Tommy - The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl? - Chapter 132

The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl?

A Novel By Teddie S.

Copyright © 2018 Teddie S.
All Rights Reserved.

Chapter 132
The resort, Naainish, and Quah Ah.

The meeting with the Universities Board of Regents turned into an inquisition all right. An inquisition of the Chairman of the Board by me with the help of the President of the University.

After the meeting, we ended up talking to almost everyone that was there, and we met some new people. When I was finally able to look at the letter, I noticed that the handwriting looked familiar. I tried to borrow the letter from Mrs. Harman, but she couldn’t give it to me, something about being a court officer. But I talked her into coming over so I could make some comparison to quiz papers that I had.

And leave it to Chief Kinlicheeny to ask me to fill my grandmother’s position on the Navajo Nation Council again. Not going to happen.

When Amy and I were back at the apartment, with Mrs. Harman, I’d looked through the quizzes that I had from my classes and compared them to the letter. And bingo, I found a match. Mr. Uintillie, you and I need to talk.

A dinner at La Placita Dining Rooms made for a great ending to the day.

The following day, Thursday, after my classes, Dr. Joe filled me in on a conversation that the faculty that had attended the Board of Regents meeting had had. They all think that I’m doctoral material.

While Dr. Joe and I were in the lab, we had a surprise visit from Dean Rutherford and Dr. Fontheim of the Los Alamos National Laboratory. They’d stopped in to have a look at how the research project was going, and Dr. Fontheim invited Dr. Joe and me to bring the completed printed circuit board to Los Alamos when we finished the board.

Then I’d showed Dr. Joe the copy of the letter and the copy of the quiz, and he agreed that the handwriting matched. Dr. Joe suggested that I need to think over this whole thing before I acted. And that talking to Naainish might be a good idea, and that meditation couldn’t hurt.

When I was back at the apartment, I filled Amy in on what had happened at the lab with Dean Rutherford, and Dr. Fontheim from the Los Alamos National Laboratory. And, Amy thought that it was interesting that Dr. Fontheim had visited us.

Then I said, “What I’m wondering is, did he stop in by chance like he said or was it planned?”

“Why wouldn’t he let you know if he was planning on coming?”, Amy asked.

“I don’t know. Maybe Dr. Fontheim was checking up on us and the project.”

“Why would he do that?”

“Well, there was a change in leadership on our end. And maybe it’s to see how far along we are. Or, maybe it’s just curiosity after talking to me at the bonfire.”

“Are you worried about something?”

“No. But it was completely unexpected.”

“Isn’t that the best way to find out what’s going on.”

“True.”, I said.

“So, as long as everything is going along as it should be there shouldn't be any worries.”

“Leave it to you to be the level headed one.”

“So, what did Dr. Joe say about the letter and the quiz?”, Amy asked.

“He agrees with us that the handwriting is the same. And he was right when he told me, that since I was the injured party that I had to decided what to do.”

“So, what have you thought about doing?”, Amy asked.

“Maybe confront him with the evidence to put the fear of the Great Spirit into him. Or maybe involve the University’s Student Conduct Board. Or go on like nothing’s happened.

“The only thing with bringing the University’s Student Conduct Board into this is that other things might come tp the surface.”

“Good point.”, Amy said. “And, bringing out who Kai really is wouldn’t be good.”

“No, it wouldn’t. Dr. Joe also suggested a talk with Naainish, and maybe that it would help if I meditated.”

“Am I feeling a trip to the resort this weekend.”

I laughed a little, as I said, “I almost said the same thing to Dr. Joe.

“Oh. Are you working at the ER this weekend?”

“Yes.”, Amy replied. “They want me to work three to eleven on Sunday.”

“So, we could still go up and spent Friday and Saturday?”


“I’m done at eleven on Friday.”, I said. “We could grab lunch and head up.”

“Sounds good.”, Amy said. “When I get home tomorrow I’ll get our stuff together, and be ready when you get here.”

“I’ll give Aunt Ruth a call.”

At about Noon on Friday, we were sitting at our favorite drive-in enjoying burgers, fries, and milkshakes. As we ate, I said, “It’ll feel funny being in the house without Aunt Ruth and Uncle Paul.”

“I know.”, Amy said. “But, they work hard and deserve time off.”

“You’ll get no argument from me on that.”

“And Uncle Paul said that he was going to have the guys lay a bonfire for us on Saturday night?”, Amy asked.

“I guess he figured that we needed it.”

“After this week. We need a week at the cabin in the mountains.”

“Don’t tempt me. I know where the keys are.”

We finished our lunch and headed north. After about fifteen minutes, Amy asked, “Honey, what are you thinking about?”

“Nothing.”, I said. “Why?”

“You’re too quiet.”

“Why does everyone want me to get my doctoral?”

“I don’t know. Why?”

“That’s what I’m trying to figure out. Dr. Joe keeps kidding me about it. I guess the faculty that was at the meeting with the Board of Regents think I should. I wasn’t seriously thinking about doing my masters until we came out here.”

“Do you like what you’re doing? The teaching and research?”

“You know I do.”

“Do you think that you’d like to do it all the time?”

“I haven’t thought about it. But maybe.”

Amy started singing to herself, and I guess to me. And this left me to my thoughts.

As we pulled into the resort, and up to the house, Amy looked at me, and asked, “Honey, are you okay?”

“I guess.”, I replied. “Just a lot of things on my mind.”

“I know, sweety. Maybe being here will help you figure things out.”

“I hope.”

We got out of the car, I grabbed the camera bag out of the back seat, and we walked up to the door. I tried the door, and of course, it was locked. I used my key to unlock it, and we walked into the house. It felt strange knowing that my aunt and uncle wouldn’t be here. We walked into the kitchen, and there was a note on the table. It was from my aunt, and it said that there were makings for frybread tacos in the refrigerator if we wanted to make them for dinner. If? Was there any doubt.

And at the bottom of the note was another note, that said that Naainish wanted us to meet him at the remote hogan at sunset tonight.

“I wonder what Naainish wants?”, Amy asked.

“You and me both.”, I said. “Knowing him, he may have answers. Or he may have more questions.”

“Hopefully he will have answers or at least words of wisdom. And no more questions.”

“Let's hope.”

We brought the rest of our things in from the car and put them in our room, and then put the camera bag in the floor safe. We then made the frybread tacos. Yum.

After we’d cleaned up the dinner dishes, we changed into long skirts, blouses, and moccasins. We added a little jewelry. Ajie went with a single braid in her hair and a beaded headband. I went with straight hair and one of the braided leather headbands with the Eagle feather.

And since it’ll be dark when we get back from the remote hogan, we drove. When we pulled up to the hogan, Naainish’s pickup truck was there. And we could see the light from the fire in the fire pit coming out around the rug hanging over the door and smoke coming out the smoke hole.

As Ajie and I walked up to the door, we heard chanting. But, it wasn’t Naainish. It was a woman’s voice. I looked at Ajie, and whispered, “I wonder who’s here?”

Ajie just shrugged her shoulders.

We stood there for a minute and listened. When the chanting stopped, we heard Naainish say, “Kai Nez. Ajie Nez. Join us.”

I looked at Ajie, and said, “Us?”

Again, she shrugged her shoulders.

I pulled the blanket back that was covering the doorway to the hogan and held it for Ajie. Ajie stooped and walked in, and I followed her. Sitting on the far side of the fire were Naainish and a woman. It appeared that Naainish was working on a sand painting. And the woman was the medicine woman from the Taos Pueblo, Quah Ah.

Not knowing if Quah Ah spoke Navajo or not, I said, “Good evening, Quah Ah and Naainish.”

Quah Ah smiled, and said, “Yá'át'ééh, Kai dóó Ajie. Nizhonigó íiná aadóó hozhónahasdlíí.” (Hello, Kai and Ajie. It is good, and all is harmony around us.)

Ajie and I returned the smile, and together we said, “Yá'át'ééh, Quah Ah dóó Naainish. Nizhonigó íiná aadóó hozhónahasdlíí.”

Then Quah Ah said, in English, “Kai, that’s about all the Navajo I know.”

“That’s more than what I know of the Taos language.”, I replied. “So English will work.”

“Kai and Ajie, please sit and join us.”

There was a blanket on the ground on the opposite side of the fire from where Quah Ah and Naainish were sitting. So, Ajie and I sat.

Naainish, as he was finishing the sand painting, said, “Kai, I was impressed with you on Wednesday. You stood up to those men with authority in your voice.”

“Naainish.”, I said. “You know that I’ll defend myself when I’m attacked.”

“Yes, I know very well that you will. You have shown it many times.”

“Too many times.”

“Kai Nez, you were being tested.”, Quah Ah said.

“Tested. Tested for what?”

“Tested to see what’s in your heart.”

“If I was being tested, this last test was almost too much.”

“We know, Kai Nez.”, Quah Ah said. “But, you survived it. You’ve shown that your heart is pure and strong, that you have the heart of a warrior and a maiden. The heart of a bear and heart of a fawn. You can be strong and fierce, as well as soft and gentle.”

“Kai Nez.”, Naainish said. “As I’ve told you many times, you are special.”

“I have learned that I am.”, I said. “But, why am I this way?”

“You are this way to help your people and others.”


“By just being you.”, Quah Ah said. “Helping people to pass on, helping people to get well. Just by showing up at various things, like meetings, dance competitions, and such. You bring happiness to those who are there.”

“But, how do I do this?”

“Kai Nez.”, Naainish said. “The Great Spirit gave you the gift. You’ve been doing it. You do it naturally. You see or feel what needs to be done, and you do it. Like with the boy that was bitten by the rattlesnake.

“Then you saw my father and your grandmother on their deathbeds and knew that they were not at ease with their deaths. You sat with them, you held their hands, and you spoke with them. And not only did you make their passing easier for them but also for their families. Remember what you did for your mother. She was having problems with her mother, your grandmother’s passing. But you came to her. You talked to her. You held her hands. You put her at ease with her mother's passing. And it also made it easier for yourself, Ajie, and the rest of your family.”

“But, I can’t do it for everyone.”

“That is true, Kai Nez.”, Quah Ah said. “You will know who needs help, and if you can help them.”

“When will the testing stop?”

“Kai Nez.”, Naainish said. “What happened at the university was instigated by the student. But you handled it very well. It was not a test. It was something that was thrust upon you by an uncaring person.”

I looked at Naainish, and thought, ‘How did you know that a student had written the letter? I’ll never know Will I.’ I saw a little smile on Naainish’s face.

“Yeah.”, I said. “I handled it so well that Ajie and I were almost to the point of going back to Ohio, and that may still happen.”

“Kai Nez, do not let this hurt you. Some people can be nasty. And you are a bigger person then they are.”

“Naainish, I may be a bigger person, but a person, no matter who they are, can only take so much. And I’ve almost reached that point. It wouldn’t take much more to push me over the edge.”

“Kai, you need to realize that you will always be tested in one way or another, whether it’s here or back in Ohio. Most of your tests will be small, but there will be bigger ones. I’m still tested, and I believe that Quah Ah is also.”

“I am.”, Quah Ah said. “Kai, I was very concerned for you when I heard what was going on at the university, and I was proud to be there and watch how you handled it. A smaller person would have buckled under the pressure. You, on the other hand, became stronger.”

I sat there just looking at Quah Ah and Naainish for a minute. Then I asked, “Why me? I never asked for this.”

“None of us asked for this.”, Naainish said. “As I’ve told you, the Great Spirit chose us for some reason. And no one knows why. Unlike Quah Ah and me, you were not chosen to be a medicine person. You were given ways to help people that I don’t have. I can do things, see things that you can’t.”

“Kai.”, Quah Ah said. “Learn to accept your gift. Learn how to use it for the good it’s intended to be used for. It will help you too. It will help you to be a stronger, wiser person.

“I know the thought of all of this can be scary. But accept what you’ve been given. It’s a powerful gift that will help your people.”

“Honey.”, Ajie said. “I’ve watched you through all of this. I know, at times, it’s been hard, but you have come through it a stronger person for it. Your confidence keeps getting stronger.

“You are a wonderful person. Don’t let something like what happened at the university hurt you. You saw all the support that you had. And I’ll bet that there is a lot more support out there that you didn’t even see.

“The faculty that was at that meeting also saw something in you. They feel that you have it in you to be a good teacher and researcher. That’s why they want you to work on your doctoral.”

“I don’t know.”, I said. “This is going to take a lot of thought and soul-searching.”

“Kai.”, Naainish said. “There’s something else that I’ve seen and needed to tell you.”

I just looked at Naainish.

Then Naainish continued with, “You will soon be asked a question that will determine if you will continue to help your people or not.”

I put my head in my hands, and said, “Please, not another test.”

“No, Kai. This is not a test. I have no idea what you will be asked, but it will be soon. And it will determine the direction that your life will go.”

“Naainish, why do you do this to me?”

“Kai Nez, I know I don’t have to tell you things like this. But I believe that I should.”

“I guess you should.”

I sat there and looked at the sand painting for a minute.

Then Quah Ah said, “Kai, I know that your friend Charlie and Governor Cochiti made friends at that lunch. The Governor really would like Charlie to visit us sometime. And I know that you have too much on your mind right now for us to talk.

“If you and Charlie could find time to visit us, we would like to have you. And of course, Ajie and Charlie’s wife are welcome too.”

“Thank you Quah Ah.”, I said. “I’ll see what we can work out.”

Naainish started chanting, Quah Ah joined in, as did Aji, and I. When we finished the chant, Naainish destroyed the sand drawing. I looked at him, and said, “That is such a waste.”

“Kai, it’s part of a ceremony.”, Quah Ah said. “A ceremony that Naainish and I had to help you, and the ceremony has ended. And when the ceremony is over it needs to be destroyed. And the ceremony has ended.”

“I understand. But the pictures are so pretty, and it takes so much time to make one, it a shame to see it destroyed.”

Naainish reached behind him and brought out a picture frame. And as he handed Ajie the picture frame, he said, “Kai, I knew you felt that way. So, I had a friend that makes them and then puts them into a picture frame make one for you and Ajie.”

Ajie took the picture frame from Naainish. We looked at it, and Ajie said, “Naainish, this is wonderful. Thank you.”

“You are very welcome.”

“What do they symbolize?”

“They are a male and female Yei. And in our belief, the Yei spirits meditated between the Great Spirit and humans. We also believe that the Yei spirits control the natural elements like the Sun, rain, snow, and they may even have healing powers.”

“Kai.”, Ajie said. “That piece of pottery that what’s his name broke when he broke into the apartment had these symbols on it.”

“You mean Adam.”, I said.

“Yeah him.”

“Can the piece of pottery be repaired?”, Quah Ah asked.

“I don’t know.”, Ajie replied. “We put it in a box and put it away. If I remember right, the handle was broken off. But, there may have been more damage.”

“I’d see if you can repair it.”

“I’ll do that.”

I looked at Naanish, and he said, “Kai Nez, you will know how to handle the boy that wrote the letter. He is from your clan, and that can be helpful.”

“He’s a member of the Azee'tsoh dine'é (The Big Medicine People) clan?”


As Ajie and I were leaving, we again thanked Naainish for the sand painting. Then I said, “It’s late. With my aunt and uncle gone we have room for the two of you at the house.”

“No.”, Naainish said. “We’ll stay here tonight. We have to leave very early tomorrow morning.”

Then Ajie and I said, “Hágoónee', Quah Ah dóó Naainish.” (See you later, Quah Ah and Naainish.)

Quah Ah said, “That I know. Hágoónee', Kai and Ajie.”

As we drove back to the house, I said, “Why does Naainish do this to me?”

Amy said, “He likes you, and sees things in your future and lets you know.”

“Yeah. But, now I have two decisions to make. When I walked in there, I wanted Naainish to give me some advice about my student. But he hits me with another decision and with no idea what it’s going to be other than it will determine if I will continue to help my people or not. Talk about a load being thrust onto your shoulders.”

“Maybe he doesn’t have any words of wisdom for either, and he’s seen you mature enough to be able to handle them on your own. I know I’ve seen you mature over the time that we’ve been out here. And I’d trust any decision that you make.”

I stopped the car, looked at Amy, and said, “You do know me better than I know myself. And maybe you’re right. Maybe I have matured enough to no longer need council on decisions. Except when it involves both of us, and then I want and need your counsel.”

“Tommy, I really do think you’ve matured. The way you stood up to the Board of Regents when they tried to bully you. The way you want to help people. You amaze me.”

“Amylin, you are so special to me too. You help me see things. You guide me without me knowing it. You are my guiding light.”

I pulled her to me, and we kissed. A long, deep, passionate, kiss.

A few minutes later we finished the drive back to my aunt and uncle’s house and took the sand painting inside with us. Then I said, “Quah Ah was very interesting.”

“Yes, she was.”, Amy replied. “She seemed very nice. And I think she wants you to visit her at the Pueblo.”

“That would be us. And we’d better take Jackie and Charlie along.”

“Your right on both counts.”

Just then there was a knock on the door. Both Ajie and I walked over to the door, I unlocked it, opened it, and Shilah was standing there. Shilah was the room clerk that had saved me from the one guy that had attacked me a year or two ago, but he’s also part of the resorts security.

I said, “Hello, Shilah.”

“Oh. Miss Kai and Miss Ajie.”, Shilah said. “I saw lights on and was checking to see who was here. I knew that your aunt and uncle were gone. And I didn’t think anyone was going to be at the house.”

“They must have forgotten to tell anyone.”, I said. “We’ll be here tonight and tomorrow night.”

“That will be fine. I’ll probably see you tomorrow. Good night.”

“Hágoónee', Shilah.”

“Hágoónee'.” (See you later.)

It was late and a little on the cold side, but we went out on the patio anyway and built a fire. Then we sat and looked at the stars. And, Ajie the shooting star watcher spotted one.

We were quietly sitting there, I was looking at the fire and was deep in thought, and Ajie was looking at the stars. And finally, she asked, “Whatcha thinkin about?”

“About everything that Naainish, Quah Ah, you, and I talked about.”, I replied.

“That’s deep.”

“Your right. What are you thinking about?”

Looking up at the stars, Ajie said, “Just wondering if there is anyone out there looking at us.”

“Talk about deep.”

“Yeah. Maybe a little too deep.”

A short time later, Ajie stood up, and as she offered me her hand, she said, “Come with me my Prince, the King is on a Quest, and I want you to spend the night in my bedchamber with me.”

I took her hand, stood up, looked into those gorgeous blue eyes of hers, and said, “My Queen. Your wish is my command.” Then I kissed her.

She led me into the house. We interrupted our journey to her bedchamber only long enough to ensure that the doors were all locked and the lights were off. Then …


Authors note: Hi all. Well, it's my turn in the barrel. I've been diagnosed with thyroid cancer. So, on Wednesday 11/7, I will be having my thyroid and some lymph nodes removed. I should only be in the hospital for two or three days (I hope). Then I get to glow. I get to take a radioactive iodine pill. Hopefully, I won't leave Tommy's readers hanging too long by their acrylic fingernails. Teddie


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