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Gaby Book 27 ~ Smell of the Crowd ~ Chapter *7*

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Book 27
Smell of the Crowd

by Maddy Bell
Copyright© 2022 Madeline Bell

Life has some certainties, birth and death of course, but the rest is a mix of Minestrone and Spaghetti, some of which we have no direct influence over. We can however decide whether we want Parmesan or other seasoning, we can give Gnochi a try, doesn't mean we'll like it but at least we'll know. Gaby has reached just such a point in her life, she knows she likes Pizza, she's not averse to Spaghetti or Lasagne but is Gnochi for her? The Gnochi in this case is doing the singing with BlauHase on a more serious level, as a 'hobby' its fine but could this be a change of career? Well you don't find out without trying so that's just what our heroine is about to find out in this, the 27th book of the Gaby saga.


*Chapter 7*
A Clear Head

Battle Scars Part 5

Lucifer smiled as he cleaned his swords and his magical staff which he very rarely used ,looking at the weapons which have claimed numerous lives. Its told he had imbued the staff with the souls of thousands of people he had killed turning it into a very powerful weapon .He had the staff created after his battle with Nathan to make sure he doesn't loose again. But he still took pleasure in beating his enemies to death using his bare fists.

Wednesday Knights -- Chapter 20: From Here to There

Cerridwen and the Phantom Nurse (1)

Cerridwen and the Phantom Nurse
Chapter One: An Midnight Encounter with Nurse Spooky

Warning: The following contains elements of horror. And a brief scene of mental torture. If you are sensitive to such things. Please enjoy one of my other stories. And though this is a horror story with elements of the supernatural thrown in for flavoring. I would like to assure my faithful readers that this story does indeed have a happy ending.


A Vignette
By Maryanne Peters

Sometimes I wish I was shorter than him, but he says that he loves me the way I am. I am wearing heels in this shot, so he looks shorter than he is. But he says that he likes me to wear heels – they make my legs look even better.

“What the hell, Babe. Even without heels you are taller than me, so what do I care? Just be as beautiful as you can be.” That’s him. That’s my man.

The New Girl

Hi Reddit. I am making this post as I wanted to tell people about how my life turned out. You can choose not to believe me, but here it is regardless. I can’t tell you my real name, so I will say my name was Bernie. I was a shy, unassuming teen. I had a rough life, beginning with my father throwing me out of their house on my 18th birthday because he decided it was time that I went my own way. And I never had an 18th birthday party.

My parents never treated me well at home, and I was relieved to leave my childhood house with only the things I could stuff in a backpack.

Daydreaming on Deck (The End)

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Daydreaming on Deck (Part 5)
By Sabrina G. Langton


Author's note... Here we are at the end of another story. I used to write very fast, I would be on another couple of romances even before I started spell-checking the one I was finishing. (Which could take a while) Now I am in some sort of cruise mode...

Echoes of the Past 4


Echoes of the Past 4
Being a mother is the best thing in the world, but nothing prepares you for it
What do you do when your son is different from other boys?
What do you do when he does not want to be older?
What do you do when he does not want to be a boy?
What do you do when he says you are not his mother?

Gaby and the Tyrannosaurus

Gaby and the Tyrannosaurus.
by Angharad

“If I find that bloody Drew Bond, I’m gonna bloody well kill ‘im.” The large, ill-tempered boy, nicknamed Tyrannosaurus Becks, made his way out of the school. Quite what he had against young Bond nobody seemed to know—especially Bond, as he was away racing when the comment was made. However, it soon made its way via the grapevine at Warsop College to the gang.

“What’s he after Drew for?” asked Maddy, second cousin and on-off girlfriend of the aforementioned boy.

(Rewritten) Doom Valley Prep School: Chapter 44

Doom Valley Prep School
Chapter 44
Mr. Happy Returns

“So let me get this straight,” Naomi said as we ate our lunch. “You summoned the sister of the demon you traded bodies with.”

“Shapes, not bodies,” I corrected.

“What's the difference?”

“I have no idea, but seems important.”

James: 21st Century Young Man – 9 Jamie 21st Century T-Girl

James: 21st Century Young Man – 9
Jamie 21st Century T-Girl

By Jessica C

James intruded on his mother's telephone conversation...
He volunteered to be her daughter for a Mother/Daughter Event...


Use caution when inflating something or it might POP.

“Okay, I'm on the bed and naked and you aren't ravishing me. What's the surprise, Richard?”

“We can ravish later,” he said. He gave her a peck on the cheek. “First, you have to close your eyes.”

“Okay,” she said. His face was inches from hers and she did not want to stop looking at him. But she did what he said. She inhaled and his scent filled her nostrils with joy.

He shifted his weight and she almost rolled into him. “Keep still,” he said as he slipped off the bed.

Polly - Sealed With A Kiss. Part 3 of 6

Chapter 3

As I was close to Grimsby, I went and had a first-hand look at the dumping places. I could see similarities with them all, except that one at Hewitts Circus. If Gordon retired at seventy, that would have been 2017. The murders and dumping had stopped at that time. Perhaps we were really looking at a strong woman with a dildo, rather than a pervert with condoms.

Rainbows in the Rock 61

The morning dawned in a lighter grey than the previous one had offered, and I assumed that meant rain. To my surprise, after I had dealt with my morning necessities, it turned out to be a dry one, the clouds having retreated well above the three thousand foot level. I started a couple of kettles heating, and that, along with the sound of the toilet flush, seemed to stir people up.

The Sundial

The Sundial
A Short Story
By Maryanne Peters

I have always been drawn to the sea, and I guess that was down to my father. He was a ships’ engineer and I saw little of him when I was very young, but whenever he was home he would bring strange objects and stories from the places he had been. It seemed as if his life was like a fairy tale. I wanted to follow him.

The Angels: Rodeo Tour Chap. 13

The upcoming weeks were rough on the Angels as they performed outside on stage. Between the humidity and heat, they were sweating like pigs. Cassady was soaked in sweat by the time they finished their performance. All the other ladies were sweating as well.

The gigs they played at some of the bars they played at were profitable. The managers of those bars wanted them to come back and play again. Cynthia was going to talk to their booking manager to arrange it.

Heather Plays Dotty

Heather Play's Dotty
A Heather Delilah Soenksen Story

The fundraiser was the brainchild of Lisa Croft, our town's only veterinarian, who was also the owner and proprietor of Benton's only animal clinic and was also a charter member of Benton's only no- kill animal shelter 'Benton Animal Rescue' and was also a chairwoman on the board of directors. It was Lisa who dreamed up the idea that each month, a brave girl, and sometimes a brave boy, would volunteer to dress up in a dalmatian costume and assume the role of Princess Dotty the dalmatian princess. 

You'll Fit Right In: A Gradual Feminization Story (Chapter Three)

He's officially stuck with a women's gym membership. Can he fit in as long as he follows the rules?

Charlie’s company finally did something right — granting each employee a $3,000 wellness stipend to pursue self-improvement hobbies and interests. So he decides to use it to get in shape! But when 100% of his stipend is mistakenly allocated to a women’s gym, Charlie is out of luck. That is, until the gym’s owner surprisingly allows him to join, even as a man. But how will he ever fit in?

This 26-chapter, 51,000-word novel is available in its entirety for Kindle -- and now Paperback!! The first few chapters will be shared here as samples. Hope you all enjoy! :)



Dorm Room Salon

Dorm Room Salon

Mike had always been proud of his long hair. It had taken him all of high school to grow it out and he loved the way it flowed down to the middle of high back in thick waves. When he got accepted into college, he was excited to start a new chapter in his life and find his true personality, knowing that his long hair would be a part of his identity.

Teenage Rebellion

Teenage Rebellion

As a young boy, Jeremy had always been fascinated by the way his mother styled her hair. She had long, flowing locks that she would straighten and curl to perfection, often spending hours in front of the mirror to get the perfect look. Jeremy always envied her hair and makeup and wished he could do the same, a feeling he made sure to keep bottled up.

The Voyage of the Visund -76-

Ursula makes a visit to the local market to obtain cloth, educating Zakaros in the process. Later, almost all the company travel to a nearby barracks to show off some of their fighting skills, but are hampered by afternoon storms. Graf Nuel puts in an unexpected appearance and is impressed by what he sees.

grakh on parchment

The Voyage of the Visund

A tale of Anmar by Penny Lane

76 - Cloth and Blades

Arctic Fox Book 3 - Chapter 24

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Cover photo by Jonatan Pie. Downloaded from Unsplash

Marcia is seventeen, and along with Darryl, has moved south in Alaska to attend the Anchorage campus of the Alaska State University. She wants to pursue her dream, but will it pursue her instead?

Once Darryl and Marcia left, Mage and Chet collected the gifts that they had insisted they would put away, and took them to a shed at the corner of the property. After, since they were nearby, they walked to a building that was being erected. It was hidden behind one of the many gravel glacial moraines that abounded in the area.

Summer's Current: Witch Corps and Beyond 25-28

Gaby Book 25 ~ Only Five Minutes ~ Chapter *33*

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Book 25
Only Five Minutes

by Maddy Bell
Copyright© 2019 Madeline Bell

After all the excitement of the last few weeks culminating in the trip to Austria, surely Gaby can get back to some sort of 'normal'?

Well it wouldn't be Gaby if it was that simple would it?


Echoes of the Past 3


Echoes of the Past 3
Being a mother is the best thing in the world, but nothing prepares you for it
What do you do when your son is different from other boys?
What do you do when he does not want to be older?
What do you do when he does not want to be a boy?
What do you do when he says you are not his mother?


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Becoming Robin Books 1&2 by Zoe Taylor on Kindle


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When tragedy strikes, Opportunity knocks, and a new persona is born. A cross-country move away from everything Robert has known followed by a chance encounter trigger a different sort of existence. Can "Robin" adapt or will it all come tumbling down?

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