
Wine Can't be Pressed into Grapes, part 16 of 22

Launuru hated herself for her cowardice as soon as she'd run away, but was too ashamed to go back. It was too late to fix things; she'd gambled her relationship with Verentsu, hoping to turn friendship into love, but now she'd made such a mess that there was probably no way they could go back to being friends.

The Sentencing - Chapter 1

The idea for this story came from a short, inspirational email that was shared with me a few years ago. I thought the message behind it was quite lovely and wanted to somehow turn it into a story to share with everyone. It took almost two years for a story to develop where I could use it in a way to honor the beauty it was written in. If I knew of the original author, I would like to include them...but as with much that is passed around in cyberspace, they are unknown. All I can do is say, thank you for the inspiration...I only hope my story does justice to your beautiful, and uplifting message.

The Sentencing
Chapter 1
By Anon Allsop


by Anon Allsop

A young man who uses a 'Linking Spell' on his roommate, trying to change him into his vision of the perfect female. However the spell backfires and he unknowingly casts it upon himself. Now he is uncontrollably transformed into April, the young female that his unsuspecting victim would lovingly desire.

Note: The Linking Spell is a trigger spell that is in an ancient book of which when invoked, creates an unbreakable bond of love between one person and another...a sort of love spell. If it were used on a person of the same sex, one of them must become the opposite to fulfill the magic within the spell. This person would possess all the embodiments of the spell caster's desires. The closer one is to the other, the faster the spell works.

The Bus Stop

Inspired by the Hollies song, this story is about a young man who shares his umbrella with a beautiful girl during a rainstorm; his growing affection toward her is compromised when he discovers she has a secret!

Wine Can't be Pressed into Grapes, part 15 of 22

“You said you were not betrothed to any man back home; do you hope that Verentsu will ask you to be his bride?”

“Yes,” Launuru said shyly. “But I am afraid...” The geas wouldn't let her complete the sentence.

Wine Can't be Pressed into Grapes, part 14 of 22

“What's your custom here in Niluri?” Kazmina asked. “Is a woman normally allowed to ask a man to marry her? It's hard to judge from Tsavila or you what women are normally expected to act like here; even in Setuaznu, enchantresses are allowed more privileges than mundane women, and as for you...”

Box Full of Badness: Tale of a Vampire Wannabe

Box Full of Badness: Tale of a Vampire Wannabe
Lilith Langtree

Having a firm grasp on reality should be a requirement when attending a college where the Delta Beta Zeta's hold court. Too bad Ashley left reality three exits back.

Wine Can't be Pressed into Grapes, part 12 of 22

Hadn't Tsavila said that he should be kind to her, for she'd suffered enough already? If she was compelled to act this part against her will, further probing could do no good; he had already learned enough to be sure she was no Vetuatsenu. Various moments of their conversations the day before came back to him: she had repeatedly changed the subject when someone brought up recent events in Netuatsenu, or asked more than a few questions about her family.

My Terror

My Terror
By Stanman63
Edited By Nora Adrienne
After finishing his role as a Christmas Elf, Ronald Leonard Montgomery finds himself facing a terror from his families past that took his parents. Now he must defeat it, or be killed.

Wine Can't be Pressed into Grapes, part 11 of 22

“You're probably not related to her, either.”

“What do you mean?”

“I mean I don't know who my mother was. She was a wizard, and probably not from Setuaznu or Niluri or anywhere in between, but my father never talks about her.”

Best Friend, Boyfriend

Best Friend, Boyfriend

By Paul Calhoun

Dear readers: This one just felt right. I'd been kicking around the idea of a man so determined and so in love with his girlfriend that he'd pretend to be a girl to get close to her and find out what she likes and wants. This is Maurice. He knows its ethically questionable, but he loves Shannon so much that he wants to get everything right so perfectly that Shannon is never disappointed or wishing for anything more.
This takes place in the same continuity as the UA, but as you will see later on, but be at least twenty years later. My guess is the 2060s. This also takes place at the very end of the story. It seemed the best place to start.

Silver Blood:Green Fury

Silver Blood:Green Fury
By Stanman63
Edited By Nora Adrienne

Synopsis:Hollis Greene is a botanist working upon new strains of blight resistant wheat for areas prone to blight only to find himself turned into a living nightmare of living plant..

Wine Can't be Pressed into Grapes, part 9 of 22

“Maybe he did as the servant said, maybe not. Either way, I fear he did meet with some misfortune, for the last I heard his family had not heard from him either. But wine can't be pressed into grapes. I met Itsulanu when I was angry and sad, and he comforted me. Now in less than three days he is to be my husband, and that makes me happier than I can say. I wish my sometime lover may be happy wherever he is; I forgive him.”

Wine Can't be Pressed into Grapes, part 8 of 22

“Love is a thing holy to Kalotse, and...” Just then she heard a wailing, which got momentarily louder; one of the servants came in holding a fussy, just-woken Miretsi. “A thing with unexpected consequences,” she concluded.

Wine Can't be Pressed into Grapes, part 7 of 22

Launuru said little in the carriage on the way back to the wizard's house. She was thinking about her reaction when Kazmina had suggested that she change back into the man she'd been when she hired the room. It had been as appalling to her just now as the idea of becoming a woman had been when Kazmina suggested it two days ago. If that were so, how could she ask Tsavila to marry her, promising to become a man again soon?

Sweet Dreams-15...Alex.

Sweet Dreams 15 … Alex.


You ever have a day that just starts out nothing like you could ever dream? I just did, it went from…the best place that I’d ever been to angry and just boiling with rage inside to this…to Hunter wanting for us to go home…asking to go home so we can make love.


Somebody…Hunter…somebody actually loves me and that’s something right out of those scarcely dare to dream places in us….

You all know what I’m talking about. Where you dream these dreams of what life could be but just never is….

Gaby Book 7 Chapter *24* Garde-ed

Gaby Book 7 - Dress Up
Chapter *24* Garde-ed
by Maddy Bell

Copyright © 2009 Madeline Bell
All Rights Reserved.

Book 7 in the Gaby saga sees all sorts of action from our Hero/Heroine.

More action on the Bike and with the gang, getting into all sorts of trouble.

Just where will it all end?

Wine Can't be Pressed into Grapes, part 5 of 22

“Kazmina,” she said, gently shaking the wizard, “you've got to change me back now... Or tell me what's going on.”

Kazmina wasn't fully awake. “What's wrong?” she mumbled, propping up on her left arm.

“This doesn't feel wrong, that's what's wrong! I'm forgetting what I'm supposed to be, just like when we were geese. By the time we go to see Psavian, I'm afraid I'll have forgotten why I came back to find Tsavila!”

Melody Blossoms

Melody Blossoms
A free sample from my new ebook!
Harriet and her friends are at that age when girls blossom into young ladies. Except for Clarence. Clarence still needs a lot of help to reach his potential. Only Harriet understands his secret — deep down, he’s a girl named Melody. Gradually, Harriet and the girls coax their new friend out of his shell. Can they help Melody to blossom?

My Magic PDA part 4

MY Magic PDA part 4

The Conclusion

Bob and Megan, a married couple in their final years retired for the night. Just before drifting off to sleep Bob made an off hand comment to which Megan agreed with a slight twist. They did not know something was listening and granted their wish. How will this challenge work out when they hardly know the rules of the game?

Sept 20, 2011
Newly edited through the unforgiving seventh grade English teacher. There are a few minor changes but nothing to alter the story. You will notice a change from first person narrative to third person in some scenes. This is intentional. The primary focus is from Bob/Sarah's point of view. I shifted to third person when Bob/Sarah was not involved in the scene and for areas where scene setting is involved. With that in mind it should lessen any confusion. I trust this helps convince you there is a method for the writers madness and it is not a lack of skill. This decision may be a failure but I did it on purpose.

Rights reserved by the author with permission to host granted exclusively to Big Closet.

My Magic PDA part 3

MY Magic PDA part 3

Bob and Megan, a married couple in their final years retired for the night. Just before drifting off to sleep Bob made an off hand comment to which Megan agreed with a slight twist. They did not know something was listening and granted their wish. How will this challenge work out when they hardly know the rules of the game?

Sept 20, 2011
Newly edited through the unforgiving seventh grade English teacher. There are a few minor changes but nothing to alter the story. You will notice a change from first person narrative to third person in some scenes. This is intentional. The primary focus is from Bob/Sarah's point of view. I shifted to third person when Bob/Sarah was not involved in the scene and for areas where scene setting is involved. With that in mind it should lessen any confusion. I trust this helps convince you there is a method for the writers madness and it is not a lack of skill. This decision may be a failure but I did it on purpose.

Rights reserved by the author with permission to host granted exclusively to Big Closet.

Wine Can't be Pressed into Grapes, part 2 of 22

“I'll be lucky if my father even attends. He doesn't have much time for those of us who didn't inherit his power. But my brothers and my cousins on my mother's side will be there, they're fun to be with, and some of our neighbors I know well... and my sister. You'll like her; she's pretty.”

She was, and he did.

My Magic PDA part 2

MY Magic PDA part 2

Bob and Megan, a married couple in their final years retired for the night. Just before drifting off to sleep Bob made an off hand comment to which Megan agreed with a slight twist. They did not know something was listening and granted their wish. How will this challenge work out when they hardly know the rules of the game?

The premise is what if. What if as a senior citizen you were sent back in time into the body of a teenager of the different sex. You were given a task to perform but none of the host's memories. You retained your own knowledge and memories. Could you navigate that world? What would the experience do to you?

Sept 20, 2011
Newly edited through the unforgiving seventh grade English teacher. There are a few minor changes but nothing to alter the story. You will notice a change from first person narrative to third person in some scenes. This is intentional. The primary focus is from Bob/Sarah's point of view. I shifted to third person when Bob/Sarah was not involved in the scene and for areas where scene setting is involved. With that in mind it should lessen any confusion. I trust this helps convince you there is a method for the writers madness and it is not a lack of skill. This decision may be a failure but I did it on purpose.

Rights reserved by the author with permission to host granted exclusively to Big Closet.

In part two Bob cautiously explores his new persona with little direction as he attempts to rebuild Sarah’s life. He learns trust once broken is difficult to reclaim. He finds an ally in Sarah’s grandmother and may have discovered who his wife, Megan became.

My Magic PDA

MY Magic PDA part 1

Bob and Megan, a married couple in their final years retired for the night. Just before drifting off to sleep Bob made an off hand comment to which Megan agreed with a slight twist. They did not know something was listening and granted their wish. How will this challenge work out when they hardly know the rules of the game?

Sept 20, 2011
Newly edited through the unforgiving seventh grade English teacher. There are a few minor changes but nothing to alter the story. You will notice a change from first person narrative to third person in some scenes. This is intentional. The primary focus is from Bob/Sarah's point of view. I shifted to third person when Bob/Sarah was not involved in the scene and for areas where scene setting is involved. With that in mind it should lessen any confusion. I trust this helps convince you there is a method for the writers madness and it is not a lack of skill. This decision may be a failure but I did it on purpose.

Rights reserved by the author with permission to host granted exclusively to Big Closet.

Wine Can't be Pressed into Grapes, part 1 of 22

Wine Can't be Pressed into Grapes

by Trismegistus Shandy

Part 1 of 22

The man had evidently been traveling on foot for a long time. His clothes were rags that barely covered his nakedness, and his cheekbones, ribs, and hips stood out against flesh from which all the fat and too much of the muscle had been burned off some time ago.

A love song

I took 'Something about Us' by Daft Punk, and 'I will Love you for You' (I can't remember who it is by.
Here we go.

It might not be the right time. I might not be the right one. But there's something about us I want to say. Cause there's something about us anyway.
I might not be the right one. It might not be the right time. But there's something about us I've got to do. Some kind of secret I will share with you.

I will love you for you not for what you have done or what you will become.

Never My Love 10 - 'Going Home'

Never My Love

Chapter 10 - 'Going home'

A Gaby FanFic
by PB

(based on the 'Notes of a Journey' trilogy)

There's no place like home...There's no place like home...

The Angry Mermaid 34 or Y Morforwyn Dicllon 34

A chapter in which Drustina our 'heroine' finds herself embroiled once more in preparations for war.

The Angry Mermaid 34


Y Morforwyn Dicllon 34.

Mabina. The youngest daughter and Twin to
Drustan Her twin brother.
Grandpa Erin the twins grandfather.
Giana The twins grandmother
Caderyn The twins father.
Herenoie The twins wise and beautiful mother.
Morgaran The Twins oldest brother.
Aiofe The twins oldest sister. Famous for her beauty.
Tara The twins second oldest sister. Famous for her grace.


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