From him...
I met Lisa quite a few months ago through some great stroke of fate. I joined a female to male personals group hoping to make some friends. I was flipping through the ads and came across Lisa's. Everything seemed to change at that moment. Lisa is the most amazing woman I've met and her strength has helped me through my roughest times. Her understanding and encouragement has made my transition easier. We've grown closer, even though we're over 4,000 miles apart. My feelings for her have grown deeper, and I wrote this story hoping in some small way I would be able to show Lisa how much she means to me...
From her...
Some months ago I joined a group whose purpose was to help Trans-men find people who would be interested in them. When Aiden first contacted me, I was very flattered since Trans-women didn't seem to be in very high demand. He was very sweet and though he lived very far away, he captured my interest. After getting to know him, I knew for certain he was going to make some girl very happy indeed. I never thought I would be the one he would choose to sweep off my feet, but he's had quite a lot of success at doing just that!...
Perspectives of Romance:
Her Birthday
by Aiden T. Rushing & Lisa Caitlin Grey
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