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Recovering From Trauma Chapter 11



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Beverly looks at her wife’s x-rays to see how bad the damage was. She couldn’t believe the damage to the body armor when she saw it. Whoever squeezed her wife’s leg, had some strength to them.

Wendy watches her wife as she looks at the x-ray of her leg. The nurse had given her a shot for the pain.

“Well, how bad is it?”

“I’m going to need to rebuild your femur, sweetie. Whoever you fought, broke your upper leg and the pieces are digging into the muscles and tendons.” Beverly puts the X-ray down and looks at her wife.

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This story is 105 words long.



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A Short Story
By Maryanne Peters

People used to laugh when I said that I played competitive underwater hockey. They thought I was joking, like there was no such thing. But there are hundreds of clubs in North America and regional competitions as well. There are regional teams that play off for a state title and even international teams that compete against other nations.

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This story is 65 words long.

Mates 67


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Life took a turn for the bloody busy after that evening. We were both working full time, of course, and there were our combination recreation and social sessions at music nights and at the climbing wall, but there was so much else to deal with. Australia has a very relaxed approach to marriage, in its own way, barring a few slightly irksome formalities. We could indeed marry just about anywhere, but that choice had been sneakily covered by Murdo. We could always say no, of course, but given what he was offering to us a refusal would have been more than rude.

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This story is 103 words long.

Gaby Book 27 ~ Smell of the Crowd ~ Chapter *30*


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Book 27
Smell of the Crowd

by Maddy Bell
Copyright© 2022 Madeline Bell

Life has some certainties, birth and death of course, but the rest is a mix of Minestrone and Spaghetti, some of which we have no direct influence over. We can however decide whether we want Parmesan or other seasoning, we can give Gnochi a try, doesn't mean we'll like it but at least we'll know. Gaby has reached just such a point in her life, she knows she likes Pizza, she's not averse to Spaghetti or Lasagne but is Gnochi for her? The Gnochi in this case is doing the singing with BlauHase on a more serious level, as a 'hobby' its fine but could this be a change of career? Well you don't find out without trying so that's just what our heroine is about to find out in this, the 27th book of the Gaby saga.


*Chapter 30*
And now, the Mainz Attraction

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This story is 156 words long.

Moxie (Texas Belles #2)


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The sequel to Melanie Brown's Texas Belles is now on Kindle!


by Melanie Brown

Ayumi did it before, can she do it again?

Moxie on Kindle

She stayed in Japan after the breakup of her first J-Pop band, Texas Belles. The other American members went their own ways, some of them back to the states.

But no one in Japan ever knew Sam, the American bass-playing boy who joined his sister’s band and helped make them a hit. Sam is Ayumi now, as real as a girl can get. And she wants to keep doing what she does best.

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This story is 98 words long.

Seasons of Change - Book 7 - Part 2 of 2 - Caitlyn's Story

Jane is under pressure from both the legal system and Caitlyn's mother to make a decision.
Jane finds help and support from her past as she works to save a very special student.

Seasons of Change
Book 7 - Part 2 of 2
Tales of The Season
Caitlyn's Story

by Tigger

Copyright © 1999,2001,2012 Tigger
All Rights Reserved.

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This story is 53 words long.

The Panic Before Part 1 - A Jaci and Dottie Story

Jacilynn was trying very hard to keep her emotions down today. The minutes slipped by far to fast for her. Although their regular school had let them out for the holidays yesterday today Jaci and Dottie were attending the Barbie Princess Charm School meeting.

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This story is 44 words long.

A Change of Orders

Lieutenant Commander Allain Charboneau is the engineering officer of a nuclear powered submarine. As the ship prepares for sea, Allain makes a decision that will ultimately mean his death, except for this secret government program . . .

A Change of Orders

by Tigger

Copyright © 1998,2012 Tigger
All Rights Reserved.

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This story is 46 words long.

Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 1896


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The Daily Dormouse.
(aka Bike)
Part 1896
by Angharad

Copyright © 2012 Angharad
All Rights Reserved.

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This story is 13 words long.

Scarlet - Part 6


Jessica Drew

Part 6

Sam recuperates after his accident, but he is a wanted woman, and it isn't long before trouble comes knocking at his door.

* * * * * * * * * *

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This story is 27 words long.

Sarah Carerra - 3.34 - Rechordus


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By lunch we had managed to finish the first four songs, including my two duets with Ethan.

Sarah Carerra 3: Concerto in A-
Chapter 3.34 - Rechordus
by Megan Campbell
Copyright  ©2012 Megan Campbell
Released: December 19, 2012

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This story is 33 words long.

A Tale of a Tail

A Tale of a Tail

By: Emily Rudgers

Stranded in the wild a woman fights for survival but finds it easier than expected.

Author's Note: This story is similar to a story I read here called “A Fish Tale,” written by the user Amellie. I call this a fan fiction because there are enough differences where it could stand on its own but enough similarities that credit is due. I wanted to try something a bit less emotional so there isn't much in the way of character development. As always, thanks to djkauf for editing and comments are always appreciated.

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This story is 100 words long.

Gaby Book 9 Chapter *10* Anna's Party


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Chapter *10*

Anna's Party

“I'll ring Dad; he's picking us up anyway.”

We set off through Kripp at a very much reduced pace, a mere thirty kph, Mum had her phone out as soon as we reached a straight stretch of road.

“Dave? …hi luv…great, great, fifteen minutes…we need to do a mercy run…party,” Mum looked over to me, “where?”

“Er Max's.” I should have met the others at Pia's; they'd be walking over to the venue now.

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This story is 80 words long.

A Weird Christmas Journey - Jane Frost



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Jason Frost was your normal college student, except he grew up looking like a girl. He never got over five foot five inches, and weighed 110 pounds wet. His mother always made excuses saying that he would someday grow out of it, but face it, he was 19 now, and things would never change.

And no matter what Jason tried, he was always mistaken for female. Cutting his hair short just made him look silly - and other boys hit on him using the short hair as their ice-breaker! When they weren’t just trying to hit him, anyway. It wasn’t as though he dressed, or acted, feminine. It was just his lot in life - his curse, as he came to see it. There was something “off”, and he could never figure out what it was.

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This story is 136 words long.

Some things are worse than death


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Ellen always told me that I needed to manage my temper. Oh how I wish I had learned to listen to her.

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This story is 22 words long.

Christmas Hopes - Part 2


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Christmas Hopes
An Anthology

by Andrea Lena DiMaggio

These stories are a continuation of A Christmas Sampler

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This story is 23 words long.

Seasons of Change - Book 7 - Part 1 of 2 - Caitlyn's Story

Caitlyn, Jane's latest student, is about to be sent back to the system.
So far, the Season's Program has not worked as the student is just too clumsy to successfully pass.
The question is WHY?

Seasons of Change
Book 7 - Part 1 of 2
Tales of The Season
Caitlyn's Story

by Tigger

Copyright © 1999,2001,2012 Tigger
All Rights Reserved.

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This story is 55 words long.

Saving Imelda


Saving Imelda
by Jenn C
Copyright © 2012 Jenn C
All Rights Reserved.

A follow up to "Last Message"

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This story is 17 words long.

Becoming Karen - 11

Becoming Karen — 11

By Katherine Day

(Copyright 2012)

(As college classes begin, Kenny’s growing girlishness put him in scary circumstances. A sequel to “To Be Or Not To Be.”)

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This story is 28 words long.


Submitted for your approval, an invitation delivered to the members of the Board of Directors of Intellex, an international corporation dealing in civilian and military computer hardware and software. The Board members think that they're in for an evening of corporate politics before one of them receives the final prize.

But what each man will receive is very, very different. For these are not so much invitations to a party as they are a summons to justice, a special justice to be found only in... the Twilight Zone.

* * * * *

A warning. There is a scene in part 3 that involves child molestation. As the father of the victim of such an act in my real life, I -- well, let's just say that it happened over 10 years ago, and I still want to perform a radical orchidectomy on the kid who did it.

I felt that it was appropriate to the story and justified for the character. I won't say any more. Those of you who are offended hate me already for writing it, and I don't want to spoil the story for the rest by giving any more details.

If the concept offends you, please either don't read the story or give me the benefit of the doubt until you get to the scene where it happens.

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This story is 216 words long.

Tribe of the Mountains Chapter 12 – Scary Girls.

cidades mundo fantasia2.jpg

Tribe of the Mountains Chapter 12 — Scary Girls.

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This story is 7 words long.

Jake goes for help chapter 3


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Jake goes for help Chapter Three - Back to work

The next morning, after Alison left, Jake decided he needed to do something during the day, and phoned his boss at work.

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This story is 32 words long.

Extra Time 46


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It sounds trite to say something as obvious about your own wedding day as ‘I will never forget…’ but that was a simple fact. Things happened, people were there, that engraved it on my soul. One thing, one instant…

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This story is 40 words long.

Somewhere Else Entirely -69-


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Garia discovers that she knows very little about the finances of her new world, the men make a mess in the Ptuvil's Claw and Sukhana makes an unexpected proposal. Then, the moment comes for Garia to face the townspeople and tell them what the future holds. Later, there is an earnest discussion about... tarpaulins?

Somewhere Else Entirely

by Penny Lane

69 - The Speech

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This story is 63 words long.

To Make A Wish, Book 2, Chapter 06

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The trip home. Part 6

Beth was once again staring at the 50's outfit in the window of Rosy's after exiting the restaurant. She didn't know why but she found the outfit calling to a part of her somehow. The long wide skirt with its white lace trim and silly little bear picture on it just looked so special. The white pullover sweater with its deep v neck opening and puffy sleeves in a material that was no doubt itchy to wear as it looked fuzzy. The skirt had a wide waistband and the mannequin had a gauze scarf in light pink with sparkles around its neck.

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This story is 102 words long.

Perspectives: 38


Josie goes wild!
a novel with eight voices

by Louise Anne Smithson

Josie — sister of Jenny (Friday 12th August 2011)

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This story is 20 words long.

The Awakening of a Vengeful Phoenix - Part 3 - Chapter 5 & 6

A man is feminized by his wife and his business partner and framed for embezzlement. Can he survive the humiliations his wife intends to subject him to and start a new life?

Thanks go out to Marina Kelly for her editorial assistance in improving the quality of this story.

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This story is 49 words long.

The 12 Transgendered Days of Christmas


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Sing along, you know you want to!!!

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This story is 7 words long.

Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 1895


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The Daily Dormouse.
(aka Bike)
Part 1895
by Angharad

Copyright © 2012 Angharad
All Rights Reserved.

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This story is 13 words long.

Bikini Beach: Over the River and Through the Woods


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Bikini Beach: Over the River and Through the Woods

Synopsis: An elderly man, confined to a nursing home and often neglected by his children, wishes for one last holiday with his family.

This is a first posting on Big Closet, but the story has been posted on another site previously.
Caution - I've been told this is a two-hankie type of story.


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This story is 63 words long.

Alex in Wonderland - 1


Alex always wanted to be a girl.
He gets his wish when he wakes up on an alien world.


Alex in Wonderland
Chapter 1
Down the fishing hole


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This story is 29 words long.

Sarah Carerra - 3.33 - Family Turkeys


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Apparently Aunt Judy wanted us to have a talent show today, and I couldn't help but wonder if it wasn't some excuse for her to hear Sarah sing again.

Sarah Carerra 3: Concerto in A-
Chapter 3.33 - Family Turkeys
by Megan Campbell
Copyright  ©2012 Megan Campbell
Released: December 17, 2012

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This story is 46 words long.

The trip home. Part 5

Beth's father just stared out the windshield. His hands tightened on the steering wheel but other than that there was no sign of his emotions. He said nothing for a few minutes. The only sound was the heater fan and the quiet hum of the engine. Beth just looked between her dad and the floor of the truck as she sat in her seat, hands in her lap. The truck drove along silently with neither of them saying anything for what seemed like hours to Beth.

"Daddy. Please. I have to know."

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This story is 92 words long.

Chatting with Tigger


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A log of the chat with Tigger.

Chatting with Tigger

by Tigger,
Edited by Anne-Mal

Copyright © 1999 by Tigger & Anne-Mal
All Rights Reserved.

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This story is 23 words long.


More DopplerPress

Getting Ahead in Romance by Maryanne Peters on Kindle


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What would you do to get ahead in life, in love? Would you turn your life upside down; move to a foreign country; abandon your job, your home, your family? But you wouldn't change your sex! Would you?


Getting Ahead in Romance
by Maryanne Peters
Now on Kindle

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This story is 48 words long.

The Station's Late Nite Princess on Kindle


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The Stations Late Nite Princess cover art.png
The Station's
 Late Nite


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This story is 5 words long.

Frills by Snowfall at Amazon


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Larry Bekins has problems, but maybe he can cook up a way to have things better.

Now available on Kindle through Snowfall's Amazon page:


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This story is 25 words long.

All for Love - 'The Kiss' & more - A Melanie Brown Sampler


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Melanie Brown's newest collection from Doppler Press!

All for Love

Now on Kindle!

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This story is 10 words long.
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