopes her readers enjoy getting further into life in this sleepy, but quietly boiling, English country village! Some readers’ comments have helped a lot!

Chapter 6 — back in the bar, and beyond

The Indian Maiden - A TWILIGHT ZONE story

old_woman.jpg"You're traveling through another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind; a journey into a wondrous land whose boundaries are that of the imagination. Next stop: THE TWILIGHT ZONE." - Rod Serling

The Indian Maiden - A TWILIGHT ZONE story
By Anon Allsop

An ancient, blind Indian woman is asked to provide a bride for a brash, handsome warrior prince. She agrees to his wishes and summons one using her ancestral spirits, even though he seems to view all women as something to be used only for his pleasure.

Here on this sacred land, where drums pound the beat, old women and young girls sing their song, and where warriors dance around the fires. For this ancient land is located directly in the heart of...THE TWILIGHT ZONE.

The Amy Series: Prequel: A Girl's First Jockstrap

A Girl's First Jockstrap By Kozmik Alaska

Amy wins a prize at a big swimming competition. But that's not the only gift she comes home with. This story is a prelude to the rest of the series and is meant to serve as a character introduction for Amy and the adventures that lay ahead for her.

In many ways this is Slush Pile material, and quite a load of rubbish, but it is literally was the first piece of FTM crossdressing fiction I ever wrote, and certainly the first in The Amy Series. It was written in 1999. I struggled with including it in the canon of the series, but decided to after viewing it from the point of view that Bugs Bunny and Elmer Fudd didn't look like the later character presentation in classic Warner Brothers cartoons, and the Simpsons as presented on the Tracy Ullman show barely resembled the series characters. Heck, even Spock had emotions in the pilot for Star Trek, yet was still a Vulcan! It does however tie to some references later in the series.

Permission is hereby granted by Kozmik Alaska for the publication of this story on his behalf here at Big Closet Top Shelf only.

The Amy Series: 3 - Portrait of a Leg-End By Kozmik Alaska

The Amy Series: 3 - Portrait of a Leg-End By Kozmik Alaska

Amy and Tony discover that there's a story were the two become one, and they arrive at a perfect blend of their own. This story is based on true events and the hopes and dreams of the author (Kozmik Alaska's) - dreams that have come true. A proudly Canadian story!

Permission is hereby granted by Kozmik Alaska for the publication of this story on his behalf here at Big Closet Top Shelf only.


The Amy Series: 2 - There's More To Love Than Boy Meets Girl

The Amy Series: 2 - There's More To Love Than Boy Meets Girl By Kozmik Alaska

After 8 years, our girl Amy returns for an all new adventure that begins with an encounter as the laundry turns, and someone from the past returns. This story is based on true events and the author's (Kozmik Alaska's) hopes and dreams. Who says that dreams can't come true -- Koz know that they can. A proudly Canadian story!

Permission is hereby granted by Kozmik Alaska for the publication of this story on his behalf here at Big Closet Top Shelf only.

Plus ça Change

Plus ça Change By Kozmik Alaska

Kathy, a femme post-op M2F TS finds out that the more things change, the more they stay the same. When her girlfriend Casey breaks up with her, she must destroy herself to find herself.

Permission is hereby granted by Kozmik Alaska for the publication of this story on his behalf here at Big Closet Top Shelf only.

The Amy Series: 1 - The Way the Croissant Crumbles

The Amy Series: 1 - The Way the Croissant Crumbles By Kozmik Alaska

Amy gets a job in the menswear department at Eaton's in Winnipeg Manitoba. Is the legend about rubbing Timothy Eaton's Foot true? Will a passing glance and a knowing smile from a shopper lead to more? And can you really get anything you want at Alice's Restaurant? This story is based on true events and the author's (Kozmik Alaska's) hopes and dreams. A proudly Canadian story!

Permission is hereby granted by Kozmik Alaska for the publication of this story on his behalf here at Big Closet Top Shelf only.

A Bad Girl to Good Boy Story: Chrissie to Chris to Christopher

A Bad Girl to Good Boy Story: Chrissie to Chris to Christopher

By Trapper Jock McIntyre

Chrissie Latham is an obnoxious teenage girl. All she ever thinks about is shopping and clothes. When her grades start to slip, her mother decides to send her to visit her Aunt Betty in a place way far away for malls and Limited Too. Can this place that is like night and day to Chrissie, change her from being a bad girl into being a good boy?

Butchytown 2

bike.gifThis is the continuing story of the adventures of the teenagers in Butchytown, a town where the boys are all very masculine, and so are the girls ... well, almost all of them. When last we left town, butch girl Kathy had caught femme girl Angie sniffing Kathy's jockstrap. With a gender bent setup like this, it can only get more complex. It may help to read the first bit, entitled simply Butchytown 1 (Parts 1 and 2).

Butchytown 1 - Part 2 - School Daze

bike.gifButchytown High School was a cool place to go to school. It wasn't unlike any other school. Yes, it had restrooms and locker-rooms for both boys and girls. The big difference was the girl's restrooms also had urinals like the boy's did. In fact the only difference between it and boy's restroom was that that the girl's restroom had a Kotex and Tampax dispenser on the wall. Mounted next to it was a special dispenser for a product called 'Stand-UP'.

Butchytown 1 - Life Can Be Hard, But That's Not a Bad Thing

bike.gifTucked away in a typical heartland, you'll find the not so typical community of Butchytown. Butchytown grew out of various experiments conducted by various secret agencies in the late 1960s during the Cold War. Given the hysteria of the time, it was felt that something needed to be done to toughen up society, a society that these agencies saw as going all soft with things like flower power and peace and love.



Chapter 11

We get into Sable’s jeep and we head to my house and we’re careful not to wake everyone up while I quickly get changed and grab my board and take my meds. I smile at her having set the table and have put out the cereal boxes and everything to make toast and stuff as well as a bowl of fruit salad that she has in a Tupperware dish saying eat me and another with scrambled eggs saying cook me. She even loaded the coffee perk and it starts gurgling away as we leave.

That’ll get Dad up at least. He always says that fresh coffee and frying bacon are the best alarm clock smells.

What a good boy...Chapter 1

“What a good boy.” Chapter 1?

Chapter 1?

“When I was born…they looked at me and said.”
“What a good boy, what a smart boy, what a strong boy.”


And there’s more to the song and it really and it’s a really great tune actually and I’m a fan of The Bare-naked Ladies ever since I heard them when I was ten at a neighborhood dance at the boys and girl club.

The First Queen in the Village 4

The First Queen in the Village 4

by WannabeGinger

Pure fiction, with events unfolding in a way that may surprise some villagers… or may release some inhibitions among others? No such village yet exists but, who knows, one day….

Chapter 4 Inside the pub’s front door

The First Queen in the Village 3

The First Queen in the Village

by WannabeGinger

Pure fiction, inspired by two great British Comedians, one of whose characters was (I’m told) the Only Gay in the Village. This Queen, you may suspect, is the First, but not necessarily the ONLY Queen in this village. No such village yet exists but, who knows, one day…. Now, Astrid and Christopher get out and about..

Chapter 3 Outside the front door

The Ice Queen Cometh

The Ice Queen Cometh

After the super hero group known as the X Men encounter a mysterious and unknown mutant, two of them are drastically altered. This Fan Fiction was written in 2003 and reflects the status quo in the comics at that time.

The First Queen in the Village 2

The First Queen in the Village

by WannabeGinger

Pure fiction, inspired by two great British Comedians, one of whose characters was (I’m told) the Only Gay in the Village. This Queen, you may suspect, is the First, but not necessarily the ONLY Queen in this village. No such village yet exists but, who knows, one day….

Chapter 2 Behind other doors


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