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MTU - Hard To Look At (part 9 of 10)

Chapter 18

I thought the prior Monday had been unusual. The atmosphere at school was unreal. Everyone already knew that Jenny had dumped Tommy. Neither of them would tell anyone why and the number of often conflicting rumors were unreal.

Exchanged - Chapters 32 and 33

Exchanged Art - Amazon
Chapters 32 and 33
by Sofia Hammerstein

Two years ago Stacy visited a newly discovered dimension, with his parents, on an adventurous summer vacation. He was astounded by how the other dimension's technology was decades ahead of his own! During his senior year he applied to Emerson University in the city he had visited. He was excited and hopeful of learning more about their technology as an exchange student, and hopefully bring it back to his own world. (Story set in the Diaper Dimension)

Recovering From Trauma

Blake Medical Recovery Center, Napa Valley, Northern California:
Sara and Cindy look down at all the women and some men who have been brought to the center for help and recovery. Both of them couldn’t understand why anyone would forcibly turn innocent males and some women into the opposite sex.

“Mom and sis weren’t joking when they said that there would be days when this job would get to you.” Cindy looks at her twin sister standing next to her.

Parallel Lives Chapter 33

No, Nathan wasn’t crazy. To say he was WOULD be crazy. He was a very well adjusted man.

He was just frantically scouring the internet for any evidence of magic being real.

The part of him that still wanted to be rational was thinking “of course magic isn’t real, that’s ridiculous, you’re being ridiculous”. And he was being ridiculous, magic was not something that existed in the real world, and it certainly wasn’t something that sensible, level-headed adults believed in.

The Handshake That Hides the Snake - by Angela Rasch on Kindle


Audience Rating: 


Your past is always there. Erik discovers that his will force him to make choices about his future and decisions about those he can trust.

But is anything quite what it seems in this tale of profit, manipulation and loyalty?


The Handshake That Hides the Snake

by Angela Rasch

Now on Kindle


A Short Story
From my new collection of Short Science Fiction Stories on Amazon
By Maryanne Peters

Raphael was angry, and that was an emotion that was not unexpected.

It is not an emotion that I have ever experienced and that is deliberate. It is almost universally destructive, but it is part of the human condition. Not experiencing it serves to remind me that I am not human, although I aspire to be as human as possible, not the least to better understand how I may serve and protect.

Gaby Book 26 ~ On The Edge ~ Chapter *30*

book 26 print cover_1.jpg

Book 26
On The Edge

by Maddy Bell
Copyright© 2021 Madeline Bell

Seventeen - it's a birthday overshadowed by its predecessor and successor and Gaby's looks set to follow that pattern. There are however big decisions to be made, should she grab life by the horns and experience everything it has to offer or take the more conservative, safer route through life. This volume, the 26th in the Gaby series has all the elements of classic Gaby, bike riding, teenage angst, developing relationships, grist to the mill for our heroine as life in the Ahrtal ticks on.


Parallel Lives Chapter 24

Right in the middle of playing a game, Nathan heard his phone vibrate. Annoyed, he paused and picked it up, going straight to his texts.

He saw a message from Kate.

“Hi, just wanted to check in.” It said.

He put his phone up to his chest, closing his eyes and breathing in deeply. He forgot the last time he received a message from her. From what he remembered, she hadn’t tried to talk to him since…

He shook his head. No, he didn’t want to think about that.

He brought his phone back out, opening his eyes and staring down at the message as if entranced.

A Grumpy Old Man’s Tale 49 Needles Fell

A Grumpy Old Man’s Tale 49 Needles Fell

You’ve only ever seen women like me power dress to do business. Then she waltzed in like a pretty little girl wearing that low cut flower print summer frock with a man who looked old enough to be her father and you assumed he was the chief negotiator and went to shake his hand first. She knew you wouldn’t have done your homework, so she set you up to look like an idiot, and you fell for it, all of it, hook, line and sinker. Her cleavage had you off balance and thinking she was the older man’s decorative plaything from the moment she came in, and from the moment you realised your mistake you were stuffed. No one can recover from a mistake of that magnitude, so you were even less useful to me than usual. That confirms that as always she did her home work on us and on you in particular.

Maybe You'll Like It: A Gradual Feminization Novel (Ch. 2)

He's got a brand new job working maintenance for a beauty salon. But with his long hair, feminine features, and gentle demeanor, maybe Alex can be of use in other ways...

After quitting his horrible job at a hardware store, Alex is free but aimless. To cheer him up, his older sister, Grace, surprises him with a pick-me-up trip to the salon for a much-needed haircut. Though what was only meant to be a simple trim results in an unexpected job offer as the salon's new in-house maintenance man. Alex must adjust to his new job surrounded by constant feminine energy, all while crushing hard on the salon's cute, young owner -- and her insistence that he test out some of their services...

This ~60,000-word, 243-page gradual feminization novel is about identity, experimentation, and the ups and downs of discovering a new side of yourself. Full book available now on Amazon for purchase or free with Kindle Unlimited!

Hope y'all like it :)



Almost Captive In A Box

3/30/2024, 6:20 AM

Completely True Account.

Almost Captive In A Box

This is what I can remember of a completely true story that I have never written about or talked to anyone regarding the creepy people I met. It was so traumatic that I blanked it out until now.

This took place between 2005 and 2006 near Sherwood, Oregon. Later when I returned to make sure I was not remembering a hallucination, The place was gone, and tract houses had been built there.

Pee Pot, Chapter 5

Sunday, August 9, 2009

My recent thoughts got me to get back onto the dating site again. I updated my profile to explain I was now a splitter who kept male and female bodies around all the time, and I was looking for a woman who could love both of me and would bear my children. That was the original intent of my splitting and staying in opposite sexes, and I felt it was important to find somebody quickly so I didn’t get addicted to sex with my other self.

Project Wolf Den Part 11

Jack’s Ranch:
Jack listens to Clair’s voice as it comes over the speaker from his cellphone. He had gotten a call from Clair early this morning and listened while she told him about the assassin that had been sent by Nickolas Kuznetsov to kill everyone inside the house.

“Do you think you ladies can hold out if an assault team is sent towards you, Clair?” Jack was already thinking about calling his sister and her team to see who was available.

Strange Manors, Chapter 2

SM Cover small.jpg

I’d had a hankering to see the “family estate,” even though I’d promised Father that I’d stay away. Well . . . especially because I’d made that promise, and I knew how deeply furious he would be when I cheerfully broke it. He had no sense of humor at all, and even less where his family was concerned. What better way to get his goat?

Circle in the Sand Chapter 7


This Town

We walked to the entry of the woods and Anna pivoted on her foot and turned to look at something behind us. She had a look sadness on her face, like she was looking at something in the distance, but not behind us. Anna gave a brief sigh and then walked into the tree line.

Life at Tethers' End. Part 2 of 3.

Chapter 2

As I followed him into the garage, I was mentally kicking myself. As Susan and Dianna, I had made every effort to be that person. That’s what enabled me to pass. As Maxine, however, I had naturally become her, and that could be a problem.

Complicit in a Lie Revisited Chapter 28

Charles is now at Jane's Winsome Girls' School for Wayward Boys. He has volunteered to become one of Jane's girls to help Jane not only clear his name but to help Francis. He has a lot to learn about being a girl in a short amount of time, as Toby Camber is arriving at the school in a weeks time. Something else occurs that Charles wasn't expecting, he learns something else about himself while being Charlotte.

A Child's I's

A Child's I's
Copyright 2024 by Heather Rose Brown

CAUTION: This is one of my darker poems. While it does mention death, there's no depiction of anyone being hurt or harmed in it. Still, if something like that might be triggering for you, then please be careful.


Rainbows in the Rock 75

I was more than a little confused the next morning, as I rolled out of my bed to find, rather than its edge and my slippers, a snoring body in a sleeping bag. A few moments of panic ensued before I realised that I had ended up in the bunkhouse rather than my bedroom. I was still in my posh dress, but someone had laid an unzipped sleeping bag over me for warmth.

How much had I poured down my throat? What must Alys think?

An Unexpected Christmas Gift Chapter 3

An Unexpected Christmas Gift Part 3

By Joannebarbarella

This is an expanded version of a story I posted a few weeks ago. It incorporates suggestions from two of the finest writers on BCTS, Angela Rasch and Emma Anne Tate who have helped me to improve it.

Roberta Galbraith - A Sleuth Awakens - Part 6 - Finale

[two days later]
If DC Roberta Galbraith thought that going to be working with the NCA was going to be easy then she was very much mistaken. From the first daily briefing, she was assigned a great long list of things to do.

Identity Crisis: Adventures in Babysitting - Chapter 5/6


With time running out, the team prepares themselves for a rematch with Xenos. They have a few tricks up their sleeves, but they know they’re walking into the devious villain’s trap. Are they ready for him?

A Sexy, Flirtatious, Cocktail Waitress

A Sexy, Flirtatious, Cocktail Waitress

It was sheer bedlam in the casino, some group had booked the whole casino and hotel for seven days straight, we are talking major money here. No info on the group was shared down at our level yet, but it was rumored they were major high rollers. The problem was quite a few employees were on vacation, something the casino allowed, in fact encouraged, right after the Christmas holiday. So the powers to be were down interviewing everybody to see who could work extra shifts to fill in the gaps.

The Voice 3/4 Schoolgirl

Oliver decides that to he needs to immerse himself into the mindset of being a girl to successfully carry his role in The Sound of Music, That means that he he needs to live as a girl 24/7, including attending school. This leads to many new experiences but more importantly, many new friends.

The Tenth Anniversary

“And… we’re fine,” Jamie said as she showed her husband the two test strips they had prepared twenty minutes earlier. “I’m not sure that my make-up is from how much sneezing I did after shoving that thing up my nose, though…”

“GIRL,” Stuart teased his wife, who giggled and stuck her tongue out at him before checking her make-up in the mirror one more time. “Though I’m not going to miss covid tests either, heh. Assuming we ever get to the point where missing them is an option. Hard to believe it’s already been a year since the first lockdown.”

Mesmer-eyes (part 3 of 3)


The story so far: Joe was sharing a flat with two beauty consultants who had given him a makeover because of his dazzling eyes. As a result he had been dressed as a girl and taken to a nightclub where the three had met three brothers. They got on so well that they all met up again the next day and had an enjoyable afternoon out...

Life at Tethers' End. Part 1 of 3.

Chapter 1

I was told that when you reach the end of your tether, you either fall off in despair or start climbing back in hope. My slide on the tether started the day my wife, Zena, came home early to find me in my office, slaving over a spreadsheet, dressed in a slim skirt, lacy blouse, stockings, heels and fully made-up under a strawberry-blonde wig.


More DopplerPress

Romance...in Disguise by Maryanne Peters on Kindle


Audience Rating: 


Why wear a mask to fall in love?

Romance...in Disguise
15 Tales of Transgender Unmasking!
by Maryanne Peters
Now on Kindle

Another volume of Transgender Romance from Maryanne Peters! Fifteen more stories with Mostly Happy Endings around the theme of disguise or concealment. Why would our lovers hide their identities?

To lure out a serial killer in Bait. To elude authorities in Border Crosser and Stowaway. To escape an angry mob in Sikh and Sanctuary. To avoid a custody battle in Running. Or to infiltrate a criminal organization in A Sicario Returns; a girls' school in St. Beatrice; a foreign power in Subversives; or just a bed in Her Roommate. And more disguises and reasons for concealment in six more stories!

All with Maryanne's deft twists and trademark happy endings. Mostly.


The path of true love never did go smooth one old saying has it, but then again, all's well that ends well—mostly.


Murder at the Shapeshifters' Ball by Rodford Edmiston now on Kindle


Audience Rating: 


Worlds where being different ISN'T your biggest problem!

Murder at the Shapeshifters' Ball
by Rodford Edmiston
Buy it on Kindle

Stickmaker's collection of classic SciFi Transformation Tales leads off with a great detective yarn!

Everybody who can be anybody is at the party, including someone willing to kill a beautiful elf!

Thirteen stories set in about ten different worlds deliver mystery, suspense and adventure. With a few important transgender transformations among the furries, aliens and fantastic creatures!

There's a sample of the first story after the break!

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