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The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl?
A Novel By Teddie S.
Copyright © 2017 Teddie S.
All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 7
A roomer and more Tammy.
The next morning I stopped by Amy’s dorm to pick her up for breakfast at my house, and I received a sweet kiss. But after that, she was very quiet. So, I asked, “Amy. What’s wrong?”
“Nothing.”, she replied.
“Amy. Something’s wrong. What?”
“Let's go to the park.”
I drove to the park, and to the trail-head parking lot. We sat for a minute or two in silence, then Amy said, “Can we go for a walk.”
Holding hands, she guided us to the lake trail, and we walked in silence until we reached the lake and our bench. We sat, and she said, “Hold me.”
I pulled her close and held her. Finally, she said, “You remember, yesterday, kidding around about me being a lesbian.”
“Yeah.”, I replied.
“Well, my stupid roommate has been running around telling everyone that I'm a lesbian and that she had caught me kissing a girl.
“I tried to talk to her. But she wouldn’t hear any of it. I told her that she saw me kissing my cousin, and it meant nothing. She still wouldn’t listen. She told me that she didn’t want to room with a lesbian, and she was going to talk to the housing people.”
“No! What are we going to do?”
“Tommy. It’s not your problem. It’s mine.”
“No. I’m as much to blame as anyone. So, it’s also my problem.”
“You’re sweet. But no it’s my problem.”
“So, what do you think that the housing people will do?”
“I'm not sure. I know that there’s a housing court or something like that, that's set up to hear problems among resident hall students. So, it may get taken there.”
“Think we should talk to my mother?”
We went back to my house, sat with my mother and told her the whole story. She sat and listened very intently, then said, “I think we need to talk to your Uncle Richard.”
“Who’s Uncle Richard?”, Amy asked.
“That's my dad's brother and Mary's father.”, I replied. “He's a lawyer.”
“Do we need to go that far?”
“I think it would be a good thing to get his opinion.”, my mother said.
We sat there and listened to my mother explain to my Uncle Richard what had happened, and of course it included me being dressed as Tammy. Then we heard my mother say, “Yes. He's still dressing as a girl, and that's who the roommate saw Amy kissing.”
I thought, ‘Not someone else knowing about me. Well, Uncle Richard did know about the accident, and maybe he knows about the things that Mary and I have done.’
Then my mother listened some more, and then she said, “I think he will if it's necessary.”
They talked a little more, then my mother said goodbye, and hung up.
She walked back over to the kitchen table, sat down, looked at us, and said, “Your Uncle Richard just happens to be friends with the lawyer who is the chief counsel for the university, and he's going to talk to him about it. He's also going to mention the possibility of a defamation of character suit against the girl. He also said, that until this is all done, that Amy shouldn't have any contact with this girl.
“He also said that there is a hearing board, that’s made up of a couple of students, a couple of faculty members, and someone from the administration. And they hear disputes between students. And that if it goes that far that he’ll go with you. And Tammy should also be there.”
“What!?”, I said.
“He thinks that it would just be good if you were there. Hopefully, you wouldn't have to say much if anything. Though he doesn’t think that it will go that far.”
“I hope not. But if it does, I’ll go.”
I looked at Amy, and she was crying. I said, “Amy. Please don’t cry. We’ll get this all straightened out.”
She looked at me, and said, “It’s all my fault for insisting that Tammy go with me.”
“No. It’s mine for liking to dress as a girl. We’ll work this out together.”
She gave me a little smile, and said, “I love you.”
“I love you too.”
My mother gave her fake little cough, and said, “Kids.”
“Mom. Did that surprise you or something?”
“Yes and no. Yes, I was surprised to hear you say it to each other, especially in front of me. No, I wasn't surprised that you did say it because I know in my heart that you do love each other.
“Amy, I think we need to call your parents.”
“Yeah.”, Amy said. “I guess we'd better.”
When they had gone home, Amy’s parents had driven straight through. So they were back home when my mother and Amy called them. Both my mother and Amy spoke with them. And they weren't happy with the whole thing.
When I heard Amy say, “Mother. Don't you dare blame Tommy. It was all my fault.” I knew that they were unhappy. Then I heard Amy say, “I love you too mom. And yes, Mrs. Young will be with me through this.”
My mother took the phone, and said, “Yes I will Betty I’ll be here for Amy. She’s like a daughter to me.”
They talked a little longer, and after they hung up, Amy looked at me, and said, “I can’t be near Jill, so I can’t go back to that dorm.”
“All of your things are there.”, I said.
“I know. And I don’t have a place to stay. I can’t ask Maria. They don’t have a spare room. The other night, I shared her bed with her.”
“Honey.”, my mother said. “We have a spare room, and you are more than welcome to stay with us.”
Amy and I both looked at my mother, and together we said, “What!”
“As I’ve already said, while you’re here going to school here, our house is your house.”
“Mom.”, I said. “Really?”
“Thank you, Mrs. Young.”, Amy said. “That's so wonderful. What do I do about my things at the dorm? Tommy's Uncle Richard said that I shouldn't have any contact with Jill. And I need my books and clothes.”
“We can just go and get ‘em.”, I said.
“I guess we could do that.”, my mother said. “As long as I’m with you.”
We did get all of Amy's things. Mom, Amy, and I took the station wagon over to Amy's dorm. Amy told the Resident Assistant that she was moving out, and we were there to help her. The Resident Assistant filled out some forms and had Amy sign them.
I wasn't allowed to go up to Amy's room but could be in the lobby. So, as mom and Amy brought everything down, I carried it out to the car.
I did see a group of five girls walk up to Amy, and start talking to her. I was about ready to go and intervene, but it looked like the girls were talking in a friendly way. All five of the girls hugged Amy.
As we were putting the last things in the car, Amy's roommate, Jill, walked up to the dorm. I watched as Amy and Jill glared at each other. Jill started to say something, and Amy cut her off with, “Be careful. My lawyer says we already have a good case for a defamation of character lawsuit against you.”
Amy then turned her back on Jill and just sat down in the car. I watched as Jill’s eyes became big, and her face turned red. When I was in the car, I said to Amy, “You handled that well.”
Then I asked, “Who were those five girls?”
“They're all first-year nursing students.”, Amy replied. “I met them during orientation. They'd heard what Jill was saying, and they were worried that I was dropping out of school when they saw that I was moving out of the dorm. I told them what was going on, and that I'd never let a ditz like her get to me. And they were happy that I wasn't going to let Jill get to me.”
We drove back to the house and started moving Amy's things into the spare room. After we had everything in, Amy and I were standing in her room, and she said, “Hold me.”
I took her in my arms and just held her. I could tell that she was quietly crying. I’d been holding her for a while when my mother walked into the room. Saw us, and said, “Ah. Sorry kids.”
Amy wiped the tears from her eyes, turned, looked at my mom, and said, “That’s okay Mrs. Young.”
“Honey. As long as your living here, it’s mom.”
“Okay, mom. I just needed … ”
“Honey. There's no need to explain. You've had a very rough day and just needed a hug. Maybe a special hug.”
Then, as she handed Amy a key to the house, she said, “Here’s your key to the house. I know that you and Tommy will probably be going in and out together, but you may need it.
“Now, you two, there are some simple house rules. The first being, you are not to be in each other's room with the door closed. And secondly, if you are in one of your rooms together, both feet are to be on the floor at all times.”
“Mom!”, I said. “We’re both eighteen.”
“Like I said, house rules.”
Amy and I said, “Yes mother.”
The rest of the day, was well, the rest of the day. Amy was down, and I did my best to cheer her up. And I guess I wasn’t doing a good job. Right after a late lunch, Amy had gone to the bathroom, and I said to my mom, “I’ve tried everything that I can think of to cheer her up. And nothing is working. Is there anything else that I can do?”
“Sometimes these things just take time.”, my mom replied. “But you know what your father does?”
“No. What?”
“Flowers. What kind of flowers?”
“Oh. Most any kind. I especially love it when dad gets me roses. She might too.”
“Long stem red roses.”
“You think?”
“Girls love them. So it couldn’t hurt.”
“Tell Amy that I’ll be right back.”
A short time later I found my mother and Amy sitting on the porch. I walked up to Amy and laid the box of flowers on her lap. I saw my mother smile. Amy looked up at me, and said, “What's this?”
“Open it and see.”, I replied.
She slowly opened the box, looked at the flowers, looked at me, and said, “Why?”
“Read the card.”
She opened the envelope, read the card, stood up, set the flowers down, wrapped her arms around my neck, looked me in the eyes, and said, “Tommy. The roses are wonderful. I just love you so much.”
Before I could say anything, she kissed me.
I sensed my mother get up and go into the house. We kissed for a very long time. When we broke the kiss, Amy, with her arms still around my neck, asked, “Why?”
“Why what?”, asked.
“Why the flowers?”
“You read the card.”
“Tell me.”
“Amy. I love you more than life itself.”
We just held each other for a long time. Then we heard the phone ring. A few minutes later my mother came back on the porch, she sat down, and said, “Kids. That was your Uncle Richard.”
Amy and I just looked at her. She sat down, and said, “Sit down.”
As we sat down, I asked, “Is it that bad?”
“No.”, mom said, “He spoke with his friend at the university, and has just heard back from him. He said that the University wasn’t happy to hear about the incident. That they felt that the girl had no right to spread rumors the way she did. And they said that they are going to talk with her.
“They also heard that Amy had moved out of her dorm room, and they offered to find her another room, even a single, or refund her room and board fees. He thinks that some of this is to try and stop the possibility of the defamation of character lawsuit happening.
“He wasn’t happy that we went over and moved your stuff out. But he understood why we did it.”
I felt Amy relax for the first time today. We sat there for a couple of minutes, then very quietly Amy asked, “Mom. Can I still stay here?”
“Honey. You are more than welcome.”
We called Amy’s mom and dad, and they were happy to hear that everything had been straightened out so quickly. And the first thing my father said when he walked into the house after work was, “Whose roses?”
Amy said, “Mine. Tommy gave them to me.”
“After today, I guess you needed and deserved them.”
“Who told you?”
“Mrs. Young. She needed my input.”
“Oh, mom told you. That's okay.”
“I also hear that we have a boarder.”
Amy with a little smile said. “Yeah. I guess you're stuck with me, daddy.”
“I guess if I’m your dad, we can’t charge you room and board. Can we?”
“Yes, you can. Since I’m getting my room and board fees back from the university, I want to help.”
“We’ll see.”
After dinner, Amy and I had just finished cleaning up the dishes, and I said, “I have something to show you.”
“What?”, Amy asked.
“Come with me.”
She followed me to my room, and I said, “Have a seat on my bed.”
As she sat on my bed, she said, “Remember the rules?”
“I know.”
“So, what do you want me to see?”
“Be right back.”
I went to my closet and took a cardboard box off the shelf. No, not the one that had contained Tammy's things. Besides most of that stuff, that I could still wear, was in my chest of drawers. I took the box over, sat next to Amy, and set the box on her lap.
She looked at it, and said, “What’s this?”
“Open it.”, I said.
She took the top off of the box, looked inside, and said, “You didn’t?”
“Of course I did. Why wouldn’t I? Any time that I was down, I’d take out a couple of your letters and read them. Your letters were like you were here. And all the cards and pictures that you sent are in there too.”
“Know something?”
“I did the same thing. Your letters are in a box in my closet back home.”
“Did you see what was inside the lid?”
As she looked at the inside of the lid, she said, “No I ... Oh, Tommy! That’s so sweet. You still have that first picture that I gave you.”
“Of course.”
We hugged each other. Then we kissed.
The next day was the first day of classes. Amy and I had checked our schedules, and we didn’t have any of the same classes. Both of us did have our first class today at nine, my last class was at two, and Amy’s was at three. So, we agreed to meet for lunch and then I’d meet her where she had her last class. This became our routine.
The first weeks of classes were great. Both Amy and I got into the swing of college life. At least as much college life that you could get into living at home. We went to football games and a couple of the after game parties. The Greek societies were doing rush, so we were invited to some of those, but we quickly found out that fraternity and sorority life wasn't our thing.
Of our friends that went to college, which was most of them, only five of us were going here, Larry Thomas, Maria Martinelli, Mark Roberts, Amy, and me. So, we saw them on a regular basis and did things with them. They weren't dating each other, but other people. So at times, there were four, six, or eight of us doing things together.
I was still working part-time for my Uncle Mark, so I had some good spending money. And I was able to put some of it away. I was planning something.
I’m glad that I’d found a beater car to drive to school. Because shortly after I’d gotten the car, we were leaving school and found a big scratch on the driver’s side door. To put it mildly, if this had happened to the ‘57 Chevy, I would have been unhappy. Very unhappy.
One day, during our fourth week of classes, we'd just finished lunch and were walking across campus. We stopped at a secluded spot and shared a kiss. Amy asked, “Honey. Where's Tammy been?”
“I don't know.”, I replied. “School has been busy.”
“Tommy. Come on. It’s not that busy.”
“I know.”
“What’s wrong?”
“She's just caused a lot of trouble, and … ”
She placed one finger on my lips, then took my hands in hers, looked me in the eyes, and said, “Tommy. You need to be her. Don’t you?”
I just nodded yes.
“So, just do it.”
“I don’t know. I don’t want Tammy to cause any more trouble.”
“Honey. She won’t. What happened was just one of those things. I think both of us have learned from it. You know we both love it when Tammy is here.”
“I know. But ... But why do you like it so much?”
“I find it very interesting. I have a good looking boyfriend that also makes a beautiful girlfriend. Watching the transformation is amazing. And it is a transformation. You become the girl. My boyfriend disappears, and this fun-loving girl is in his place. Besides, it makes you happy. Doesn’t it?”
“Then it makes me happy.”
“That’s funny. That’s what my mother says.”
She smiled, and said, “Oh. See we both love to see you happy.”
“Are you ever going to get tired of it?”
“I’m never going to get tired of you. So I'll never get tired of Tammy.”
“Okay. I guess she can come back this weekend.”
“I’d love to see her.”
Saturday, Amy and I didn’t have any plans other than an early morning walk and to study. My parents would be off to a banquet of some sort, and wouldn’t be back until late. So, Amy and I would be fixing our dinner. So, after lunch, I disappeared for a little while to find Tammy.
Amy and I had planned to study, so I went with a comfortable look. Of course, there was the mandatory panty and bra with forms. Then came the pair of black peg pants, and a cute sweater. The ever-present fine chain necklace with a heart on it. The ear cuff earrings. A couple of rings, and a bracelet. And as I always do, I took my wig and makeup case to my parent's room and sat at my mother's vanity. I carefully put my wig on and brushed it into a nice look. Then I just used a little eyebrow pencil, a light coating of mascara, and some pink lipstick. Then I slipped on my glasses. I returned the smile that I was seeing from the girl in the mirror.
I took my makeup case back to my room and headed out into the house. My parents were still home, so I stopped in the living room to talk with them for a few minutes. Then I went to where I figured I'd find Amy. I heard some soft music coming from the den, and that's where she was. As I walked in, she looked up, smiled, and said, “There's my best girlfriend.”
Of course, I smiled back, and just said, “Hi.”
“You look very nice and comfortable.”
“Thanks. I figured that we’d be studying, and I wanted to be comfortable.”
“You do relax when you’re like this. Don’t you?”
“I do. It’s funny how it happens.”
“Sit and join me.”
She was sitting at one end of the couch reading, and I had some reading to do, so I sat at the other end. And we did study.
We'd studied for about an hour when I noticed her sitting there looking at me. I looked at her, and asked, “Is something wrong?”
“Not a thing.”, she replied. “But I may have figured something out. Or at least I’m starting to.”
“What’s that?”
“Why it’s so easy for you to look so good as a girl.”
“Well, you are short, maybe only one or two inches taller than I am.”
“Don’t remind me. I’m shorter than any of the guys that I know.”
“And a couple of the girls.”
I frowned at her, and said, “Oh. Be quiet.”
“But, you’re also cuter than any of our guy friends and most of the girls that we know. You have a cute nose. You’re thin, and your bone structure isn't heavy. Your waist is slim. Your skin is soft. Your hands aren't big. Though your hips aren't a girl's hips, they're narrow. But you do have very nice legs. In fact, you have legs that some girls would kill for, they're long and shapely.”
“Thanks. I think.”
“Honey. Think of it as a gift. A gift that helps you bring out your feminine side.”
“You’re right. I can’t change it, so I guess I should enjoy it.”
“How about, we enjoy it. And you also have high cheekbones. And I don’t think I’ve ever known you to shave. Every time I’ve touched your face, it’s smooth and soft.”
“I guess you could blame the cheekbones and not having to shave on my grandmother.”
“Your grandmother. Why?”
“She’s a full-blooded Navajo.”
“That also explains your somewhat darker coloring. And it’s just about the same as your mom's. But you have blue eyes and blond hair.”
“I know. Since my mother has black hair and brown eyes, I guess we can blame my dad for the blue eyes and blond hair.”
“And that smile of yours. You also smile as easily as a girl does.”
“It’s nothing compared to that contagious smile of yours.”
“There’s just something about your mannerisms, when you’re Tammy, that I can’t figure out. They’re all girl. There’s no sign of Tommy anywhere. How do you do it?”
“Maybe my Cousin Mary instilled them in me. When I was younger, we were together a lot, and when I was Tammy, she was always on me to be feminine. And boy would she correct me if I did anything that wasn’t feminine.
“She always told me to think positive. To believe in who I am, and show it. Walk with your head up, chest out, and an attitude. She also has this saying, ‘Be a girl with a mind, a bitch with an attitude, and a lady with class.’ She also told me that the most important thing was to be confident. I think some of what she told me sunk in.”
Amy smiled, and said, “I think a lot more of what Mary did sunk in then you think it did. But I also think there’s more to it.”
Then Amy just went back to reading. I looked at her, and thought, 'Was there more to Tammy than what Mary and I had done? And does Amy see it?'
A little while later, I asked, “Would you like something cold to drink?”
“Sure.”, she replied. “I’ll go with you.”
We walked to the kitchen, and she grabbed a couple of cold Cokes out of the refrigerator. I opened them and handed one back to her. Just then my mother and father walked into the kitchen on their way out. My mother said, “Hi girls, don't forget to make something for dinner, and don't wait up. We'll probably be late.”
“Mom. Dad.”, Amy said, “Can I ask you two something?”
“Sure honey.”, my mother replied.
“You both accept Tommy’s feminine side so easily. Why?”
“Like you, I love him very much.”, my mother said. “Tammy is just a part of him, and being his mother, I love everything about him. I’ve watched this part of him grow from the first time he and I talked about it back when he was twelve.
“Over time something told me that there was more there than curiosity, maybe a little femininity in the boy. As time went by I found that there was more than a little. I also sense something special about him. I’m not sure what it is, but there’s something there.
“To be honest, when I see Tammy, I see a daughter. I also sometimes wonder if Tommy is just a part of Tammy. Also, I guess I'm just very liberal. In a live and let live sort of way.”
“Thanks, mom.”
Then my dad said, “Amy. Like what his mother said, Tammy is a part of him. And his curiosity has gotten the best of him with this. At first, it was hard for me to understand his need to dress as a girl. But after talking to his mother at length about it. I started to realize what he was about.
“Seeing Tammy with you, I see two girls together. It’s interesting seeing him being able to be a girl and enjoy it. Then also being a boy. I guess I have an interesting and complicated child.
“I’ve also spoken with a colleague who is a clinical psychologist, and he agreed with Tom’s mother. It’s just a part of him. My colleague also said that there is more and more research being done on this.”
“Thanks, dad. That was interesting.”
After my parents had left, I asked Amy, “What’s with all the questions?”
“Honey.”, she replied. “You know that I love you very much. I just want to try and understand you as best I can. The more I talk with your mom, dad, and you, the more I understand.”
I smiled, as I said, “Curious Amy.”
“I have about another hour of studying to do. Then we can make dinner.”
“Sounds good.”
So, we spend another hour studying. Then we put together a nice dinner. Not a candlelight one, but a good dinner for a couple of college students.
After dinner, we sat and cuddled on the couch in the den, and watched a little television. About a half an hour later the front doorbell rang. We looked at each other, and I said, “I wonder who the heck that is?”
“Only one way to find out.”, Amy said.
Pointing at myself, I said, “Ah. How am I dressed?”
“Don’t worry. I’ll get rid of whoever is there.”
“Okay. I guess. I’ll come with you and stand behind the door.”
We walked up to the door, Amy turned on the front porch light and peeked out. She said, “It's Maria, and it looks like she's crying. I can't send her away.”
Amy opened the door, and she was right, Maria was standing there crying. Amy asked, “Maria. Honey. What’s wrong?”
And they hugged. Then Maria said, “I've ... I've been trying to call you all evening, and the phone's been busy. Al ... Al broke up with me today. And I needed to talk with someone.”
“Oh, honey! No. Come on in.”
I felt bad for Maria, she and Al had been dating for a little while. But here I am looking like Tammy.
Maria walked in, and said, “Thanks. I just need someone to talk to.”
“Sure honey.”, Amy said. “Let's go into the den and sit. Then we can talk.”
Maria then noticed me hiding behind Amy, and asked, “Who ... Who’s this?”
“Oh.”, Amy replied. “This is Tammy. Tom’s cousin. Tammy this is Maria.”
“Oh yeah. I've heard about her. Hi, Tammy.”
“Hi, Maria.”, I whispered.
“Where’s Tommy?”
Amy thought quick, and said, “Oh. ... He’s out with his parents.”
Amy guided Maria into the den, and she and Maria sat on the couch, and after I turned off the television, I sat on one of the overstuffed chairs. The lights in the room were turned down, so I was hoping that Maria wouldn’t get a good look at me.
Maria went on to tell Amy that Al had just told her it was over and didn’t give her a reason. He wouldn’t talk with her no matter how she pleaded with him. She’d been trying to call us all evening, and our phone had been busy, so she walked over here.
I went and checked all of the telephone extensions in the house. I found the one in my mom and dad's room off the cradle. I put it back on the cradle, waited a few seconds, then checked for a dial tone, and it was there.
I went back to the den where Amy was still trying to comfort Maria, and I said, “It was the phone in mom and dad’s room. It was knocked off the cradle.”
Amy just looked at me a little funny. And I realized what I’d said. I’d mentioned mom and dad's room, not my aunt and uncle's room. Hopefully, Maria didn't pick up on it.
Amy suggested that I get the three of us something cold to drink. I went to the kitchen and took three drinks out of the refrigerator, and took them back to the den, and I handed one to Amy and one to Maria. Maria gave me a strange look but didn't say anything.
I went back and sat in my chair. After more talking, Amy took Maria to the bathroom to clean up. I sat there wondering if Maria had figured out who I was.
The girls were gone for what I thought was an unusually long time. When they came back, Maria looked a little better. They sat back down, and Maria continued to look at me.
Finally, Amy looked at me, and said, “Ah honey.”
I knew right then and there what she was going to say.
“What?”, I asked.
“Don’t be mad. Maria figured out who you are.”
“Oh God.”
“Honey. Don’t worry. Maria is a friend.”
“I know. I just didn’t want anyone else to know I was doing this.”
“Tom.”, Maria said. “Amy filled me in on some things. And I still don’t believe what I’m seeing. If you hadn’t slipped up and mentioned the phone in your mom and dad’s room, instead of the one in your aunt and uncle’s room, I don’t think I would have ever known it was you.”
“So, it was what I said about the phone that gave me away??”
“Yes. After that, I took a real good look at you. If I didn’t know Tom so well, I would never have figured it out. But there was just something. I’d also remembered the time you were in the car accident and you were dressed like a girl.
“Then, when Amy and I went into the bathroom I asked her, and she told me.”
“Honey.”, Amy said. “Don’t worry. She’s a good friend, and wouldn’t hurt either of us.”
“So, your not going to freak out?”, I asked.
“Freak out over what?”, Maria asked.
“Me dressing in girl’s things.”
“No. It’s kind of strange seeing you sitting here looking and sounding so much like a girl. And no it’s not freaking me out. Understanding it, not so much. But you are who you are.”
“Larry saw me that one time. Why didn’t he see it and you did? He and I have been friends for a lot longer than you, and I have.”
I saw Maria smile a little, as she said, “First he’s a boy, and he was seeing a beautiful girl. And he probably didn’t get a hint as I did. Second, he was thinking with Mr. Happy rather than with his brain. Believe me. He wasn't looking at your face. And he's been telling everyone that Tom has a real fox for a cousin. If Larry were ever to figure this out, he would freak out big time.”
We had a good laugh over it.
We then sat there, and Amy and I tried to explain to Maria a little more about me. At first, she was a bit puzzled by all of it, but then started to understand it a little bit. Then Maria asked, “You don't go out looking like this. Do you?”
Amy smiled, and said, “I know you heard about my old roommate telling everyone that I was a lesbian because she caught me kissing a girl in our dorm room.”
“Yeah. I did.”, Maria said. “No! Don’t tell me.”
Pointing at me, Amy said, “Meet the girl.”
“That is so funny. So, you do go out.”
“Yes, she does. From what I hear from her Cousin Mary, she loves to shop.”
“Gee. Do I have a new girlfriend to go shopping with?”
I sat back in my chair, and said, “Do you want a girlfriend like me?”
“Why not. From what I’m seeing, you’re cute. You like to shop. Amy loves you. So, you can’t be all that bad.”
“Okay by me.”, Amy said. “As long as you don’t try to steal her.”
“No thanks. I don’t want a boyfriend that is that complicated, and looks better than I do.”
“Maria. I’m not prettier than you.”, I said.
“Go look in a mirror and tell yourself that. I don’t know how you do it, but as Larry put it, you are a fox. I wouldn’t have known it if it hadn’t been for your comment about the telephone. And then a closer, much closer, look.”
To change the subject, I said, “Why don’t we finish talking about Maria’s problem with Al. If Maria would like I, or really Tom, would be willing to try and talk with Al to find out what’s going on.”
“I don’t know if that would help.”, Maria said. “It was just so strange. Yesterday everything was great, and all of sudden today it was all different. I was starting to like him. Really like him.”
Maria started to cry again, and as Amy went to hold her, she looked at me with a sly smile. A smile that told me that she was planning something.
When Maria calmed down, Amy asked, “Is there another girl?”
“I don’t think so.”, Maria replied. “I think I would have sensed something. Everything was fine.”
“We need to find someone that he’ll talk to.”
“I don’t think he’d talk to anyone that we both know.”
“So, it would have to be someone that might know that you broke up, but that he doesn’t know.” Amy looked at me out of the corner of her eye.
I think I know where this is going. And it was beginning to scare me. I shook my head slowly no.
“Yeah.”, Maria said. “But there isn’t anyone.”
“Maybe there is someone.”, Amy said.
“Oh. Maybe Tammy.”
As Amy and Maria looked at me, I shook my head no, and said, “No way!”
“Honey. What guy wouldn’t talk to you.”
“You keep telling me, that guys won’t talk to me because I’m so pretty.”
“But you’d be starting the conversation.”
“Every time I go on campus it causes trouble.”
“You’ve only been there once.”
“Exactly my point.”
“Honey. Maria’s your friend. Don’t you want to help her?”
“Sure I do. But in some other way.”
“Tammy.”, Maria said. “Please. I know if you approach him the right way that he’ll talk to you.”
“Ganging up on me won’t work. First of all, my voice, as a girl, isn’t good.”
“It’s better than you think it is.”, Amy replied.
Maria added. “You sound very nice.”
“We just need to get the rough edges off.”
Still trying to get out of this, I said, “I wouldn’t know what to say or how to say it.”
“Maria and I can also work with you on that.”, Amy said.
“But ... But ... “
“Tammy. Please.”, Maria said. “Good or bad, I have to know what happened.”
I walked out of the room, and into the living room. And I just stood there and thought for a little while. Then I walked back into the den, I looked at the two girls, and said, “It's against my better judgment. But, all right, I'll do it.”
They both smiled, then Maria said, “Thank you. I’ll owe you big time.”
Amy walked over to me, and said, “I love you.” Then she gave me a deep kiss.
After a short time, Maria said, “Take it to the bedroom you two.”
Amy broke the kiss, looked over her shoulder, and said, “Not yet.”
“You two haven’t?”
“Oh. Okay. That surprises me. And I never thought that I’d enjoy seeing two girls kiss like that. That was hot.”
“Stop being so bad.”
“You guys have never done it?”
“Maria.”, I said. “Making love to Amy will be wonderful when it happens. We have a relationship that doesn’t need that to hold it together. It will happen when it happens.”
Amy kissed me on the cheek.
It was late, so Amy and I drove Maria back to her house, and when we arrived back at my house, my parents were home. We told them about Maria, and my mother was concerned for her.
The next day, I told Amy, “I don’t know if I can pull off this stunt.”
“What? Talking to Al?”, she asked.
“Yeah. I’m worried that in talking to him for any length of time that he’ll figure me out.”
“That’s why we’re going to work on your voice starting today, and by Friday you’ll feel better.”
“I’ll try.”
Amy decided that it would be best if I were Tammy while we worked on my voice, that it would put me in the correct mindset. So I was Tammy ever day after school for the next few days, and Maria was also with us every day. The two of them corrected me in everything that I said or did wrong. It wasn’t only with the way my voice sounded, but how I said things. My mother noticed that Tammy was here more than usual, and I told her a little fib. I told her, that my classes were starting to get a little rough, and that Tammy was helping me relax.
We also worked on what I was going to say to Al. Maria suggested that I approach him as someone that knew her, had heard that she and he had broken up, and come across like I might be interested in him. That bothered me. I’m not a girl, and besides, I don’t like boys. We knew that Friday would be the best day. Maria had said that Al always hung out in the student union lounge on Friday afternoons and that maybe the best place to find him. Of course, along with all of this boy in feminine training stuff, and Tom still had to go to class.
On Thursday evening, Amy said that she felt that I had accomplished a lot in less than a week. Maria also told us that my voice had become very good and that my speech was also very feminine. Amy told me that she knew my biggest concern was that by showing some interest in him, that he'd probably come on to me. So she said that she'd be close by, and get me out of it if it became too much.
Friday arrived a lot faster then I wanted it to, and we only had morning classes, so right after our last class, Amy and I headed home. I changed into Tammy, nothing sexy, but clothes like a co-ed would wear, well maybe a sexy co-ed. A pair of tight jeans, a tight sweater, a pair of flats, only a little jewelry, the wig, and the glasses. Amy did my makeup, and it was a little sexier than what I normally use.
My mother wasn’t home. She had gone out with some friends, so Amy and I took the station wagon. Along with my purse, I’d also grabbed a couple of Amy’s books and one of her pink notebooks, so that I could carry them with me and look a little more like a co-ed.
We’d parked the station wagon, and walked separately to the student union. I was getting nervous. I had the feeling that if I talked, that it wouldn’t come out right. But I’d promised Maria that I’d do this, so ...
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Might be getting in too deep.
This might work
and it could also backfire really badly. Let's hope luck is with them. If this occurred in the present day it would almost be a non issue unless they were at an evangelical college.
Ah. But we're talking the
Ah. But we're talking the 1960's.
Never mind.
Hope for the best?!?
I do not like the look of this, but hopefully it goes well.
I do believe both Amy and
I do believe both Amy and Maria need to be very close to Tammy and Al when they talk, because if someone else "clicks" on to who Tammy really is; it could be both very messy and physically dangerous for Tammy/Tommy.
Say What?
I'm like holding my breath here and hoping that our little girl doesn't get hurt with his trying to help out. From a guy's point of view from the 60's, a reason for breaking up was for one of two reasons. First, the guy found someone he wanted to pursue and didn't want a girlfriend to get in the way, or the guy felt he was being betrayed by his girlfriend as told to him by another 'friend' or guy. Just remember guys aren't the sharpest pencils at that time. There was no Dr. Phil or classes on sexuality per se. Guys believed guys before girls. Just saying, from a time traveler who knows the 60's..
Still can't wait to read the next chapter to see how Tammy pulls this off.
DR. PHIL! You've got to be
DR. PHIL! You've got to be kidding me. Yep. I know the 60's too. All too well.
One of Three ... No, Four! ... {Nobody expects...}
Or, and this was a big one, she wouldn't put out.
Or fourth, he realises he's gay himself and is so closeted that he doesn't want to even mention it to anyone.
Miss straight lace
So Jill isn't as straight lace as she would have others believe; she sounds more like the neighborhood gossip.
She is also an irrational girl, based on her not wanting to talk to Amy and let her explain. She is intolerant, period. She better own her own business because she'll never make it through the real world that makes up businesses. And she lucked out she isn't being served with papers for a court case against her. Hopefully the University put her on probation for her lack of decorum.
There's only one other way Amy and Tommy/Tammy can get any closer and they are wise enough to know not to rush into that activity. Amy and Tommy/Tammy may be the first couple Maria has known who haven't consummated their relationship.
Suddenly breaking off a relationship is very rough on one or both. But more so when the reason isn't known or one or the other won't say. Their idea of having Tammy talk to Al might work but it could also cause unexpected problems. Tommy has already been in the hospital following a serous accident, so if things go south in talking to Al it won't be an accident which might put him/her in the hospital. And if this happens Tammy's secret will be totally out in the open.
Others have feelings too.
and why wouldn't Tommy
and why wouldn't Tommy talking to Al work just as good