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Hope's Light - Chapter 1 of 35


Hope's Light (Chapter 1 of 35)

by Erisian

Book 6


If you have yet to read the saga - the tale starts here:

Into The Light

Hope you enjoy!


Part One


Prologue - Bargain


“Are you certain this is the right path?”

Two figures crept down a narrow underground passageway, shoes slipping across shallow puddles lining the curved concrete floor. Their coats, one jet black and the other a lighter brown, flickered in the weak light offered only by a white crystal held forward by the taller and much darker-skinned man.

“They didn’t provide a map, Callas. I told you the same instructions they told me, and your memory is as perfect as mine. If you think we’ve misapplied the sequence, you should’ve spoken up.”


Bewitched: A Meeting of the Minds at the Pussywillow Lounge

----------=BigCloset Retro Classic!=----------


Pigs fly, hell freezes over ... and Darrin and Endora discover common ground in a two-bit strip club in Bayonne, New Jersey.


Bewitched: A Meeting of the Minds at the Pussywillow Lounge
by Randalynn

Shirley some mistake?

These days, Halloween has been taken over by the horror industry but when I was young you went out ‘guising’ which meant being in disguise. One year I was a footballer in my favourite team’s strip. Another year, I was a Mexican wearing a poncho my mum had picked up on holiday with a sombrero and a fake moustache made from some soot from the chimney.

Twins, part 15

“I- I’m sorry, what?” Luke asked incredulously as Paul muttered a barely audible ‘Jesus Fucking Christ’ under his breath.

“I said that I don’t want to be a woman any more,” the distraught youngster replied. “I don’t want to be a woman, and I don’t want to be called ‘Lucy’ any more.”

“Well it’s going to be confusing around here with two ‘Lukes,’ ” Luke replied. “’Cause I sure as hell am not giving this name up.”

The Job 28

I didn’t have that bad a hangover, but there was a smell about me even I could detect, which meant my curry had left traces. I showered and brushed my teeth twice, before heading in to start the day’s work.

To my surprise, Chris was there again, moving very stiffly but actually on his feet.

“I have decent biscuits, my love! And milk!”

A Second Chance -- Chapter 42


A Second Chance

By Dawn Natelle

SATURDAY, June 4, 2016

Rachael was up very early. Her parents were already at work, and Bobby was going to have to get up when he woke later and help Grandpa whenever he could. He would make himself breakfast: cereal for him, and toast for Grandpa. This was the most responsibility the little boy had to this point, and he was told to call Maria at the bakeshop if there were problems.

Tommy - The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl? - Chapter 44

The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl?

A Novel By Teddie S.

Copyright © 2018 Teddie S.
All Rights Reserved.

Chapter 44
Can we really do this?

We'd gone to a support group meeting with Patty and Ralph. And we had a surprise, Dr. Whitmeyer, the professor that had tried to disrupt the seminar where Larry's paper was presented, and that Tammy had politely told off, was there dressed as Claire. And the second meeting between Claire, or Dr. Whitmeyer, and I had been interesting.

The girls, Maria, Amy, and Kelly, had started planning for Maria’s wedding this coming summer. They had firmed up a date of the second Saturday in July, July 9, at the local Catholic church.

Then Amy had found out that she could do her clinicals next summer at any teaching hospital that would accept her. This just might make things a little interesting.

Role Reversal (06 of 10)

Role Reversal
Part Six of Ten
by Ray Drouillard

I wrote this over ten years ago. It was essentially finished, but I somehow never considered it ready for posting. Or, at least, it had gone as far as I was inspired to take it. It kinda begs for a sequel, but it's fine as it is.

It's big. It took some time to edit. Especially since I needed to change the dates so that it wouldn't be so... well... dated.

Much thanks to Terry Volkirch for test reading it way back when. She might even remember the story.

cover image

One fine day, Joe wakes up and finds that his whole life has been turned upside-down.

There is some violence in this installment. It is brief, off-stage, and resolves well.

Friday, November 5, 2021:

I had a really strange dream last night. The strangest part is that I remember it so clearly. Dreams normally fade very soon after we wake up, but this one stayed with me.

Mother and Daughter, part 5

"Have fun," Janet said with a smirk as Ellie headed out the front door. "And don't stay out too-"

"Bye!" Ellie said with a smug smirk, before closing the door behind her. "Don't wait up!"

"-Late," Janet sighed, before allowing herself a quiet chuckle. "Kids..."

Executive Solutions Ch. 05


by Princess Pantyboy

This is paradise a hot four shot mocha with chocolate sprinkles, me sitting here outside on the patio in front of Starbucks on Main Street Huntington Beach Southern California. Yes this is the life, or like they say life is good when the simple things can bring a smile to your face. I pull out my new iPhone X and check my emails and text messages.

Into The Light - Part 2

Into The Light

Into The Light (Part 2 of 6)

by Erisian



Chapter Five - Homeward


As Danielle and I seemed physically fine, Mark pushed to get us released from the hospital the next day. Dr. Kirov however kept trying to make excuses for us both to stay longer. Apparently Danielle’s blood would simply dissipate after a few minutes once collected, and my own blood was described as ‘exceptionally and unusually clean’ - without any proper explanation of what they meant by that.

His argument had mostly to do with the potential risks of burnout after manifestations, but neither of us exhibited any symptoms so the doctor had a hard time making it sound persuasive. Especially seeing how they weren’t finding any mutation markers in my DNA which meant I was a meta-human of some kind, and Danielle had originally manifested her mutation ten years ago.

Still, he did force us each into an ‘enhanced’ MRI scanner which not only was loud and uncomfortable, but had these weird multi-colored ‘magical energy’ crystals adorning it that were supposed to do some kind of resonance scan. The damn thing made me nauseous - I was told that was normal after I got out. Whatever the results of it all had been, they weren’t anything medical that would prevent us from traveling to a different facility. Mark even tried to reassure Dr. Kirov that the DPA facility had a full medical staff and emergency equipment in case anything happened.

It wasn’t until the afternoon that I’d finally had enough and carried through on my threat to call a lawyer. They may have thought I was bluffing earlier when I had mentioned it, but Isaiah, my best friend of many years, was an attorney and I had planned on calling him soon anyway.

Not A Girl

This story very briefly uses the characters Katie, Liam, Pat, Brendan, Niall and Jimmy from my story Some Gave All which I posted here last summer: https://bigclosetr.us/topshelf/fiction/69181/some-gave-all

This story is related to that one, as it tells about things that happened at the orphanage after those six kids ran away in May of 2006.

Most of the story is told from one boy's viewpoint, i. e., memories of what happened to himself and some other boys there.

The Angel of Chicago: Part 4

The Angel of Chicago

Part Four: Revelations


Rodford Edmiston

Most of the preliminaries were simply Melody verifying some of what she had read about Arielle. Who seemed both surprised and pleased the reporter had read her book. There really wasn't time for more than that, though. Despite her comment about the service, the waiter arrived to take their orders shortly after Melody sat.

Role Reversal (05 of 10)

Role Reversal
Part Five of Ten
by Ray Drouillard

I wrote this over ten years ago. It was essentially finished, but I somehow never considered it ready for posting. Or, at least, it had gone as far as I was inspired to take it. It kinda begs for a sequel, but it's fine as it is.

It's big. It took some time to edit. Especially since I needed to change the dates so that it wouldn't be so... well... dated.

Much thanks to Terry Volkirch for test reading it way back when. She might even remember the story.

cover image

One fine day, Joe wakes up and finds that his whole life has been turned upside-down.

Day 98;
Wednesday, July 7, 2021:

I had to get up early and go to district court. I dressed in a demure white lacy dress that made me look very young and innocent. That was just for practice. The outcome of this hearing is pretty much set.

Into The Light - Part 1

Into The Light

Into The Light (Part 1 of 6)

by Erisian



Chapter One - Emergence


When most people think of Los Angeles they think of traffic. Lots of traffic, with cars jammed onto the numerous freeways all creeping along like ants stuck in molasses trying to get every which way at speeds that cause everyone’s gas mileage to suffer horrible degradations. When just one of the main routes from the ‘westside’ to ‘the valley’ underwent construction that required its closing, the news media dubbed those weekends of closures ‘Carmageddon’.

Tonight’s traffic was infinitely more deserving of that name.

Nanos of Change

Terry Mason spent the last 12 years designing nanobots with his long time friend Dave Pembrek. When the nanobots find a way to evolve out of their control, infecting Terry in the process, will he survive? And what are the nanobots doing to his body?

Executive Solutions Ch. 04

Executive Solutions


Michele Nylons

Chapter Four – On The Run

Our amnesiac transsexual heroine finds the answers to only some of her questions and is finally contacted by the mysterious Executive Solution. The two assassins who tied to frame her for the murder of mobster Tony Delgado are closing in so she, LeBron and Reese have to make a run for it.

The Answer To A Maiden's (?) Prayer Chapter 3

The Answer To A Maiden's (?) Prayer Chapter Three

I suppose there are worse nicknames to be stuck with than “Miss Steak”, even if it is constantly in need of explanation ( No, not Mistake, Miss Steak) but I still hadn't entirely forgiven Rocky for landing me with it. That said, in over a month of volunteering at the homeless shelter I'd discovered there was a lot more to him than the brash youth who'd compared me to a steak dinner before being slapped down by James, aka Sir Galahad, aka Hopalong, aka Shaft, the man who'd founded and ran the shelter.

When among Dragons... Chapter 9 Compensation

When among Dragons... Chapter 9 Compensation

by Machara and Chryos Stormwing

Special thanks to
my love Chryos who creates this with me,
Gabe as my editor and friend
as well as Sammi for ideas

Sitting up now, perched on top of his bed Garrus smiled at Drew, his head tilted slightly. Once Drew noticed Garrus, he lept up, dashing towards him until Garrus’ nose was pressed right up against his.


The First Time I Saw Her Face

I can remember it well. It was the 2nd January 2015. I was in London and it was wet and windy. I was at a bit of a loose end because my now ex-girlfriend Sonya, had decided that her new year's resolution was to become a lesbian. We'd come down to London on New Years Eve to see the Fireworks and stuff. The plan was that were going to see a few shows and do a bit of shopping, before heading home to the Dales. Thinking back on it, she'd been not her usual self since Christmas.


More DopplerPress

Cheer's the Thing: Becoming Robin Book 3 on Kindle


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TG Universes & Series: 

Cheerleading? Piano? Basketball? How does a girl fit so much into so few hours in a day? Will Robin's over-achieving and perfectionism come back to bite her, or will she learn when enough is enough?

All-girl metal band Heedless Despair embark on their first U.S. tour, will Robin and her friends be content to watch their musical mentors from the front row or will they strive for more? On top of this there's a family wedding and a growing love of her own. Robin Smith, now fully immersed in her new life — will her secret remain a secret forever?

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