A New Start - Part 2 of 5

Hannah was waiting for me the moment I walked out of work, and she followed me in her car as I drove home, insisting on being the one who took me shopping. Once we got to the shop, the idea was that she would pick things out that would be suitable for a young teenager to wear to a party, so there I was shopping for the other me, and trying to visualise how I would look in things. Hannah settled on a blue dress which I thought looked very short and very tight, but she insisted it would look perfect as she had been doing some research. I felt both excited about clothes, and also extremely out of place, but when I paid for the dress Hannah just said I was buying for my non-existence daughter, so I just played along. At least I didn't need to fake feeling nervous. We then went to a shoe shop, then another shoe shop, and then another before going back to the first and picking up a pair of white platform trainers, telling me to trust her. After that we went to Starbucks to get a coffee and sat outside, then Hannah dropped a big bombshell on me. She said, “So, now we’re going to get you some lingerie.” And I reminded her that it wasn’t for me so much, but other me, and she waved that away telling me it was the same thing. This time I really wasn’t sure with what she picked, but she insisted and when I paid for them I tried to make myself look like someone buying them for their girlfriend and getting help. At least they looked way too old for the other me, or I would have been arrested!

I got the bus to work on Friday as Anita was taking me to Mary’s this time as she wanted to meet the teenage me. The change was completely routine by now, and once again I found myself wondering why I didn’t just say no to this, but really, I was having fun, it was like living a second life, an immersive halloween costume. Once changed and in a denim mini skirt and vest top, I spent the evening talking to Anita about the wedding and found myself getting really excited about being a bridesmaid, the whole reason I was doing this. We looked at wedding websites and through magazines she had picked up, we even discussed the fabric of the table cloths and I even found that interesting. Anita headed home about 9pm, and Mary had gone out to see some friends so I was by myself, and decided to take a load of photos, until I felt tired and went to bed, scrolling through instagram. The morning came soon enough and I had breakfast with Mary before Hannah came over with my shopping and a couple of other bags. It turned out I was getting some lessons in makeup, and I told Hannah she must let me pay for this, but she waved my concerns away saying this was cheap stuff for now that is good for learning, so for the next few hours I was putting make up on, cleaning it all off, starting all over again. After we stopped for lunch, it was back to it and Hannah said while I wasn’t yet very good, I was good enough and understood enough to be able to make repairs as needed and then it was only how to look after my hair beyond just brushing it. Next she handed me a razor and told me to take a bath. As I was shaving my legs, she sat on the floor next to the bath chatting to me. Once I had finished my legs and had made sure my armpits were smooth as well, she then asked me if I wanted to be completely smooth.

Did I want to be that smooth? I looked down and there wasn’t exactly a lot down there, but she shrugged and I decided to do it. I had to stand up in the bath for this and while I was tidying up my work, it occurred to me I was once again completely naked in front of her. I looked up as she stood up, went over to the toilet, lifted the top and pulled down her jeans and pants as she sat down to pee. With her stream making noise, she said to me, “You know, I really like you as a girl. I know my mum always hoped you would get together with either me or Anita, at least once upon a time anyway, but I think you’re a really nice girl and while you’re very pretty right now, you will be a heartbreaker next weekend for sure!” I wasn’t quite sure how I felt about that, but then I remembered why I was shaving down here so it was very much a wait and see thought really.

After moisturising and a bite to eat wrapped in a huge fluffy bath robe (which I really loved against my naked skin, I must get one of these), Hannah and me went back upstairs to help get me ready. I slipped off the robe, and she handed me a black lacy thong, no, my black lacy thong. I had paid for this, for me to wear. These are my clothes I’m putting on. The thong felt great sliding up my legs, but felt even better once I was wearing it. The matching bra went on next and now it felt second nature to do it up behind my back, as Hannah pointed me to the dresser and my make up. She was going to supervise to make sure I made no mistakes, and I have to say I felt I looked good, and the pretty girl in the mirror I had become smiled back at me. Next I stepped into the dress and pulled it up, feeling the tightness of it hugging me as I slipped my arms into place, wondering how I was going to zip the back up. Hannah went to help me, but I wanted to struggle with it, feeling that I needed to learn how, just in case it came off later. Finally it was up and I looked in the full length mirror to see myself, and what I saw was a short dress that I had pulled up and exposed my underwear making me rapidly tug it down, blushing and giggling with Hannah. All she said was, “And let that be a warning to you later.” And I got the point; no dancing with hands waving in the air. Putting on some ankle socks before the trainers, and I was ready, so we went downstairs, with Hannah doing a ‘ta-daaaa’ showing me off to Mary. I could tell she didn’t approve of the look, but I think she got that as a teenager this is what we wear. A small matching handbag with a few things in it from Hannah such as my makeup and I headed to the party. At the door I opened it to check my lipstick, and saw that there were two tampons in there, along with a condom. I think I blushed with excitement as the door opened.


The next day I woke up a bit later than usual, but I didn’t exactly get home late, I kept to my curfew from Mary and the party wasn't really a party, just about 15 kids having a get together with the parents permission while they were out and I was quite overdressed. I got up and went to the bathroom, pulled down my pyjama shorts and had a pee, wishing I hadn't glanced down as there was blood on them. I think I just sat there for half an hour, wondering what to do before I got a hold of myself. Ok, I thought, you’re a girl and like all girls you have periods, get over it and sort yourself out. So I jumped in the shower, dried myself carefully to try and not get any blood on the towels and with a wad of toilet paper between my legs went back to Hannah’s bedroom for my handbag. I took a tampon out and looked at it, wishing I had some kind of instruction, so I picked up my phone to google it. Five minutes later I had a string hanging out of me as I started to get dressed to go down for breakfast and tell Mary. I don’t know why I felt so embarrassed telling her, but she just nodded, told me to make a note of the day, and then reminded me this meant I couldn't change back today, I was stuck as a girl until I finished the period. This really worried me as how could I call in sick to work? I certainly couldn't go in as I was, for a start I was too young for a full time job! Mary was wonderful, she calmed me down, picked up the phone and rang both Anita and Hannah, who both arrived within thirty minutes, who both gave me a big hug, and strangely looked really happy for me, telling me I was a woman now etc, etc. I think most of it washed over my head, but Anita told me not to worry about work, her and Hannah had already come up with a plan, especially as I couldn't stay here for a few days as the other kids on the street would wonder what was going on and I would need to explain more. I was going to stay with Hannah, she has a box room with a single bed in it that would do for me, but I asked again about work.

Anita said, “Oh, that’s easy, you’ve both got Norovirus, I can tell them you’re at hers both in isolation and too sick to make any calls.” So an hour and a lot of gynaecological talk later, I packed a small bag of clothes and headed to Hannah’s as she had two weeks off work before she started her new job at the same place me and Anita work. Once at hers, she gave me a pair of leggings and a big jumper to wear, sat me down on the sofa and gave me a spoon and chocolate ice cream as she cuddled up next to me. We started talking about periods in a very different way to what I have ever done before, working out what symptoms we have, for her it was mild cramps and headaches, for me some mild cramps and extreme horniness! We realised that as although I was curious about having sex with Clive, it turns out that Friday and Saturday, her mum, Anita and herself thought I was looking at every boy I saw as if I wanted to jump them and to be honest I was. I was literally on heat and just wanted to ride everyone. At the party I literally was dripping, well, almost literally, but when Clive put his fingers in me he knew how turned on I was. I confessed to Hannah that I was a bit stupid and both times we had sex together I didn’t want him to put a condom on, I wanted to feel every moment of it, and she told me I was lucky I was starting my period as it can still happen on the first time. I was really blushing here, I think it was shame but it could also have been a trailer on the TV for football and the men running around as I found myself once again thinking lots of things that I didn’t mind thinking about so much right now. Hannah nudged me and said, “Chocolate ice cream isn’t as good as sex, but it’s almost as good. Eat up.” I went to bed feeling bloated from the half litre of Belgian chocolate ice cream, but it could have been my period, I just didn’t have enough Information about it yet.


I woke up to a text from Anita that she had told work and they hoped I felt better soon, but not to come back and infect anyone this week. Cool, week off! I padded into the bathroom and had a shower, swapped the panty liner I’d used overnight for a tampon and looked at my limited teenager clothes, once again settling for a vest top and denim skirt. Hannah was awake and eating some toast, telling me that as I wasn’t really a teenager I could make my own. I pretended to throw a teenage hissy fit, but we were both laughing to much from it, but I had to stop as my sides were hurting. While waiting for the toast to pop, I said, “So as you’re the responsible adult today, what’s the plan?” And she rolled her eyes. It was a full spring clean of her flat, and a chat about how long this might last for me. Hopefully it will only last three days, so the day after tomorrow I could change back, but tomorrow we were going shopping with one intention; find out how I wanted to look next weekend, or at least pick a body shape for me in other words. In the evening I was shattered but strangely content, we had cleaned from top to bottom and just chatted all day. I don’t even think we stopped talking once and she kept telling me she had to remind herself I wasn't really 14 or 15, but older and every time she said it I hugged her. The next morning I had a laundry crisis as there was no point buying me a lot of underwear, so I put on the freshly laundered lingerie as that was the one set that we did clean. Even with the tampon string hanging out of me, it did make me feel nice and we headed out, both in our jeans and me in her big jumper as we got in her car for a day in London. We only drove as far as Richmond, getting the train the last part, and Hannah wanted to me find someone who’s body shape I liked as that was who I would base my final look on. It would also serve to help them start ordering the bridesmaid dress for me before the final fitting.

We did some sightseeing, went on the London Eye which was a bit boring but did also tell me I wasn’t quite as horny as I had been as Hannah pointed out I didn’t drool at guys anymore, well, not all of them anyway, but she did say I would get it under control so maybe it was that I was just getting used to it. In Oxford street we were trying on clothes in the changing area and I did enjoy pulling back the curtain and stepping out to walk up and down looking at myself in the mirror, making me feel like I was a runway model. A young woman, about 20 years old came out and we walked up and down the little corridor together, arms linked and giggling away. She looked absolutely amazing and Hannah saw me check her out. I think she knew before I did at that point, but I gushed over her, saying how beautiful she was and how the dress she was wearing looked amazing on her. She said to me, “Oh my god, you’re so nice and so pretty yourself, you look great too!” And gave me a hug. I looked across at Hannah and with her eyes she asked me and I nodded. I introduced Hannah as my aunt, but told the beautiful woman she thinks she is the cool aunt and I let her think that too. We all giggled away and talked about our day before she had to leave, dropping the clothes she had been trying on at the rack. I walked over and picked up the dress she wore on our little catwalk together, a mid thigh stretchy dress that had buttons the full length with short little sleeves, and a bikini as well. I turned to Hannah and said, “We’re buying these!” I stopped at a cashpoint to take some money out to give to Hannah to cover not just the clothes, but also to help pay for the day but she didn’t want it. I insisted and this time I felt like I was really about to have a hissy fit! She calmed me down and we sat on a bench, telling me that at this point, her mum was covering all the expenses, and that despite the modest suburban detached house, her mum had a lot more money than her and Anita had realised. On the way back that gave me quite a lot to think about, not just the medallion and magic thing, but something else had occurred to me that I might need to ask Mary about. But today I was just enjoying myself and wondering how I would finally look.

The next morning, Wednesday, Mary came round and we told her about the beautiful woman, the dress and the bikini and she asked if I was ‘still bleeding’? I said I didn’t think so, and quickly went to check the tampon I put in when I woke up and it was clean. So I changed into a robe, the medallion was laid around my next and the dress was brushed against it and we waited. The really strange thing here is I never said I needed to change back to the male me, I think I wanted this next step. Mary said it was a good thing that this was for a younger woman as this would mean I get a bit longer for the next stage of my acclimatisation. Once the change was complete Mary then started to make ‘adjustments’ as she called it. First with the bikini bottoms and top against the medallion and those two changes I felt instantly rather than a slow change. I felt my butt lift up and my waist come in a bit further, then the bikini top and I felt my breasts lift and become perkier, literally perkier, and maybe a bit smaller. As Mary said the default change is me as a woman, everything else now is minor adjustments. I looked at my feet and Hannah pulled out a pair of heels, then one of them was brushed against the medallion and I watched my feet shrink a little, with Hannah saying I was now a UK size 5 like her, so at least I can borrow her shoes. I picked up the dress and went to her bedroom, dropping the robe as I closed the door. I needed to look at myself before I went back out to them in the dress and in the full length mirror I saw an older version of the teenage girl me looking back, maybe about 20 years old now giving me small steps as I literally grow up as a woman, still with long hair but looking a bit fuller now, still smooth all over and with a body that was as much killer as the beautiful woman I modelled it on and still smooth all over so no need to shave anything again just yet. I turned this way and that, trying to see as much of me as I could before I picked up the dress and put it on, buttoning it up from my waist to my cleavage. I took another look at myself, then went out to see Mary and Hannah.

The first thing Mary said was that I should wear something underneath it, and the first thing Hannah did was undo the top and bottom button of the dress, telling me it looks better that way. Mary had to leave but told me to remember the order this was done in, and Hannah said to me, “OK, this time you can pay for the clothes you buy. Let me get you a pair of shoes and we’ll be off.” She stopped and looked at me, “Wait, first we need to measure you so we know what to buy. So I stood there as she got a tape measure and took my measurements, asking me how tall I thought I was now. I still wasn’t anywhere near my original 6 foot 2, but also not as tall as her 5’10”, so I guessed I was five foot seven inches tall, and she nodded saying that seems about right, and is a good height as I can wear three inch heels and still be shorter than my date. She finished measuring me and handed me a piece of paper, telling me to memorise it, I was 32B, 23, 33, or as Hannah called me a skinny bitch, but both her and Anita liked this skinny bitch so not to worry. She headed off to get me a pair of shoes to match the dress and I pointed out I wasn’t wearing any underwear. She handed me a pair of ankle boots with a one inch heel, saying, “You’re not borrowing mine, suck it up until you can pop to the loo to put some knickers on!” I sat down to put the boots on, and she reminded me to keep my knees together, and I thought in this dress with nothing on under that won’t be a problem as I asked her what name I should be called. She said, “Mum said to call you Sofia. Hang on.” And she rummaged in her bag handing me a note from her mum, saying I should use the name Sofia Lucas, a birthdate of 26th August 2002 and that I was a virgo. The last bit seemed strange, but then I suppose everyone knows it, even if they don’t believe it.

Shopping this time was about actually shopping and as I would need a lot we went to the mid range stores to keep the cost down. I only had what I had taken out of the bank and I didn’t want to raise any alarms and have them check cameras footage and see a woman using a man’s card and blocking it, so I just just used the contactless and pin. It’s not like anyone actually holds your bank card anymore to look at the name. The key things for me to buy were a few outfits and some shoes, make up, hair products, hair styling products and everything else a woman needs. You could say it was a woman starter kit. I wasn’t worried about money, my parents had died twenty years ago so I had plenty in the bank and owned my house outright, no living relatives apart from my sister but she had made it clear she had no interest in being own contact anymore as she had her own life. Considering how little social life the other me has, I don’t spend a lot and could easily take 20 years off work if I wanted to. The problem was it wasn’t in my name, Sofia’s or whatever name I end up using, it’s the other me so I needed to think about how to deal with that. Anyway, I hung my clothes up when we got back and we watched some Netflix, Sex/Life as she insisted it was good, but I think she wanted to see my reaction to that scene in the shower, you know the one. It’s a really nice scene, but didn’t scare me as much as Hannah said it did her. How about that, it seems I’m a size queen.

The following day Hannah was taking Mary out in the morning to a doctors appointment (it was nothing to worry about, just a check up and she needed a ride), and then we were meeting Anita for lunch. We stood outside the office and it was funny seeing people I knew walk out not recognising me, felt a little weird being checked out so much by men, and also women looking me up and down. At least they weren’t undressing me with their eyes, but I’ve worked closely with enough women to know that some can be catty, especially to a skinny bitch like me! I was wearing a pair of slightly over the knee flat boots with cute little tassels at the back, a short denim skirt, even if the pockets were useless for putting things in, at least I had somewhere to put my hands when standing about, and a light pink jumper that really wouldn't be any good in the cold as it was so thin, but I liked the long sleeves and how if I reached up it showed my flat stomach. Anita wasn’t too long and we headed off for a salad at the food court in the shopping mall, chatting away and Anita saying how good I looked, that I was surprisingly attractive and that Hannah had warned her I was a skinny bitch! We had a really nice time, just chatting and before long I truly felt like one of the girls with them. I was chatting away to Hannah about being a bridesmaid and what we had to do on the day as I’ve never been one before and Anita was looking at us both smiling when she suddenly looked up. She said, “Oh, hi Jack, how are you.” And I froze, salad fork almost in my mouth as I looked round slowly.

And there he was, my work wife, or is he now technically my work husband? No, he’s the other me’s work wife, Sofia is a stranger to him, I am a stranger to him. And yet he was looking at me, and I think I knew why. Anita said, “This is my sister Hannah and our friend Sofia.” Hannah said hello to him, and I felt nervous at seeing him, I don’t know why, he won’t recognise me, I mean I know I look a bit like the other me, but I’m a very different person to him in so many ways. I didn't really know what to say to him, so I said, “Hi, we’re both going to be bridesmaids to Anita.” And I smiled and he smiled back. Ok, this feels very different and I saw his eyes flick down and stay there for a bit making me blush. All I needed to do was bring my knees together but I didn’t, I kept them as they were, slightly apart as he said, “Cool, I’ve only got an invite to the evening rather than the full thing but I guess that means I will see you there.” I smiled back at him, feeling myself blush. He then turned back to Anita and asked how I was, or I mean the male me Andy. This could be so confusing, but I didn’t really feel like him right now, I was Sofia and I like being Sofia. In fact, I know I really need to think about that as Mary had warned me that first weekend, but right now I feel happy so I put it to the back of my mind. I looked back to Anita and she was still talking to Jack but he kept looking at me (and flicking his eyes down there), and Hannah to keep us in the conversation while Anita said Andy was still ill, but not as bad as before. As I looked at him I was playing with my hair and thinking he was actually quite good looking, not a bad body really and I laughed at his little jokes. With one last look at each of us, and again a look between my knees he said goodbye to us, heading back to work. I watched him walk off and looked back at my friends, who both staring at me with knowing smiles. “What?” I said. Anita spoke first, “You were so flirting with him!” Hannah said, “My god girl, being a skinny bitch is fine, but do you have to flash your knickers at every good looking guy?” I said I wasn’t, it was just a surprise seeing him through these eyes made me think how good looking he was. Then Anita said something that really shook me to the core, “You do realise he will expect to see you at the wedding now, meaning you will be Sofia, a 20 year old young woman?” I stopped to think about that, and I was ok with this. I liked how I looked, I liked how I felt and this felt right. Was it because I was a different person, I mean, I now seem to like guys which really doesn’t bother me at all, but this just felt right, it felt nice.

I said to her, “Are you ok with Sofia being your bridesmaid?” She looked at me seriously and I genuinely thought I had made her angry, but with a smile she took my hand telling she would be happy to have me as her bridesmaid, and Hannah took my other hand and smiled. Then Hannah said, “But seriously, you need to stop flashing your knickers at men.” I blushed to my core and said, “Remember what you said to me yesterday when we went shopping?” And Hannah nodded but Anita looked at us waiting for an explanation as Hannah nodded again. I looked at Anita, telling her, “I need to learn something quickly, and I probably would have sat very differently if it wasn’t for something she said. I’m trying to learn to keep my legs together so I’m not wearing any underwear.” Anita’s head rolled back and she burst out laughing, finally saying, “Girl, we need to get you under control or every party you go to you’ll be under another Clive.” I was mortified, but then, girls talk and I’m just another girl today. They both looked at each other, then at me, saying together, “Skinny bitch!” And we all giggled. This really does feel right.

Anita headed back to work and Hannah suggested I go shopping by myself to see what I liked without anyone else trying to get me to wear certain things, and that sounded like a good plan. Looking around the shops the choice of clothes was so much more than I had ever had to deal with, but before long I started to understand why us girls spend so much time shopping; we need to! After an hour or so I still hadn't actually brought anything, but must have tried on a hundred different outfits and taken even more photos. I picked out a white figure hugging jumper dress, yet another LBD, a light summer dress and a dress with lots of cutouts that I thought would be great for clubbing, even though I don't have an ID yet. The changing rooms in this shop were actually unisex which when I was the old me I was always worried about as I didn't want women to think I was perving on them, and today I decided to head for the one of the cubicles at the end. Plus it was close to the big mirror. I chose the second to last walking past a few that were occupied but most were empty. After taking off my clothes I looked at myself in the mirror in there, admiring my body once again, and then I picked up my phone, adding a few more photos that would never be shared with anyone! Still, I looked good. I slipped on the jumper dress and it came to mid thigh and seemed to work well with my knee high boots. I went out to look in the other mirror with different lighting, admiring myself and deciding to buy this, my first purchase of the day. A woman stepped into the corridor between the cubicles and pointed towards them as I stepped back into mine, looking at myself in the mirror again. As I reached out to close the curtain a very handsome man walked past and went to the last cubicle on the opposite side to me and I found myself watching him. He hung some trousers and shirts up then turned around and saw me looking at him. Ok, I was in a bit of a trance I think as he was really handsome, but he smiled at me, and I smiled back. Then to my eternal embarrassment I gave him a little wave and he made a silent laugh and waved back. I motioned at what I was wearing and gave a small twirl and then looked at him asking with my eyes how I looked. He smiled, nodded and gave a thumbs up, so with a smile I gave him a curtsy, then I think the devil on my shoulder must have whispered something to me, as I started to take the dress off while looking at him. I gave a little bounce, turned around and picked up the hanger to hang it up, bending at the waist with my bum towards him. I hung it up and looked back at him and he was still looking at me, but standing still this time and I thought maybe I’ve gone too far. But he shook his head a little, mouthed ‘wow’ at me and I smiled and curtsied again. He was still looking at me so I picked up the LBD and the summer dress holding each up against myself and he pointed to the summer dress, making that the next thing to try on.

I stopped and looked up at him he still standing there watching me, and I pointed to one of the pair of trousers, he nodded a ‘that’s fair’ type of nod then started to take off his shirt as I took my time with the dress. It was my turn to watch him. The shirt was off and he had a good body, not sculpted, but good, as he kicked his shoes off and undid his trousers dropping them. Not a bad bulge going on there either I thought as he hung them up, turning back to look at me. I looked him up and down and made a ‘I don’t know’ sign as I pointed at the socks still on his feet, making him smile and take them off. Ok, not a bad body at all, but again I made the ‘I don’t know’ sign with my hand and he looked confused and maybe a little hurt, so motioned to my naked body with my hands pointed at his calvins. He looked back at me, clearly nervous so I put a hand on my hip, clearly insisting on fair play here. Slowly he hooked a thumb in the waistband each side and slid them down his legs, very embarrassed as he kicked them to the side and stood there as naked as I was. I gave him an appreciative nod as I admired his semi erect penis, then put my hand to my chin as if I was being thoughtful, then with my other hand made a ‘lift up’ motion. He smiled at that and with his eyes asked me if I wanted to see that, so I once again turned around, bending over at the waist before I looked back at him. I’d given him a show, now it was his turn.

He turned to face me and just looked at me and I saw some movement in it, some swelling and I got to watch it grow until it was rock hard and pointing up, so I gave him a thumbs up this time, making him laugh. Throughout this, we could hear people come and go from the changing area, but as we were at the far end no one could see us or came down. I leant my head out to check no one was there, took hold of the curtain and stepped out, pulling it shut behind me as I walked across the aisle to him, closing his curtain behind us as I kissed him hard and he kissed me back, my boobs squashed by him body and his erection pressing into my stomach. He was at least four inches taller than me I thought as we separated, my hand going straight for his cock and wrapping around it and he sighed, My god, it was so hard and soft at the same time and I had no idea how long we had but now I was a woman I wanted a man and here one was in my hand. I dropped to my knees, tasting him, licking him and thinking how great this was, so much better than the two wet fumbles with Clive, this was a man who knew what he wanted and I knew I wanted him so I stood up, lifting a leg and guiding him to me as he moved forward and slide in. Now it was my turn to sigh and I tried to keep the noise down as I kissed him again and we made love slowly, not a word passing between us.

A woman called out “Darling?” He froze inside me and stopped kissing me. I looked at his hand and for the first time saw he was wearing a wedding ring, but screw I thought, I’m not the one cheating here and wrapped my leg around him to stop him from pulling out of me. He replied to the woman, “I’ll be out in a minute.” And I stifled a giggle and gave him a squeeze with my vagina making him close his eyes and stifle a sigh. The woman replied, “That’s ok, I’m heading over to look at the make up, meet me there.” He started moving mack and forwards inside me and he said ok to the woman and I guess it must have been the erotic nature of what were doing but he came shortly after, pumping into me over and over again. Wow! This is amazing and I hope that now I really am a woman every man is as good as he is, plus I was so close to having an orgasm myself, I was almost satisfied, but definitely feeling very good. Now we had come down from the high of sex, we kissed much more gently, still with passion but now passion satisfied. He was about to say something but I shook my head and put a finger to my lips, I didn’t want to spoil this and he slowly pulled out of me, but I pulled him back in for one last time feeling all of him in me and we kissed again. This time I let him pull out. We stood there naked looking at each other, him with a penis covered in our juices and me with a slickness between my legs. I looked out into the aisle, turned back giving him a kiss on the cheek and ran back to my cubicle pulling the curtain shut, leaning against the wall as I got my breath back.

After I had brought the jumper and summer dress I decided to pop down to the make up area, just to see if I could see his wife out of some weird curiosity I guess. I managed to pick up some foundation and eye shadow that one of the people who worked there recommended for my skin tone and decided to get a cab back to Hannah’s, not seeing either him or his wife. As I walked to the cab rank I passed a pharmacy and the slickness between my legs made me think of something so I popped in for the morning after pill, just to be on the safe side, finding out at the same time that Sofia Lucas also has a medical record, so that’s another thing I need to ask Mary about. I never told Hannah or Anita about that hook up, out at least not straight away I mean, it was a really slutty thing to do and I’m still learning how women interact with each over of these kinds of things. The rest of the week was kinda quiet really, and I just hung out with Hannah and sometimes Anita when she had time, till Sunday afternoon I got a cab round to Mary’s so I could change back and sort out everything the male me needed for work next week. There were a couple of questions I needed to ask her so once the change had started I said, “Mary, there’s a couple of things you said I wanted to ask about?” She told me I could ask her anything so I began….

Two hours later I headed home with a lot to think about and wondering if my jaw had ever dropped as low as it had. It’s not my story to tell, but I will say I left with a whole new perspective on this, as well as a collection of official and more importantly, legal documents for the 20 year old Sofia Lucas including GCSE certificates, a national insurance number and a just about to go out of date passport. But also one other thing. In a small leather pouch I was now the owner of the Medallion of Zulo to use as I wish, all because my questions to Mary had proved to her I fully understood that while it is a blessing to many, it can also be a curse to the owner if they don’t use it intelligently and also wisely.

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