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The Time I was Reincarnated as a Fire Goddess 1

The rain poured heavily as I walked through the dimly lit streets, my thin jacket doing little to shield me from the downpour. I clutched the grocery bag tighter, feeling the cold water seep through the fabric. My shoes splashed in puddles, each step reminding me of how today had unraveled into a string of bad luck. The weight of it all pressed down on my shoulders like the gray clouds above.

The Rise of a New Empire Chapter 4

The school was a sight to behold, far beyond anything I had ever imagined. It stood before me, a testament to elven elegance and grandeur, its towers and spires reaching gracefully into the sky. Every detail of the architecture seemed to shimmer with the same fluid design I had come to expect from the elven world, but this place was on a grander scale. As we approached the entrance, I, Sam, couldn't help but feel out of place. The courtyard was a sea of elves—tall, graceful, and otherworldly. I scanned the crowd, hoping to see another human, but there were none.

Mates 50

Chad was the late arrival at work on Monday morning, as he was busy dropping Vern off somewhere. I didn’t need to know whose place was involved, as long as the lad brought a smile into the office on his arrival.

Ronnie was already behind her desk, and in response to Maryam’s “Morning!” as the three of us walked in together, Ronnie simply said, “Very chipper this morning, Ms Rahman!”, before shutting her mouth more than a second after speaking.

A Longer War 48

He was looking down at his hands as he started speaking again, and I watched his forearms ripple as sinews stood out and relaxed. He was far from relaxed himself, obviously.

“Right. You, we all know what Susie is, here and now. No, girl, let me finish. Not a good place to be, not in today’s world”

Susie snorted. “Better than it were, Pete!”

“Yes, better than it’s ever been, in a way, but we should really say not as bad. I don’t think it’s ever going to be ‘good’, not in any absolute sense”

Escaping the Past - Part 2

[Late March]

Martin was in a meeting at a London Trading House when he felt his phone vibrate. He’d set it on ‘silent’ before the meeting. From the nature of the vibration he knew he’d received a text message. His innate politeness stopped him from looking at the phone until the meeting was over.

It was more than an hour later before he could look at the message.

When he did so, he smiled. It was from Angela.

“Martin, come home please. Am sort of stuck”

He replied

“Understood. Tied up until 4. Back ASAP”

A Halloween Engagement – 3 Sameo, Not the Same

Our Halloween Engagement began last Halloween... We're scheduled to be married this coming spring... If we can get through this Halloween.

Reading Halloween Engagement would truly be helpful.

The Wardrobe

When Mark Walker accidentally discovers a door at the rear of his wardrobe, he finds an Edwardian scene frozen in time. But the four female mannequins are not just a display; Mark discovers they have an ulterior purpose - and a history.

Author's note: This story is different from my more conventional Big Busts stories, but I hope you will enjoy this Halloween special.


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Jennie's Potty-Training chapter 16

Synopsis; Mummy milks the truth out of Baby Jennie concerning her dress-up activities and her love of female apparel. Later that day Baby Jennie realises mean old David from next door is babysitting them for the afternoon.

Chapter 16. Confession Time

Halloween 1 - Getting what is deserved

I wish to thank Cressar taking the time to edit this story and for his comments and input to this story.

The story was intended to be a stand alone and have added further chapters after reviewing readers comments, input and e-mails, all of which is gratefully received

All comments are welcome as a new author I am just starting out. I enjoyed writing this I hope you enjoy reading it.

Edited by author 31/10/16 after feedback from readers, further edited
01/02/17 change to introduction and story layout

( the Copse /corpse stays unaltered)

Emerging from the Cocoon, Chapter 1

----------=BigCloset Retro Classic!=----------

Emerging from the Cocoon
by Torey

Chapter 1

Copyright© 2008 Torey
All Rights Reserved.
This is my first post here. Hope this is correct...
This is the story of a special child sent to live with his half sister. The child's true self begins to emerge.
Born a boy, she is really a girl trying to emerge with the help of her sister, who becomes her adopted mother.

Designer Children Chapter 22

With the arrival of Jessica’s niece, Ryan is in grave danger. Telling Jessica the truth could save him from the mousy little girl, but it is no easy task. Ryan’s attempt to grasp at his fleeting masculinity and his genuine feelings for the woman could ultimately doom him, leaving a mirror image of the demure Brianna.


My heart fluttered, allowing the fog to once again cloud my mind. Jessica gave the case another shake, dislodging a Barbie who had been stubbornly hanging from the lip of the container. It fell within an inch of my hand. I looked down and saw beautiful golden tresses mixed with purple and pink and a slender body wearing a pretty light blue bathing suit. Despite the fog, the doll’s ever smiling face sent a shiver of fear up my spine. I knew that taking the plastic toy into my hands would place my mind in a child-like state, one where imagination was boundless. Memories of the toilet paper roll Olaf watching Elsa skate gracefully across the bathroom floor flooded in, causing my hand to recoil from the doll. I couldn’t help but feel like an addict, the uneasy hand reaching toward the pill, the pipe, the needle- knowing that one hit would bring clouded bliss, but like the drug, it would erase my identity, everything I was, until only a smiling little girl remained. Perhaps one at docile and timid as Brianna. Her perfect twin.




“Why do I have to have my hair plaited?” I grumpily asked for probably the twentieth time as I twisted my locks.

“You think I'm any happier, I look a right dork with these braids.”

The Girl with Something Extra

The Girl with Something Extra
(Just a drabble...)
Laika Pupkino ~ 2016

I ran into Shay at the station. “How was your date?”

“Another freak...”


“Dinner was great," she said, "He was charming, funny. I'm thinking: 'Finally! A guy who'll treat me like just a normal girl...' But later he was like all the rest, interested in only one thing, that he wanted to fondle and probably suck on.”


A Longer War 47

“So, Andrew, what do you do for work?”

Valerie was smiling and clearly doing her very best for her daughter.

“I’m a draughtsman, at Harwell’s out by Layerthorpe”

Pete looked up at that. “Bit of a narrow field, us three then. All engineers of one sort or another”

“I just do the drawings, Pete”

“Yes, but there’ll be a bit of insight there. Never looked at someone else’s work and thought that something didn’t look right?”

Sixteen Feet of Steel Chapter 24


My people loved my father and mother and they loved my eldest brother Justin as well. I grew up thinking that we were good folks and had few real enemies and we did well for our folk in our lands.

And that was one of those things that I was going to inherit third son or not. I was going to do things, do whatever I could to help the people in Lyonnes.

And that’s gone; well it’s gone for as long as it’ll take me to find things out and to get strong enough to maybe do something.

But here’s Nicole who has actually done it here today and I know that she’s done more and that she’s already held in high esteem with Lady Tatiana and very much by her folk here.

I’m in that mixture of both awed and wistful and jealous of it all.

But I’m still very, very proud of her too.

Gaby Book 12+1 Chapter *36* Comedy Klub

 get the complete book here! {Or here (US) -Erin}
*Chapter 36*

Comedy Klub

Of course the visit to the Fischer’s hadn’t actually taken that long, I had plenty of time to get to Cheer.

“I thought all girls wanted to be ballerinas.”

Transformation Treasure Hunt - Part 3B of 8

Hero Prince(ss) Chapter 1


This is a story of a time that could've been a long time ago, but not of this world. It is a tale of a prince and a hero. A tale of a hero who fought with all his might and lost so much, yet also gained so much. A tale that will make you laugh (hopefully), cry (maybe) or unsure if you should laugh or cry. Though it must be said, that this is not a typical fairytale.

Who would've known that fairy tale character you would've admired in your childhood was actually not what it seemed?

Hero Prince(ss) Chapter 1
When the hero is not what you'd expect.

By Shiina Ai

Transformation Treasure Hunt - Part 3A of 8

Darrin is Bewitched - Conclusion

Darrin is Bewitched - Conclusion

Samantha had been censured by the Witches Council and ordered to make things right Task is in compliance with current policies and guidance ‘or else.’ Or else’s were never good in the world of witchcraft.


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Basketball Is Life


Audience Rating: 


The formerly co-ed basketball team could clinch a trophy if they had one more star-quality player, now that they've gone all-girl. The league office thinks that 'Harper' is a girl's name. The coach has a marvelous idea. It would require a little roleplaying, but Harper's not convinced. Someone might find out his secret....

Cheer's the Thing: Becoming Robin Book 3 on Kindle


Audience Rating: 


TG Universes & Series: 

Cheerleading? Piano? Basketball? How does a girl fit so much into so few hours in a day? Will Robin's over-achieving and perfectionism come back to bite her, or will she learn when enough is enough?

All-girl metal band Heedless Despair embark on their first U.S. tour, will Robin and her friends be content to watch their musical mentors from the front row or will they strive for more? On top of this there's a family wedding and a growing love of her own. Robin Smith, now fully immersed in her new life — will her secret remain a secret forever?

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