Buffy the Vampire Slayer Fan Fiction (Sort of)

The Chosen - Chapter 2

The growl was the same, but the effect it had on me wasn't, even doubled up as this was. Last time it had been full of intimidation and malice; this time it was nothing more than the taunt of a bully, containing little more than hot air. I'd already beaten one of these guys and I’d been almost totally unprepared. This time I had some measure of confidence and, despite the peculiarity of it all, I was properly equipped.

The Chosen


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Copyright (c) Maeryn Lamonte 2024

This is inspired by one of my favourite TV series of all time. It's my own take on the whole thing, but there are quite a few hints at where some of the ideas came from. The language is considerably courser than in the TV series and the violence of the encounters with monsters is quite intense at times. No nasty triggers beyond those though. 17 chapters in total. Story is complete, but I'll be posting it in weekly instalments. Hope you enjoy.

The Chosen - Chapter 1

“Irish Dancing? Isn't that the rubbish where they keep their arms straight by their sides?" Nick peered myopically at the bulletin board. The poster actually showed a line of girls high kicking in unison, ponytails flying and, yes, arms held rigidly at their sides.

I shook my head, more to myself than anything. It really was a mystery to me how he'd made it to college with so little going on between his ears.

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