Tommy - The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl? - Chapter 155

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The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl?

A Novel By Teddie S.

Copyright © 2019 Teddie S.
All Rights Reserved.

Chapter 155
Governor Cochiti. Blue Lake. An early Christmas.

I’m finding out that having your arm in a sling is not a fun thing, especially when Amy won’t let me drive. We’d seen Jackie and Charlie off on their flight home for Christmas.

Then I took my last exam on Friday morning and I stopped off at the Dean’s office where I found an envelope from Dr. Joe in my mailbox. But, on the envelope, he had written a note asking me not to open it until I was at the resort. Amy had made us frybread tacos for lunch to celebrate the end of exam week.

Saturday it was off to the resort. The first thing was my aunt questioning me about the sling. I found Thursday’s Albuquerque paper, and she read the article, but she caught that my name wasn’t in it. I told her that I’d tell both her and my uncle at lunch what had gone on. Then Ajie and I went and soaked in one of the pools. It’s amazing how good those thermal waters made my shoulder feel.

At lunch, I filled both my aunt and uncle in on what had happened to me that the newspaper didn’t pick up on. Then Ajie and I just relaxed in front of the fireplace. Then I’d opened and read the letter from Dr. Joe. He brought up that I should seriously consider bypassing my masters and go for my doctorate. After Ajie read the letter, she spilled her heart to me on how she felt about it.

A walk up the cliff trail to see the little tree brought out a serious talk about moving out of the apartment. And, then at dinner things got serious again, but for another reason. Naainish was there, and he asked both Ajie and me to go with him to visit a friend that was dying. And, it became very serious when we learned who the friend was. It was Tribal Governor Cochiti of the Taos Pueblo. I don’t look forward to telling Charlie about this.

Ajie and I were up early on Sunday morning and decided that we’d go for a soak in one of the pools before breakfast. So, we dressed in our swimsuits, tossed on our robes, took a change of clothes with us, and ran to the bathhouse. After leaving our clothes, we ran to one of the pools. Talk about it being the coldest before the dawn. It was cold! And it felt so good to slide into that warm water.

An hour later it was hard getting out of the pool. Of course, it was still cold, and now we were wet. But we did get out, threw on our robes and ran to the bathhouse. We showered and put on our clothes, and quickly walked back to the house. We opened the door to the smell of breakfast cooking.

Aunt Ruth looked at us, and said, “You went to the pools this early! I thought you were still in bed.”

“Yes.”, I replied. “I know we’re crazy. But, we wanted to get a soak in before Naainish showed up.”

“Was it cold?”

"Yes, the air was cold. But, those warm waters felt so good.”, Ajie said.

“You two are as crazy as some of the skiers that stay here.”, my Uncle Paul said.

Just then there was a knock on the door, and Aunt Ruth said, “Kai, would you get that, please. It’s probably Naainish.”

“Sure.”, Aunt Ruth.

I walked over to the door, opened it, and my aunt was right. It was Naainish. And, I said, “Yá’át’ééh abiní, Naainish. – (Good morning, Naainish.)”

“Yá’át’ééh abiní, Kai.”, Naainish said. “It looks like you were at the pools already.”

“Yes, we wanted to get in a soak before breakfast.”

“It is a good thing.”

“The air was cold, but the water was warm.”

We walked into the kitchen, and everyone greeted Naainish with, “Yá’át’ééh abiní, Naainish.”

He returned a “Yá'át'ééh, t'áá ájíltso. Nizhonigó íiná aadóó hozhónahasdlíí. – (Hello, everyone! It is good, and all is harmony around us.)”

Naainish was dressed up, white linen pants, a bright red shirt, a red head scarf, wrap moccasins, a Concho belt, and some other jewelry.

Ajie and I then helped Aunt Ruth finish cooking breakfast. We didn’t have to do much, other than setting the table, as we were having a Southwestern breakfast casserole and homemade wheat bread toast. And, Aunt Ruth had put most of it together last night. This casserole is made with eggs, hash brown potatoes, sausage, black beans, bell pepper, chili peppers, and Southwestern spices. And, it was good.

Ajie and I helped Aunt Ruth clean up the breakfast dishes, and then we went to our room to change. As we walked into our room, Ajie looked at me, and said, “You were quiet at breakfast. Not looking forward to this are you?”

“No. Are you?”, I replied.

“Of course not. It’s not as hard as it was when grandma passed, but it’s still hard.”

“Yeah. You’re right.”

We braided each other's hair into two braids and added fancy ends to the braids. Then we both dressed in fancy long skirts, fancy blouses, and wrap moccasins. Both of us wore chokers, Concho belts, silver bracelets, and silver rings. Our earring where those made by my grandfather. I chose to wear a turquoise squash blossom necklace that my grandfather had made.

I had to put my sling on. Which didn’t make me happy, but it did make my arm feel better.

I looked at the headbands that we’d brought along, and then I looked at Ajie. She looked at me, and said, “You’re thinking of wearing the headdresses with the Eagle feathers. Aren’t you?”

“Yes.”, I replied. “Wearing them to honor the Governor.”

“I like your thoughts.”

Ajie helped me put on my Eagle feather headdress, and then she put hers on. But, we’d have to take them off when we got into the car and put them back on when we got there. I looked at Ajie, smiled, and said, “There’s my native princess.”

“And, there’s mine.”, Ajie said.

We walked out into the main part of the house, my aunt saw us, and said, “Girls, you two look wonderful. And, I still marvel at those headdresses.”

“We decided to wear them in honor of the Governor.”

“That is good.”, Naainish said.

“You don’t think it’s too much?”, I asked.

“No, Kai Nez. The honor you are showing him is well deserved.”

As we were leaving, my Aunt Ruth said, “Your Aunt Ginny and Uncle Gaagii will be here for dinner. And, Naainish you’re welcome to stay too.”

“That’s great.”, I replied. “We have Christmas presents for you and them. And, even for you Naainish.”

“Honey, you didn’t need to do that.”

“Aunt Ruth, it’s the least we can do after everything that you’ve done for us.”

“I’m not expecting anything.”, Naainish said.

“Naainish.”, Ajie said. “Without you, we wouldn’t have known about Kai. And, many things would never have happened.”

Naainish just smiled.

The hour-long drive to the Taos Pueblo was a quiet one. Since we’d been to the Governor’s house, I knew how to get there, and I directed Ajie as she drove. When we arrived, there were some cars parked on the street and we joined them. As we got out of the car, Ajie and I put our headdresses back on.

The three of us walked up to the door and knocked. Shortly a man answered it, Naainish told him who we were, and he invited us in.

As we walked into the living room, we saw a few people sitting there, talking. Quah Ah, the Pueblo medicine woman, saw us. She got up, walked over to us, and asked, “Kai what did you do to your arm?”

“I’ll tell you later.”, I replied.

Then I received a careful big hug from Quah Ah, and she whispered loud enough for Ajie and Naainish to hear, “I’m so glad that you, Ajie, and Naainish were able to come. The Governor will be so happy to see you.”

“I don’t know what, if anything, that I can do for him.”, I whispered back.

“Kai, just being here will help him. He thinks the world of you and Ajie. And, Naainish. We don’t believe in spirits the way the Navajo do, but I know that your spirits will be a calming force for him. We’ll go and see him in a minute, but I want to introduce the three of you first.”

“Everyone.”, Quah Ah said. “I’d like you to meet three special people. They are all members of the Navajo Nation.

“First this is Naainish Yazzie. He is a highly respected medicine man and an old friend of the Governor. These two ladies are good friends.” Then looking at Ajie, she said, “This is Ajie Nez, she’s the cousin of the other lady.” Then looking at me, Quah Ah said, “And, this lady you may have heard of, she is Kai Nez, she is a special two spirit person.”

When Quah Ah mentioned my name, I saw a few looks of recognition. Then a man walked up to us, and said, “Welcome. I’m James Lefthand. The War Chief of the Taos Pueblo. I’ve heard a lot about the three of you, and it’s a pleasure to finally meet you. And, you Kai Nez I’ve heard many things about. The Governor is very taken by you.”

“Thank you, Chief Lefthand.”, I replied. “We’ve come today to see the Governor and hopefully ease his pain.”

“Yes, we’ve heard that he’s been asking to see you.”

Then Quah Ah said, “Come, and I’ll take you to see the Governor.”

The three of us followed Quah Ah upstairs to one of the bedrooms. As we walked into the bedroom, we first saw the Governor, and he was lying on a bed. And, he didn’t look good at all. Also, there was an older woman in the room, who I took to be the Governor's wife. Then there was a middle-aged man. And a woman in a nurse’s uniform.

The middle-aged man walked over to us, and Quah Ah introduced him as the Governors oldest son, Gabe. And when he heard who we were he told us that his dad will be happy to see us.

Then, Quah Ah walked over to the older woman and whispered something to her. The woman looked at Ajie and me, got up with Quah Ah’s help, and walked over to us. The woman said, “I’m so glad that you could come. I’m Mrs. Cochiti, the Governor's wife. And, he will be so happy to see you.

“Come with me.”

Again with Quah Ha’s help, the woman walked towards the bed. When she got to the side of the bed, she said, “Chaz. Chaz, look who’s here to see you.”

The Governor slowly opened his eyes and looked towards us. A smile slowly grew on his face, then in a weak voice, he said, “I see two beautiful angels in front of me. Have I died and gone to heaven? No, I couldn’t have gone to heaven, they wouldn’t let someone as ugly as Naainish Yazzie in.”

I had a problem holding back the tears.

Then Mrs. Cochiti said, “Chaz, at least you haven’t lost your sense of humor.”

“Kai, Ajie, and Naainish, it is so good of you to come and see me.”, the Governor said. “Kai come and sit next to me.” And, he patted the bed next to him.

I looked at Mrs. Cochiti. And, she nodded yes.

I carefully sat on the bed. The Governor took my hand in his, and then said, “Kai Nez, just seeing you makes my heart happy. And, holding your hand warms my spirit.”

As I fought back the tears, I said, “I’m so happy that we could come and see you.”

“How, is my friend Charlie?”

“He’s fine. He and his wife, Jackie, are back home for Christmas or I know that he’d be here with us. And my uncle has given them both jobs at the resort for the next summer.”

“I understand. Be sure and tell them that I said hello when you see them.”

“I will Governor. I promise I will.”

I sat there talking with him until he fell asleep. And that didn’t take very long. Then I started a quiet chant, Naainish, and Ajie joined in. Quah Ah stood there with us. When we finished the chant, we walked over to Mrs. Cochiti, I bent down, kissed her cheek, and whispered, “Mrs. Cochiti, I wish there was something that I could do for him.”

“My dear.”, Mrs. Cochiti said. “Just by being here, you have made him happy. He talks about you all the time. And, somehow you have made me feel at ease with this whole thing.”

I hugged Mrs. Cochiti again, and whispered, “I wish I could do more.”

“Kai.”, Mrs. Cochiti said, “You have done a lot. And I don’t think there is any more to be done. It’s all up to the Great Spirit now.”

We then quietly walked out of the bedroom. And the tears that I’d been holding back started. I stood in the hallway, leaning against the wall, crying, and trying to gather my composure. Once I’d stopped crying, Quah Ah took me to the bathroom to clean up.

We finally walked downstairs and into the living room. Chief Lefthand walked over to us, and asked, “How’s he doing?”

I looked at Ajie, and she said, “From a medical standpoint, I’d say it’s as good as could be expected. And, that’s not very good. From a spiritual standpoint, I think that he’s now at peace with everything.”

Quah Ah then said, “Remember that Kai is a special two spirit person to the Navajo people. She can bring a calm time to the people who are troubled. And, I just watched her do this for the Governor.”

I looked at Quah Ah, and said, “I feel a need to go to the Old San Geronimo Mission and cemetery. Could you take us?”

“I’d be happy to.”, Quah Ah said.

The four of us left the Governor's house and walked towards the Old Mission and cemetery. As we walked, I had to explain to Quah Ah why I was wearing a sling.

When I finished the explanation, with a sly grin, Quah Ah said, “I didn’t know that teaching college was a contact sport.”

I smiled a little, as I said, “I didn’t either.”

“You’d better not get yourself hurt again.”

“I’ll try not to.”

As we stopped at the gate to the cemetery, Quah Ah said, “Kai, I felt your spiritual strength while you were sitting with the Governor. And, I think he felt it too. I saw a smile on his face that I haven’t seen in weeks.”

“Quah Ah.”, I said. “I thought being with Naainish’s father when he passed was hard. But, I felt a weak spirit in the Governor, and it just hurt me. And, … ”

“Kai, you don’t have to tell us. I think we all felt it.”

“I did.”, Ajie said. I looked at her in a questioning way.

“As did I.”, Naainish added. “His spirit was very low when we walked in there. But, I felt it slowly grow as he realized that you were there. It wasn’t much of a growth, but there was something.

“Kai Nez, you are a special person. You helped my father, as well as others, and now the Governor.”

“Yes.”, Ajie said. “And, what you did at Max’s funeral was beyond wonderful. Especially what you did for his mother and his fiancee, Christine.”

I just stood there for a minute. Why me?

Then I opened the gate, and the four of us walked in. I walked directly to the ruins of the Old Mission. Why? I’m not sure. But, something called me here.

“Feeling any spirits here, Kai?”, Quah Ah asked.

“Just like last time, no.”, I replied. “But, something called me here.”

“I’ve been called here before for no reason.”, Quah Ah said. “And, to feel the spirits, you would probably have to go to the Blue Lake.”

“Blue Lake?”

“Along with what the Christians believe of an afterlife, many of us still believe that after a feast that celebrates the soul of the dead person, that the soul goes to the adobe of the cloud spirits, and that adobe is deep in the Ba Whyea or the Blue Lake.”

“I would like to visit that Blue Lake sometime.”

“Sorry, Kai. I’d love to take you there, but that is a very sacred place. And, access is limited to members of the Taos Pueblo.”

“That’s all right, Quah Ah. I understand.”

We stood at the ruins of the Old Mission for a few minutes, and then we slowly walked back towards the Governor’s house. When we reached the car, there were hugs all around from Quah Ah as Ajie, Naainish, and I got into the car. As we were closing the doors, Quah Ah said, “Please come back and see me.”

“We will, Quah Ah.”, I said.

As we, or Ajie, was driving back to the resort, I said, “That was hard.”

“Kai.”, Naainish said. “When it’s my time, I hope that you will be there. I could feel the Governor become at ease with what was coming. When his time comes, he will pass over knowing that everything will be fine. He will be at ease.”

“Naainish, don’t talk that way.”, I said. “If I lose you, I lose everything.”

“Kai Nez! When it’s my time. It’s my time. And, you will not lose everything. You have Ajie. She means more to you than I do. More than anyone else does. I’m a small part of your life, and she is a large part of it. She’s as special as you are in her own way. You will always have your family and friends.”

After a few seconds, I said, “Naainish, as usual, you’re right. Life goes on, But, I hope it’s many many years before we have to face your passing.”

“Kai, so do I.”

“I also feel that you still have a lot to teach me.”

“Kai Nez, you also have a lot to teach me too. If you or I ever stop learning, we are dead.”

“Naainish, as usual, you’re right.”

“Kai, I’m not always right. I make mistakes, and I’ve learned that you are a bigger person if you admit to them.”

“My father taught me that back when I was exploring things by taking them apart to see what made them work. I learned that if I admitted to doing something wrong that the punishment would be less and in some cases none existent. And, my father would teach me by helping me fix what I’d broken.”

“He’s a wise man.”

“Yes, he is.”

When we were back at the resort, Naainish got out of the car, went to his pickup, and retrieved a package. As the three of us walked into the house, my aunt saw us, and asked, “How’s the Governor?”

“Not good, Aunt Ruth.”, I said. “I’m surprised that he’s still alive. He was so weak, and it was hard seeing him that way.”

“Aunt Ruth.”, Ajie said. “Kai was wonderful with him. She sat, held his hand, and talked with him.”

“That doesn’t surprise me.”, Aunt Ruth said. “I’ve felt all along that Kai has a kind heart.”

We had plenty of time before dinner for a soak in one of the thermal pools. So, Ajie and I went and changed out of our fancy clothes, and into warm clothes. We carried our swimsuits and bathrobes to the main bathhouse, changed, and ran to the Kiva Pool. And we enjoyed the warm water.

As we walked back to the house, we saw a car with an Arizona license plate on it parked by the door. It was my Aunt Ginny and Uncle Gaagii car. We walked into the house, and as usual, we heard voices coming from the kitchen. It appears that the kitchen is the gathering place in this house.

We took our swimsuits and robes to our room and hung them in the bathroom. Then we walked to the kitchen. Uncle Gaagii was the first to see us, and he said, “Kai, Ruth told us about your shoulder. You should let the police do things like that.”

“The police officer that was there was already hurt.”, I said. “So, I had to do something.”

“I guess you did. So, how long are the two of you going to be here?”

“Until Tuesday afternoon, unless Aunt Ruth throws us out first.”

“I’d never do that, Kai.”, Aunt Ruth said.

“I know.”, I said with a smile. “We’d like to stay until Christmas. But, I have to see the doctors on Wednesday, and then we’re flying home on Thursday.”

“And, I hear that you two are crazy enough to go soak in the pools then run to the bathhouse.”, Aunt Ginny said.

“Aunt Ginny.”, Ajie said. “Don’t tell Kai that I said this, but the runs from the pool to the bathhouse are exhilarating.”

“I’m sitting right here.”, I said.

“I know, but I didn’t want you to hear me say that I was enjoying it.”

“You're silly.”

“I needed to do that after today.”

“I understand.”

“That’s right.”, Aunt Ginny said. “You two and Naainish went to see Governor Cochiti today. That must have been hard.”

I just nodded yes.

Then Aunt Ruth said, “All right you two. Come help me with dinner.”

We put together a nice spicy Southwestern salad and something called King Ranch chicken with some nice side dishes including cornbread, and for dessert, Aunt Ginny taught us how to make Mexican fried ice cream. And, that was easier than I thought. Before dinner, we made up eight ice cream balls and froze them while we ate. After dinner, we heated some oil. And, when we were ready to fry the ice cream balls, we rolled each of the balls in a mix of cornflake crumbs and cinnamon and then fried them individually for about ten seconds. Then put them on the plates, add honey and whip cream. And eat. YUM!

After we’d cleaned up, we went into the living room, where Uncle Paul had a nice fire going. We sat around and talked for a little while. Then, Aunt Ruth said, “Kids, I wish you could be here for Christmas, but we know that your parents want to see you. So, we have some presents for you. Paul would you get them please.”

“We have things for you guys too.”, I said. “And, I’ll be right back.”

I got up and went to our room, and I came back with three boxes. Uncle Paul had brought two boxes into the living room. Naainish had also moved his box into the room.

Ajie and I had found hand spun, hand woven blankets for everyone. One for Aunt Ruth and Uncle Paul, one for Aunt Ginny and Uncle Gaagii, and one for Naainish. The blankets had come from the lady in Albuquerque who had made our Biil dresses, so we know who made them. After my aunts, uncles, and Naainish had opened there presents and made a fuss over them. Naainish gave us our present, and it was another sand painting. This one was as pretty as the first one, and he told us that it represented the four sacred mountains.

Then Aunt Ruth handed Ajie her box, and said, “The four of us went together on something for each of you, and this is Ajies'.”

Ajie took the box, opened it, and took out a gorgeous shawl. You could tell that it was hand made and it had a fringe made out of strands of beads. She unfolded it, and there was an Eagle embroidered on it.

Ajie looked at our aunts and uncles, and said, “This is fantastic. I love it. And I’ll cherish it forever. Thank you so much.”

“Honey, Naainish has told us that the Eagle represents your female spirit. So, we had one hand embroidered on your shawl.”

Ajie looked at it, ran her hand over the Eagle, looked at Naainish, and said, “Really?”

“Yes.”, Naainish said. “That’s why there are two Eagles when you see them.”

Then I opened my box from my aunts and uncles, and it was also a hand made shawl. I unfolded it, and there was also an Eagle embroidered on mine, and along with the Eagle, there was also a Wolf.

I looked at my aunt, and asked, “An Eagle and a Wolf?”

Aunt Ruth said, “Yes, Kai. We were told about the Wolf in your vision, and that she represents your female spirit. As the Eagle represents your male spirit.”

I looked at Naainish.

He looked at me smiled, and said, “Yes, Kai. The Wolf is your female spirit and the Eagle is your male spirit.”

I looked at my aunts and uncles, and said, “As Ajie said, I love it, and I’ll cherish it forever. But, it’s too much.”

“Kai.”, Aunt Ginny said. “We had to show the two of you how much we love you. You both are special to us.”

I got up and hugged my aunts and uncles. And, Ajie was right behind me. Then we sat back down, and we talked some more.

Naainish was the first to leave, and we again thanked him for the sand painting. And, I told him that we’d be sure that it was placed so that it would be one of the first things that someone would see when they came into our home.

Naainish smiled, and said, “That is good.”

We visited with our aunts and uncles a little longer and found out that Aunt Ginny and Uncle Gaagii were staying the night. Finally, Ajie and I headed for bed. It had been a long, hard day.

As we cuddled together in bed, I asked, “Honey, when we were talking with Quah Ah and Naainish about our visit with the Governor, and I said that I felt a weak spirit, you said that you felt it too. Did you feel something?”

“Yes.”, Amy replied. “I don’t know what it was, but I did feel something and it felt weak. Then I felt it grow a little stronger as you sat with the Governor. Not much stronger, but stronger.”

“You’ve felt things like this before. Haven’t you?”

“I think you know I have.”

“Yes. I’m just trying to figure out why you’re feeling these things.”

“Is it important?”

“I’m not sure. But, I find it interesting.”


“Yes, that over time you’ve started to feel some of the things that I do.”

“You’re right, but it’s usually strong things. Like around the fire pit.

“Something to ask Naainish?”

“I think so.”

Monday was a relaxing day. It needed to be. Ajie and I were up in time to have breakfast with my aunts and uncles, and to see Aunt Ginny and Uncle Gaagii off on their drive home. Of course, we thanked them again for the beautiful shawls. We were able to get in two soaks in the thermal pools. One of those was during a heavy snow fall, and that was fun.

Ajie and I spent a lot of time sitting in front of the fireplace. Sometimes it was reading. Sometimes it was cuddling together. And, I was able to finish reading the book for the new course. We made lunch for my aunt and uncle, and they took us to the restaurant for dinner. And, an after-dinner hike up to the cliff was fun but cold, so we didn’t spend much time up there.

Tuesday we were able to get in two more soaks before we headed home. And, we did leave a large part of our silver, especially the larger pieces, in the floor safe, but we did take enough with us for any fancy things that we might do when we were back in Ohio

We made it back to Albuquerque a little after four, and that gave us some time to do things we needed to do before we left for Ohio. If I didn’t have to see the doctors on Wednesday, we’d be leaving tomorrow. But, Amy said that I had to go. And, I knew that she was right. But, my arm was feeling exceptionally good. Was it the thermal pools? Or, the spirits in the area of the resort? Or, both of them?

As we walked the into apartment, I noticed that the light was blinking on the answering machine. So, I walked over, rewound the tape, and pressed play. The only message was, “Kai, it’s Dr. Joe. Call me. I have some information for you. Bye.”

I picked up the phone, and dialed Dr. Joe’s home number. His wife Mary answered the phone with, “Hello, Oshie residence.”

“Hi Mary.”, I said. “It’s Kai.”

“Oh, hi Kai. How’s the arm?”

“A lot better since I spent time soaking in the thermal pools. How are you?”


“Hopefully everything is fine?"

“Yes, everything is on schedule."

"Good. Is Dr. Joe there?”

"Yes. But, before I get Joe, are you and Amy doing anything for dinner tomorrow night?”

“I don’t think so, but let me ask.”

I covered the mouth piece on the phone, turned to where Amy was sitting in the living room, and asked, “Honey, it’s Mary. Are we doing anything for dinner tomorrow night?”

“Nothing special.”, Amy replied.

Putting the phone back up to my ear, I said, “Mary, We’re free.”

“Great.”, Mary said. “How abut coming over about five for dinner?”

“That’ll be fine.”

“Okay, here’s Joe.”

Then I heard Dr. Joe ask, “Hi Kai. How’s the arm?”

“The trip to the resort helped a lot.”, I replied.

“We heard some more things about the Kowalski kid that I though you’d like to know.”

“Oh. What?”

“They found out how he knew that the exams were in your briefcase.”

“Oh! How?”

“It seems that his girlfriend had a student assistant’s job in Dean Rutherford office, and she’d tell him when they were working on an exam. And, also let him know when she though that the exam would be picked up. Then he’d hangout in the area of the dean’s office, and if his girlfriend was working then she’d signal him. Otherwise he just took a chance that he’d followed the right person.

“Then he’d follow the person hoping that they’d put the exam in a place that he could get to. With you, he followed you to class, waited while you taught your two classes, then followed you to my office, saw that there was no one there when you used your key, you went in with your briefcase and came out with it. And, you know the rest.”

“So there were two students involved in this?”, I asked.

“Yes.”, Dr. Joe said. “And she’s in almost as much trouble as he is.”

“Who is she?”

“I don’t know. But, I understand that there will be a front page article in the first issue of the school newspaper right after break.

“I hear that you and Amy are coming over for dinner tomorrow. We can talk more then.”

“You know, Dr. Joe.”, I said. “I just as soon write it off as a bad dream.”

“So would I, Kai. But, I’ll bet that at the least we’ll have to give a deposition.”

“And, at the worst?”

“Appear as a witness for the prosecution.”

“See you tomorrow, Dr. Joe. Hágoónee'.”

As I hung up the phone, Amy looked at me, and asked, “What was that all about?”

“I guess they found out how the Kowalski kid found out about my exam and how he got to it.”


“His girlfriend worked in Dean Rutherford’s office. And, would spot exams of interest when they copied them, and tell him about it. Then he’d follow the teacher and hope that they slip up so he could get his hands on it.”

“So, she’s in trouble too?”

“I would think so.”

“And, he followed you to Dr. Joe’s office.”



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Stolen tests

My5InchFMHeels's picture

Probably going to be expulsions for the both of them, likely some criminal charges as well.

Happy that we get to see the parents again soon too.

I would say with the breaking

I would say with the breaking and entering that there will be criminal charges.

You keep making me hungry

The last chapter you reminded me of Indian tacos which is one on my favorite foods. This chapter you brought up king ranch chicken one of my favorite casseroles that I haven't had in years. You really know how to make my mouth water. At least you didn't mention bunuelos this time that's cinnamon crisps for those that don't speak Spanish or have a hubby that is half Mexican half Native American. As for Aijie's spiritual awakening I believe it is an extension of Kai's spirits intermingling with Ajie's spirit making them stronger together. They are both people is science and have strong spiritual bonds to each other as well as the Dine I can't wait to see how this connection develops and if Ajie's connection to the spirits around us continues to become stronger.

EllieJo Jayne

I'll see what kind of

I'll see what kind of wonderful Southwestern food I can conjure up next. ;-)

Ajie's spiritual awakening is long overdue. But, is coming along.

My wife and I.....

NoraAdrienne's picture

My wife and I enjoy going to the yearly Pow Wow that is put on in the NY/NJ are by the Redhawk Native American Arts Council. The dancers are always amazing and it is fun to watch the little ones going out for the first time with one or another of their parents to show what they've learned. The food totally rocks and the crafters and silversmiths all have amazing displays that you'd need to be a lottery winner to buy all the things that catch your eye.

Yes, the Pow Wows can be

Yes, the Pow Wows can be amazing. It's been a while since we've been, but are planning on going to one this year.

Where was the tissue alert

Monique S's picture

Mrs. Teddie?

Very touching chapter.


Monique S

Sorry, Monique. I'll add a

Sorry, Monique. I'll add a red flag to the title banner next time. ;-)

Leaky eyes...

Donna T's picture

Another fine story. The fact that it gave me yet another case of 'leaky eye syndrome' speaks well for your writing skills.


Thank you, Donna

Thank you, Donna

Solid as always

Beoca's picture

Solid as always - keep up the good work, Teddie!

Thanks, Beoca. I always

Thanks, Beoca. I always appreciate comments like yours.

While they will deserve what they get

Wendy Jean's picture

It is a little sad to see young people destroy their lives that way. We can only hope the Governors passing is a gentle one. At the end it is something we can all hope for.

Hi Wendy Jean,

Hi Wendy Jean,

Yes, it's unfortunate that too many young people ruin their lives by not thinking things through.

And, we all hope that the Governors passing is a gentle one.

I am sorry for those who ruin their lives.

I'm all caught up and now I can comment "like regular people".

I hope that you are feeling good and the medication is not making you ill.

I'm really enjoying this tale. Their hiking is so interesting and it is pleasing that they have not had to shoot any of "The People". All I've ever seen of a Bear is their butt as they run away. So far, in the Columbia Gorge and far North Eastern Oregon, I've not seen or heard many wild animals. I used to carry a 1911 .45. If I get to go in the future, I'll take a pistol and some bear mace.

These days, I just assume that someone from the government is looking over my shoulder.

Very good then.


Hi Gwen,

Hi Gwen,

Glad that you got caught up.

I through all the stuff to do with the thyroid cancer.

I enjoy hiking in the wood with the dog. We do have the rare bear wander through the area from time to time. And I do carry a gun with me, but it's more for the coyotes.

Don't know if they're looking over your shoulder when you're in the wood or not.

Long time no comment


I have not submitted a comment since Dec 2018. This does not mean that I have stopped enjoying this excellent story.
I have just been able to read Chapters 145 through 155 in the last two days.

It seems that Kai and I share a somewhat common experience. On Dec 29,2018 I tripped over some boxes in my kitchen and
fell on my left shoulder. To quote my orthopedic surgeon, " What did you do, put a stick of dynamite in your shoulder and
detonate it ?"
My left shoulder bones were completely shattered into small pieces which could not be repaired, so I had to undergo a
complete shoulder replacement in mid January. I am bionic now (no bones in the shoulder; just Titanium and screws).
I was in a brace until a little over a week ago and therefore could not access my computer. I am still in a sling.
I had the extreme fortune of having one of the premier orthopedic surgeons in the DFW Metroplex (he also happens
to be the team surgeon for the Texas Rangers Baseball team).
My surgery was highly successful and to my surprise my pain level after the surgery has been dramatically less than
I expected. My recovery has been unbelievable.

I am glad that I can get back to reading yours as well, as other authors excellent and engrossing works.

I pray that your treatments for your cancer go as successfully as my surgery has gone.

Take care and keep writing. You stories often make my day.
I also hope that Kai recovers soon. I understand now what she/he is going through.


My wife had something similar

My wife had something similar and it didn't turn out as well. They nicked her radial nerve, and she now has hand drop and little to no use of her left hand. And, the surgeon is one of the best at one of the Cleveland hospitals.

And, thanks for the nice comments on the story.

A lot going on in this chapter

I enjoyed reading all of it. I don't think we have heard the last of Blue Lake. Wishing you and yours continued recovery and a wonderful 2019.

Thanks, Wendy K.

Thanks, Wendy K.

I hope you also have a great 2019.

The Blue Lake? We'll see.

It's never easy

Jamie Lee's picture

Knowing someone is reaching their end is never easy accept, or keep from feeling so helpless. Even so, when the physical end occurs, the person may be gone but they live through all the memories they left behind with others.

Kai's shoulder might surprise the doctor, who may have expected it to take longer to heal. Hopefully the sling will come off so the flight to Ohio will be more comfortable.

Did that kid really think he wouldn't get caught stealing the tests? Or did he think because he was a football player he'd get off if caught.

This time he made a mistake of hurting a policeman and breaking into the lab. Maybe if he waited longer he could have gotten Kai's test without needing to breaking into the lab. Hopefully that kid and his girlfriend have learned that taking shortcuts to earn money causes more problems than it's worth.

Others have feelings too.

Hi Jamie Lee,

Hi Jamie Lee,

Yes, death is never easy.

I wonder if soaking in those warm pools at the resort will hope? And how strong are the spirits, or do they go to Florida in the winter? ;-)))

The kid has probably gotten away with it before, and it seemed like an easy way to make a buck. But, the door frame was a hard lesson.

Thanks for your comments.

Nature of Story

Teddie S
I have been following this story closely since its inception on BCTS and it is one of my all time favorites. I have given Kudos on every Chapter so far. The tenderness of this chapter brought tears to my eyes. I also searched "Ba Whyea" on Google and found some wonderful pictures of the lake area and pueblo. Thanx again to a very talented, captivating author.


Jaimie S., you make me blush.

Jaimie S., you make me blush. Thank you for the very nice comments.