Tommy - The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl? - Chapter 173

The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl?

A Novel By Teddie S.

Copyright © 2019 Teddie S.
All Rights Reserved.

Chapter 173

Do Charlie and Jackie understand us?
The Eagles and more.
The Yei spirits and the horse girl.

Last Wednesday, we’d gone up to the reservoir to check on the Eagles, and we did find them. One appeared to be staying in the nest, and the other was out hunting. As we were leaving, we’d run into Iz from the Santa Ana Pueblo and Miss Rankin who is a naturalist with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. And, there was a man with them, Mr. McMasters, who we’d never seen before. It turned out that he’s an ornithologist with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.

I had a discussion with him over the connection that Ajie and I have with the Eagles, and he wouldn’t believe it. But, after the three of them tried to see the Eagles by themselves and couldn’t, we had another talk. And, then Ajie and I agreed to go back to the nest site with them and see if the Eagles would show up. And, they did. Mr. McMasters was surprised at how much time the Eagles spent with us. Then I asked him why they might not have come to visit with us on the Rio Grande River yesterday? And, he came up with a very logical reason, they were sitting on eggs.

When we were back at the apartment, we had a message from Uncle Gaagii. He said that the Peshlakai in question in regards to the Los Alamos problem wasn’t the ex-Chief, but his brother who works in security at Los Alamos. Uncle Gaagii asked us to come to Window Rock on Saturday and talk with a few of the Navajo elders about the problem. We asked if we could bring Charlie and Jackie along. And, it wasn’t a problem.

On Saturday we’d driven to Window Rock with Charlie and Jackie. We had taken along the paperwork on both Grandpa Tse Nez and Grandpa Kilchii Nez, plus the bracelet that Tse Nez had made. My Aunt Ginny and Uncle Gaagii were excited to see everything. Then Aunt Ginny brought out a gorgeous Squash Blossom necklace, we looked at the maker’s mark, and Grandpa Tse had made it.

Once everyone else showed up, and that included my Aunt Ruth, Uncle Paul, Chief Kinlicheeny, Chief Clah, and Naainish, we showed them the paperwork on our grandfathers, plus the two pieces of jewelry. We figured that my mother and Aunt Ginny might also have a piece of Grandpa Tes’s work because my grandmother had given each of her girls a piece of silver jewelry and it might have been Tse’s work.

Then as we ate a taco salad lunch, we’d talked about the Peshlakai thing and what to do about it. The first thing that everyone learned, and I knew, was that it wasn’t ex-Chief Peshlakai, but his brother that had caused this mess. As it started to get serious, the young people and Chief Clah were asked to take a walk outside. I guess that they didn’t want us to know what they were planning. Chief Clah was included in this little exodus because the others didn’t want him, as the Attorney General of the Navajo Nation, hearing what was being planned.

The five of us went out back, and we’d shown Charlie and Jackie the hogan that they’d be spending the night in. We also admired the unobstructed view of the desert and mountains that my aunt and uncle had from their back yard. Then we talked until Aunt Ginny came and got us to help her make fried ice cream.

Later after the two Chiefs and Naainish had left, I cornered my Uncle Gaagii and asked what they had planned? The only thing that he’d tell me was that Mr. Peshlakai would be talked to.

At dinner on Saturday, we were talking, and my Aunt Ginny asked, “When are you kids heading home?”

“Shortly after breakfast. We’re going home past the Four Corners Area. We want to show it to Charlie and Jackie.”

“That’s a six-hour drive going that way without going to the Four Corners Area.”, Uncle Gaagii said. “Don’t forget to fill up before you leave.”

“I know, Uncle Gaagii. We brought a gas can and water bottles with us. And, I’ll fill up in Fort Defiance when we go through there.”

“Good. At least you’ll be prepared. Do you have a good map?”

“Yes, sir.”, I said. “And, an expert map reader in Ajie.”

“But.” Uncle Gaagii said. “I’d suggest that you go back to Yah-Ta-Hey and take 491 north to 64 in Shiprock. It’s a little further, but the roads are better, but don’t try to see Shiprock. The road to it is sand, and without four-wheel drive you’re libel to get stuck.”

“Thanks, Uncle Gaagii. We’ll do that.”

“It’s a little cool yet, but I was thinking of having the first bonfire of the year tonight.”, Uncle Gaagii said. “If there are any takers.”

The only person that was a little apprehensive was Aunt Ginny. And, it didn’t take long to talk her into it.

After we’d cleaned up the dinner dishes, Ajie, Jackie, Charlie, Uncle Paul, and I helped Uncle Gaagii lay the bonfire. It didn’t take long with six of us doing it. So, it wasn’t long until we had a nice fire burning, and both of my aunts joined us. We all wore coats, but it was fun sitting around the fire and talking. We even had a couple of the neighbors join us.

The sky was clear, the Moon was almost full, and the stars, as they are in the desert southwest, were brilliant. Ajie and I happened to be star gazing at the same time, and we both saw a shooting star. Both of us touched our meteorite necklaces. And, Ajie pointed towards where the shooting star was, as Jackie said, “A shooting star.”

Everyone looked towards were Ajie was pointing, and you heard “Oohs” and “Aahs.”

Later as we were helping Charlie and Jackie settle into the hogan, we built a small fire in the fire pit and lit the kerosene lanterns, and then we turned off the electric lights. As we were doing this, Jackie asked, “Kai and Ajie, why did you touch your necklaces when you saw the shooting star?”

“Jackie.”, Ajie said as she touched her necklace. “Remember these necklaces are meteorites. And, they came from the same place that the shooting star tonight did. They came from among the stars. That shooting star may not have become a meteorite, but then again it may have.”

“So, meteorites are special.”

“Some are. It depends on many things.”

“Not going to tell us. Are you?”

Ajie smiled and shook her head no.

“Ajie.”, Jackie said. “I think I understand. It’s something special to the native people.”

Ajie said, “Yes, it is.”

“Kai.”, Charlie said. “It looks to me that you are important to the Navajo people. It’s amazing how they come together to support you and Ajie. Not only this thing with Los Alamos but the thing with the Board of Regents.”

“Charlie.”, I said. “Everyone in the Nation is important. I think anyone having a problem would receive the support that we have.”

“Kai.”, Jackie said. “I think there’s more to it. I think it’s the respect that they have for you. Like with that group of people at the park. I can feel it when we’re with you and the Navajo people. It’s that they respect you for who you are. And, they want to help protect you.

“In most things, you can take care of yourself. Boy, can you. But, when you can’t, you receive the help you need. All the way from the top if necessary.”

I looked at Jackie, and said, “You may be right.”

Then after they both made a stop in the bathroom in the house, we said goodnight to them. And, then Ajie and I said goodnight to my aunts and uncles.

As we were getting ready for bed, I said, “Honey, is what Jackie said true?”

“Sweetheart.”, Ajie said, “I think someone from the outside can see things better than someone close to the center.

“You’ve been told many times that you’re special. And, you are. Look at how you’re treated by most of the people. They know who you are. They see it in you. They treat you with respect.

“Look at how you were treated when we were at the Taos Pueblo for the feast to honor the Governor. Even at Max’s funeral, there were people there, like his fiancee Christine. They may have not known why they felt the way they did about you, but they knew that you were special.”

I sat on the bed looking at Ajie for a minute, then I said, “How do I handle this? If I’d grown up knowing the Navajo ways, I think I could grasp this with ease. But, having it thrust on me when I was a teenager, scares me.”

“Lover.”, Ajie said. “I see you at these things, and you handle it wonderfully, like with Christine. You just took her aside and talked to her. You knew what to say and how to say it.

“Watching you sitting with the Governor before he passed. You just knew what to do. And, at the feast for him, the way you were with his widow was beautiful.

“And, there’s been other things.

“Honey, accept who you are.”

“I’m trying to.”, I said. “Do you accept me for who I am?”

“I always have. And, always will. I love what I see in you. You have a wonderful feeling for people and who they are. If they have a problem, you will, in your way, try to help them. You have a big heart.

“And, love, I’ll always be here for you. With you, I feel il hózho´ - (the emotion of being happy).”

I stood, took her in my arms, and we just held each other.

After a wonderful breakfast of bacon and French toast, the four of us said so long to Aunt Ginny, Uncle Gaagii, Aunt Ruth, and Uncle Paul. And, as I hugged Uncle Gaagii, I whispered, “Uncle Gaagii, please just don’t do anything illegal.”

Uncle Gaagii whispered back, “Don’t worry. It’ll be handled with kid gloves.”

As I stepped back, I gave him a look of why don’t I believe you.

As we got in the car, the four of us waved so long and headed to the Four Corners Area. As we drove, Jackie had me stop every once in a while for a photo opportunity. About two and a half hours later we were at a sign on Route 160 that pointed down a one-lane dirt road to the Four Corners Area. I turned down the road, and we stopped at the outer gate, and dropped the visitor's fee into the wooden box.

As we were driving down the road, if you can call it that, I thought, this road isn’t any better than the last time we were here, it was still dirt, and I’d swear that it’s bumpier than the last time we were here.

Charlie asked, “Kai, are you sure this goes someplace?’

“Oh, yeah.”, I said. “It isn’t much, but it’s interesting.”

We drove up to where the monument was, and there wasn’t anyone else there. Well, after all, it's February and not tourist season. We parked, got out of the car, and walked over to the monument, and Jackie said, “This is it.”

“Yep.”, I said. “Just remember this is the only place in the United States that you can stand in four states at the same time.”

“That’s true.”

Jackie took a few pictures of Ajie and me. And Ajie took a few pictures of Charlie and Jackie. Then, I said, “I was hoping that there would be someone else here so we could get a picture of the four of us at the monument.”

“We could set the camers up on the car and use the timer.”, Jackie said.

And, that’s what we did. I’d move the car so that you could see the name of one of the four states, then three of us would pose so that Jackie could focus the camera, then she’d set the timer, trip it, run over, and pose with us. She took four pictures this way. I moved the car for each one so that each picture had the marker in it with a different state showing. Hope they turn out.

As we left the Four Corners Area, we headed south to Route 64 and then east towards Farmington where we stopped for lunch.

As we were eating, Jackie asked, “Ajie, I noticed some hogans along the road. And, most of them were really run down, but it appeared that many of them were occupied.”

“Jackie, realize that the Navajo Nation, in general, is poor.”, Ajie repied. “And the people live as best they can.”

“That’s sad. I thought that we had it bad at home, but seeing this we live well.”

“Yes, it is sad. Growing up as we did, we had no idea that this existed until we came out here the first time and it’s one of the reasons that we set up the scholarship. We did it to give those that want to help themselves a way to do it.”

“You know, guys. We’re happy that we met you two. We couldn't ask for better friends.”

“Charlie and Jackie, you are also the best.”

After a nice lunch, we headed southeast towards Albuquerque. And, it wasn’t long until Charlie and Jackie were asleep in the backseat. I wondered how much sleep they’d gotten last night in the hogan. Hmm.

After we’d driven for a couple of hours, I noticed that our two passengers were awake. So, I said, “Didn’t you two sleep well last night?”

“Oh, we did.”, Charlie said. “Once we got used to the bed and the flickering of the fire died down.”

“Are you up for a short walk?”

“How short?”

“We won’t be too far from where the Eagles are. If you’d like to stop.”

“Sure.”, Jackie said. “I could get some pictures.”

“Why not.”, Charlie added.

“Count me in.”, Ajie added.

A while later we were pulling into the parking lot for the reservoir. And there was another car there with Colorado license plates. I said, “That’s strange for this time of year.”

“What’s that?”, Charlie asked.

“Another car here at this time of year. Especially from out of state.

“Ajie, write down that license plate number.”

Ajie took a small notebook out of the glove box, wrote down the number, and put the notebook back in the glove box.

“Kai.”, Ajie said. “That car looks familiar.”

“Yes, it does.”, I replied.

As we got out of the car, I retrieved the camera bag from the trunk, and we started down the loop trail. When we reached the side trail, we took it, and again when we reached the gate, it was open.

I started to say, “It looks like Iz didn’t get the latch … ” Then I noticed that the latch had been replaced, and I said, “I guess Iz did fix the latch.”

As we walked through the gate, we closed it and continued the walk to the Eagle’s nesting site. As we got closer to the nest site, I saw them. Four people and they looked familiar. And, I said, “Ajie, are those are the same people that were here when we were here that time with Iz and Nita.”

“Yes, they are.”, Ajie replied.

As we got closer to them, the woman that we’d talked to last time saw us, smiled, and said, “Hello again.”

I didn’t return the smile, but said, “What are you doing here! I thought we told you last time that there aren’t any Eagles here.”

“The people back home, who originally told us that they were here, told us that they were sure that they were here. So, we came back to look.”

“Who was it that told you that?”

“The Outfitter Shoppe in Denver.”

“Well, there aren’t any here. The people from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife were here again and could find nothing.”

“But, you’re here again.”

“So, we’re allowed to be here, and you’re trespassing. Didn’t you see the sign on the gate?”

“Well, yes, I guess we did.”

“So, then you know that you’re trespassing. If the pueblo police found you here, they would arrest you. We have your license plate number, and I’m going to turn it over to them so they can watch for you.”

“You wouldn’t dare!”, one of the men said.

“Sir.”, I said. “Believe me when I say that I will. I would suggest that it would be a good idea for you to leave and not come back. And, realize that you are on native land and are subject to their laws.”

The one woman said, “Come on Richard lets go. We’re not wanted here.”

As the first couple walked past us, the man glared at me and said something in Spanish.

Ajie said something in return in Spanish. I don't know what it was, but I figured that she told the guy off, because the guy gave her a dirty look.

I just said, “Have a nice day.”

As the other couple walked past us, the man went to hit me with his shoulder. Big mistake. As he made contact with me, I gently grabbed his arm and put him on the ground. He looked up at me, and said, “You attacked me.”

“No, sir I did not.”, I replied. “You deliberately went to hit me with your shoulder, and I defended myself. Do it again, and I will hurt you. Now get up and leave.”

I didn’t trust this guy, so I took a defensive stance as he got up. He got up, dusted himself off, and he and his, I guess, wife started walking up the trail towards the parking lot.

I said, “I don’t trust them. I’m going to follow them and make sure that they don’t do anything to the car.”

“Good thinking, Kai.”, Charlie said. “I’ll go with you.”

I turned to Ajie, and said, “Ajie, you and Jackie go to the nest site, and we’ll be back as soon as we’re sure they’re gone.”

“Okay.”, Ajie said. “Just be careful.”

“We will.”

Charlie and I followed the two couples up the trail and to the parking lot. And we stood there watching them. And, I think they knew that we were watching them. Eventually, they pulled out and left. We waited until they were out of sight, then Charlie said, “I guess they’re gone.”

“Let’s give them a minute or two just to be sure.”, I replied.

“You don’t trust them do you?”

“No, they were up to no good.”

We waited a few minutes after they were out of sight, then headed back towards the nest site. When we got to the edge of the woods, Ajie and Jackie were standing there. I asked, “What are you doing here?”

“Being your backup.”, Ajie said. “I didn’t trust them either.”

We walked back down the trail to the nest site. And when we could see the nest, we saw the head of one of the Eagles who was probably sitting on the nest. Then the other Eagle flew in, landed in the nest, walked over to the edge of the nest, and looked at us. Then the other Eagle came over to the side of the nest and also looked down at us. As Jackie was taking pictures, she said, “This is great! And, they’re eggs there too?”

“Yes, it is great. And, there should be one to three eggs in the nest.”, Ajie replied. Then Ajie said, “Kai, look at the base of the tree.”

I looked, and it looked like there was another feather there. I walked over, and sure enough, it was a tail feather. I picked it up, looked at it, and it was in good condition. I walked back over to the others and showed it to them. Then I looked back up at the Eagles, and one of them squawked at us. And, I felt good.

One of the Eagles disappeared into the nest, and the other one took off, circled a couple of times, then flew off. I carefully placed the feather in the camera bag, and we walked back up to the parking lot. I put the camera bag in the trunk, and as we started getting into the car, Charlie said, “Someone’s coming.”

I looked at the road leading into the parking area, and a car was coming towards us. It wasn’t the two couples car. As it got closer I noticed a red light on the roof, and I said, “I think it might be the pueblo police or the county sheriff.”

We waited, and as the car pulled up, the lettering on the side said, ‘Santa Ana Pueblo Police.’

The officer got out of his car, and said, “What’s going on.”

“Nothing, officer.”, I said. “We were just checking out the reservoir.”

“We heard that you had a run in with some people.”

I shook my head and told the officer the story of the two couples. And, he said, “I assume that your three friends will back you up.”

“Yes, sir.”, I replied.

“Just like the three friends of the guy who reported it would back him up.”

“There might be a couple of people here in the pueblo that might be able to verify part of my story.”

“Who might that be?”, the officer asked.

“Izusa and Awinita Yupanqui.”

“You know Iz and the Governor?”


“And, you are?”

“Kai Nez.”

“Hold on a minute.”

The officer walked over to his car and used his car radio. He talked for a minute, then came back over to us, and said, “Iz is only five minutes away, and he’ll be right here.”


In about five minutes we watched a pickup truck come up the road and into the parking lot. It parked next to us, and Iz got out. He walked over and greeted Ajie and me, and said hello to Charlie and Jackie. Then he looked at the police officer, and asked, “What’s up, Jack?”

“So, you know them, Iz?”, Jack asked.

“Yes, very well.”

“That’s good. We got a call that some guy that was here got beat up by them.”

“It’s possible, Jack. Kai and Ajie practice Karate. But, knowing them, they only use it to defend themselves. So, he must have done something to provoke Kai.”

I then told Iz our story. And, when I finished, Iz asked, “So, Kai, they came back and you have their license number?”

“Yes. Ajie, would you get it for Iz.”

Ajie got the small tablet out of the glove box, tore a sheet of paper out of it, and handed it to Iz. He looked at it, and as he gave it to the officer, he said, “Jack, the people in this car are not to be here. Feel free to arrest them if you see them here.

“And, these kids are more than welcome to be here and even on restricted Santa Ana Pueblo property.”

I looked at Iz and smiled.

Jack said, “I think Yiska may still be talking to them. Probably getting a report.”

Jack took his walkie talkie and call Yiska. When Yiska answered, they spoke in a language that I didn’t understand, it was probably the Santa Ana Pueblo language. Jack looked at the paper that had the license number on it and read it to Yiska. They talked a little more. Then Jack said, “Iz, all four of them have been trespassed on pueblo land and told if they are caught on any pueblo land that they will be arrested.”

“Thanks, Jack.”, Iz said.

Jack as he got into his car, said, “See you later Iz.”

“Later, Jack.”

Then Iz turned to me, and asked, “So, are the Eagles okay?”

“Yes, they look good. And, we picked up another feather. A tail feather.”

“You just keep finding ‘em.”

“I know. We’ve just come from Window Rock, and it’s been a long day, so we’ve got to run.”

“Okay, drive carefully.”

“Say hello to Nita for us. Hágoónee' - (see you later).

“You know I’m not Navajo.”

“And, I also know that you know what hágoónee' means.”

With a smile, Iz said, “Hágoónee'.”

As we drove out of the reservoir parking area, Ajie said, “I don’t think we have food in the apartment for dinner.”

“You know.”, Jackie said. “I don’t think we do either.”

“Hmm. Go shopping, eat out, or order in?”

“Order in? Who delivers?”

“Nunzio's Pizza.”

“What’s it cost?”

“Since we’re on campus, just a tip. And, we have all kinds of things to drink.”

Back at the apartment, as we waited for the pizza, I put the two folders and bracelet in the safe and brought the feather out into the kitchen. I stood and looked at the others mounted on the headdresses and hanging from our membership certificates in the clan. And, I asked Ajie, “Would you mind if I attached this to my certificate of membership in the Nation?”

“Of course not. It’s yours. And, I think that your membership certificate would be an ideal place to display it.”

“So do I, Kai.”, Jackie said.

I looked at Charlie, and asked, “What about you, Charlie.”

“It needs more than one.”, Charlie replied.

“And, Ajie.”, I said. “All of the feathers belong to both of us. Yes, I know that they say only members of a recognized Native American tribe can own Eagle feathers. But, in my mind, you are as much a member of the Nation as I am.”

Ajie smiled.

It wasn’t much later that the four of us were sitting at the table enjoying pizza. Of course, Jackie had her anchovies on the side. And, it wasn’t long after that we were saying goodnight to Jackie and Charlie as they walked next door.

I hadn’t looked at the answering machine since we’d gotten back, so I looked, and the light was flashing. I rewound the tape, and we listened to the recording, and it said, “Hi Amy. This is Kathy Benallie. Could you give me a call at the hospital? I’ll be here until eleven. Oh, it’s Sunday. And, I’m in ICU. Thanks. Bye.”

It was only nine, so Amy picked up the phone, dialed the hospital's number, and when someone answered, Amy, asked for the ICU nurse’s desk. She waited, then I heard her say, “This is Amy Young is Kathy Benallie there?” … “Sure I’ll hold.”

I minute later, Amy said, “Hi, Kathy. It’s Amy Young.” … “Yes, of course I remember the Hatayhli girl. Did something happen to her?”

Hearing that name piqued my interest. She was the girl I sat with who’d had a horseback riding accident and I’d sat with.

Amy’s conversation went on like this, “She’s awake! That’s wonderful.” … “And, going home tomorrow!” … “I don’t know, but I can ask her. Hold on.”

“Kai.”, Amy said. “The Hatayhli girl woke up the day after you saw her, and she’s going home tomorrow. Kathy would like to know if she could talk to you?”

“Going home.”, I replied. “That is wonderful! Tell Kathy that I’ll talk to her, but I don’t know what I can tell her.”

Speaking into the phone, Amy said, “Kathy, did you hear her?” … “Tomorrow at six in the ICU.”

Looking at me, Amy asked, “Kai, could you do it tomorrow at six in the ICU?”

“I guess. Can you be there too?”, I asked.

Amy nodded yes, and said into the phone, “Okay, Kathy, we’ll see you at six. Hágoónee'. - (See you later.)”

As Amy hung up the phone, she looked at me, and said, “I guess the Hatayhli girl woke up the morning after you saw her. And, it was almost like nothing had happened, except she still has the broken arm and leg. But, her brain functions were normal.”

All I could say was, “Oh.”

“And, Kathy want’s to talk with you.”

“I know. But, now that I’ve thought about it, I’m not sure if I want to talk about that.”


“The healing thing. It’s not me. I don’t think I did anything. And, if I did it scares me.”

“Honey, you don’t understand it, and neither do I. Let’s see what Kathy wants to talk about. It might not be that.”

“Yeah. Right.”

“Honey, relax. It’s no big deal.”

“To me, it is a big deal. I’m not a healer. And, I don’t want to get the label of being one.”

“I’m sorry, honey. If you don’t want to talk with Kathy, I’ll tell her.”

“God, Amy, I don’t know.”

“Sleep on it. You know that helps you.”

“I know. If I can sleep.”

“Come on. Let’s go to bed, and I’ll help you relax.”

“I’ll be right up. I forgot to check the mail.”

I ran out front and grabbed the mail. There were only two bills and a letter from our financial advisor back in Columbus. I didn’t open any of it. I just threw it on the kitchen table. Then I rechecked that I’d locked the front door, that the garage door was closed, and that the door to the kitchen from the garage was locked. Then I ran upstairs, and after a stop in the bathroom, I went into our bedroom.

Amy was lying on our bed completely naked. She looked at me, smiled, and said, “My Prince come and join me.”

“But, my Queen, what of the King?”, I asked.

“My Prince, do not worry about the King. My handmaiden is seeing to him.”

I was quickly undressed and lying next to my Queen.

I did get some sleep last night and I dreamed. I dreamed of the Yei and that I was not directly responsible for Dee’s recovery. But, I’d helped provide a path for the healing powers of the Yei.

It’s believed that the male and female Yei spirits meditate between the Great Spirit and humans. And, among other things they have healing powers.

When I got out of bed on Monday morning, I looked at our sand painting of the male and female Yei spirits, that Naainish had given us, that was hanging on our bedroom wall. Amy saw me looking at the sand painting, and asked, “Why are you looking at the Yei spirits?”

“I had a dream about them last night.”, I replied.


“Yes, something about me helping them to help the Hatayhli girl.”


“Yeah, I guess I might have helped them with the girl.”

“Are we still going to meet with Kathy?”

“After last night I think we will.”

Amy and I both had classes to teach this morning, so after breakfast, I walked her to her eight o’clock class, and then went to Dr. Joe’s office. He was there, and I filled him in on this past weekend, and what was discussed about the Los Alamos thing.

Then I asked, “Have you heard anything from Los Alamos?”

“No.”, Dr. Joe said. “Not a word. I do know that some people have been contacted about me.”

“I’ve heard less than you. I don’t know if anyone has been contacted about me.”

“I have.”


“Yeah. And, I told them all kinds of things about you.”

“Not funny, Dr. Joe.”

“Kai, I have heard from them about you, and I answered everything as truthfully as I could.”

“Dr. Joe, just what am I going to do with you?”

“I guess put up with me.”

“That and take a wait and see attitude with the Los Alamos stuff.”

“That’s probably the best. You can’t make things like that happen.”

I taught my two classes and attended my grad-level class. Then I stopped by the engineering college office. Sara saw me, and said, “Hi Kai. I put one of the fliers in your box.”

“Fliers. What fliers, Sara?”, I asked.

“The one that’s going out about the new class that you’re teaching in the spring.”

“I didn’t know there was one.”

“The Dean and Dr. Oshie put it together along with a small article for the school paper.”

“And, they didn’t tell me about it.”

“I thought that they had.”


I walked over to my mailbox and took out the only thing in it, the flier. I read over the flier, and said, “Not bad. They didn’t do a bad job on this. They even got the title right, Introduction to Computer Design. But, just wait until I see them.”

Just then Dean Rutherford walked in, and said, “What until you see who? Miss Nez.”

“Oh, hello Dean Rutherford.”, I said. “I just saw the flier for the new course in computer design, that I’m teaching, that you and Dr. Oshie put together.”

“What did you think of it, Miss Nez?”

“You did I good job. But, since I’m the instructor, I would have liked to have been included in putting it together.”

“Dr. Oshie and I were meeting on other things, and that class came up, and we decided that we needed to get the word out quickly. So, we quickly put together the flier and an article for the school paper.”

“I see that you already have the days and times when the class is going to meet.”

“Yes, we needed to do that too. We knew that your one course, Electric Circuits, is only two-quarters long. So we chose the same days and meeting times, and set up two sessions on each day in the same room that you’re now using.”

“Well, that works for me.”

“I’m glad. I’ve got to run. I have a meeting with the President.”

“I’ll see you later Dean.”

The Dean left, and I looked at Sara. She looked at me, and said, “He does things like that.”

“He really shouldn’t.”, I said. “But, he’s the boss.

“I hope they realize we only ordered one-hundred and twenty books, and the room only holds sixty students. So, those two sections can only have a total of one hundred and twenty students, and that’s what I’m planning for.”

As Sara picked up the phone and dialed, she said, “Let me call the Register’s Office and see what he told them.”

When someone answered, Sara, said, “This is Sara in Dean Rutherford’s office. Can you tell me what the maximum enrollment is on the two sections of course ECD-100 Intro to Computer Design?” … “I’ll hold.” … “Yes.” … “Okay. Sixty in each section. Thank you. Bye.”

“Did you hear, Kai?”, Sara asked me.

“Yes, sixty in each section.”, is said. “That’s good.”

“I'm glad, Kai.”

“Me too. I could see those two allowing more than sixty in each section. And that wouldn’t have been good.”

“No, it wouldn’t have.”

“Thanks, Sara. I’ll see you later.”

“Have a good day.”

“You too, Sara.”

When I left the Dean’s office, I walked back to the apartment. I knew Amy wouldn’t be there. She was working a split shift from Noon until eight. When I got to the apartment, I checked the mail. There was nothing. Then I remembered the mail that I’d tossed on the kitchen table last night.

I went into the apartment, changed into something comfortable, then I sat down at the kitchen table, opened the two bills, and put them into the to be paid pile. Then I opened the letter from our financial advisor in Ohio. It was the breakdown of our accounts, and it was interesting. And, I thought, Amy is going to find this interesting when she sees it.


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