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Layabout. Part 4 of 4

Chapter 4

As we moved into the summer season, the main sales at the Village were swimwear and we weren’t needed so much. We spent that time with the drama group. The first show we did was a stage version, greatly edited, of ‘Some Like it Hot’ as a farce. It went down well, and then we worked on another show where we played a married couple. That was the one where we were seen by an agent from London.

Mirror Changed Chapter 11

Mirror Changed Chapter 11



The last week had been a frustrating lesson in patience for the dangerous and well dressed Courtney. Though ultimately vindicated by the others of her small grouping, she still felt angry at herself for losing the young magus in the local mall. She swore that the other Chosen had fled into the theater, but after making a bit of a ruckus she had been forced to give up. The threat of the breeders police force didn’t really scare her off. There was little they could possibly do that would more than inconvenience her.

Lanterns on Lake Pontchartrain (6)

Lanterns on Lake Pontchartrain
An Acadiana Transgender Story

An Earnest Conversation

I slept like shit Saturday night. Mr. Tom Anderson's pure breed Persian Blue and Ms. Susan Smith's pure breed Siamese spent the whole night making kitten's under my window. It's safe to say in about seven weeks there will be some strange looking kitten's running around the neighborhood. Oh well, that was not my problem. I just had to listen to it all night.

If It Was Your Husband 17 & 18 of 20

If It Was Your Husband.png

If It Was Your Husband 17 and 18 of 20

By Patricia Marie Allen

17 and 18
Outfitting Mike and Helping Mike

In this penultimate posting, Mike is introduced to Ann at Ann’s Lingerie and More. He’s fitted for a bra, though not confident enough in Lisa’s change of heart to go ahead and order them. He does however, buy the lingerie so he can underdress. He comes back to Alex and Carrie’s with his purchases to find that Lisa has become overwhelmed and gone home. This is of some concern so he cools things for a while.

We see in the later chapter that Alex had become completely sanguine with anything and everything being revealed to Mike and Lisa. In response to Lisa wanting to see him when he’s fully underdressed he says, “Look away. It’s not like I’ve got to hide anything from you.”

And that’s true. It was a foregone conclusion from the beginning that his cross-dressing would be fully disclosed to Mike and Lisa. Look for some drastic changes in Lisa.

Merope, Maybe : 18 / 19


"Thanks for all the stuff," he interrupted gruffly. "I guess that's everything — and this is goodbye."

"Goodbye?" I exclaimed. "Why does it have to be goodbye?"

He gestured helplessly. "I don't know! What else could it be?"


Toni With An i - Part 4

Toni’s weekend is over, which means it’s back to being boring old man Tony at work, right? She’s had a lot of fun from Friday to Sunday but doesn’t know if it’ll be enough to see her through to clocking out at the end of the week, when she gets to live her life again.

It really is a case of putting her head down and getting through the week, the same as it ever was, except now there’s something to look forward to at the end of that tunnel. Has Toni been changed, though? Is it possible for her to parcel away all that happened? Can man Tony simply get on with a normal five days of work when woman Toni is itching to get out? Or is Tony now more Toni than even they realise themselves?

They’d Never Believe That in Court

They’d Never Believe That in Court
by Lin Dale

Synopsis: Husband and wife, Judy and Ollie, were both barristers. Ollie had built up a good professional reputation and was under consideration to become circuit judge. His wife, Judy, had an even better reputation, incredibly energetic and rarely lost a case. But whereas he was white, middle-class and, of course, male, she was black, female and from a working-class background. No surprise, then, that whilst Ollie was likely to become circuit judge, Judy was still a junior barrister. But earlier that day, Judy’s lovely grandmother had died.

Rainbows in the Rock 65

We ended up borrowing the class minibus for the trip up to Shrewsbury, our housemates pulling out various excuses for coming back to college early. We stayed Thursday night in a Holiday Inn on the edge of the town so that we could get a decent pitch the next morning, and settled down in our rooms after a rather limited choice of evening meal.

The breakfast was adequate, and not long afterwards Jordan was steering us aimlessly through the town centre. It was only when I spotted a particular pub that I remembered the way to the site, despite all the big signs we had been passing. Some navigator I was!

Bobby's Blouse

This one comes before Bobby's Knickers

"Suzy, I can't decide," Bobby whispered.

"Bobby, you don't need to whisper, no one is around. And even if they were, it is 2023 and, at least here in Calfornia, no one cares if you buy a blouse."

"OK Suze, which one, the light blue silky one or the white with roses and lace? I can't afford both of the.... eep!"

Bridesmaid Rehearsals: Part 1 - Make Up

Essentially Egg. Part 32 of 39

Chapter 32

We had a serious discussion with the result being that we, as individuals, would show up at any “For Those Who Serve” concerts as we could when we got off the tour in November. I was still up for piano concerts during the year if anyone wanted to hear me. Abigail said that once she had her baby, she would be able to do solo shows if I was her pianist. Joyce was going to be available if Allan could get her, or the pair of us, guitar concerts.


A Vignette
By Maryanne Peters

People stare. You just have to get used to it. My mother told me that there was albinism in our family. Others had learned to live with. In particular, the women in our family seemed to have it easy. Blond hair and pale almost hairless skin – they could paint on their eyebrows and darken their eyelashes to look normal. As a boy that was never an option for me.

Toni With An i - Part 3

Friday night at Lads Night In was explosive, in a variety of ways, with Tony discovering the Toni part of himself, or more now herself, along with two new, female friends, Jess and Sally. The day after was an emotional roller-coaster, where people actually smile at the new Toni—no-one ever smiled at boy Toni—and she discovered a wonderland bar where everything ended in tears. But tears for Sally, not Toni! Before Big-G took Toni home to be held and simply rest.

With Toni’s life finally filled with joy and fun, NO BORING!!! is it all going to stop when the big man, Big-G, says it’s time to take things seriously? Or is Big-G correct and will treating things properly as the new Toni be as fun, fun, fun as the partying and drinks? And will Toni end up back in Light Avenue?

Arctic Fox Book 3 - Chapter 28

The Arctic Fox 3.jpg

Cover photo by Jonatan Pie. Downloaded from Unsplash

Marcia is seventeen, and along with Darryl, has moved south in Alaska to attend the Anchorage campus of the Alaska State University. She wants to pursue her dream, but will it pursue her instead?
I want to thank Malady, once again, for his help checking through this story for the many errors I frequently insert, as well as listening to my sometimes completely crazy ideas about the direction of the story and telling me how crazy they are!

It was Sunday, the 30th of July, and the young couple had been married for just over a week. They got up earlier than usual and headed off to a tiny church they had seen in town.

Space Queen Chapter 3

The anticipation in the air was palpable as the Royal Transport approached the Queen's Spire. I stood in my armor, ready to fulfill my role in delivering the long-lost royal jewels to their rightful place. The helmet concealed my face, but I felt a mix of excitement and nervousness coursing through me.

RXAI-199 had informed me that my presence might draw a crowd as it had been millennia since the ship had crashed and lost communication with the Caravelle Empire. I couldn't help but wonder how the empire had evolved during that time and who might now be in charge.

The importance of being a team player - Chapter 16

Glancing at the minimap in the bottom corner of the screen, the situation couldn't be described as anything but dire. All of our barracks were reduced to ruins, and 'Mega-Creeps' were streaming into the base. It had been 20 minutes of what could only be described as trench warfare, during which we had dug in around our ancient, repelling attack after attack from our opponents. This analogy seemed even more fitting when you considered the tremendous number of mines Jade had placed around the base with her Techies play.

Merope, Maybe : 17 / 19


"I called Anson — or I thought I was calling Anson —
and I asked him the age-old question: Who was that lady I saw you with?
and he replied, That was no lady — that was Anson Charpont!"
Ross followed his narration with a throaty chuckle.


The Church Archiving and Transcription Society

The Church Archiving and Transcription Society
by Lin Dale

Synopsis: When Mike and the rest of the CATS team descend on St Cuthbert's Church, little does he realise he's in for the the change of his life.

All-American High School

First day of Fall semester 2022
I don’t like when people call our town racist. I mean it’s only natural that we whites call the shots since we are the majority, 51% of the population, with the rest more or less evenly divided between beaners and nig… blacks. I almost forgot that you can’t use the N word unless you’re one. It’s not like we’ve had any cross burnings in years. We even have … blacks on our high school football and basketball teams. You know, they’re like genetically predisposed for that. Not any beaners though, they are pathetically useless both in sports and academically. Excepting Pablo of course. With a pitcher like that they couldn’t keep him off the team. Not that the baseball team is of any importance anyway. The few chinks, like Sissy, are terrible gunners and of no consequence socially. Sissy is not really her real name but who can pronounce that?

George Georgina Gina

George Georgina Gina

The newcomer to the area who’d moved into one of the small apartment flats, many of which were shared by pairs of students, was known to go by the name of George. George was five feet three, narrow shouldered to point of being puny and had short hair. Despite androgynous looks, George was naturally enough assumed at college to be male. That was till in an over heard conversation between some one who clearly had known George for somewhat longer than most George had been referred to as Gina and without being surprised had answered to the name. George or Gina had few friends and other than in class did not engage with others. However, eventually when asked about the two names by a classmate before the lecture started she’d said, “My name is Georgina. I get called George, Georgy and Gina.” That was all she said not engaging in further conversation before the class commenced and leaving immediately it ended.

Georgina at first was considered to be physically immature and flat chested due to the heavy, woollen sweaters and the heavy, fur trimmed, hooded coat she wore even in class during the particularly cold weather when she’d started college. However, on a warm, sunny day she had removed her coat before she entered the class room. She was not wearing a sweater and her figure hugging top meant all could see she was a well proportioned young woman with a feminine figure. One of the boys whispered to a friend as she entered the lecture theatre, “Damn it, Alvin. That’s got to be an E or an F!”

“You’ve got sex on the brain, Jerry, and you know next to nothing about girls. That’s barely a B.” It was then assumed she was trans and using breast forms. All the girls considered that though Georgina made minimal use of make up she probably used so little because she was pretty and with her flawless complexion she had little need of it. It was still assumed, though never remarked upon, that Georgina was trans. None of her peers thought any the worse of her for that, for theirs was an enlightened society. Enlightened enough for a number of her male classmates and a couple of female ones too to be interested in her to the point of wishing to date her. She’d always turned such offers down saying she had to look after Heather. It was known that she lived with Heather, a six year old who attended the local primary school along with a lot of their siblings too. It was believed that the two siblings were orphans and just about getting by. One of the girls had said that it was lucky for Georgina that she didn’t need much make up because it was so expensive that she needed to work on her dad before she could buy any more.

As the college year progressed Georgina’s short hair became a pixie cut. Then as it grew out a bit she had extensions, all of which seemed to support the contention that Georgina was in transition. One day she was spotted wearing a pair of double cross earrings by one of the girls who remarked they were pretty. She’d replied that they matched the one she wore on a chain around her neck. She further explained that they were crosses of Lorraine made of platinum and had been her mother’s, and she’d been given them by her mum when she was dying. Seeing that Georgina was upset at the memory the other girl asked no further questions and conversation returned to class matters. Many of her classmates interacted with Georgina on class matters, for she was intelligent and never seemed to have any trouble keeping up to date with her work. She was an effortless straight A student who had become popular because she was pleasant and helpful.

When Georgina admitted that she’d be eighteen in a few weeks her classmates had managed to persuade the daycare centre to look after Heather for a few extra hours, so they could all enjoy a Saturday afternoon out together. They’d had to settle for that because Georgina had point blank refused to go out in the evening, explaining she worked seven evenings a week at a local mini market store where her employers allowed her to take Heather to work with her, and she needed the money. Several of them attended the self defence and martial arts course that Georgina attended on Sunday afternoons at the local community centre, so that had been a no no for many of them too.

Many of Georgina’s classmates had younger siblings who attended the daycare, early years and primary school centre that Heather attended, and most of what they knew about Georgina had come to them via the younger children. Eventually they became aware that the two girls had moved a considerable distance away from their original home to escape an abusive father. It had seemed reasonable to conclude that he was abusive because Georgina was trans.

A few days after Georgina’s eighteenth birthday a man burst into her first class of the afternoon dragging Heather with him. Heather was screaming, “No, Daddy. No that hurts.” The man threw Heather to one side and slapped Georgina so hard he knocked her to the floor. He shouted at her to get up and told her they were going home. As he kicked Georgina to make her obey, Heather was screaming, “Stop it, Daddy. Don’t hurt us any more. We’ll be good. Promise.”

As she picked herself up from the floor, Georgina said, “No, Heather. No we won’t. I’m eighteen now, and I’m not going anywhere for him to hurt me or you ever again.” As she faced off with the man he grabbed Heather, pulled a knife and said, “If you don’t do as you’re told I’ll cut her face so badly she’ll never want to look in a mirror again, and I’ll give you a buzz cut again.” The lecturer had pressed the panic button as soon as the man had entered the room and the college police had arrived in time to hear what he’d said and to see Georgina close with the man to protect Heather. Georgina had both her hands around the man’s wrist keeping the knife away from herself. In the struggle he’d released Heather and focussed on hitting Georgina with his free hand. With him distracted she’d managed to turn his knife hand. Using her recently acquired skills she allowed herself to fall backwards pulling the man down on top of herself. Unseen by any as they fell she guided the knife so that as he came down it plunged into his heart. Obviously not known at the time she would later be deemed blameless.

It had all taken less than a handful of seconds and the police had hesitated whilst they evaluated the situation by which time it was all over. It was a few seconds before the police managed to pull him off Georgina. As they did, she’d had her hands around the knife which left his chest with a gush of blood and slid to the floor. When she stood she could see him twitching as the pool of blood on the floor spread out and within seconds started to congeal at the edges. Georgina stared at the knife at his side and hugging Heather said, “It’s all over now, Sweetheart. He’ll never hurt us again.”

In front of a silent and deeply shocked lecturer and class, a police woman gently asked, “Who was he? Ex boyfriend? Husband?”

Georgina was at that point shaking with relief and unable to answer. Heather answered for her, “We left home and came here because Daddy did mean things to us and was always hurting me and Mummy.”

Cuz - You Swing. Part 4 of 6

Chapter 4

Sally opened up the thin file which outlined the basic facets of the case. It was close to what they were dealing with now. The dead man was well-off, and there was a substantial life policy. He had been found hanging from a balustrade in his big house. There was a typed suicide note, with the signature also typed. The rope was over-the-counter plastic woven, in a jazzy colour pattern. The body had a large amount of alcohol in the system that matched the bottle on his desk, next to the note.

A Grumpy Old Man’s Tale 46 Bringing the Past into the Future in the Present

A Grumpy Old Man’s Tale 46 Bringing the Past into the Future in the Present

This is for those few of you who are interested in the GOM. For the first time since writing GOM 01 I have nothing left in the ideas file. There is nothing with which I can even begin GOM 47. Doubtless material will eventually arrive, but I believe that to find, or imagine enough to create GOM 47 will take considerable time. I do, however, have a considerable’ amount of material for other tales and am also working on various aspects of Castle T S, but I seem to have travelled as far as my journey can go with the GOM for the foreseeable future.

Kidnapped, Failed Mission

Kidnapped, failed mission
Gwen Brown

He was a quiet, yet very proficient financial investigator and his only problem is that he got too close to people who rationalized themselves to be serving humanity but were absolutely ruthless. They did research in Medicine, Artificial Intelligence, and Robotics. One of their goals was to make Cyborgs.


More DopplerPress

Heaven and Hell 3: A Hellmaid's Work is Never Done on Kindle


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Other Keywords: 

Angelique is coming into her own, which involves lascivious dwarves, an amorous angel, and a hellhound or two. Things get complicated but it's not her fault, she's sexy, hot as hell, and inclined to violence as the solution to certain problems. Maybe it comes from being half-succubus and half-hellmaid?

Heaven and Hell 3

Heaven and Hell 3 - Now on Kindle

The Reluctant Co-Ed by Melanie Brown now on Kindle


Audience Rating: 


It's been a series of madcap adventures for Chrissie, starting in middle school when she posed as a Reluctant Girlfriend and on through her high school career as a cheerleader.

Now she's in college! Can you get a degree in crossdressing shenanigans?"

The Reluctant Co-Ed
by Melanie Brown
Now on Kindle

Romance...in Disguise by Maryanne Peters on Kindle


Audience Rating: 


Why wear a mask to fall in love?

Romance...in Disguise
15 Tales of Transgender Unmasking!
by Maryanne Peters
Now on Kindle

Another volume of Transgender Romance from Maryanne Peters! Fifteen more stories with Mostly Happy Endings around the theme of disguise or concealment. Why would our lovers hide their identities?

To lure out a serial killer in Bait. To elude authorities in Border Crosser and Stowaway. To escape an angry mob in Sikh and Sanctuary. To avoid a custody battle in Running. Or to infiltrate a criminal organization in A Sicario Returns; a girls' school in St. Beatrice; a foreign power in Subversives; or just a bed in Her Roommate. And more disguises and reasons for concealment in six more stories!

All with Maryanne's deft twists and trademark happy endings. Mostly.


The path of true love never did go smooth one old saying has it, but then again, all's well that ends well—mostly.

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