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The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl?
A Novel By Teddie S.
Copyright © 2019 Teddie S.
All Rights Reserved.
Me counsel Naainish? Help a girl?
Meet with Chief Clah tomorrow. Why?
We’d had a meeting, at the resort, with both sets of our aunts and uncle, Naainish, and Chief Kinlicheeny. And, we’d met someone new, Chief Kinlicheeny had brought the Navajo Nation’s War Chief with him, Chief Atsa Clah. Being the War Chief made him the highest law enforcement official in the Nation. Therefore he’s the Nation’s Attorney General, and he's also a lawyer.
We had talked about what had happened between the Los Alamos National Laboratory and me. Then we’d talked about me finding out through a connection at Los Alamos that someone named Peshlakai had been involved with their security people finding out about me. Was it the old chief or someone else? My Uncle Gaagii had put the word out that he’d like to know what’s going on.
After lunch at the restaurant, Chief Clah had noticed the silver display in the hotel lobby. It turned out that he’s a collector of old Navajo silver. He, Ajie, and I had a nice talk about it, and he was surprised that it was my Grandfather Nez’s work. He thinks that he’s seen the maker’s mark on the choker that we’ve been trying to track down, and is going to see what he can find out.
After Ajie and I had soaked in one of the pools, a hike up to the cliff and then to the ruins with two women that we’d met, and a great dinner, Ajie, my aunts and uncles, and I were sitting in front of the fireplace, when the phone rang. Uncle Paul answered the phone, and the husbands of the two women had not returned from their hike to the mica mines. So, a search party was formed. We did find them, one with a broken arm, and the other with a fractured leg. Ajie went into nurse mode and took charge.
When we got up on Sunday morning, I looked outside, and said, “It’s lightly snowing?”
Ajie looked at me, and said, “I’m going to pass on going to the thermal pools this morning,”
“Yeah.”, I replied. “Me too.”
As Ajie touched my forehead, she asked, “Are you sick?”
“No. I want to enjoy a good breakfast and visit before we head back to Albuquerque.”
We dressed and walked out into the main part of the house. My aunts and uncles were sitting at the kitchen table enjoying a cup of coffee. Aunt Ruth saw us, And said, “Good morning kids.”
“Good morning.”, we replied.
“I’ve got the fixings for frybread breakfast tacos put together. What to help me make breakfast?”
“You didn’t wait for us. Did you?”, Ajie asked.
“Of course we did. It’s not that late.”
Just then there was a knock on the door. Ajie and I both said, “Naainish.” Then we laughed.
I walked over to the door, opened it, and said, “Yá’át’ééh abiní, Naainish.” – (Good morning, Naainish.)
“Yá’át’ééh abiní, Kai.”, Naainish replied.
As we walked into the kitchen, everyone greeted Naainish. Then Ajie and I helped to make breakfast. Before we sat down to eat, Ajie asked, “Uncle Paul do you have a legal pad and a pencil that I can borrow?”
“Sure.”, Uncle Paul said. “I’ll get it for you.”
Uncle Paul walked into the office and was back quickly with a legal pad and pencil. And, as we ate breakfast, Ajie was making a list. When she finished, she slid it across the table to Uncle Paul, and said, “There’s what I’d like to see in a good first aid kit. I’d like to see two, one in the hotel office and one at the maintenance building. There are a few things on the list that I’ve marked with an asterisk, and I’ll bring those the next time we come up. Also, a good carrying case of some kind would be good for each of them, something like a backpack with compartments.”
Uncle Paul looked over the list, nodded yes, and said, “I’ll get these things together and find something good to hold them. Would it also be a good idea to have one at the bathhouse?”
“Of course.”, Amy replied. “I should have thought of that.”
“You can’t think of everything, honey.”, Aunt Ginny said.
“I know. But, that’s an important place to have a good first aid kit.”
“Amy, we’ll have it all taken care of by next weekend.”, Uncle Paul said.
“And, might want to look at a first aid course for the staff.”
“I’ll bring that up to the owners.”
Naainish then said, “Kai and Ajie, you have come a long way in the six months that you’ve been here. You have both learned much about the Navajo people and other native people. And, Kai you have so easily accepted being a two spirit person and what it’s about that you no longer need my teaching.”
“Naainish.”, I said. “I don’t feel that way. I feel that there is a lot more for you to teach me.”
“Kai, if you were a medicine man or woman, then yes there is a lot more to teach you. But, you are not one. You are a very special two spirit person. You provide a way to understand how a person is sick, and in some cases, you can, through the Eagle, help to heal. You are not a traditional healer or a spiritual leader. You feel illness in people you are close to. The longer you are close to them the easier it will be for you to feel their problem. Like with all the people in this room, if they were ill, you’d sense it.”
“How did I sense that our friends were pregnant?”, I asked.
“You were close to them and sensed that they had another spirit within them. But, you knew that. Didn’t you?”
“Yes, I did. How do I know who I can help heal?”
“It will just happen. You won’t know. But, you’ve done it.”
“I have?”
“Your friend at the university, the one that had the appendix problem, who you brought here. Even before you came here, you were helping him.”
I look at Naainish. And, I knew he was right.
Naainish continued with, “Kai, I know you’re worried that I won’t be around to give you counsel. I will be here for you because I’ll be looking for counsel from you.”
“I can counsel you!?”, I asked.
“Kai, you are wise beyond your years. Both Chief Etsitty and Chief Kinlicheeny saw it in you, that’s why they both asked you to be an advisor. And, in your wisdom, you stayed with Chief Etsitty when Chief Kinlicheeny asked you to advise him.
“Chief Kinlicheeny is a good chief. He has done good things for our people. But, as you saw Chief Etsitty will do more things.”
“Are you saying that Chief Etsitty will become Chief of the Nation?”
“No, Kai. It’s possible, but I don’t know if that will happen. But, in time Chief Etsitty will do some very good things for the people and he doesn’t need to be the Chief of the Nation to do it. And, you will provide some excellent guidance to him.”
“Naainish.”, I said. “You just put a real load on my shoulders.”
“Kai, there is no need to worry. Things will come to you when you need them.”
I looked at my two aunts, and said, “Why me?”
“Honey.”, my Aunt Ginny said. “Only the Great Spirit knows the answer to that question.”
I nodded yes, and as I got up, I said, “Well, we’ll do the dishes, and then we need to get going. Ajie has to go into the ER at three. And, I have some things to do for classes this week.”
“No.”, Aunt Ruth said. Then as she looked at Uncle Paul, Uncle Gaagii, and Naainish, and said, “The three dishwashers can take care of the dishes. You just relax for a little while.”
I saw frowns from the three men. But, they didn’t argue.
Ajie and I decided to take a walk. A walk to the hotel lobby, and as we did, we talked and agreed on something. We walked over to the display of silver. I unlocked the display case and removed the single Concho. I re-locked the display case, wrapped the Concho up in a cloth, and Ajie and I walked back to the house.
When we were back at the house, Naainish had left, and we sat with my aunts and uncles. And, I said, “Ajie and I removed the single Concho from the display case just now.”
Aunt Ruth said, “Why, honey?”
“I just have this feeling that when we hear from Chief Clah that he is going to have some interesting information for us. And, that the Concho may come in handy.”
“What information?”, my Uncle Gaagii asked.
“Something to do with the other maker’s mark that’s on the choker with Grandpa Nez’s maker’s mark.”
“Do you think that he knows something?”
“I just have this sneaky suspicion that he may find something.”
A little over an hour later Ajie and I were headed back to Albuquerque. No, we didn’t stop to see the Eagles. If we had, Ajie would have been late to the hospital.
We were back at the apartment in time for Amy to leisurely get ready to go into the ER. And, just before three I walked Ajie to the hospital and went back to the apartment. I started making phone calls to Ohio, explained what was happening with the Los Alamos National Laboratory and to expect to hear from them about a background check on me. The Kai Nez me.
I’d just finished making my calls when the phone rang. I picked it up, and said, “Hello.”
I heard Amy say, “Honey.”
“Amy, is something wrong?”
“No. But, could you come over to the ER?”
“I guess so, but why?”
“Someone here is asking for you?”
“For me? Who? Do I know them?”
“Come on over, and I’ll tell you.”
“Is it someone I know?”
“No. Just come over here, and I’ll explain.”
“Okay. I’ll be there in about ten.”
“Tell the triage nurse that you want to see me, she’ll be expecting you. See you in a few.”
“See you.”
As I hung up the phone, I said to myself, “Who wants to see me? And, why?”
Ten minutes later I was walking into the hospital’s ER. I walked up to the triage nurse, and said, “I’m Kai Nez. Amy Young is expecting me.”
As she picked up the phone, she said to me, “Oh, yes. Just a minute and I’ll tell her that you’re here.”
She dialed a number, and said, “This is triage, would you please tell Amy that Kai Nez is here.” … “Okay. Thanks.”
As she hung up the phone, she said, “She’ll be right out.”
“Thank you.”, I said.
I waited for a couple of minutes, then Amy appeared. As she walked up, I asked, “So, what’s this all about?”
“Come with me, and I’ll tell you.”, Amy replied.
I followed Amy to one of the small rooms that they use to talk with families. As Amy closed the door, I said, “Well?”
“We had a teenage girl flown in this afternoon from near Taos. She was horseback riding and had a fall. At the least, along with a broken arm and leg, she has a concussion. And, it could be worse.”
“An intracranial bleed.”
“So, where do I fit into this?”
“Her parents saw me when they were in the ER, and remembered seeing me at the gathering in November. And, they remembered you being with me. They also remembered hearing that you were a Nádleeh – (two spirit person).”
“They pleaded with me to have you see there daughter in the hope that you could do something for her. The doctors have said that she may never wake up.”
“And, softhearted you, said what?”
“That I’d talk to you. I did tell them that you weren’t a medicine man. But, they still want you to see their daughter.”
“Are they Navajo or are they from one of the Pueblos?”
“They’re Navajo and own a large horse farm outside of Taos.”, Amy replied. “The girl is supposed to be a good rider, and she even competes.”
“Honey, I don’t know if I can help. And I’m afraid to try. I don’t want to give them false hope.”
“Honey, I know. I’m sorry that I may have put you in a bad position. But, they begged me to talk to you.”
I took a deep breath, and said, “Okay, I’ll meet with them as long as you’re there.”
“Thank you, honey.” And, I got a quick kiss.
“Amy, I don’t promise anything.”
“I know. Wait here, and I’ll go get them.”
Amy left the room, and I sat there thinking, ‘Just what am I going to do to help these people.’
A few minutes later the door opened, and Amy, a man, and a woman walked in. I stood. Then Amy said, “Kai, this is Mr. and Mrs. Hatayhli. I was telling you about their daughter’s horseback riding accident.
“Mr. and Mrs. Hatayhli, I’d like you to meet Kai Nez.”
We exchanged greetings, and then just looked at each other for a few seconds. I could see their sadness in their eyes and feel their sorrow. Finally, I said, “Mr. and Mrs. Hatayhli, I'm very sorry to hear about your daughter’s accident.”
“Thank you, Miss Nez.”, Mr. Hatayhli said. “We weren’t given much hope. And, are looking for anything.
“My wife recognized Miss Young as being at the gathering last November, and that you were with her. And, she remembered hearing many good things about you including that you’re a Nádleeh - (two spirit person). And, we are hoping beyond hope that you can help.”
“Mr. and Mrs. Hatayhli.”, I said. “I am not a medicine man or a healer. And, I understand your sadness. When someone that we love is hurt, it hurts all of us.
“I don’t know if I can do anything for your daughter.”, I said. “And, I don’t want to give you false hope. But, I’ll try. I want to sit with her for a while, and we’ll see.”
“Miss Nez, that’s all we ask.”, Mrs. Hatayhli said. “And, we know that you are worried about giving us false hope. What it will give us is some hope.”
“I’ve never done anything like this before, and I want you to realize that nothing may come of this.”
Then I looked at Amy, and asked, “Where is she?”
“She’s in intensive care.”, Amy replied.
“How can I spend more than five minutes with her there.”
“Don’t worry. I’ve worked with the people in the ICU a little bit on working with the Native People. Besides, do you remember Kathy Benallie?”
“Of course, she’s the daughter of the lady that owns the clothing store in Santa Fe.”
“Kathy’s the head nurse in the ICU tonight.”
“And, Mr. and Mrs. Hatayhli there are a couple of things that I ask. If something positive happens, don’t assume that I did it. And, please keep this whole thing, no matter what happens, quiet.”
“We will, Miss Nez.”, Mr. Hatayhli said.
“Thank you. And, it’s just Kai.
“Oh, one more thing. And, this may be hard for you. I’d like to have as much time alone with her as I can. So, I’d like to ask you to not come in during the visiting times that I’m with her..”
“That will be hard.”, Mrs. Hatayhli said. “But, we’ll try.”
“Oh. What’s your daughter's name?”
“Yes. But, everyone calls her Dee.”
Amy led the four of us to the Intensive Care Unit, then Mr. and Mrs. Hatayhli went to the ICU waiting room, and Amy took me to the nurse’s station. As we walked up, Kathy Benallie looked up, smiled, and said, “Hello Amy.”
“Hi, Kathy.”, Amy said. “You remember Kai. Don’t you?”
“Of course. Hello, Kai.”
“Hi, Kathy.”, I said.
“Is it still okay for Kai to spend some time with the Hatayhli girl?”, Amy asked.
“Of course. The staff knows that Kai will be here. But, I will ask that Kai put on a visitors gown.”
“That’s not a problem, Kathy.”, I said.
“I sure hope that you can help her.”
“Kathy.”, I said. “I don’t know if I can do anything for her. I’m not a medicine man and healing I know nothing about.”
“It’s worth giving it a try. Isn’t it?”
“Of course. It’s always worth a try.”
“Put the gown on, and come with me.”, Kathy said.
Amy then said, “Kai I’ll be in the ER. Stop and see me when you finish.”
As I was slipping on the visitor’s gown, I said, “Okay, Amy. I’ll see you in the ER in a little while. Lead on Kathy.”
I followed Kathy into the ICU, and to a bed in one of the cubicles. A young girl, a teenage girl, was laying there, one of her arms and one of her legs were in casts, and she was attached to several tubes and wires.
Kathy said, “Dee hasn’t woken up since her fall. And, they also have her sedated so she won't suddenly wake up. And, the doctors feel that she may never wake up.”
“That would be a shame.”, I said. “Kathy, I feel that the longer that I’m alone with her, the better.”
“Kai, we’ll try to leave you alone with her. But, that will depend on her and the doctors.”
“I understand.”
“Do you need anything?”
“Just a chair and I see that there’s one here.”
“One of the nurses may peek in from time to time, but they won’t bother you unless they need to. And, I’ll take her vitals before I leave you.”
Kathy did take her blood pressure, pulse, and other things, then she left the cubical. I moved the chair over to the side of the bed where her unbroken arm was. I stood and looked at her for a little while. Then I sat down, took her hand in mine, and closed my eyes.
I felt her spirit, a strong feminine spirit.
I just sat there holding her hand for a minute. Then I started a quiet chant. A chant that I’d never heard before. When I finished the chant, I just sat quietly holding Dee’s hand and watched her breathe.
In the time I sat there I didn’t feel any movement of her hand, but her spirit remained strong.
I closed my eyes again and repeated the chant. All the time I was holding Dee's hand.
I finally felt that it was time for me to leave. I carefully placed Dee's hand down next to her side, stood, bent down, and kissed her forehead. Then I whispered, "Dee, I pray to the Great Spirit that you recover from this."
Then I walked out of the cubicle, and out of the ICU to the nurse's station. Kathy and a few other nurse’s were sitting there. Kathy looked at me, and said, “I was beginning to wonder how long you were going to be back there.”
“Why?”, I asked. “How long was I back there?”
“About two hours.”
“Two hours!?”
“Yes, two hours.”
“I didn’t realize. I’d better go see her parents.”
“They stopped here a couple of times wondering if you were still with her.”
“I bet they did.”
I took off the visitor’s gown, thanked Kathy for everything, and as I was walking away from the nurse’s station, I heard one of the other nurses say, “So, that’s the Kai Nez you’ve talked about?”
I didn’t react but walked over to the ICU’s waiting room. When I walked in, I saw Mr. and Mrs. Hatayhli and Mrs. Hatayhli was asleep. I walked over to them, and Mr. Hatayhli woke up his wife. Then he asked me, “How is she?”
“She’s resting.”, I replied.
“Is there anything that you can tell us?”, Mrs. Hatayhli asked.
“The only thing that I can tell you is that her spirit is very strong.”
“That’s good. Isn’t it?”
“Yes, that’s a very good thing.”
“There’s nothing else that you can tell us?”
I shook my head no, and said, “Time will be the best healer now. Believe in the power of the Great Spirit and in Shideezhi’s will to recover. Which I feel is strong.”
“Miss Nez, thank you for seeing her.”
“I don’t know if I did any good or not. But, as I said, Dee's spirit is strong. Now, go and see her.”
As I stood up, Mr. and Mrs. Hatayhli also stood, and I received hugs. As I turned to walk out of the room, I said, “Hágoónee'.” - (See you later.)
And, I received a “Hágoónee', Miss Nez.” from both Mr. and Mrs. Hatayhli.
Then I walked out of the waiting room. And as I walked back past the nurse’s station, Kathy said, “Kai, do you have a minute.”
“Sure, Kathy.”, I replied.
Kathy walked out from behind the counter and walked with me. She finally asked, “Kai, what happened?”
“Not much.”, I replied.
“Two hours of not much.”
“I know. The two hours went by very quickly. And, the only thing that I’m sure of is that Dee's spirit is strong.”
“So, that’s good?”
“Yes, I think so.”
“Just think?”
“Remember I don’t know much about this sort of thing. The only thing that I could feel was Dee's strong spirit. And, I think her will to get better is also as strong.”
A short time later I was down in the ER and walking up to the triage nurse. I said to her, “Is Amy Young busy.”
“You’re Kai Nez.”, she asked. “Aren’t you?”
“I’ll tell her that you’re here.”
“Thank you.”
The nurse made a phone call, and a short time later Amy came out of the ER. She looked at me, and asked, “Well?”
“The only thing that I know for sure is that her spirit is strong and I also feel that she has a strong desire to get well.”, I replied.
“But, two hours?”
“I know. It seemed like it was only a few minutes.”
“We’ll see what happens with her. The doctors are not optimistic.”
“I know. I’m going to run home and quickly toss something together for dinner. Then I’ll be back at eleven to pick you up.”
“You don’t need to do that. I can walk home alone.”
“What and break my unbroken record of walking you home.”
“Okay. I’ll see you at eleven.
“Oh. I checked on Jerry and Dr. Tom.”
“How are they doing?”
“They set Jerry’s arm and released him. Dr. Tom had surgery to set his leg and will be here for a couple of days. If I get a chance, I may run up and check on him.”
“If you do, tell him that I said hello.”
I ran back to the apartment and put together two chefs salads for dinner. They would keep in the refrigerator. As I was closing the refrigerator door, the phone rang, and I figured that it was Amy calling to say that she had to work over, so I answered, “Don’t tell me that you have to work over.”
Then I heard a man’s voice say, “Excuse me?”
“Oh! I’m sorry. I thought that you were someone else.”
“Obviously. This wouldn’t happen to be Kai Nez. Would it?”
“Yes, sir. It is.”
“Well, Kai Nez, this is Atsa Clah.”
“Oh! Chief Clah. Now, I’m really embarrassed. I thought that you were Ajie tell me that she had to work over.”
“I see. I’m sorry that I’m calling so late.”
“It’s not that late Chief.”
“Kai, I found something that you may be interested in.”
“What’s that Chief?”
“I found some information on that maker's mark that we were talking about.”
“Yes. I was wondering if you and Ajie could meet me at Ahiga Biakeddy’s shop in Old Town tomorrow afternoon?”
“I don’t see a problem. But, we could meet you closer to where you live.”
“I have a court case in Albuquerque tomorrow morning. Besides I live just outside of Albuquerque.”
“Okay. What time?”
“How’s one?”
“That will work just fine.”
“See you tomorrow, Kai.”
“Hágoónee', Naat'áanii Clah.” - (See you later, Chief Clah.)
At eleven I was waiting in the ER for Amy. Then as we were walking home, I filled her in on the phone from Chief Clah. She had a good laugh when I told her how I’d answered the phone. And, then she got serious when she said, “I wonder what he has to show us?”
“I guess time will tell.”, I replied. “Did you get to see Dr. Tom?”
“Yes.”, Amy replied. “He’s doing fine. But, is already tired of being in a hospital bed.”
“Maybe he’ll be more careful next time.”
“He said that he’s been skiing for years and has never broken anything. But he takes a hike and breaks a leg. At least he sees the irony in it.”
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Well, since Naainish hasn't been wrong yet
and just said that Kai was going to be around to counsel him and Chief Etsitty, I'll assume that they will be staying in the area for a long time.
Also, given that Kai has some persuasion with the eagle spirit to help Dee recover, it seems like Kai's reputation with her tribe and acquaintances might get another boost when Dee gets better. I wonder if Naainish knew she would aid in the healing of dee? He did bring up that morning Kai had healing power. Dee is going to have to meet the eagles to thank the spirits when she is able.
They may be around for a long
They may be around for a long time as long as no one messes things up.
The Eagle is important. But is Kai going to accept that she has helped Dee if she really has?
Dr. Tom
I understand that doctors make the worst patients.
Dr. Tom
And he was lucky that he hadn't broken bones doing all that skiing, since the ski bindings were so primitive in those days.
Yes, the bindings back in
Yes, the bindings back in those days were not the best. And, doctors as patients? Pity the poor nurses.
Dee Clah
Maybe because of the name most people use, Kai will have an affinity for helping her, since Dibe goes by the same name with her friends. I guess we'll have to wait and see.
If Kai has a good feeling about what Chief Clah has found, it's very likely, they will be closer to finding out who that seconds maker's mark is.
Sometimes, it's what's in a
Sometimes, it's what's in a name.
I have the distinct impression.......
That Kai and Amy will be getting some horseback riding lessons soon from a young lady and her grateful parents.
Perhaps Kai will begin to believe in her abilities a little more - yes, she isn’t a healer but we know that has helped at least two other people to heal, going all the way back to her grandmother.
D. Eden
Dum Vivimus, Vivamus
But, was Dee helped in any
But, was Dee helped in any way? We don't know yet.
Story Background.
According to my own research, the story background is quite credible, and lines up well with what I have heard from other Native American sources who are Nez Perce, and Cherokee. In my actual research I've gotten a growing sense of injustice and anger at the Europeans who invaded. In my opinion, the Christians who "ministered" to the Dine were very narrow minded and abusive. Now I better understand my own mother's anger at the church 'fathers', since she grew up being exposed to both the reservations, and to the Mormon church. Her relatives were members going back to 1865.
Kai's character is very believable, and I hope that they remain around the Dine.
Haseya :)
Read about Kit Carson and the
Read about Kit Carson and the Navajo. Not good.
Kit Carson
So far I have not found anything that does not portray Kit Carson as a Hero. Still searching. :)
As far as the Navajo are
As far as the Navajo are concerned Kit Carson is a criminal. He arranged the Long Walk.
As usual Kia is self effacing
to a fault, I can see some arrogant doctor trying to put her in her place eventually(barefoot and ???).
Some pompous doctor may flip
Some pompous doctor may flip her switch. But, we know that she can, for the most part, hold her temper.
Spirit healing...
Two good things I see that happened. The time difference in what Kai felt and the real passing of time, indicates that Kai submitted himself to the Spirit. While Kai is a vessel or conduit through which the Spirit might be working; it is the Spirit and not Kai who would be doing the healing.
Those who are good and involved in Spiritual healing do not mind, and in fact like medical people verifying what happens; to confirm when they can what may have happened. Truly there are things that they might not be able to measure. Such as the strength of the girl's spirit or her desire to improve. Important intangibles.
This continues as a deeply moving story. I am impressed that there is a spirit to the story.
Jessie C
Jessica E. Connors
Jessica Connors
One thing that most, if not
One thing that most, if not all, Native Americans believe in is spirits. Hunters are known to say a prayer to the spirit of an animal they've killed for food.
Kai may be a vessel or conduit, but how will she know who she can do this for? Is it only certain people, or everyone? Is it only her people? If so, what about Charlie?
Things unseen
Those who need to view something before they believe have a hard time believing what can't be seen. So they often dismiss claims from those who can see the unseen as being nothing but folly. And yet, it does not make it untrue, as there were many things which at one time could not be seen.
Kai has learned to rely on her gut feeling when it tells her to do something. Her feeling about Chief Clah seems to have been validated by his phone call, after what he told her.
Time has no meaning when Kai is helping a sick person. Dee needed Kai to be with her as much as Kai needed to be there to help build up her self confidence in such matters. Time will tell how helpful Kai has been with Dee.
Others have feelings too.
Some very inciteful
Some very inciteful observations, Jamie Lee, Gut feeling can be very truthful.