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MTU - Hard To Look At (part 9 of 10)

Chapter 18

I thought the prior Monday had been unusual. The atmosphere at school was unreal. Everyone already knew that Jenny had dumped Tommy. Neither of them would tell anyone why and the number of often conflicting rumors were unreal.

Exchanged - Chapters 32 and 33

Exchanged Art - Amazon
Chapters 32 and 33
by Sofia Hammerstein

Two years ago Stacy visited a newly discovered dimension, with his parents, on an adventurous summer vacation. He was astounded by how the other dimension's technology was decades ahead of his own! During his senior year he applied to Emerson University in the city he had visited. He was excited and hopeful of learning more about their technology as an exchange student, and hopefully bring it back to his own world. (Story set in the Diaper Dimension)

Recovering From Trauma

Blake Medical Recovery Center, Napa Valley, Northern California:
Sara and Cindy look down at all the women and some men who have been brought to the center for help and recovery. Both of them couldn’t understand why anyone would forcibly turn innocent males and some women into the opposite sex.

“Mom and sis weren’t joking when they said that there would be days when this job would get to you.” Cindy looks at her twin sister standing next to her.

Parallel Lives Chapter 33

No, Nathan wasn’t crazy. To say he was WOULD be crazy. He was a very well adjusted man.

He was just frantically scouring the internet for any evidence of magic being real.

The part of him that still wanted to be rational was thinking “of course magic isn’t real, that’s ridiculous, you’re being ridiculous”. And he was being ridiculous, magic was not something that existed in the real world, and it certainly wasn’t something that sensible, level-headed adults believed in.

Eerie Saloon 2: House Rules by Ellie Dauber and Chris Leeson - Now on Kindle


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As the girls of the former Hanks Gang serve their 60 days at the Eerie Saloon, they begin to adjust to their new bodies and make new lives. This being the Old West, there's also a shootout, poker games, and a kidnapping.

Wilma, Jessie and Bridget have new opportunities but old ways of thinking, especially thinking of themselves as men, are hard to break. It's all a question of learning the new rules for how to live as women.

Eerie Saloon 2
House Rules

by Ellie Dauber and Chris Leeson

Now on Kindle from Doppler Press!

Rhod`s Trip To America ch 32 Physical Confrontation


Dan tells some of his classmates in PE about Em. Is Em in for some trouble because of it? After PE, Em was heading for the car park. Em noticed that there were a few guys standing about the Boy's loo, and the school hallway was empty. When they saw her, they called her over. One of the guys said this wasn't right. He decided to leave. The boys called him a wuss. They then turned to Em with an evil sneer on their face.

Audra: A New Life -5- "Beginning Over"


Every new beginning is the end of something else and every ending begins the cycle again. When you finish grieving, it's time to go on living.

Audra: A New Life

Heart of Darkness

A tale of child wronged, who through the love of father is uplifted to succeed beyond all but their own hope and dreams.

Note: If you found this story as a result of reading the Adventures of a Merchant tales, then I would like to warn you that even though it too is fantasy based, it is a very different story in tone.

Christopher's Adventures in Miss Johnsson's "Girl's World" Store 3 - The spring collection

Chapter 3 of Christopher's -or schould i say Jennifer's - adventures..
Christopher returns to Miss Johnsson's store once again.

Earlyer Chapters:
Chapter 1: Christopher - 1. Christmas Eve
Chapter 2: Christopher - 2. An unexpected event

Enjoy it!
Many thanks to Denise_Em for editing!

3. The spring collection

Home Sweet Home III


Jamie wants her real mother and sister to come and live with her at McCreeley Manor. Will she get her wish?

Home Sweet Home III

by Barbara Lynn Terry

The Day the Earth Stood Still: or Happy Alternative New Years


Another BigCloset TopShelf story.

Charlie was a middle-aged man with one great regret, that a wonderful woman he'd been friends with for years was not interested in him as a man. She moves cross-country to care for her ailing mother and Charlie is heartbroken. A new employee befriends Charlie who later makes an unselfish wish for his new friends happiness. Charlie finds he's been betrayed and has lost everything he ever dreamed of or has he? A story of the power of love and forgivenes.

Timeout First Christmas


Another BigCloset TopShelf story.

This covers my heroine Joanie’s first Christmas as a woman -- her first ever away from her birth family. She learns valuable lessions in the week before Christmas and returns the favor. All while struggling to make sense of being young, female and a mutant. I made this story as “stand alone” as I could to aid those not familiar with my Whateley Academy Fan Fic

Woman in the Mirror


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This is a story about life’s regrets and about the transition from a young boy to a grown woman. This is a story about the price each of us has to pay, to be true to our inner selves, and become what we must be.

Woman In The Mirror: Chapter 8


This is a story about life’s regrets and about the transition from a young boy to a grown woman. This is a story about the price each of us has to pay, to be true to our inner selves, and become what we must be.

Woman In The Mirror: Chapter 7


This is a story about life’s regrets and about the transition from a young boy to a grown woman. This is a story about the price each of us has to pay, to be true to our inner selves, and become what we must be.

Woman In The Mirror: Chapters 5 - 6


This is a story about life’s regrets and about the transition from a young boy to a grown woman. This is a story about the price each of us has to pay, to be true to our inner selves, and become what we must be.

Woman In The Mirror: Chapters 1 - 4


This is a story about life’s regrets and about the transition from a young boy to a grown woman. This is a story about the price each of us has to pay, to be true to our inner selves, and become what we must be.

Halloween Trilogy of Transformation

Halloween Trilogy of Transformation
Julie O

Edited by Amelia R.


Note: This story was originally submitted to Sapphire's Halloween story contest in late September 2006. It still has not been posted at Sapphire's.

Audra: A New Life - Part 2 - Going Home

First Kisses at Midnight


New Year’s is supposed to be about a time for forgetting old acquaintances, but sometimes it’s also about remembering old loves. Is there a spot in your heart for "the one who got away"? Have you ever said to yourself, "I’d do anything for a second chance with her/him"? Here’s a letter from someone who did.


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Who Do That Hoo Doo?


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George returned back to where he grew up still seeking that one place where he fits in. Never did he expect to find himself in a messy tangle of dark magics, ancient promises, and a power hungry hoodoo doctor. Just maybe if his crazed luck can just stay with him long enough, he'll finally find his place under the sun.

Buy at Amazon!

This DopplerPress Kindle eBook also includes the bonus story "The Glade" by Grover

Friendship and Agony by Maryanne Peters on Kindle


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The first published anthology of our own very prolific short story author, Maryanne Peters, is available on Kindle in a new book.

Friendship and Agony
with 15 other TG romances
by Maryanne Peters
Now on Kindle!

When is a “Friendship” close to being a marriage? Two men discover that being friends is not enough when one of them agrees to be a bride.

What will an estranged father do to keep his family together when they make a “Call for Help?” Break the law and make radical changes? But how will his life be judged?

A man writes an "Agony" column pretending to be a woman, then success demands that SHE step forward into reality…. Can she become a real person?

Andy and Dawn by Angela Rasch on DopplerPress


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What would you do for your career? What would you do for your best friend?

Andy and Dawn
by Angela Rasch
A DopplerPress Original
Buy on Kindle!

Andrea Leonard believes that television is where great actors go to die. A star of stage and screen, she fervently objects when her agent wants her to take the lead role in a television series.

Don Champp's life is in neutral. He isn't sure what he wants to do with his future, or what he wants to be... or who. When an agent tells him they have the perfect role for him, he takes the card and tries out for the part without any expectation of it turning into something more.

Pretty, Please by Jo Dora Webster on Kindle


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"Granny, Granny, please tell us a story! Pretty please, Granny!" said nine year old Linda as she sat on the floor with her twin sister Julia.

They had on matching sky blue blouses and navy blue skorts which each had embroidered a red rose with green stem and leaves as well as the first initial of their name. They both looked precious in their white knee socks and black Mary Jane's. Each of them looked intently at me with their deep blue eyes, resisting the temptation to twirl their long blonde hair in their fingers, since they loved my stories.

Before I could answer, Julia burst out, "Tell us a new one, Granny! Pretty, please!"

pretty please cover
Pretty, Please
by Jo Dora Webster
Buy on Kindle

A tale of adventure, love and magic!

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