
One Long Summer [Chapter 3 - Secrets]

by Phantasi Boi

Intro: Here’s chapter 3 of my 1st attempt at a serial. As always I welcome comments be they praise or criticism. Please don’t be angry if I get any facts wrong regarding gender issues, it is only a story, besides the characters themselves could be getting it wrong rather than me. Feel free to point out any errors I make though.

“Jess whispered to her mum, “Lini’s asleep,” She joined her mum on the landing. Betty smiled at her, her smile faded when she saw an angry look in her daughter’s eyes.

“What’s wrong with you?” She hissed.

Dancing on Daddy's Shoes -8- Boy Trouble

Dancing on Daddy's Shoes

by Mark McDonald

Chapter 8: Kim's task now is to confront her family or maintain the status quo. How can she do either with everything she want's in the balance. What part of Kim will win out?

Fadeaway 2 - A Whateley Fanfic

The Swenson’s have a lot on their plate. They try to sort out how their lives will be affected by what has happened. They worry about how family and friends will react. They suffer a little separation anxiety. Annette gets to meet someone special.

A Whateley Fanfic

Fadeaway 2
Paula Dillon


"Ah, greetings my young friends, how may I help you this fine and wondrous Day"

"Sir, Does this bike actually work or is it a ruse to sell bikes?"

"Good lady, this bike does work as promised, why do you ask, surely you don't wish to become a man?"

"No way!! Quite the opposite, I want to become a woman!!"

One Long Summer [Chapter 2 - Cousins]

by Phantasi Boi

Intro: Here’s chapter 2 of my 1st attempt at a serial, As always I welcome comments be they praise or criticism. Please don’t be angry if I get any facts wrong regarding gender issues, it is only a story, besides the characters themselves could be getting it wrong rather than me. Feel free to point out any errors I make though. [It’s worth reading “One Saturday Night”, my short story, before reading this chapter. Although not absolutely critical.]

Dozer’s having a fancy dress party for his 18th birthday, Jess is invited but Linford isn’t, Jess can bring a girlfriend, that doesn’t help Linford. Jess and her mum have other ideas though. It’s July and the summer holidays, 3 months after One Saturday Night. Just look who else is gonna be there.

One Long Summer [Chapter 1 - An Invitation]

by Phantasi Boi

Intro: Here’s my 1st attempt at a serial, I don’t know how long it will be as yet, or where it’s headed, I’m making it up as I go along. I welcome comments be they praise or criticism. I know I’m a novice and there’s no way this will be as good as my favourite stories on here, but I’m trying my best.

“Well you don’t help the situation, if you’d have a haircut like your dad keeps suggesting, you might look a bit more masculine.” She replied

“I like long hair, I’ve always had long hair, I don’t see how that makes me look like a girl” he said sulkily

Burglars Breasts and Bras

A group of the best burglars from the Gold Coast are forced to compete in a contest against the technology of the Genderswap corporation. Their reward is freedom whilst their penalty is forced transformations.

Burglars Breasts and Bras

by Seaweed Smells

Surfer’s Paradise - Gold Coast Queensland, Australia
Genderswap Head Office

Accidental Magic - Chapter 09: Perceptions

Synopsis: Terri gets to spend a little time with Lexi, in an attempt to figure her out. Lexi has the same idea. Allyssa and Cindy are just trying to keep tabs on her.


Accidental Magic

Allystra Krane

Chapter Nine

The Price to Pay - Vol. 4.01 - Teams

"You know, you are only sixteen and it's so easy to make a mistake at your age"......

I puzzled for a few seconds about what she might be referring to and then I blushed, more with embarrassment for her than me.

"Mum, I can't get pregnant! Remember?"

The Price to Pay - Vol. 4.1 - Teams

by Alys

Of Grief and Joy [SS 2: Cursed]


Once upon a time, there was a man who lived in a hidden village in the woods. All the people in the village knew this man's name to be Shelly, and everyone in the village knew the man's story. Some times Shelly would come out of his house to watch the sun begin to set; and in the last moments before the sun is gone Shelly would cry.

Duty, Honor, Country, Family - Part 4

“So what do you have for me?” Hiromi asked as she pulled out of the parking lot. Reina then began to explain what the Swan Song committee was requesting of Ripley.

When Reina was finished explaining, Hiromi shook her head. “Are they nuts?”

“I’m just the messenger Ripley-san.”

Hokusai View of Fuji off Kanagawa Province and Yokohama
Chapter Four

Synopsis- Hiromi Sato (Captain Tom Slater) and Operation Swan Song continue to make slow progress in their efforts to topple the Yakuza family led by Goro Watanabe.


“Fear gripped my stomach, I had forgotten to drink blood. I bit his ear and took a drop, but it was too late, the spell had been broken. I went to the bathroom and looked in the mirrorand already my beauty was fading, lines covered my face. I screamed and Louis ran to my side. “My God, what happened to you?” he asked and left me, running from the room. By that night I looked as I do now, like a hundred and fifty year old woman.


By Arecee

Fadeaway - A Whateley Academy Fanfic

Young Jimmy Swenson finds himself in some unusual circumstances. He looks so much like his twin sister, they call him her little sister. He is tormented by a hair dresser that has an agenda of her own,and is lusted by boy he knows. Then things get really strange.

BKR Case #101-8 "Boys Will Be Girls" Part 9

"You will have experiences that will help you grow and become responsible members of society," Agent Mitchell said.

"Your other partner in crime is also being held accountable. Nick is just now waking up to a big surprise as well," laughed Agent Johnson.

Chapter 9 - Aftermath

BKR Case #101-8 "Boys Will Be Girls" Part 8

"You have crossed the line and now reached the point of no return," Agent Johnson stated.

The look of fear on their faces was clearly evident. They could not move their bodies or say anything. At that moment, they knew that their fates were sealed.

Chapter 8 - Reality Bites!

BKR Case #101-8 "Boys Will Be Girls" Part 7

" We have had a situation pop up that involves two of the T- Girls in our current case at James Madison High. The victim

in that case has provided more details about the plot. These guys have created so much trouble that our solution will be

rather permanent and one that they will never ever forget." stated Agent Johnson.

The code name for our mission is " Operation Sexpot"


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