Serial Chapter

Firefly: Connecting Flight | Part 5: Cleared for Departure

This is it, the end of the beginning of our newly-minted heroine's maiden voyage! Jayne's surrounded by guns like a kid in a candy shop, and the rest of the crew is riding a bit of turbulence. Hang onto somethin' -- we're goin' for hard burn! *grin*

At Aunt Greta's 8 — Girls Have More Fun

At Aunt Greta’s–
Girls Have More Fun

by Gabi

Chapter 8 of a Continuing Saga…

I heard the bell that dinged every time the door was opened and looked up. Mrs Ball was coming in with her fourteen year-old elder child, the gruesome Kevin–a close mate of the oafish Quinn–followed by Kristal.

Firefly: Connecting Flight | Part 4: Emergency Instructions

No more spoiler warnings, folks. If you've come this far, you already know what I've been trying to hide about the Firefly/Serenity universe, created by Joss Whedon. You know our intrepid heroes are in a bad way, but it's always darkest before the dawn. Unfortunately, the crew is on a space station, so who knows how that old adage works out?

On with the show!

Firefly: Connecting Flight | Part 3: Boarding Pass

SPOILER WARNING for you non-Browncoats, so enter at your own risk! This is a fan fiction set in the Firefly/Serenity universe created by Joss Whedon. It takes place after the events in the television series and the companion motion picture that followed, so you kin be sure it's chock full of spoilery goodness.

Wash finds an unexpected ally . . . but don't take my word for it, go on in and start readin'!

Orphan ~ 17

The head mistress looked at me and then Matron.

‘Well Connie, this is the youngster you was talking about?’

'Yes, Millie, this is Stephanie.’

I tried to smile but I think that it came out as a grimace.

‘Well, you had both better come in then.’

Orphan 17

by Susan Brown

Short Chapters: 18. Home, Sick

"I'm sorry we didn't talk to you first, Victor, but we had to make a quick decision. Your father didn't have his car, and there wasn't any point in taking you. You would have had to hang around the hospital, and you wouldn't have had time to change."

"Oh," I said, seeing myself sitting in a hospital hallway, dressed as Tinkerbell, complete with wings and wand.

Short Chapters by Kaleigh Way

The Other Me - Part 6

From Part 5:

My shift flew by amazingly fast. I had just seated the last group of customers for the night when I heard the door chime. I walked back to the front of the restaurant. I saw a rather handsome man who looked rather familiar. He was very handsome, and well built, and had amazing steel blue eyes. I set my brain into search mode.

“Good evening. Welcome to the Oriental Gem. How may…” I broke off when I recognized him.

He was the father of the child I was now carrying.


You Are Mine, My Pet - Part 1

Please note: This is an incomplete story. For anyone who read this and expected more chapters, I do apologize. I think it was too sexually oriented for me to maintain enough interest to finish it.

And here is the start of another story. Please note that it has a slightly darker tone than my other writing, and a forced sex scene towards the end.

Comments, suggestions, and the like are welcome.


Short Chapters: 17. Boy Legs

"I'm sorry I missed it," he went on, "but I figured it was just going to be a kids' party, you know? I should have thought... I should have known that Tatum here would carry destruction in her wake."

"My name is Juliette," I corrected. Not that it mattered, because Robert's father just went on talking.

Short Chapters by Kaleigh Way

At Aunt Greta's 6 — Back to 1944 Again

At Aunt Greta’s–
Back to 1944 Again!

by Gabi

Chapter 6 of a Continuing Saga…

Author’s Note: I have made some minor changes to the previous chapter (School ’n Stuff)
so you might like to re-read that before delving into this latest offering.
Thanks to Angharad for her excellent proof reading service.

Short Chapters: 16. The Original Macho Man

"Hello, girls," she said, smiling, but she didn't move aside to let us in. "Miranda, I know you, from school. Your friend... you're the little girl who swears! Tatum, isn't it?"

"No, I'm Juliette," I corrected. "Can we–"

Short Chapters by Kaleigh Way

The Hardest Battle, Part 3

Finally, after a year and a half, Regina's story continues. The former prince awaits her fate, only to find her captor reluctant to end the game. An army uses the most unlikely camouflage to begin a most unusual deployment, and a reluctant general learns how to get in touch with his feminine side.

Sorry about the wait, everyone -- and if you've never seen the story before, go back and read parts one and two first! *grin*

Working Girl ~ Life Goes On! 4

Looking at the note left me with a feeling of dread. Here I was on holiday on this lovely cruise ship, trying to get away from my problems and enjoy myself for once and some weirdo has sent me more flowers than at a rock stars funeral.

Working Girl ~ Life Goes On! 4

By Susan Brown


Lizzie Jane's Wedding, Chapter 3 (Final Chapter)

If you haven't already done so, to get the full story leading up to this chapter, please click on the following and follow the chapters as will be shown at the close of each installment:

Lizzie Jane's Wedding
A Lizzie Jane Story
Chapter 3
By Billie Sue Pilgrim

Short Chapters: 14. The Perils Of Eating For Nostalgia

"It's a secret," I blurted out, rather stupidly.

Uncle Mickey looked at me with mild disapproval. "Juliette, the first rule in keeping secrets is: never admit there's a secret. There is no secret. There never is any secret."

Short Chapters by Kaleigh Way

Adventures of a Merchant -4- Dance with a Demon

Returned to the North, still conjoined with Sandrelessa, it is time for Drake to resume his interrupted studies. After a summer of learning more about what he had always dreamed of becoming, it was almost possible to forget what he had become.

If only everybody else were so able to segment him into his various selfs.

Rhod`s Trip To America ch 40 Some Justice

“Mfanwy, Mfanwy Morgan, could I have a word please?”

Why was Miss B calling me Mfanwy?

“Sure Miss Bell, what’s up?”

“Could you follow me please?”

Oh-oh, am I in trouble? What’s wrong now?

I followed Miss B into a conference room. As soon as I entered, on the opposite side of the room, I saw the three boys that assaulted me last week in the boy’s loo, standing by the blackboard, looking uncomfortable. I froze in place with a terrified look on my face. I was just about to turn and run when Miss B gently grabbed me and led me the rest of the way into the room. I noticed six other adults I didn’t recognize, sitting around the table in the center of the room. I assumed them to be the parents of the three boys. Miss Cowlishaw and Mr. Pilling were there also.


At Aunt Greta's 5 — School ’n Stuff

At Aunt Greta’s–
School ’n Stuff
by Gabi

Chapter 5 of a Continuing Saga

FOLLOWING THE SOMEWHAT shattering discovery that after my latest sojourn back to 1944 I had returned with a girl’s body, Mummy and Auntie Greta had taken me shopping for girl clothes, and Mummy used her mobile to ’phone Dr MacNeish who said that luckily she had had a cancellation and could see me at five o’clock that afternoon.

Elan Owen -7- Just the Thing

Yes, It's back, Sorry for the delay. and because you asked for it, it's longer too!

Every girl has to worry about what she's wearing and Karen found the perfect outfit for me to go to Terminator, the Musical.

Chapter 7

Just the Thing

Wrong Number Part 7


Rorie was released from the hospital seven days after she was admitted. She thanked Dr. Goldberg for everything he had done and her mother, Tara and Keri escorted her home. She stayed in bed at home for another two weeks while her body finished repairing itself. Keri visited Rorie more at her home than she was allowed to at the hospital and helped out with everything from bringing her meals to changing the sheets on the bed once or twice and helping her with her makeup. When Keri began doing Rorie's makeup at the hospital, she decided that she should teach Rorie how to use makeup, and it became a regular part of time together. During Rorie's home convalescence, she and Keri began to discuss making their third date happen.

During the next two weeks, Rorie could get up out of bed, but she would tire very quickly, and their third date would have to wait a while longer.

Six weeks after the accident, Rorie and Keri finally got a chance to have their third date — alone. They arranged to have their third date at Rorie’s home at a time when Rorie’s mother would not be there. She was attending the retirement party of a coworker one Friday night and Rorie chose exactly that Friday for her date with Keri. She coaxed Tara to make plans elsewhere with her friends and Tara, with a wry smile on her face, agreed to be out of the house.

Lizzie Jane's Wedding, Chapter 2

This is a short chapter, but if you want to see a longer version, go to "Escape from Gorilla Island, Chapter 2" at This is where two stories eventually collide with each other.)

For the full story, read "Return to Gorilla Island" and "Escape from Gorilla Island" on

This particular chapter is explained more fully in

Lizzie Jane's Wedding
A Lizzie Jane Story
Chapter 2
By Billie Sue Pilgrim

Wrong Number Part 6

PART 6: Healing Wounds

Keri gently squeezed Kelly’s hand to let Kelly know she was there.

“Kelly? Are you waking up?”

Keri's eyes began to water and Kelly’s mother sat up and took notice.

“Kelly, baby? I’m right here, honey.”

Kelly’s eyes opened a few millimeters and her eyes slowly moved from one side to the other. Kelly smiled weakly at her mother and looked over to see who was holding her hand. When she saw Keri, she smiled and tried to speak.

“Keri,” she managed to rasp. “You’re here.”


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