Tommy - The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl? - Chapter 13

The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl?

A Novel By Teddie S.

Copyright © 2017 Teddie S.
All Rights Reserved.

Chapter 13

Grandmother Devereux.

When I woke up the next morning, we were cuddled together, and I thought, ‘I'm going to wake up cuddled to this woman for the rest of my life. God, I love her.' And, I just laid there, holding her, until she stirred.

I kissed her ear, she rolled over, looked at me, smiled, and said, “Mr. Young. I love you so much.”

“Mrs. Young.”, I said. “No more than I love you.”

And, we kissed.

Later. Much later. We were getting up, and I went to take a shower. After I had the shower all nice and warm and had just stepped into it, Amy snuck into the shower with me. Washing each other's bodies was an incredible feeling and something that I wanted to do more.

After the shower, I called room service and ordered us lunch. We were still in the hotel supplied bathrobes when the room service waiter arrived with our food. He brought it in and set it up on the table, along with a single flower in a small vase.

As I was closing the door, I noticed the card on the back of the door, and what time checkout was. It was two o’clock in the afternoon, I looked at the clock on the radio, and it was a little after eleven.

“Honey.”, I said. “Checkout is at two.”


“Yeah. I don’t want to leave that soon.”

“Call the front desk and see if we can have another night.”

“What about classes?”

“What about us.”

I picked up the phone and dialed the front desks extension. Someone answered, and I said, “Yes. This is Mr. Young in the Bridal Suite.” ... “Is there any way that we could stay another night?” ... “Oh really. I didn't know.” ... “Yes, we are. Thank you. Bye.”

“What did they say?”, Amy asked.

“Well, it appears that we already have another night.”, I replied.


“Yeah. I guess our parents set it up for two nights.”


“Yes. I guess they figured that one night wouldn’t be enough.”

“A million nights with you wouldn’t be enough.”

I smiled at her.

We did make it out of the room for a little while that afternoon. It was a beautiful Sunday afternoon, and a drive-in the county was calling to us. When the valet brought our car, he told me that they had vacuumed all the rice out of the car. I slipped him a ten-dollar tip and told him that it was very much appreciated. He smiled and accepted the tip.

We knew of a good restaurant about 30 miles north of us and headed there in a roundabout way. Driving on a road that followed a meandering river, and we stopping every once in a while along the way to look at the river, and kiss. We had a very nice dinner and a beautiful drive back to the hotel.

I won't go into details, but the second evening and night were better than the first.

We knew that classes started on Monday and that we should go. Guess what? It wasn't going to happen. I only had one class, and Amy had two. We'd be sure to try and make our Tuesday classes. Maybe.

When I woke up Monday morning, I was again cuddled up to this fantastic woman. And, again it was close to eleven when we ate a late breakfast. After we'd eaten, we packed up our clothes, called the front desk, and asked if someone could pick up our bags. Five minutes later, the bellhop was here with the luggage cart. When we were down in the lobby, I checked out, and the valet already had the car at the front door. And the valet and bellhop helped us load the luggage into the car.

As we were driving out of the driveway, I stopped at the road, looked at Amy, and said, “Ah. Where are we going?”

“Home.”, she replied.

“What home?”


“With all the craziness with the wedding, we never figured out where we were going to live.”


“What are we going to do?”

“Maybe stop at the student housing office.”

We did stop at the student housing office, and they added our name to the waiting list. A long waiting list.

As we walked back out to the car, I asked, “Now what?”

“Maybe see if we can find an apartment that we can afford.”, Amy replied.

“That could take a few days.”

“I guess we could see if your parents or mine will put us up until we find something.”

“How do we pick without hurting anyone’s feelings?”

“Good question.”

“Maybe we need a family meeting.”

A little while later we were sitting in the kitchen at my parent's house with both sets of our parents. We sat there in silence for a minute. Then Amy's mother asked, “Kids what's wrong?”

I then said, “First, thank you guys for a wonderful wedding, and the two nights in the bridal suite. They were great. But we goofed.”

“Did you realize that you made a mistake getting married?”, Amy’s dad quipped.

“Daddy!”, Amy said. “That’s not funny!”

“Sorry honey. I couldn’t help it.”

“Fred.”, Amy’s mother said. “Will you stop. The kids need our help. Now, what’s wrong?”

“Well.”, Amy said. “With all the crazy stuff going on with the wedding, we didn’t find someplace to live. We stopped at the student housing office today, and they don’t have anything. So, we don’t have anyplace to stay until we can hopefully find an apartment.

“So, we might need to stay with one or the other of you for a little while. And, we don’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings.”

“Honey. I don’t think either of us would mind if you stayed with the other.”

“We wouldn’t.”, my mother added. “As long as you’re happy.”

Amy looked at me, and asked, “So, how do we pick?”

“Maybe. Flip a coin.”, I replied.

My mother said, “Why don’t the two of you, go into the den and figure out where you are going to stay. And, don’t worry about hurting feelings. You won’t. We just want to help you.”

Amy and I went into the den, sat down, and just looked at each other.

Finally, Amy asked, “How are we going to do this?”

“Let's look at it logically.”, I replied. “Or, as close to logically as we can. First, my parents live close to the university. And, we're close to the park. And, you’ve already lived here for a few months.

“With your parent’s, you’ve lived with them all your life, and you know your parents well. They have a swimming pool. You’re dad’s a little crazy, but nice. Your brother could help wash the Chevy.”

With a little smile, Amy replied, “Good points. I do remember when I was living with your parents after that problem with my roommate, and I didn't want to move back in with my parents when they moved back here. We both get along with both sets of our parents.”

“You’re like a daughter to my mom.”

“You’re also like a daughter to your mom.”

“You are being bad again.”

“Of course.”, Amy said with a grin. “You’re also like a son to my parents.”

“I know. It's a tough decision to make.”

“No, it's not. I know what we're going to do.”


Amy stood up, and said, “Come with me, and you’ll see. Just go along with me.”

I followed Amy back to where our parents were. As we sat down, Amy said, “Well, mom and dad, and mom and dad, we have this figured out.”

We all looked at her waiting for her enlighten us. And, that included me. She’s up to something, but what?

Amy then said, “Tommy and I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings, so we figured, that since he and I loved the hotel so much, that the four of you can pay for us to stay in the bridal suite until we find an apartment. And that might only take a month or two.”

Everyone, including me, just stared at her like she was crazy. Her dad looked like he was going to have a stroke. Then I caught a sneaky smile start to appear on her face. Looking at her father, Amy said, “Gotcha daddy. We know that room wasn't cheap, and we really wouldn’t do something like that to you.”

“Daughter.”, Amy’s dad said. “You almost gave me a heart attack.”

“Sorry. That was payback for your comment.

“But we did figure out what we’re going to do. And, we’re not going to tell you our reasons.”

Then looking at her parents, she said, “Mom and dad don’t be mad, we’re going to stay here with Tommy’s parents. But, we’ll see you guys on the weekends for lunch or dinner or something.”

“Honey.”, Amy’s mother said. “We’re not mad or upset. We’re are just happy that you and Tom found each other again, and in doing so found your true loves.”

“Mommy. I love you guys. All of you.”

“Amy.”, my mother said. “Why don’t you and Tom, go and get what clothes you’ll need. I’ll make dinner for us And if Billy is home bring him back with you. Plus your grandmother should be back here by then.”

“Grandmother Devereux is still here!?”, I asked.

“Yes, honey.”, my mother replied. “She’s been staying with us, using the spare bedroom, my sisters stayed at a hotel and went back home this morning. And, grandma will be here until Sunday.”

“Great. It’ll be good to talk to her again.”

Amy and I took all the luggage that we had in the Chevy and put it in my room or now our bedroom. Then we ran over to her parent's house. As I watched her pick out the clothes to take to my house, I worried about two things. First, should I have brought the station wagon, and second, where are we going to put all of this stuff in our room?

Luckily Billy was home and helped us pack my car with Amy's clothes. I was going to offer Billy a ride back to my parent's house, but not only was the trunk of the Chevy full, but so was the back seat, and part of the front, so he said he'd drive over. I promised him a ride later, and I might even let him drive.

Before dinner, our dads, Amy, Billy, and I moved all of her clothes from the car into our room. We just laid most of it on my bed.

Mom had made a great dinner for all of us. And it was even better because Grandmother Devereux was there. And it was fun listening to her and Amy talk. Amy was interested in the Navajo background of my mother's side of the family. I even learned some things.

I think that they could have talked through the night. Finally, I had to remind Amy that we had classes tomorrow, and we still had to put her clothes away before we went to bed. Amy's mother, father, and brother left at the same time we were going back to our, so we said goodnight to them. And we headed back to our room.

As we walked into our room, I looked at all of her things, and asked, “Where are we going to put all of this.”

“Well.”, Amy said. “I think that we’ll just move all of your stuff to the spare room after your grandmother goes home. And then I’ll put all of my things in your closet and chest of drawers.”

She turned around and looked at me with that contagious smile of hers, and said, “Just kidding sweetheart. We'll just rearrange some things, and probably have to put some of our things in the spare room. And that can wait until grandma goes home.”

It took us a little while, but we managed to rearrange things so that we were both happy. We did have to crowd our clothes in the closet, and we did have to pile some clothes on a chair. But we could live with it.

We had to be up early on Tuesday because I had an eight o'clock class and Amy had one at nine. After we were done straightening up our room, we went back out and said goodnight to my parents and grandmother. We made it to bed at a decent hour and somehow we were quickly asleep.

Amy and I explained to our professors and instructors, of the classes we’d missed on Monday, why we weren't there. Surprisingly, they were understanding.

I think Amy and my Grandmother Devereux became great friends during the week that my grandmother was here. Every chance that they had, they were talking. I just left them alone. But Grandma and I had our times together too.

Grandma was leaving on Sunday, and on Saturday she and I were alone and talked, and she said, “Tommy. Your Amy is, like you, an inquisitive person. She has been trying to learn all about your Navajo heritage.”

“Grandma. She is.”, I replied. “She loves to read, and learn about all kinds of things.”

“I see that. That girl is special. Treat her well.”

“I know. Amy's always been very special to me.”

“I knew about the two of you being apart for those four years, and your mother filled me in about you writing to each other every week. You two knew that you loved each other even back then.”

“I don’t think we knew what it was when Amy’s family moved, but it continued to grow until we were back together. Then things just happened.”

“That’s amazing. Young and apart for that long, and still in love.”

“I know. Once we were back together, it just grew stronger.”

That Sunday, just before we were going to take my grandmother to the airport for her flight home, my grandmother handed Amy a wooden box, and said, “This is something very special for a special new member of the family.”

Amy took the box and opened it. She looked inside, looked at my grandmother, and said, “I can’t accept this.”

“Honey.”, my grandmother said. “This is something that has been in the family for a very long time, and it needs to be passed on. It’s for me to pass on. And I’m passing it on to you.”

My mother, looked, smiled, and said, “Amy. It’s a Squash Blossom Necklace and earrings. It’s just like I remember seeing it at my grandma’s house when I was young.”

“Yes. Your great-great-grandfather made them. He was an excellent silversmith. I want Amy to have then, and she needs to pass it on when the time is right.”

Amy hugged my grandmother, and they whispered something to each other. I saw the tears in Amy’s eyes when they broke the hug. But I didn’t say anything.

My father said, “Amy. That necklace is very valuable.”

“Really?”, Amy replied.

“Yes, honey.”, my mother added. “It's silver and turquoise, but what makes it valuable is the artistry that was put into it. The Navajo silversmiths are well known for their craftsmanship.”

“I know. How ... How much is it worth?”

“I don’t know. We should probably have it appraised.”

“And maybe keep it in the safe in the basement. Unless you’re wearing it.”, my dad added.

I took Amy down to the basement. And she was surprised when I showed her where the safe was. I opened it, and we placed the necklace inside.

We took grandma to the airport, and then we stopped for a late lunch. While we were eating, Amy asked, “Mom. Why did Grandmother Devereux give me that necklace?”

“Honey.”, my mother said. “As she said, it’s something that my great-grandfather made for the family. He wanted it to be passed down to the next generation.”

“Shouldn’t it have gone to you or one of your sisters?”

“If you hadn’t come into our lives, it probably would have. My mother met you, and saw, as I have, something special in you, and she decided that you should have it. She and I talked about it, so I knew that she was going to give it to you.

“Welcome to the family, daughter-in-law.”

That evening we met up with Maria and Mark at one of our favorite places. As we walked in, I noticed that Maria had a strange smile on her face. When we sat down, Amy looked at Maria, and asked, “Okay girlfriend. What’s going on?”

Maria looked at Mark, then back at Amy, and held up her left hand. She was wearing a gorgeous engagement ring. Amy was excited, and I guess I was too. I reached across the table and shook Mark's hand. Amy went to the other side of the table and hugged Maria.

Then Amy asked Maria, “When did he ask you?”

“The day you two were married.”, Maria replied.


“After we'd helped clean up the pavilion and lodge, he dropped me at my house to change, and he went home to change. He picked me up later and took me out to dinner. Then he took me down by the river, we walked a bit, then stopped on the footbridge, and he asked me.”

“Set a date yet?”

“No. Maybe after we’re out of college and working.”

With a grin, Amy said, “Yeah. Maybe.”

We then told them about our stay at the hotel. Well, we didn’t tell them everything.

I won’t go into opening all the presents that we’d received, and writing out thank you notes. Mark, Maria, and our mothers helped us. So, it wasn’t too bad.

We also hadn't had much time to look for an apartment while my grandmother was here. But beginning for following week, we started looking. We began with apartments within walking distance of the university and no luck. Then we looked further out.

Some of the apartments were very nice but too expensive. Some Amy didn't like. Some I didn't like. Some weren't very nice at all. And for some reason, I had a feeling that Amy wasn't in a hurry to find one.

One Monday evening Amy and I, the Tammy I, were home early, and we had started making dinner. When my parents arrived home, I told them to go and relax, and that we’d call them when it was ready.

As we were eating, my mother mentioned that the store was putting together a new bridal brochure. I asked her if she was going to be in it. She laughed as she said, “Maybe as a mother of the bride. I'm too old for the bridal gown part.”

“Mom.”, Amy said. “You’re not too old! You’re as pretty as you were back when we lived next door to you.”

“Thanks, honey. But this is for the younger girls.”

We finished eating, and while cleaning up, my mother asked, “You two girls wouldn’t be interested in modeling for the brochure. Would you? They’re looking for fresh faces and like to use local girls.”

Before I could say anything, Amy said, “That could be fun.”

I looked at Amy, and said, “No way. You can if you want to. But there’s no way that I’m doing it.”

“Honey. It could be a lot of fun. Besides, you loved my dress.”

“I know. I loved it on you.”

“Just think. Of all the fun stuff you’d get to wear. All the satin underwear. The nylons. The shoes. The wedding gowns. You’d probably get your hair and makeup done professionally.”

“Yeah. As soon as they went to do my hair, they’d figure out it was a wig, and they’d see my shorter boys hair. And know that I was a boy.”

“Honey.”, my mom asked. “Do you remember Mrs. Taylor from the beauty shop at the store?”

“Of course.”

“She's the one that remembered you two and thought that you'd be perfect. She's the one that the store uses for doing all the hair for their advertisements.”

“Even knowing that I’m a boy?”

“She thought it would be fun to pull the wool over their eyes. And it would be fun for you to have one of the brochures to look at.”

“What about some of the styles of the newer dresses. They’re showing a lot of cleavage.”

“Oh. You’ve noticed that?”, Amy asked.

“Sure. Remember that Mary and I were always looking at the fashions in the magazines that she and my aunt received. I still keep up with it by reading mom’s.”

“Well, they still do have high-necked gowns.”, my mother said. “I'll bet that they'll let you pick and choose what you wear, or maybe you can guide them that way.”

“I ... I still don’t know.”

As we were laying in bed that night, Amy became a little lovey-dovey. “You know lover.”, Amy said. “Modeling wedding gowns like that is a girl’s dream. Just think of all the fun experiences that you’ll have.”

“You want me to do this. Don't you?”

“I want to do it with you. To help you experience the ultimate girly thing, wearing a wedding gown. It’s your big chance.”

I rolled over and looked at her. She had that cute smile, and her blue eyes were just sparkling. “Okay.”, I said. “I’ll do it. But … ”

I didn’t get to finish my thought, as she pushed me down, and seduced me.

On Wednesday, and since neither of us had afternoon classes, Amy and I, were at the store where my mother works. We were talking with Mrs. Taylor. And of course, I was Tammy. Mrs. Taylor had just done a little work on our hair and makeup, and we were waiting for the people who were doing the brochure to arrive.

I asked Mrs. Taylor, “So, you think we can pull this off?”

“You mean. Using you as a model?”, Mrs. Taylor replied.

“Yeah. I mean. I’m a boy. Sure I can look like a girl. Even act and talk like a girl. Won’t someone be helping me change and won’t they figure it out?”

“I already know.”, my mother said as she walked into the room. “I’m going to be the one helping you change. And remember that Helen will be doing your hair.”

My mother had shown up, I guess for moral support. I’m glad she did.

“Besides.”, Mrs. Taylor said. “They are looking at other girls. So, you may not get picked.”

A few minutes later two women, a man, and a photographer showed up. It appeared that one of the women was in charge. She had us pose in different ways. Then, she had us pose again and had the photographer take some shots. Some were just head shots and others were full body.

Then the boss lady said, “I like you two. Two blue-eyed blonds with nice bodies, and one that has a darker skin tone than the other. You two will just make the dresses pop. I think we'll have the other girls do the bride maid's dresses. If our proof pictures of you two turn out, like I know they will, we can use you both for the wedding gowns.

“We’re also going to be doing some bridal underwear that you’ll both look great in.”

“Ah. Miss ... ?”, Amy said.

“Miss Devon.”

“Miss Devon. My friend here is somewhat shy. She ... Well, she is also somewhat flat chested. And may not want to do the lingerie.”

“But she has such a beautiful shape.”

“I know. The top has some help.”

“Oh. I see.”

I knew that I was probably turning ten shades of red.

Amy looked at me, and said, “I’m sorry Tammy. I didn’t mean to embarrass you.”

“That all right.”, I replied.

Miss Devon looked at me, then said, “Well. There are a couple of gowns that wouldn’t work on you. And a number that will. So, I think this shoot will work.” Then looking at Amy, she added, “I think we’ll use you for the lingerie.”

“So, you’re only using Tammy for the wedding gowns?”, Amy asked.

“Yes. I think so. I’ll know for sure when I see your pictures from today. If I do, you’ll each have five gowns to wear, each with a different veil. And, you will have five different lingerie looks to do. With the help of the store’s staff, we should be able to do this without a problem.”

“So, we’d do it here in the store?”

“Yes. The store has a very nice bridal area, and it would make a good backdrop for the shoot.”

After Miss Devon left, I looked at Amy, and said, “I don’t know about all of this.”

Mrs. Taylor said, “I can understand your reluctance, but she is all business and does a very good job.”

“Mom. If you weren’t going to be here, I’d say no right now.”

“Honey. Don’t worry. Everything will be all right.”

“I hope you’re right. Oh. When are we doing this?”

“I think this Sunday morning. Am I right Helen?”

“Yes.”, Mrs. Taylor said. “This Sunday and with an early start, we should be done by lunchtime.”

“Are you going to be here?”, I asked her.

“Of course.”, Mrs. Taylor said with a big smiled. “Do you think I’d let anyone else work on my special customer.”

“An early start?”

“Yes. They want everyone here by seven and ready for the photo shoot.”

On the way out of the store, we stopped by the shoe department, and they fitted us for the shoes. A pair of white satin high heeled pumps for both of us. They had a four-inch heel. When I first put them on, I was worried about walking in them. Then I surprised myself, and Amy, I could walk, with only a little wobble, right away.


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