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A Cold Fey in Hell 2: Chapter 10

cold fey 2.png


Chapter 10: Payback

Crystal has gotten used to being a girl, a Nymph, a Muse, and even a mother figure, but is she really ready to go to an all-girls school and start working at Pandora's Box? The life of a trouble magnet is never easy.


“An eye for an eye? We could do something to her car?” Carmen suggested. “With all the snow we’ve been getting, there should be plenty of ice for Crystal to work with.”

Mates 45

I had no answer to that, none that seemed adequate, so I simply reached across and squeezed the back of her hand, just as her mobile chirped from the glove box. I opened the cover and passed the phone across to her. A quick glance, then a shy smile, rather than the beam I was used to, or the brittle near-grimace I feared.

“Kul, Mike. They have all plumped for fish and chips, and he says not to bother with the bottle shop. His words: ‘Me real man, haz gotz booze’, and yes, all zeds, no esses”

She checked her face in the rear view mirror.

The Wolf, The Owl, and The Cheshire Part 11

Jack, Nick, and Cheshire along with their pets have made their way to the temple. All of them were exhausted and had numerous cuts, bruises, and small wounds covering their bodies. Even Sher Khan and Chaos had blood coming from wounds covering their bodies.

Chaos was favoring his right paw. A hunter set a trap and he stepped right into the trap. Jack tended to his injured paw, but it still bothered him.
Samson was resting on Nick’s arm as they stood inside the temple. They spotted a gem hovering over a pit in midair. The pit was to big to jump across.

The Princess Trap on Kindle


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TG Universes & Series: 

Teenage identical twins Allie and Cissy started swapping places just for the fun of it when they were small. It worked better than you might think, considering that Allie is a boy named Alan. Cissy loves sports and Alan loves fashion and the still enjoy playing games and fooling the grown-ups.

But things have turned serious and it looks like someone is setting up a trap....

Cheese, Chalk and Plenty of Pork – Part 05 of 10

Cheese, Chalk and Plenty of Pork – Part 05 of 10
by Lin Dale

Synopsis: When Greta meets Gavin at her rich father’s second wedding, she immediately falls in love. But, just like cheese and chalk, he is a beautiful, slim young man and she is heavily obese; she needs to find some way to stop him wandering off. Her father’s new wife has problems facing up to her role as a Lady, so she decides to involve Gavin in a project with certain challenges.

Author’s Note: This story is complete and in ten parts which will be released at approximately daily intervals. It contains items such as crossdressing, non-explicit sex between adults and language typical of that between English adults. If you feel this may offend you, then please do not read.

The Trap


I know a lot of you don't like it when I write this femdom stuff. I wrote this after chatting to Freddie Clegg. He has written many stories set in "New Order" Britain.

It is a bit like Beverly Taff's "Feminine Queendom". The main difference is many of the women for some inexplicable reason seem to be into dominating men. Well this is just fantasy anyway.

Come Together - Part 1 of 2

[Early September]
"Well, love it is your first day at a new school and in a new country and… as the new you. I know that it will all be rather strange at first and very different from Park View High, but the new girl will be the centre of attention at first, so just be careful, eh?"

A Grumpy Old Man’s Tale 35 Just Wear a Mask

A good man is like a good malt, to be savoured and enjoyed in the evening and an exceptionally good one well into the early hours, but I reckon I’d be in serious trouble if I ever found myself enjoying either with breakfast.

Chapter 23 - No Greater Love

Link: Every Day Is Your Last Title Page and Description

CAUTION - Highly Emotional Content
CAUTION - Violence


We mourned with Heather and Rich when they got the news about her not being able to have any more kids. She and Rich wanted more, but things are the way they have to be, right? That's what Jack always used to say. They moved north that fall while Rich worked at fixing up the big house.

They surprised Jenny and I when they told us they were going to give the little house to us. No rent meant Jenny could quit and I could open my own salon with her as my office manager. So in spring of ninety-nine, just after Faith's first birthday, we moved to be with Heather and Rich in Pittsberg.

Meanwhile, Jack and Erica had their own share of troubles. She caught an ectopic pregnancy three months after Jenny and I moved, days after Heather's twenty-fifth birthday, that nearly killed her. She had a radical hysterectomy that saved her life, but meant they too would only have one child. Rich and Heather flew all four of us down there, staying nearly a month, but we had to come home eventually, leaving Jack and Erica alone again. Judith broke her promise and tried tearing them apart, and Frank separated from her over it, though they reconciled after... well...

Things were never the same after that. They never came back to visit us in New Hampshire. Jack couldn't leave his business and Jenny and I couldn't leave ours, and Heather had her practice, so that trip in summer of ninety-nine was the last I ever saw Jack or Erica. We kept in touch, but not enough.

Then everything changed... for everyone.

Rainbows in the Rock 23

Thank god it wasn’t term time, because I would never have been able to face the rest of them. I stayed with the Edwards for a few days, Mam and Dad having livings to earn. I felt guilty leaving Dad with the bunkhouse, but each time I tried to do the loyal thing and pull my weight, I was swamped by memories of Alys working beside me.

I tried, but the second time Dad caught me in tears, I was packed off back to the Edwards house. I suppose it was a clear mark of how much my parents loved me, leaving me to huddle in her bed, her sheets, the memories of my lover surrounding me.

Three days… four… I was huddled in her bed, my default comfort zone, when Nansi Edwards pulled the door open.

Cheese, Chalk and Plenty of Pork – Part 04 of 10

Cheese, Chalk and Plenty of Pork – Part 04 of 10
by Lin Dale

Synopsis: When Greta meets Gavin at her rich father’s second wedding, she immediately falls in love. But, just like cheese and chalk, he is a beautiful, slim young man and she is heavily obese; she needs to find some way to stop him wandering off. Her father’s new wife has problems facing up to her role as a Lady, so she decides to involve Gavin in a project with certain challenges.

La Petite Mardi Gras (2)

La Petite Mardi Gras: Part Two
The Crowning of Lily and Jamie Potter


As I walked across the crowded ballroom, I noticed how polished the wooden floor looked. I could tell somebody had poured out a mint to have the floor waxed and polished. I mean you could comb your hair in the reflection. All eyes turned toward me as I strolled across the floor toward the refreshment table. The Benton orchestra had paused in their playing for a moment. I collected my thoughts as my eyes fell on Ben who was drumming his fingers on a crystal cup of punch.

Dragon's Mark ~ Chapter 9 (Final)

The fact that I also look like I'm ready to audition for the next centerfold Playboy Bunny, doesn't help.



Dragon's Mark

By Shauna

Copyright© 2021 Shauna J. Rousseau
All Rights Reserved.
(Cover image designed by Joyce Melton.)
(Edited by Angela Rasch.)

Chapter Nine


Friend for Alice 3

Supplement 3 - Agreement
“It’s like balancing over a thin line. Feminine inside and not masculine outside. Like tomboy. No obligations. But then puberty will come. It always comes. And that thin line becomes a razorblade. It will cut you in half.”

The 'Spelling' Mistake, Chapter 8 and last

NB Although all of the great houses and historical figures are real, current period characters are purely from my imagination and have no link with anyone living or dead.

Part 8 The Future Lies in Wait

Tristan said “Young Sire, I was merely a yard-boy in a merchants house when the witch put the spell on me. Only since I have been reborn have I found that I am related to grand people.” He then went on to tell the young prince the full story of how he had been turned into a frog, something that we had kept from the media.

Cheese, Chalk and Plenty of Pork – Part 03 of 10

Cheese, Chalk and Plenty of Pork – Part 03 of 10
by Lin Dale

Synopsis: When Greta meets Gavin at her rich father’s second wedding, she immediately falls in love. But, just like cheese and chalk, he is a beautiful, slim young man and she is heavily obese; she needs to find some way to stop him wandering off. Her father’s new wife has problems facing up to her role as a Lady, so she decides to involve Gavin in a project with certain challenges.

Author’s Note: This story is complete and in ten parts which will be released at approximately daily intervals. It contains items such as crossdressing, non-explicit sex between adults and language typical of that between English adults. If you feel this may offend you, then please do not read.

The Mercenary - Part 2


The Mercenary - Part 2
by Melanie Brown
Copyright  © 2022 Melanie Brown

There's a price to pay for being mission critical

This story is in a different and unrelated universe from the Alliance/Ergon universe. -- Ed

Don’t Mess with The Wolfhart Family

Bunnie slowly starts coming around. She shivers from her skin bare skin touching cold metal. She had duct tape over her mouth and her hands were bound behind her back. She notices that she was completely naked, and her head was resting on someone’s body. There was pain coming from between her legs and her head was a little woozy.

Cheese, Chalk and Plenty of Pork – Part 02 of 10

Cheese, Chalk and Plenty of Pork – Part 02 of 10
by Lin Dale

Synopsis: When Greta meets Gavin at her rich father’s second wedding, she immediately falls in love. But, just like cheese and chalk, he is a beautiful, slim young man and she is heavily obese; she needs to find some way to stop him wandering off. Her father’s new wife has problems facing up to her role as a Lady, so she decides to involve Gavin in a project with certain challenges.

Author’s Note: This story is complete and in ten parts which will be released at approximately daily intervals. It contains items such as crossdressing, non-explicit sex between adults and language typical of that between English adults. If you feel this may offend you, then please do not read.

Chapter 22 - Moving On

Link: Every Day Is Your Last Title Page and Description


At very least the confrontation between Judith and Rich ended with, if not acceptance, at least tolerance, which is more than I can say about my own parents when I came out to them.

It went about as I'd predicted. Eventually they just stopped communicating with me, even when I reached out to them. I learned later that Dad died in oh-four of a heart attack, and Mom went last year from the same thing. They never returned any of my letters. I wrote twice a year. I just kept busy at a local salon, while Jenny worked her desk at the medical group.

Jenny's parents were out of the country when I came home, and I never met them the two weeks we were together before that, so we didn't meet 'til July of ninety-eight. They were surprised, but not half as much as Jenny was!

In the mean time, Rich and Heather were getting into the swing of being new parents. Rich loved being 'Mister Mom' to Faith and ran the house like his own personal fire team! Shortly after she was born, they started looking into moving. There were too many sad memories lurking around the home she grew up in, and Rich wanted a place that would be all their own.

Uplifting. Part 1

Uplifting. Part One

There are so many reasons why I am where, or who, I am now. None of them really mattered at the time but, one by one, they all conspired to trick me into a new life. Not that I mind, though. I am not sure if it would have panned out any differently had I been aware of what I was letting myself into.

Ghost stories and Urban Legends of Benton: More Ghost Stories (8)

This is my third story I've shared with my little sister for her ongoing project of chronicling all possible  ghostly and paranormal encounters that have taken place in and around Benton. I'm flattered my stories are included. According to an old family legend, the gift of clairvoyance is supposed to run in the Bell family. My late mother Lisa Avery Bell was supposed to have the gift. I suppose she passed that gift onto me and my sister. Anyway putting that aside let's get down to business shall we? You want to be scared, and I have just the tell for you.


More DopplerPress

Easy as Falling Off a Bike 7 -- on Kindle


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Yet more drama ensues as Cathy goes about her everyday life.

While she manages to avoid unwanted attentions at the university and narrowly escapes a dangerous driver, she is not so fortunate when it comes to an attacker who has a grudge against cyclists.

Bike 7

Racing Hearts by Melanie Brown on Kindle


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Tommy and his twin sister, Cynthia share almost everything. Their looks, their love of cheerleading. But maybe sharing a preference for street-racing bad boys is going too far?

Racing Hearts
A Sudden Romance
by Melanie Brown
Buy on Kindle
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