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Recovering From Trauma

Blake Medical Recovery Center, Napa Valley, Northern California:
Sara and Cindy look down at all the women and some men who have been brought to the center for help and recovery. Both of them couldn’t understand why anyone would forcibly turn innocent males and some women into the opposite sex.

“Mom and sis weren’t joking when they said that there would be days when this job would get to you.” Cindy looks at her twin sister standing next to her.

Parallel Lives Chapter 33

No, Nathan wasn’t crazy. To say he was WOULD be crazy. He was a very well adjusted man.

He was just frantically scouring the internet for any evidence of magic being real.

The part of him that still wanted to be rational was thinking “of course magic isn’t real, that’s ridiculous, you’re being ridiculous”. And he was being ridiculous, magic was not something that existed in the real world, and it certainly wasn’t something that sensible, level-headed adults believed in.

The Chosen - Chapter 4

I had never enjoyed shopping more. My feet ached and we’d about doubled the mortgage on the house, but I had so much new stuff. We did just about manage to empty the back of the car in one trip when we arrived home, but only with both Mum and me carrying as many bags as would fit in each hand.

“What the hell is this?” Dad grumbled from his seat. The water on his table was untouched and there were a couple of extra beer cans beside the one I’d left him. Well, if he wanted to start Sunday with a hangover, that was his lookout.

Layabout. Part 3 of 4

Chapter 3

Abigail appraised my movements and told me to take shorter steps with my feet trying to follow a straight line. Then I had to lose my slouch that the weight of the breasts were forcing on me. We worked on all of these until I walked correctly, with my head high and my shoulders back. That was a whole new feeling.

At Aunt Greta's 4 — Don't Panic!

I felt for my willie, but only found a “front bottom”! After having a wee–I had to sit down, natch–I cleaned myself up, flushed, rearranged my clothing and opened the door.

‘Auntie Greta! Can you come here a minute. Something terrible has happened!’

At Aunt Greta’s–
Don't Panic!

by Gabi

Chapter 4 of a Continuing Saga…


This story deeply touched me when I read it a many months ago. I asked JulieChristine for permission to translate it into german, which she kindly enough granted me. You may like or not like that story, so feel free to comment.

Saphira Leonie Gardner

Diese Geschichte ist genau das, eine Geschichte, aber dennoch sollte sie sehr ernst genommen werden. Diese Geschichte wurde inspiriert von Vorfá¤llen in meinem eigenen und den Leben von anderen, die ich kenne. Alle Charaktere in dieser Geschichte sind vollstá¤ndig erfunden, genau wie die Vorfá¤lle die hier beschrieben werden.

Rules Are Rules: 30. Special Delivery

An upperclass girl came in to use one of the toilet stalls. I didn't look at her, but I heard her sit down. At the same time, there were noises from the boy's bathroom, which is on the opposite side of the wall. In a vague way I remembered Carla once telling me to never use this bathroom, but she didn't have a chance to explain why. I suddenly found out.

Rules Are Rules

30. Special Delivery

copyright © 2006, 2007 Kaleigh Way — All Rights Reserved

TWINS by Marie Part 21 - Ritual

The room was large, much larger than the tower looked coming up the driveway. There was the fireplace Darlene mentioned although Jenny hadn’t seen a chimney from the outside. A second well-lighted entrance opened at the back like the one she had come through, though the light was certainly odd, not something she could describe easily.

Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 175

"I hope your squeal about doctors doesn't mean you are getting cold feet?"

"It's not just my feet which are cold," I said.

"Oh dear, does that mean you are having second thoughts?"

Easy As Falling Off A Bike.
by: Her with the red hair.
Part: one and three quarter hundreds.

Easy As Falling Out of the Tardis - A Fanfic Based on Angharad's "Easy As Falling Off a Bike"

Auntie A inadvertantly challenged me to do this, so blame her...it is also being written 'live', so excuse any mistakes please. I won't be updating this nearly as frequently as Angharad, but more will be forthcoming.

Now, on with the show...

Gaby's Manx Tale

Just to prove I can write a complete story. This was written for the proto-Gabycon in July 2007, and read to the assembled crowds by the author(who has since lived in hiding). It has previously been posted on Maddy Bell's site.

Gaby’s Manx Tale.
By Angharad.

“You do this to me everytime,” protested Drew.

“You could always do your own packing!” snapped Maddy and went off down the corridor.

Rules Are Rules: 29. Eden Makes A Splash

"Wow," Eden said. "You made me look beautiful."
It was true. Eden was standing under the window in the third frame. Cory had obviously spent most of his time drawing her. The clothes, the hair, her face, were all exactly as they were that night.
"Earth to Eden," I said. "That's how you look. You *are* beautiful."

Rules Are Rules

29. Eden Makes A Splash


copyright © 2006, 2007 Kaleigh Way — All Rights Reserved

The Price to Pay - Vol. 3.06 - Feelings

           ....I felt Amarjit's soft, oiled hand slowly trace the outline of my shoulders and gently, caressingly, move down my spine. Her hands continued their tender, exploration of my back as she massaged the oil into me. She then completed her circuit and I felt tingles of pleasure as she slowly moved her fingers up my side, with the lightest of touches.
"How does that feel?", she asked
"Mmmmm......Wonderful", I replied.

The Price to Pay - Vol. 3.6 - Feelings

by Alys

Becoming Antonia Part 22.

“Yeah, I’m fine. But I have to tell you lady, you hit harder than they did when I tried out for the Bruins.” he said with a laugh.

“Boston? Good thing you didn’t tell me that earlier. Or else I would have really hit you.” I said to him with a giggle. “Go Sabers!” I shouted and heard a “right on!” come from one of the others.

Becoming Antonia Part 22.

By; Toni

TWINS by Marie Part 20 - Diagnosis

“Examining staff feel little would be accomplished by attempting to reverse subject’s current personality trend. Attempts to do so would likely result in psychological and emotional damage to both subject and adoptive mother. In view of the information assembled the study team recommends encouraging the subject’s feminine development."

TWINS by Marie

Part 20 - Diagnosis

by Marie C.

Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 174

"What's your problem, haven't you ever seen a naked woman before?" she asked.

"Erm, not really," I blushed like a flash bulb and didn't know where to look, but wished the ground would swallow me up.

Easy As Falling Off A Bike.
by Angharad
part 14.5 dozen.

"Which side are you going to sleep?" asked Stella.

Brianna's Big Brother - Chapter 4 (Changes)

Carl's attention was only drawn away from his little sister for a moment, but it was long enough for her to be attacked. How will Carl choose to react, and what will be the repercussions of that choice?

Brianna's Big Brother - Chapter 4
Copyright 2008 by Heather Rose Brown

Young Love, Chapter 6

"Well, this is what I call home," stated Carol ... Lizzie Jane fell in love with it right away. "It is your home, too -- for you and Philip." teased Carol.
"Don't even mention that rich, stuck-up brat," Lizzie Jane answered sharply.
"Oh, now -- a brat is a naughty little boy," smiled Carol.
"That is exactly what he is!"

Young Love
A Lizzie Jane Adventure
Chapter 6
By Billie Sue Pilgrim

Rules Are Rules: 28. Suspension And Confusion

"Do you want to start again?" I asked.

"No, no. Let's just... Okay. Here's what we'll do. I'm going to tell you what I see and hope it makes sense to you, because it doesn't make any sense to me. Okay?"

Rules Are Rules

28. Suspension And Confusion

copyright © 2006, 2007 Kaleigh Way — All Rights Reserved

Healing Cousin George - Part 17 - Family Bonding – Part 1

“Is it illegal for cousins to become involved?” I blushed and felt the tinge of embarrassment shoot down my spine as I took another draw on the cigarette.
“You mean you and George?”
“Eh, well… maybe.” I stammered.
“You're only half cousin’s aren’t you? Well Yeah and no. It’s not illegal. Unusual, but not illegal. You thinking about making a play for George?”

Healing Cousin George

Part 17 - Family Bonding — Part 1

by Karin Roberts

TWINS by Marie Part 19 - Emma.4

Emma put her sewing down on the table with an annoyed look. “Come here,” she said gently and we slid together, Emma all healthy and wearing a corset and long skirts. “It’s good to be a proper lady again,” he thought.

TWINS by Marie

Part 19 - Emma.4

by Marie C.

Becoming Antonia Part 21.

I looked up just as I sat down on my bike to start for home and saw the guy that Jimmy had turned in earlier heading toward me in his truck, at a high rate of speed. I gunned the bike and took off like a scalded dog. I was just in time, to have him miss me and hit the guard shack I was parked right next to.

Becoming Antonia Part 21.

By; Toni, with help from Zomba

Camp Kumoni : 24

Erika found herself back in the cabin with the others, trying to figure out all of the ways possible that they could get even with the boys from Oak.

“How hard can this possibly be?” Samantha asked the other girls.

“About As Easy as Falling Off a Bike.” Dani winked.

Camp Kumoni
By Anistasia Allread

Being Christina Chase | Chapter 43: The Dinner Party

        As the sun crept up over the horizon, Steph and Lisa stood in front of the still-closed salon. Lisa, who had lost eleven pounds since February, was dressed in a pair of green and while cotton sweatpants that hadn't fit her since high school. She had steadily been losing around five pounds per month until May, when she'd gained five of them back. That fact was making her anxious and irritable, which was not lost on Steph, who was also wearing her old school colors.

Professor Prick 5 - My First Real Date

“Good, come with me,” I said, and led him into the alley. My mind was racing what was I doing but I was excited at the same time. We stepped into the shadow and I turned my back to the wall and slipped my hand behind his neck and the other still holding my bag on to his waist and eased him towards me. Our lips met and opened with eager tongues finding each other and exploring our mouths as the passion increased.


By Karin Roberts

Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 173

We continued drinking our teas and talking until we were interrupted by a shout of anguish. I jumped up and ran out into the lounge.

"What's happening?" I asked.

"Kiki, she's rolled in horse shit and gone belting out through the hole in the fence."

Easy As Falling Off A Bike
by Angharad
part 173.

Ally in Wonderland

Rules Are Rules: 27. My Permanent Record

I thanked her and went into the inner office. Mr. Bryant and my aunt were there, waiting. "Well, well, well," he said. "My favorite student."

That didn't sound good. I didn't want to be the principal's favorite student, did I? "Am I in trouble?" I asked.

Rules Are Rules

27. My Permanent Record

copyright © 2006, 2007 Kaleigh Way — All Rights Reserved

Charlotte's Tale part 8.

I felt as if the world had become a deep, deep pit. I was at the bottom of it, it was dark and the sides were smooth. There were no lights nor ladders. Each day an angel in the form of my mother would come and make me eat and hold me. I would cry and cling to her. I had no energy, no hope, no anything.

Charlotte’s Tale.
Part 8.
by Angharad

TWINS by Marie Part 18 - Leticia

“To tell the truth when I look at you I don’t see a boy,” Jenny remarked as casually as she could. “You’re everything a mother could want in a sweet child. You never get upset when we call you Darlene. Right this minute you’re more of a girl than Della ever was.”

TWINS by Marie C., Part 18 - Leticia
by Marie C.

Secondary Education, Chapter 12, My Missing Pieces

Secondary Education
Tyla Flowers
[email protected]

Chapter 12, My Missing Pieces

Oprah’s over, Rikki Lake’s not on yet, and Dr. Phil depresses me. So I flick off the television.
I pick up a month-old "Us" magazine: Lindsey’s back in rehab, Paris is busted for DUI again, same old, same old. I throw it back on the table and wish I had something to do.


More DopplerPress

Romance...in Disguise by Maryanne Peters on Kindle


Audience Rating: 


Why wear a mask to fall in love?

Romance...in Disguise
15 Tales of Transgender Unmasking!
by Maryanne Peters
Now on Kindle

Another volume of Transgender Romance from Maryanne Peters! Fifteen more stories with Mostly Happy Endings around the theme of disguise or concealment. Why would our lovers hide their identities?

To lure out a serial killer in Bait. To elude authorities in Border Crosser and Stowaway. To escape an angry mob in Sikh and Sanctuary. To avoid a custody battle in Running. Or to infiltrate a criminal organization in A Sicario Returns; a girls' school in St. Beatrice; a foreign power in Subversives; or just a bed in Her Roommate. And more disguises and reasons for concealment in six more stories!

All with Maryanne's deft twists and trademark happy endings. Mostly.


The path of true love never did go smooth one old saying has it, but then again, all's well that ends well—mostly.


A Summer's Odyssey - Now on Kindle


Audience Rating: 


After his mother dies the only option Kris has is to take his kid sisters to grandma's house. But Massachusetts to Maryland is a long way to travel on only $50. How will they make it, will grandma be able to keep them and what kind of life can they expect?


A Summer's Odyssey

By Jennifer Sue

Now available on Kindle

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