Tommy - The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl? - Chapter 14

The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl?

A Novel By Teddie S.

Copyright © 2017 Teddie S.
All Rights Reserved.

Chapter 14

A photo shoot and another wedding.

That night I lay in bed, staring at the ceiling, and thinking, ‘What have I gotten myself into now.'

Amy rolled over, looked at me, and asked, “Honey. What’s wrong?”

“This whole photo shoot thing.”, I replied.

“Still worried about someone figuring out that you’re a boy?”

“Kind of, and I don’t like that woman.”

“Miss Devon?”

“Yeah. There’s just something about her.”

“I know. I don’t care for her either.”

“I don’t know if I can do this or not.”

“Honey. It’ll be fine, your mother, Mrs. Taylor, and I will be there. Just think about all the dresses you’ll have fun trying on.”

“That’s the only positive things.”

Sunday was here faster than I wanted it to be. We were all up, except my father, much sooner than I wanted to be.

My mother had brought home what we were going to wear under our wedding gowns. Except that Amy was going to be modeling lingerie, so she'd be making a number of changes of underthings before we ever did the gowns.

Mom had brought home, a gorgeous satin bra, satin panties, matching garter belt, and white nylons, for both of us. We both put on the lingerie. Of course, I had the panties that gave me hips, and the forms in my bra.

There was just something so sexy about watching Amy put everything on. She saw me watching her, and asked, “Is something wrong?”

I shook my head no, and said, “Absolutely nothing. It’s just so sexy watching you put on underwear.”

“You too lover.”

“What watching a guy put on girl’s underwear is sexy?”

With a sly smile, she said, “Uh-huh. Only if that guy is you. You make such a sexy girl.”

“Yeah. No breasts or hips. And short hair.”

“Your hair isn't that short anymore. It's almost to a point where you could do a girl's short look.”

“Yeah. I know. Dad asked me the other day if I was becoming a hippie.”

“You a hippie. I don’t think so. A pretty girl. Yes. A hippie. No.”

“Doesn’t matter. We’d better get out of here, or we won’t make the shoot.”

“I know. I’d rather stay here.”

“Stop being so bad. Put on your clothes. Your mother is probably waiting for us.”

We finished dressing, and I put on my wig. We wore comfortable shoes and carried the heels. It felt funny, almost like being naked, going out the door without any makeup on.

We walked into the store at about six-thirty. I told you that we were up early. As we walked into where the shoot was going to be, the photographer, and I guess an assistant, were setting up lights and other stuff. Mrs. Taylor grabbed me, and another hairdresser grabbed Amy.

While Mrs. Taylor was doing my hair, someone did my nails. Then Mrs. Taylor did my makeup, and she spent a long time working on it. When I saw the work she'd done, I was amazed. It wasn't me. It was some very sophisticated looking girl. Then they added some fancy earrings, that looked like long strings of diamonds and a pearl necklace.

I slipped on a robe, and we walked out to where they were doing the shoot. Miss Devon and the other woman were there, as was the man. Amy had finished a shoot in just the lingerie we’d worn, and was going back to change. When she came back out, she was wearing a satin push-up bra, matching thong, and a very sheer lacy negligee. God, I love this woman.

Her next set of lingerie was a white bustier with garter straps, a pretty thong, the white nylons, and the heels. I didn’t get to watch the rest of Amy’s lingerie shoots, as they grabbed me and took me back to get me ready for my first shoot.

My first gown was a princess style lace covered gown with half sleeves. The sleeves were of lace, and the bodice, which did an excellent job of hiding my forms, was also covered in lace. And it had an above the knee skirt.

As I walked back out, there was no time for anything. They posed me in a number of ways. It was, move this way, move that way, look up, look down, hold your bouquet this way. Smile. Don't smile.

Then they rushed me back to change just as Amy came out in her first gown. I was out of that gown and into the next one very quickly. It was a high necked, full skirt, with flowered sleeves, and a train. The veil covered the back of my head and went clear to the floor.

I wondered how they’d get all the dresses to fit correctly, and I learned something. This dress was a little too small, so they used a number of large safety pins down the back to make it look good.

I was quickly back out in front of the camera again, being told what to do. Then back being changed into another dress. Having my hair worked on, my makeup touched up and going back out for the shoot. Then back being changed into another gown, and this happened a total of five times.

After my last shoot, I changed into what I’d worn to the shoot that morning, came out, and collapsed on a chair. Miss Devon walked over to me, handed me a clipboard, and said, “These are model release forms. Read them over, and sign them.”

This woman has no people skills. There was never a thank you or a please from her. I don’t like this woman.

She walked over to Amy and did the same thing. I'm beginning not to like this woman at all.

I read over the form, all the necessary information, my name, my birthday, etc., was already filled in. I went to sign it and, almost signed Thomas Young. But caught myself, and signed Tamsin Young.

Thank God we were finally done. My mother said, “Girls. How about if I treat for lunch.”

Neither Amy or I had breakfast, and it was just before Noon. So, both Amy and I said, “We’d love that.”

We headed to the restaurant in the store, and we sat at a table reserved for store staff. As we waited for one of the waitresses, my mother asked, “Tammy. Did you have fun?”

Without hesitation, I said, “No.”


“No. First, I didn't like that woman. I didn't get a chance to enjoy the gowns. It was put this gown on, fuss with my hair and makeup, go out get a number of pictures taken. Then, do it again. It just wasn't fun. Is it always like this?”

“I’m sorry honey. I should have told you. It’s always that way.”

“Mom. It’s not your fault.”

“I know honey. I just wanted you two to have a good experience.”

“Mom.”, Amy said. “I have to agree with Tammy. It wasn’t fun.”

Mom sat back in her chair, and just said, “Oh.”

The waitress came and took our order. We sat there in silence. Then, Mrs. Taylor and the man that was at the shoot walked up, and Mrs. Taylor asked, “Do you mind if we join you?”

“Of course not Helen.”, my mother said.

As they sat down, Mrs. Taylor said, “Tammy and Amy. This is Mr. Wagner. He’s head of advertising for the store.”

We exchanged pleasantries. The waitress came back to see if Mrs. Taylor and Mr. Wagner want to order. They did, and Mr. Wagner said, “Put everyone's bill on my tab.”

Then, Mrs. Taylor looked at me and asked, “So Tammy. Did you enjoy being a model?”

“Not really.”, I replied.

“Oh. What happened?”

“I didn’t like Miss Devon and her attitude. And the quick changes weren’t fun.”

“I see.”

Then as Mr. Wagner handed both Amy and I an envelope, he said, “This may help.”

I looked in the envelope, and there were ten twenty dollar bills in it. I asked, “What’s this for?”

“For your modeling.”, Mr, Wagner said. “Did you think you wouldn’t get paid?”

“I didn’t know that we were.”

“We always pay our models the going rate. I guess that we forgot to mention it. And from our conversation, I guess that you wouldn't want to do it again.”

“No thank you.”

“I just wanted the two of you to know that we liked you. And that we would like you to do some more for us.”

“I don’t think so.”

Looking at Amy, he asked, “And you Miss?”

“No thank you.”, Amy replied.

The ride home started out quietly, but then my mother said, “Honey. Both of my honeys, I’m sorry that you didn’t have a good experience. I’ve never done anything with that Miss Devon. She must be new.

“And we do get rushed around like that, and I should have told you.”

“That’s okay mom.”, Amy said. “Lesson learned. When we were getting my dress ready for our wedding, I was treated like a princess, even though I was just getting a fitting. It was fun. This wasn’t fun. It was work. I guess that’s the way everyone else looked at it.”

“I just wish it had been a good experience for the two of you.”

When we were back home, Amy said, “Honey. If you want to, you can wear my wedding dress.”

“Thanks.”, I replied. “That’s your special dress, and I wouldn’t feel right about it.”

Things at school were going great. Both Amy and I had some hard classes, but our grades in them were excellent.

One evening after dinner, we were sitting in the den studying, and I asked, “Are we ever going to look for an apartment?”

“Sometime. Maybe. I guess.”, Amy replied.

“Why are you so reluctant?”

“I’m not reluctant. I just feel very comfortable here.”


“I don’t know. It’s like home. Your mom and dad just make me feel very welcome.”

“You wouldn’t feel that way at your mom and dad’s?”

“I would. But would you?”

“Sure. They treat me like a son.”

“You’d have to put up with my brother.”

“So, he’ll be off to college soon.”

“There would probably be less Tammy time.”

“That’s probably true.”

“We'll find a place soon enough. Your mom and I talked about this same thing the other day. She said, that she and your dad love having us here and that we're welcome to stay as long as we want to. This is also a big house, and I think they like the company.”

The quarter ended in early December, and when grades came out, both Amy and I were on the dean's list. The following Saturday Amy wanted to go Christmas shopping with Tammy.

So, on that Saturday morning, I became Tammy. Something that I liked to do. At about nine-thirty, we headed downtown. As it was cold out, we were in warm clothes. Jeans, sweaters, boots, and heavy coats and gloves.

We wandered through the main shopping area, window shopping. All the major stores had Christmas displays in their windows.

We’d been in and out of a couple of shops, and didn’t buy anything. Then as we left the third store, Amy said, “Honey. I’m not feeling well.”

“What’s wrong?”, I asked.

“I’m not sure. I just feel queasy.”

“Do you want to go sit someplace?”

“I’m sorry. No. I think we just need to go home.”

This isn’t like Amy. She’s not one to get sick. So, I was a little worried about her. So, we headed home.

It was about eleven-thirty when we pulled in the driveway. There were three cars there. One was Maria's, one was Amy's mother's car, but the third one, I had no idea who's it was. I was wondering why Maria and Amy's mother were here.

As we walked in the door, Amy amazingly became well. And along with my mother, Amy’s mother, and Maria, Mrs. Taylor was also sitting in the kitchen. They all had smiles on their faces. Something was going on. I looked at Amy, and asked, “All right. Just what is going on?”

“Honey.”, my mother said. “You had such a bad experience doing the bridal gown shoot, that we decided to give you a surprise bride’s day.”

“A bride’s day!?”

“Yes. We wish you could have chosen it, but Mrs. Taylor and I picked out a wedding gown for you. It’s one of the ones you wore for the shoot. It's the one that you looked the best on you. Plus all the lingerie.”

“Which gown?”

“This one.”, Mrs. Taylor said as she handed me a brochure.

I took the brochure, looked at it, and it was the new bridal brochure for the store. On the cover was me. Me! All I could say was, “I’m ... I’m ... I’m on the cover.”

“Yes, honey you are. They loved you. You looked so sophisticated in that dress that you had to be the one.”

“But ... But Amy looked so good too.”

“Yes. You both did. And they want the two of you to do some more modeling for the store.”

“Why are we all here?”

“Because it’ll be easier to do everything here.”, my mother replied.

“Wouldn’t be easier to do it at the store or someplace that’s set up to do it?”

“Maybe. Remember that most people aren’t accepting of what you’re doing. Finding someplace, that would let you do it would be very hard. The store is too busy. Besides, everyone here knows you, your curiosity, and your love of pretty things.”

“You’re right.”

My mother looked at Amy, then said, “Okay Amy. Her lingerie and shoes are in your room. Go get her ready.”

Amy took my hand, and as she started leading me towards our room, she said, “Come on love. Let's start getting you pretty.”

There was no hesitation on my part. I followed her down the hall and into our room. On the bed were a pretty white satin bustier with garter straps, a pretty pair of white satin panties, a pair of white nylons, and a long white slip. On the floor, by the bed, was a pair of white satin heels, with what looked like four-inch heels.

I looked at everything and thought, ‘Those are just so pretty.’

Amy said, “Okay lover. Stop lusting over the pretty things, and strip. Then you can wear them.”

She didn't have to say it twice. I was quickly out of my clothes and down to my birthday suit, except for my padded panty. Then Amy handed me the panty, which I quickly slipped up my legs. Then she picked up the bustier. I'd never worn one of these. Amy handed it to me and told me to hold it against my body. Then she walked behind me and fastened the hook and eye fasteners. The bustier was tight, but I liked the feeling.

Amy saw the smile on my face, and asked, “You’ve never worn something like this before. Have you?”

“No.”, I replied. “I’ve seen them in the lingerie shops, but never tried one.”

“Like it. Don’t you?”

“Yeah. It holds you in such a sensual way.”

She slapped my rear, and said, “Don’t be bad.”

“No. Just honest.”

“We may have to get you into a girdle. Now, run your garter straps down through the legs of your panties, and put your nylons on.”

I did as she asked. I ran the straps down through the legs, sat on the bed, picked up one of the nylons, gathered it up, and worked it up my leg. Then I did the other one. While sitting there, I fastened the front garter tabs. I then stood, reached behind my leg, and fastened the back garter tabs, then the side ones.

“Be sure to check the seams of your nylons.”, Amy reminded me.

I looked at my seams and adjusted them. And Amy approved.

I then slipped my forms into the long line bra. Amy looked at me, frowned a little, and said, “That doesn’t look good. The bra size is the same size that you usually wear, but the forms aren’t filling the cups very well.”

I looked down, and she was right. The cups looked floppy. Then Amy said, “Do you still have your old forms?”

“Yes.”, I replied. “They’re in the top drawer of our dresser, or were until you put all of your stuff in there.”

“Smarty. I didn’t put that much stuff in there.”

Amy walked over to the chest of drawers and retrieved my old set of forms. She gave them to me, and I put them in the cups in front of the newer forms. Amy looked at me, and said, “Better. Now, it looks like you have a nice set.”

“Nice talk.”, I quipped.

With a grin, Amy said, “Just girl talk. Put your slip and shoes on, and let's get some makeup on you.”

“You doing my makeup?”

“No. Mrs. Taylor is. She’s going to do your hair, and then a very sophisticated look with your makeup.”

“What’s Maria doing here?”

“Making a photo record of your big day. You liked mine.”

“I did. It’ll be fun looking back at this.”

I slipped the slip down over my head. Then stepped into my shoes. Four-inch heels are not my friend. But Amy says they make my legs look great.

“Come on love.”, Amy said. “Time to make you prettier than you already are.”

I followed Amy out of our room and across the hall to the spare room, that now looked more like a beauty shop. As I walked in the door, Maria started taking pictures.

Now, my aunt and cousin were even here. All the women were looking at me and smiling. Mrs. Taylor said, “Tammy. Honey. Your face is such a nice fresh canvas. We're going to start with your hair and then do your makeup.”

She removed my wig and wig cap and looked at my real hair. As she looked at my hair, she said, “Honey. It won’t be too much longer until your hair is long enough to do some cute things with, but you need to come in and let me work on it. It has split ends, and can use a good conditioner.”

“As long as we can get it into a guy's look afterward.”, I replied.

“I think we can do that. Now, let's get your hair and makeup done.”

She put the wig cap back on, then my wig. She stood back, looked at it, and went to work. She fussed with it. Brushed it. Combed it. Sprayed it with hairspray. Fussed some more. Sprayed some more. Then she stood back and looked at me. I was going to look in the mirror, but Mrs. Taylor said, “Honey. Why don’t you wait until I have your makeup done before you look.”

“Okay.”, I said in a whisper.

“Now for this pretty face of yours.”

She looked at my face, picked up a pair of tweezers, and started working on my eyebrows. I stopped her with a, “No. Don’t do my eyebrows.”

“I’m just going to clean them up a little bit. I promise I won’t do too much.”

Amy added, “Honey. I know we’ve never done your eyebrows. I’d let Mrs. Taylor clean them up. You might like what she does.”

“Okay.”, I replied. “But take it easy.”

As she went back to work, Mrs. Taylor said, “I will honey.”

She only worked for a few minutes on my eyebrows, when she finished, she said, “All done honey. Was it bad?”

“No.”, I replied. “It wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be.”

“Good. Now, we’ll get to work on your makeup.”

And work she did. Foundation, eye makeup, blusher, lipstick, perfume, and all.

When Mrs. Taylor was all done, she had me stand up and look in the mirror on the back of the closet door. I walked over and looked in the mirror. And I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. I had thought that the look she had given me for the bridal gown shoot was sophisticated, but this one was great. I even liked what she did to my eyebrows. She walked up behind me, and said, “Honey. Do you like your look?”

I couldn’t say anything, so I just nodded yes.

“You are so easy to work with, it doesn’t take much to turn you into a very sophisticated looking young woman. Every girl should be as lucky as you are.”

I turned around and looked at everyone. The looks I was seeing from the woman were amazing. Everyone was smiling. So was I.

My Cousin Mary said, “Little sister. You look beautiful. All I want to know is where you’re hiding Tommy?”

I smiled back, and said, “Tommy. Who’s Tommy?”

“He’s that little boy, that when he was twelve, found out how much fun it was to be a girl.”

“All thanks to you, Aunt Linda, and my mother.”

“Now you’re standing here, looking like a very sophisticated woman, who’s about to become a bride.”

“And that’s thanks to everyone that’s here.” And, I felt like I was going to cry.

“Young lady! Don't you dare cry.”, Mrs. Taylor said. “I'll be very cross with you if I have to fix your makeup.”

I hadn’t noticed, but Amy and Mary had disappeared from the room.

My mother brought out the dress, and it was the one from the front of the brochure. If I remembered correctly, it was the only one of the dresses that had been an almost perfect fit for me.

This gown was a three-quarter sleeved, empire waist, with a wide satin band at the waist. The skirt was lace covered and floor length, and it had a short train. This dress actually fit me.

My mother and Amy’s mother helped me step into the dress. I carefully worked my arms into the sleeves as they pulled it up. My mother adjusted the sleeves, so they sat correctly, and then buttoned the buttons up the back.

The veil that they had picked was a little different. It was an ivory-colored pillbox hat with a birdcage veil. With the hat set to one side of my head, the veil only partially covered one eye.

Then my mother fastened a string of pearls around my neck and placed pearl earrings on my ears.

The women there looked me over and pronounced me to be perfect. Maria was still taking pictures. I looked in the full-length mirror again and just couldn't believe what I was seeing me. I looked like a bride and felt like a princess.

I finally noticed that Amy was missing, and asked, “Where’s Amy?”

“She’ll be back soon.”, Amy’s mother replied.

She wasn’t, but my mother said, “Okay it’s time.”

“Time?”, I asked. “Time for what?”

My mother took my arm, and said, “Come with me and see.”

Mrs. Taylor opened the door, and my mother guided me out the door and towards the den. We were followed by everyone else. Maria was in front of us taking pictures.

As we approached the den, I saw my father standing there in a tuxedo and Mary in a beautiful dress. I stopped and asked. “What's going on?”

My mother whispered, “Like every bride on her special day, you’re getting married.”


“Wait and see.”

We walked up to the door to the den, where my father and Mary were waiting. Both were smiling at me. My father said, “Princess you look so pretty.”

“Thanks, daddy.”, I said.

All the women that were with me while I had my hair and makeup done went into the den. Then Mary handed me a bouquet.

I was confused until I looked into the den. I saw Amy in a tuxedo, with her hair slicked back, trying to look like a guy. And no way could that happen.

Mark Roberts, one of my best friends, was standing next to her. Does he know about me? He has to.

Standing on the other side of Amy was a man that I'd never seen before. Also, in the room was Amy's dad, my Uncle Richard, Billy, and Jim, Mary's husband. Do Billy and Jim also know about me?

My mother whispered to me, “Honey. Enjoy your special day. Everyone here knows about you. They understand your curious nature even to the point of dressing and acting like a girl.”

I whispered, “Who’s the man standing with Amy?”

“That’s Mr. Taylor. Helen’s husband. He’s a minister. I’ll tell you about him later.”

“A minister?”

“Yes. He’s going to marry you and Andy.”


“Yes, your groom.”


There was some music, and Mary walked up to where Amy was standing and stood across from Mark. The wedding march started, and my dad kissed me on the cheek, and said, “It's time Princess.”

I took my dad’s arm, and we slowly walked up to the others. I handed Mary my bouquet. Then Mr. Taylor, asked, “Who gives this woman to be married to this man?”

My dad took my hand, and as he placed it in Amy’s, or Andy’s, hand, he said, “Her mother and I do.”

Mr. Taylor went through a real, but short, wedding ceremony. And Andy slipped a wedding band on my left ring finger.

Mr. Taylor, then said, “I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss the bride. And kiss me Andy did. The way he kissed me, made me feel like a girl.

When we broke the kiss, just like at our real wedding, Mr. Taylor said, “I'd like to present to you, Mr. and Mrs. Grant.” There was applause. I saw my mother crying. Of course, Maria was taking all kinds of pictures.

Then Mr. Taylor said, “The bride’s parents would like everyone to join the bride and groom in the dining room for cake.”


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