Tommy - The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl? - Chapter 11

The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl?

A Novel By Teddie S.

Copyright © 2017 Teddie S.
All Rights Reserved.

Chapter 11

Polly’s wedding.

Amy had said, “Remember. You’ll probably have to dance in them.”

I said, “What!?”

“Sure. It’s a wedding. Everyone will be dancing. And with the way you look, all of the guys will want to dance with you.”

“I’m not going.”


“I don’t want a bunch of guys manhandling me. Besides, I’ll be with you.”

“Honey. Remember I’m one of the bride’s maids, and I’ll be with the bridal party.”

I sat down hard on the bed, and said, “Now I’m really not going.”


“You’re my safety net, and you won’t be close. Besides, I don’t know how to dance like a girl.”

“I won’t be that far away. And we can work on your dancing.”

“So, I’ll be fair game for all the guys there.”

“Honey. You can act very aloof when you want to. You also have a way of saying, ‘Thank you. But no thanks.’ Without making the person feel bad. I’ll guarantee you that a lot of guys there won’t even talk to you, let alone approach you.”

“Why wouldn’t they talk to me?”

“Look in the mirror?”


“Just do it.”

I walked over and looked in the mirror on the vanity. Then I said, “Okay. Who am I supposed to be seeing?”

“Silly. What did Larry call you that one time?”

“What? A fox.”

“Yes. A fox.”

“Am not.”

“Sweetheart. You are. You've seen the guys when we've been out, look at you. How many have approached you?”

“Maybe one or two.”

“Know why?”


“Most guys will not approach or talk to a pretty girl. There’s just something about a cute girl that most guys have problems handling. Maybe it’s not wanting to be turned down.

“At the reception, everyone will want to dance. And they'll ask. You can say no, or just have some fun and dance.”

“Are you okay with it?”

“Yes. I hope you are too. I know I’ll at least be dancing with whoever my groomsman is, the groom, and probably others.”

“Oh. Well then, I guess you’re going to have to help me learn to dance like a girl.”


Amy worked with me dancing. She did a good job. And I was wearing the heels.

That night. Well, that night was wonderful. Going to bed with Amy, and after some extracurricular activity, just cuddling with her. Then waking up with her in my arms, was just amazing.

On Thursday we took a cab to the bridal shop. Polly and her mother were already there. Polly and Amy hugged like long lost sisters. Then Amy introduced me as her fiancee’s Cousin Tammy.

After chatting for a couple of minutes, I wandered away and started looking at the pretty things. Polly and Amy started talking as they waited for the lady from the shop to give Amy her fitting. I tried not to listen, but I couldn't help it.

Polly asked, “So, that’s Tom’s cousin?”

“Yeah.”, Amy said. “Their mothers are sisters.”

“Is he as handsome as she is pretty?”

“Yes. But Tammy doesn’t see herself as being as pretty as she really is.”

“But she’s gorgeous. She has to be a model?”

“No. She’s like me, a college student. And you won’t believe what she’s studying.”

“What. Boys?”

“No silly. She’s majoring in electrical engineering.”

“God. Pretty and smart. I bet she has the guys falling all over her.”

“Most guys are afraid to talk to her. You know guys, most of them are afraid to talk to pretty girls. Then when they find out how smart she is, they are completely lost.”

“Tell her to watch out for Bill Perry. He thinks he’s God’s gift to women.”

“He may meet his match in her. Besides, she has a boyfriend.”


“Yeah. They've known each other since grade school. He's a big guy and plays football for one of the Big Ten teams. And he doesn’t like other guys around her.”

“Oh. Maybe I should warn Bill.”

“Or, just stand back and watch the fun.”

With a little laugh, Polly said, “You are still just so bad.”

“You know it.”

The lady from the bridal shop finally took Amy back to try on her dress. A short time later, Amy walked back out in the most God awful dress that I’ve ever seen. It was floor length, had long sleeves, and a high neck. The worst part was, it was lime green with some sort of gold pattern. It looked like they had hung drapery material on her. And the matching hat was hideous. It was all I could do not to laugh.

Amy had her fitting, and there were a couple of little things that needed to be fixed. Her dress would be ready Friday in the early afternoon.

Polly and her mother took us back to the hotel. And as Amy and I walked into the hotel, I said, “That bridesmaid dress you had on was God awful.”

“I know.”, Amy said. “Polly apologized for them. She said, that she tried to talk her mother out of them, but couldn’t.”

“I’m glad I didn’t say anything. I thought that the bride usually chose those things.”

“Usually is right. You don’t know Polly’s mother. She is very controlling. I’m surprised that she didn’t choose who Polly is marrying.”

“Are you sure she didn’t.”

“Yes. Her mother was always setting her up with her choices of boys to date, and Polly wouldn’t go out with any of them. Her mother didn’t meet Brad until they became engaged. I was still living here when she told her mother, and there was a bunch of people around. I was one of those. And it wasn’t pretty.

“In fact it was ugly. I'm surprised that they just didn't elope. I have a feeling that the dresses are a payback.”

“That’s not very nice.”

“Her mother can be vindictive. The sad thing is Polly is a very nice person, and so is Brad. I have a feeling that after the wedding that Polly is going to disown her mother. Her dad, on the other hand, is really a great guy, and not seeing his daughter and grandchild would kill him.”

“Grandchild! ... Is Polly pregnant?”

“Yes. She just found out.”

That night Amy and I practiced making a baby. Something we hope to perfect over the next three or four years before we try for real. You know what they say, practice makes perfect.

Friday morning I woke up again cuddled with Amy. God, I love this girl.

I took a shower, and without much thought became Tammy.

As Amy was in the shower, I dressed. The new panties, my skin tight jeans, a cute blouse, and the new booties. Then I sat at the vanity and did my makeup. I used the less is more approach to makeup. Then I put the wig on and played around trying to find something that might look good.

As I was playing around with my hair, Amy had finished her shower and was standing in the doorway to the bathroom watching me. I saw her in the mirror, and said, “You spying on me?”

“No lover.”, Amy replied. “I’m just watching a pretty girl play with different looks with her hair.”

“I wish my real hair was longer so that I could do things with it.”

She walked over to me, gave me a little kiss, and said, “Be patient. It’s getting there.”

Then she slipped my glasses on me.

Just as we were going to go down for breakfast, the room phone rang. I answered it, “Hello.” ... “Oh hi Polly, no it’s Tammy. Hang on.”

As I handed the phone to Amy, I said, “It’s Polly.”

Amy took the phone, and said, “Hi Polly. What’s up?” ... “Yeah. Sure we can. We were just going down to breakfast.” ... “Fifteen minutes out front. We’ll be there.” … “Bye.”

“What was that all about?”, I asked.

“Polly needs to talk. She and Brad are picking us up, and we’re going out for breakfast. I guess it will really be brunch.”

“Any idea what’s going on?”

“No. But she sounded serious.”

Fifteen minutes later we were getting into Brad’s car, and Polly introduced Brad to us. Then we headed towards a nice little restaurant. When we arrived at the restaurant and were getting out of the car, I saw a guy get out of another car and wave at us. “Who’s that?”, I asked.

Brad replied, “That’s Phil. He’s my best friend and my best man.”

As we walked towards the restaurant, Polly made the introductions. The restaurant wasn’t busy at this hour, and they quickly seated us. After the waitress had taken our orders, Amy looked at Polly, and said, “All right girlfriend. What’s going on?”

Polly looked at Brad, took his hand, then took a deep breath, and said, “I’ve had it with my mother and this damn wedding. My dress is ugly, the bride’s maid’s dresses are hideous. She’s done this wedding the way she wanted, not the way I wanted. She’s just ruined this whole thing for us.

“My mother and I had a big fight last night, and I spent the night with Brad. Which probably made her even madder. And I really don’t care.

“So, Brad and I have decided to elope. We want the three of you to go with us.”

“What about your maid of honor?”, Amy asked.

“I like her. But I don’t trust her. I’m afraid if she knew that she’d run to my mother.”

“What about your father. Won’t this break his heart?”

“I think he’ll understand. We’re closer than my mother and I are. I’ll call him right after we’re married.”

“What about Brad’s parents.”

“That’s a long story. And they’re not here.”

“So, if we do this. When and where?”

“In about two hours, at a small Catholic church. The priest there is my confessor. I’ve had talks with him about the problems with my mother, and he’s helped me. We talked to him last night, and he agreed to marry us early this afternoon. It’ll be a mass, but a short one.”

“We’re not dressed for this.”

“You two look very nice. And this is what we’re wearing.”

“I’m not Catholic. Can I still stand up for you?”

“Yes. I asked the priest about that last night.”

Amy looked at me, and asked, “Tammy. What do you think?”

“I feel that marriage is a huge step, and the ceremony should be done the way the couple wants it done. After all, it's their day, really the bride's day, and it should be the way they want it. I feel sorry for you two right now, and your feelings are what's important. And, you need to do what you feel is right for you.”

The four of them just sat there and looked at me for a few seconds, then Polly said, “Tammy. Are you sure you’re not a philosophy major?”

“No. Just a lowly electrical engineering major.”

Phil gave me a strange look, then said, “You’re not?”

“Yep. With a minor in computers.”

Phil shook his head, and said, “I’m an E.E. major too. Why the computer minor?”

“From what I’ve been reading, they’re big now and only going to get bigger.”

“So Polly.”, Amy asked her. “Are you really going to do this?”

Polly looked at Brad, and together, they said, “Yes.”

We ate our brunch, then the five of us, in Brad’s car, headed to the small church. An hour after we arrived, Polly and Brad were married.

Soon after that, we were at a pay phone, and Polly was calling her dad. Brad was standing with her and also spoke with her dad. We couldn't hear what was said, but there were tears, laughs, and smiles.

When Polly and Brad were back in the car, Amy asked, “Well?”

“He was surprised that we hadn’t done it before now.”, Polly replied. “He’ll tell my mom, and I think he’s going to enjoy doing it. He hasn’t been happy with the way this whole thing was going.”

“Isn’t he out a lot of money?”

“Yeah. But my happiness is more important to my dad. And he wants us to meet him for an early dinner.”

“Okay, you can drop us … ”

“No. I said, us. All five of us. And dad is buying.”

"But we're not dressed for a fancy restaurant."

"Neither are we, and we're not changing."

We dropped Phil at his car, as he was meeting us at the restaurant that Polly’s dad had chosen.

We drove to the restaurant, and it was a really upscale one. As we walked in, I felt out of place. I had on skin tight jeans, a nice blouse, and the new booties. And Amy was in a similar outfit. Everyone that I saw in the restaurant was in suits and dresses. I looked at Amy, and said, “I need to freshen my makeup.”

She walked with me into the ladies room, and it was gorgeous. Paintings on the wall, comfortable places to sit, a sit-down place, with nice chairs, to do your makeup, and background music. I sat at the makeup table and started on my makeup, and Amy did the same. I said, “I really feel out of place here.”

“Me too.”, Amy said. “I guess, do your makeup for an evening look, add a little perfume, and when we walk out there and act like we own the place.”

“I guess.”

We walked out of the ladies room and told the maitre d' that we were with the Smyth party, and he led us over to the table. Polly, her dad, Brad, and Phil were there. As we walked up, Polly's dad stood, and hugged Amy, and said, “Amy it's so good to see you again.”

“It’s good to see you again too, Mr. Smyth.”

Looking at me, Polly’s father said, “And who is this young lady.”

“Tammy this is Mr. Smyth. Mr. Smyth, this is my fiancee’s cousin Tammy.”

I held out my hand, he took it, held it, and said, “So, my dear what do you do?”

“I’m going to college.”, I replied.

“That’s nice. What are you studying? Nursing, education, or ... ?”

“No, sir. I'm an Electrical Engineering major.

Then he said, “A woman entering a man’s world. Aren’t you afraid of doing that?”

“Sir.”, I said. “One day women will be doing the same jobs as men. And they will be accepted for their skills. They will work alongside men. They will even be police officers, firemen, doctors, business owners, and maybe even the President. And they will do it for equal pay.”

“My. A pretty lady with an attitude. I like you.”

“Thank you, sir. I like you too.”

The wine steward arrived with a bottle of wine, which Mr. Smyth tasted and approved. Then the wine steward poured us each a glass of wine.

“Mr. Smyth. Sir.”, I said. “Neither Amy or I drink.”

“My dear. Please, just this one time. I want you to join us in a toast to the newlyweds.”, Mr. Smyth replied.

With that, he stood up, looked at Polly and Brad, and said, “I would like to propose a toast to my daughter and her new husband. May your marriage be full of happiness, love, and last for eternity. And may all your wishes come true.” He raised his glass, and said, “To Polly and Brad.”

We all lifted our glasses, and said, “Polly and Brad.” I took my first sip of wine. Not bad. But, I noticed Polly didn’t drink any of the wine.

There was applause from other patrons in the restaurant. I looked at Polly, and she was crying, and she said, “Daddy. I love you.”

We sat and talked some more. Then I saw Polly’s eyes get big, and she said, “Daddy. Why is mother here?”

“Honey.”, he said. “Give her a chance. I read her the riot act.”

“I don’t know. I don’t know if I’m ready to talk to her yet.”

“For me?”

Polly's mother walked up to the table and sat next to her husband. Polly wouldn't even look at her. When our salads were brought to the table, Polly and her mother had started talking. Her mother admitted that she had made a huge mistake by acting the way she did. By the time dessert was on the table, it appeared that Polly and her mother had made up. They all had agreed to continue with the reception, but not the wedding ceremony, as Polly refused to wear her wedding gown, and she didn't want her bride maids to wear the hideous dresses that her mother had chosen.

Right after dessert, Polly’s mother excused herself as she had a lot of phone calls to make. The rest of us sat and talked for a short time, then Polly and Brad took us back to our hotel.

We walked into our room, and as I laid down on the bed, I said, “This was a very interesting day.”

“Very.”, Amy said. “And stressful.”

“It would be interesting to hear what Mrs. Smyth is telling all of those people that she’s calling.”

“I wonder who's going to be at the church tomorrow to tell everyone that they can't get in touch with tonight?”

“Now.”, Amy said. “What the heck am I going to wear to the reception tomorrow.”

“We’re the same size. So, how about my new dress.”, I replied.

“You’ll need that.”

“I can stay here.”

“No. I want you to go.”

“Why. So, you can see how I’d handle Bill Perry?”, I added with a little grin.

“You were listening when Polly and I were talking?”

“Uh huh.”


“For what?”

“For being bad.”

I sat up, grabbed her, pulled her down on the bed, and said, “Show me how bad you can be.”

And she showed me how bad she could be.

Saturday was supposed to be a crazy day, the bride and bride maids were supposed to get together and have their hair done, then go to the church before the scheduled two o'clock wedding and get dressed. Of course, none of this happened.

So, Amy and I slept in, at least we had planned to, and we did until the room phone rang. In a very sleepy way, I said, “Hello.” ... “Oh. Polly. Hi, Polly. What time is it.” ... “Nine.” ... “Hold on.”

Then, I said, “Amy. Amy. Wake up. It’s Polly.”

Amy took the phone, and said, “Hi Polly.” ... “We were going to sleep in. But we don’t have any plans.” ... “Yeah. That might be fun.” ... “Give us a chance to get up and get some breakfast.” ... “Yeah. Ten-thirty should work.” ... “Okay. Bye.”

Shaking me, Amy said, “Come on up and at ‘em. Polly and Brad are picking us up at ten-thirty.”

That started us in a mad scramble to shower, get dressed, put on makeup, and have breakfast. At ten-thirty we were standing out in front of the hotel, and a couple of minutes later Polly and Brad drove up.

A short time later we were standing outside the first mall in America. We spent the day there, shopping, watching a movie, and having lunch. I felt sorry for Brad having to put up with three girls shopping, but he was happy with the subject of the movie.

Later we were getting ready for the reception, which was a sit-down dinner, and Amy was putting on the dress that we'd gotten for me. She looked so pretty in that dress. Other than both of us being very slim, and her being a real girl and me a real boy, the only real difference between Amy and me, is our height. I'm a whole two inches taller than she is. So, there's a lot of clothes that we could share, but we never have.

She looked lovely in the navy blue midi dress that we'd bought, and with the heels on she was a little taller than I was. I'd put on my pink suit, with a white blouse. The suit, of course, was pink and had a straight skirt that hit right at my knees. A pink jacket with two rows of buttons. And my tan heels.

With our makeup, we both went with an evening look. Some jewelry, and some nice perfume. Amy did her hair in a nice fancy look. I asked her if she could put my hair into that high-end ponytail style that Helen had done. Amy fussed with my wig a little and was able to put it into the low ponytail style with strands of hair in front of my ears.

We stood side by side and looked at ourselves in the mirror. Amy said, “Two sexy, sophisticated, girls going out for the night.”

I said, “That worries me.”



“Don’t worry. You can handle yourself. Do you remember what your cousin told you?”

“Yeah. To think positive. To believe in who I am, and show it. Walk with my head up, chest out, and an attitude.”

“There was more. Wasn’t there?”

“There was?”

“How about, be a girl with a mind, a bitch with an attitude, and a lady with class. Just think that way and everything will be just fine.”

Amy and I rode the elevator to the lobby and walked over to the ballroom where the reception was going to be. We looked around and saw that there was a table set up for the bridal party, and enough other tables for about one-hundred people. The reception was to be a sit-down dinner.

My problem was, I was going to be sitting with people that I didn’t know. And Amy wasn’t going to be with me.

We walked around and noticed that the bridal party had place tags at their seats. Amy was sitting next to the maid of honor, who of course was sitting next to Polly. So, at least she wasn't sitting next to some guy.

As more people came in, they found seats. I kept looking for a good place to sit. Amy was talking with Polly. So, I was by myself. And nervous. Finally, I found a place, and there was one couple and what looked to be three single girls sitting there. That left two open seats. I sat down and introduced myself to everyone. I found out that the couple were friends of the grooms, and the three girls were the girlfriends of three of the groomsmen.

After a bit, I saw one of the girls look behind me, and whisper, “Oh no. Not Bill.” Someone pulled out the empty chair next to me out. I looked over, and a guy was standing there. He wasn't too bad looking if you like guys. He smiled and said, “Hi everyone. Is this seat taken?”

No one said anything, so I said, “No.”

“Good. It is now.”

He sat down and looked at me, then said, “Hi. I’m Bill Perry.”

‘Oh God no.’, I thought. I was going to try and be nice, so I said, “Hi. I’m Tammy Young. I take it you know everyone else here?”

“Oh yes. Hi everyone.”

One of the girls said, in a very cold way, “Hi Bill.”

At that point, they started serving dinner. It was salad, a nice steak, potatoes, and vegetables.

Through the whole meal, Bill kept talking to me in a way that made me think that he was more than interested in me. What Polly had told Amy about him thinking he was God's gift to women, was right. He was really a self-centered, egotistical, ass.

Just as the best man was finishing his speech, I felt a hand on my knee. I turned to Bill, looked him in the eyes, and in a not very quiet way, said, “Listen, buddy. I don't know who the hell you think you are, but get your hand off of my knee. I'm not a piece of meat to be manhandled by the likes of you. I'm a person, a woman, a lady, and I want to be treated like one.

“You’ve been hitting on to me all evening. And I don’t like it. I don’t want to be a one night stand for the likes of you.”

Showing him my engagement ring, I added, “I have a fiancee, and he’s twice your size, and twice the man that you’ll ever be. So, buddy, I suggest that you take a hike. Now!”

He just looked at me like a deer caught in the headlights. But he just sat there, not saying a thing. I finally said, “What in the hell don’t you understand about taking a hike!”

He quickly left. I looked around, and a lot of people were looking at me. I looked at the three girls sitting next to me, and said, “Sorry.”

The girl sitting right next to me said, “Don’t be sorry. He’s a real jerk. I’m glad to see someone tell him off like that.”

“Being the only girl in a man's world at school, I've learned to stand up for myself. And guys like that make me sick.”

One of the other girls asked, “The only girl in a man's world?”

“Yes. I’m in a major that is usually a man’s field. Electrical engineering with a minor in computers. I’m the only girl in the program.”

“Wow! That takes guts.”

“Maybe. But you just have to stand up for yourself, and show them that you can do as good of a job as they can. And not worry about showing them up or hurting their fragile male pride.”

The girls all smiled, and the third girl said, “You’re the girl that’s here with the bride’s maid from out of state.”

“That’s me. She’s my cousin’s fiancee.”

“My boyfriend is the best man, and he said that you were something else. You even stood up to Mr. Smyth when you met him.”

“I don’t know if I stood up to him or not. I just told him how it is.”

I looked at the front table. Amy and Polly were smiling at me. And Brad gave me a thumbs up.

Then they had the brides dance. Followed by everyone dancing. I was still sitting at my table talking with the girls when Brad walked over and asked me for a dance. I said, “I'm not a very good dancer.”

“I don’t believe that.”, Brad said.

We walked to the dance floor, and I saw Amy looking at us and smiling. It was a slow dance, and Brad was a good dancer, and somehow I didn’t step on his toes. While we were dancing, he asked, “What did Bill do to get you so wound up?”

“Bill?”, I said. “Oh him. He’d been coming on to me all through dinner, and then he put his hand on my knee. And I don’t like being touched by a guy I don’t want touching me.”

“He’s been looking for a verbal beating like that for a long time.”

“Who is he?”

“Sorry to say. He’s my cousin.”

“Oh sorry. If I’d known.”

“Tammy. Don’t worry about it. He’s kind of the black sheep of the family. Most of the girls in town won’t talk to him. He’s needed someone, like you, to tell him off.”

We continued to dance without talking. As we were walking off the dance floor, Mr. Smyth intercepted us and asked me to dance.

As we started dancing, I said, “I’m sorry that I made such a scene.”

“Tammy.”, Mr. Smyth said. “Don’t be. No one in this town would stand up to him. They’re afraid of his father.”

“His father?”

“Yes. He’s a judge.”

I stopped dancing, looked at Mr. Smyth, and said, “Oh no!”

“Don’t worry.

“The judge is my brother, and was sitting next to me when it happened, and he said that it was about time someone had the balls to stand up to Bill.”

“Balls! Sir.”

“Well. So to speak.”

“I guess.” And I thought, ‘If you only knew.'

I danced with a number of people and had fun. I watched Amy as she was dancing, and I wanted to dance with her, but I figured that two girls dancing wouldn't go over very well.

As things were breaking up, Polly, Brad, Amy, and I were talking. Polly said, “I want to thank both of you for coming, and I’m sorry that the ceremony was a bust.”

“Polly honey.”, Amy said. “It wasn't a bust. You may not have had the ceremony that you wanted. But everything turned out fine. You married a great guy. I think there was a lot of meaning in the service the priest gave you. It may not have been big, but it was meaningful for you. And I'm delighted that I could be part of it.”

“Amy. You’re special.”, and they hugged.

Early Sunday, Amy and I were heading home. I’d been Tammy for a few days, and now it was back to Tom. Luckily, I hadn’t shoved all the boy clothes that I’d worn out here into my suitcase, as I’m going to have to wear them home. I guess being a part-time girl has at least taught me to hang up my clothes.

I figured that either my parents or Amy’s parents would be picking us up at the airport, but it was just our mothers. When I saw my mother, I pointed at her, and said, “Mom. You just wait.”

“What did I do?”, she asked.

“You know what you did. What you helped Amy do.”

“You didn’t like doing it?”

“I didn’t say that. It’s just the way you two did it.”

“Someone want to fill me in?”, Amy’s mother asked.

“Well, Mrs. Grant.”, I replied. “These two conspired so that I’d spend the whole time that we were in Minnesota as Tammy.”

“That so. Shame on you two. Why didn’t you include me in on the plan.”

“Oh, real nice, ganging up on me.”

“One question Tommy?”


“Didn’t you like it?”

I looked at the three of them, and they all had a sneaky smile. I knew then that Amy’s mother had also known about me being set up. So, I thought, ‘payback time.'

“Well. Mrs. Grant.”, I said. “I really loved doing it. In fact, I loved it so much that I've decided to start living full time as a woman.”

The looks I received from the three of them were amazing. Amy's was one of utter shock. My mothers was an open mouth stare. And Amy's mother's was a combination of the other two.

Then Amy said, “Tommy. Honey. You have to be kidding?”

“Nope. I made up my mind on the plane coming home.”

“Tommy.”, my mother said. “You can’t. You have so much to lose.”

“I have more to gain. By being happy.”

Amy's mother just continued to stare.

I waited a minute, then said, “If you three think that I’d do something like that, then you’re crazier than I am. I’m very happy with what I have. A fiancee that I love more than anything. A mother and father that I love, and they love me. And future in-laws that I also love, and I hope they love me.”

“You brat!”, Amy said. “You almost gave me a stroke.”

“I didn’t mind what you guys did, but it was how you did it. I did love being Tammy that whole time. But I wouldn’t want to be her full time. It’s fun changing into her.”

“Thomas Bly Young.”, my mother said. “If you ever scare me like that again, you'll get the hairbrush every day for a week.”

I just smiled.

Amy's mother just shook her head.

Then Amy asked my mother, “Mom. Where does his middle name come from?”

“Honey.”, my mother replied. “It’s the first name of one of his grandfather’s. It’s Navajo and means ‘tall.’”

As Amy turned and looked at me with a devilish grin, she said, “Tall? I guess for a girl he is.”

I looked at her, and just said, “Don’t go there.”


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