
How I Learned to Love Drag

How I Learned to Love Drag

by Laurie S.

Young Sean is an up and coming comedian. He lands a regular spot on a hit comedy television show. Ecstasy has an all male cast. Guess who has to play the female roles?

The story, inspired by the Kids in the Hall, was written in 2002.


"How about doing a sports interview?" I suggested. "We could have hockey's dirtiest player doing a tell-all about how to inflict pain without taking a penalty."

"Yeah," Ted agreed. "The bad guy could demonstrate all his dirty moves on the interviewer. Like an elbow to the face."

From Knight To Dawn Part 1

by: Lesley Renee Charles

Part One

Sir Eric decided to take a short cut through the forest. He was a 6’ tall. The sun glittered on his flaxen hair.

Suddenly he heard high-pitched laughter coming from his right side. He decided to see who could be out on a nice, sunny day. He peeked through some branches. He saw a lovely maiden. She appeared to be in her late teens, with her long golden hair flowing around her face and shoulders like a halo. Her complexion was so fair and clear, just like a porcelain doll.

Santa Monica

crude composite picture of images taken from costume site
Santa Monica
by Jennifer Brock

A single mother about to spend her first Christmas alone receives the gift she needed most from an unusual Kris Kringle, who opens her heart and her mind to new possibilities.

Switching Teams

Seinfeld, an American television sitcom, ran from 1989 to 1998. The show was about nothing.

In this Seinfeld episode, Kramer becomes a talent agent. He introduces Jerry, George and Elaine to Jilian, a beautiful, amazing illusionist.


Jerry, George, and Elaine were sitting at a table in a coffee shop in Manhattan.

It Was Only A Winters Tale

"Come on kids, time for bed."

"Mu-um!" Amy whined.

"Do we have to?" her sister Zoá« chimed in.

"Yes you do, now scoot; I’ll come and tuck you up in five minutes."

"Can Auntie Maddy do it?" Zoá« pleaded, "Please?"

"Mad?" Helen looked across to her friend for confirmation.

"Okay girls, I’ll be up in five minutes."

The Country Life


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The Country Life
Lilith Langtree

Penance sometimes takes the strangest forms. If James McAllister's was to ever make it into heaven then he'd have to learn to forgive himself. Perhaps living a while, in the body of a young victim, might give him that chance.

The Mrs. 'Clause'

The icy wind and blowing snow cut through me as I trudged along the sidewalk on my way to my job as a salesclerk at 'Kringle's Department Store'. The job didn't pay a lot , but it kept a roof over my head and food in my tummy. I was also fortunate in that Kringle's was a friendly place to work for the LGBT community. The owner's daughter was among our sisterhood, having completed her transition 6 years before.Her name was Claire and she worked in the Accounting department.

Santa Baby

Santa Baby

by Maeryn Lamonte

Chris had a secret that was burning a hole in his soul. He’d tried to share it with his wife some years before, but she hadn’t been ready to hear it then, so he’d kept hidden and struggled on as best he could. Most of the time he did pretty well, but at stressful times like Christmas it would rise close to the surface, near enough for others to notice.

Ann loved her husband and she knew there was something deep inside him that was tearing him apart. She longed to know what it was, to help him, but somehow the time was never right. She had griefs of her own to bear, but she always found her thoughts returning to Chris.

Emily needs a home for Christmas. All too recent memories of seeing her parents violently attacked has left her traumatised and in need of love.

Christmas is a magical time when people pray and wish harder than at other times of the year. Perhaps at such a time there’s a way they can all be helped…

To See Through a Glass Darkly 12

To See Through a Glass Darkly

Chapter 12

Sasha sits down again with his mother for a cup of tea and talks with her about his appointment with Dr. Torricelli. He also talks with his wife— well, with Tina, although she isn't there— well, she is, but…

La Suite Danse Macabre 4

La Suite Danse Macabre

IV. Chanson d’amour

To get into character for the coming Hallowe’en party, Danny/Danielle dresses up for his/her first girls’ night out. However, this also creates some unexpected dynamics within the family.

Photo Opportunity - Part 3

Photo Opportunity
Part 3
by Maddy Bell

Copyright © 2006 Maddy Bell
All Rights Reserved.


Although there was still no formal identification of any of the crash victims, a simple headcount in the village supplied enough information to have a shrewd guess as to at least some. In a small place like Aldwinkle news doesn't take long to get around

And the vicar was already in town with Jonno's parents. With tragedy inevitably comes the morbid curiosity of the outsider and two TV crews and Hereward Radio were already camped out to cover the tragedy.

"Something's up." Peter Ward stated as he steered the family car into the village.

"Look there's a TV crew over there." Josie Ward noted, craning her neck for a better look.

Flowering Hearts (Question and Answer)

Flowering Hearts (The Question)

My heart is like a flower,
each heart break causes a petal to fade.
Every girl I love that can’t return the love,
that’s a heart break, another petal fades.
Every girl that pretends to love me and tosses me to the side,
that’s another heart break, another petal fades.
Every girl that says she can’t love me because your a girl or not a girl...
that’s another heart break another petal fades.
The petals of my heart are fading,
there’s another heart break … They are almost gone...
When the last petal fades,
will I still be able to go on…or will I fade away?

Unexpectedly Mary Chapter 3

Chapter 3

Day three, or is it four, depends how you count I suppose, duly arrived and started much the same as the previous one. After the usual morning routine he dressed in his cycling togs before going to once again partake of breakfast. By the time the tent was down and the bags packed and installed on the bike it was heading on towards nine and strangely the intrepid explorer was feeling both excitement and trepidation at the prospect of leaving Detwang. It may have only been two nights but he was already feeling some attachment to the place. Well he'd get a last look at the place on the way out, the computer clicked on as he moved off and the next step of the adventure was underway.

The Unplanned Adventures Part 4 - Uncertain Collaboration

Uncertain Collaboration

By Paul Calhoun

Dear reader: Things go in the predictable manner and we have our heroes making good on their previous decision. Not much else to say except that I've recently been told I ought to use paragraphs, and I can reveal that in two more sections, I'll post the PDF, which has all these problems that my poor understanding of HTML (would you believe I moonlight as a pro web designer?) cannot fix, like indentation and the abysmal leading you get on these things.

The Unplanned Adventures Part 3 - Unlikely Convergence

Unlikely Convergence
By Paul Calhoun

Dear reader: To describe much of anything about the story's content would be removing what little suspense I can manage to create. Instead, I'll admit to being somewhat influenced by Daria in the previous story and influenced a good bit more for this one and the ones that come after. The only reason why most of my own high school experience was not drawn from is because I'm afraid you'd never believe me unless you've actually seen the inside of the school I went to.

Unexpectedly Mary Chapter 2

Unexpectedly Mary

I'm not intending to do weekly postings of it, it may take many, many months before you see anymore on here, the best way to read the whole thing - complete with pictures, is to get yourselves a copy of the book in either paper or digi format by heading to Scaramouch Books. As an incentive you can currently save 25% off the list price of the print version making it a great gift option for the forthcoming season!

Chapter 2

Luckily the drying room was empty and I was soon back at the
tent. What now? I'm sat here wearing a mini skirt and girl's pants and
I'm starving! Well I guess that woman didn't notice anything odd,
maybe... Nah that's stupid. I settled into writing my journal, moving
onto the ass in front of my tent to take advantage of the evening sun.
I'd actually been sat there for nearly fifteen minutes before it
occurred to me that I was just sitting about in a skirt. I was still
hungry maybe I could get away with it, there's a restaurant on the
site, I could go there, maybe?

The Unplanned Adventures Part 2 - Unintended Grace

Unintended Grace
By Paul Calhoun

Dear reader:
This is where the main series really began. The TG elements get stronger as everything continues, as does the cumulative strangeness of the entire situation. Here we see Mike at age 15 and well into the 2030s going to his first con and meeting one of the main characters for the rest of the series.
Chapter 1:
Getting Out the Door

Teacher's Pets

Boring! That is how I would describe the school days at Harriet Miller High School. I swear my teacher's had taken their teaching style from watching Ben Stein's character on "The Wonder Years" My girlfriend Liza and I would spend our time passing notes to each other and still managed to get every single thing our teacher said. It was like this in nearly every class. We both decided that we needed to liven things up, so we would pull out a Fart machine and start letting it go off at different times.

Shadowcraft: Aria Blade (Revised) - Issue 3

Issue 3: Blood, Rage, and Tears

Enroute to the subway tunnel where the urban explorers found me awhile ago, we met up with Psychic Strike. She had her hand outstretched, holding a pair of zombies about ten feet off the ground. She glanced back at us with an all-too-serious stare, letting gravity do its work.

“Man am I glad to see you chica! What in the name of the Holy Mother is going on?! Oh, hi there.” She glanced toward Silver Sentinel with a brief smile, returning her attention to me.

“We’re not sure. Sil says they just appeared out of nowhere. I think Raven Wing’s involved. Volcaness is meeting us outside Raven’s lair.”

Shadowcraft: Aria Blade (Revised) - Issue 2

Issue 2: Raven's Broken Wing

“Just stop it. Whatever your game is, I refuse to participate any further. You’ve won. You’ve beaten me, and I am in no shape to defend myself, so just… finish me off and be done with it!”

She slowly approached, a new, yet familiar anger on her face. I watched as she balled her fists. A torrent of shadows washed over her form, and I shut my eyes tightly waiting for the finishing blow.


“OW! What… Why did you slap me?!” I shouted in surprise.

La Suite Danse Macabre 1


La Suite Danse Macabre

Danny Wiseborough is Vanessa Torre’s boyfriend and a gifted violinist. Although his technique and talent are a quantum leap beyond those of everyone else, he tends to suffer from very serious stagefright. Unfortunately, Danny has not been able to overcome his performance anxiety by any conventional therapy. However, the “treatment” that has twice helped him to face it, has not been entirely to his liking.

Why Did I Ever Agree To Do THAT?


Ever agree to do something, or make a promise only to regret it later?
Or maybe regret for only a little while!

Why Did I Ever Agree To Do THAT?

By Billiebob

Copyright  © 2010 Billiebob
All Rights Reserved.

Jamie and the Peach - 16


This is a new occasional series that takes its basis and some of its storyline from the cancelled Tokyopop Manga, Yubisaki Milk Tea by Tomochika Miyano. It’s a great series and well worth looking out, it’s a mystery why they cancelled it. For my version I’ve changed the setting from Japan to England and of course the names, then I’ve added some new characters and situations to produce Jamie and the Peach. The original series was cancelled before completion but I intend to take my version somewhat further!

Maddy Bell, September 2010

Jamie and the Peach

Chapter 16

by Maddy Bell
Copyright © 2010 Maddy Bell
All Rights Reserved.


Copyright 2009-2010 Rachael Ross all rights reserved
Codes: m/m, f/f, romance, reluctant, first, tg, oral, anal, petting
Synopsis: Trent is in love with his best friend's twin sister. When desire becomes too much for the sixteen-year-old boy to bear, he forces himself on Brandon sexually and begins a rocky, angst-filled journey of self-discovery.

Jamie and the Peach - 15


This is a new occasional series that takes its basis and some of its storyline from the cancelled Tokyopop Manga, Yubisaki Milk Tea by Tomochika Miyano. It’s a great series and well worth looking out, it’s a mystery why they cancelled it. For my version I’ve changed the setting from Japan to England and of course the names, then I’ve added some new characters and situations to produce Jamie and the Peach. The original series was cancelled before completion but I intend to take my version somewhat further!

Maddy Bell, September 2010

Jamie and the Peach

Chapter 15

by Maddy Bell
Copyright © 2010 Maddy Bell
All Rights Reserved.

Lasting Love

Lasting Love
by MonaLisa

A strong desire to find the one
To set the moon and raise the sun
A wish to all the powers above
A dream of finding lasting love

A heart so full of deep chagrin
A melancholy tale to spin
A wish to all the powers above
A dream of finding lasting love

A latent hope so very deep
A drowsy prayer and restless sleep
A wish to all the powers above
A dream of finding lasting love

Plague of Night

Plague of Night
By MonaLisa

Plague of night so blights the soul
And weighs upon the weary mind
Stars in moonless skies remind
Of boundless void that swallows whole

Sparkling, shining starlight seems
So far away and out of reach
The soul is left but to beseech
The fates to grant her fervent dreams

The faithful soul does ever sing
Her lonesome serenade reprise
Yearning for the sun to rise
And dawn's sweet light and warmth to bring


The Country Life - Part 4

The Country Life - Part 4
Lilith Langtree

Penance sometimes takes the strangest forms. If James McAllister's was to ever make it into heaven then he'd have to learn to forgive himself. Perhaps living a while, in the body of a young victim, might give him that chance.

Jamie and the Peach - 14


This is a new occasional series that takes its basis and some of its storyline from the cancelled Tokyopop Manga, Yubisaki Milk Tea by Tomochika Miyano. It’s a great series and well worth looking out, it’s a mystery why they cancelled it. For my version I’ve changed the setting from Japan to England and of course the names, then I’ve added some new characters and situations to produce Jamie and the Peach. The original series was cancelled before completion but I intend to take my version somewhat further!

Maddy Bell, June 2010

Jamie and the Peach

Chapter 14

by Maddy Bell
Copyright © 2010 Maddy Bell
All Rights Reserved.

Lilim Tales - Part 4 (Conclusion)

Lilim Tales - Part 4 (Conclusion)
by Armond

In the conclusion to the tale, Cassandra's friends gather to try to rescue her from Luna, while Cassie learns what her fate will be as the lilim's Second Turn Srryn.

The Country Life - Part 3

The Country Life - Part 3
Lilith Langtree

Penance sometimes takes the strangest forms. If James McAllister's was to ever make it into heaven then he'd have to learn to forgive himself. Perhaps living a while, in the body of a young victim, might give him that chance.

The Country Life - Part 2

The Country Life - Part 2
Lilith Langtree

Penance sometimes takes the strangest forms. If James McAllister's was to ever make it into heaven then he'd have to learn to forgive himself. Perhaps living a while, in the body of a young victim, might give him that chance.

The Country Life - Part 1

The Country Life
Lilith Langtree

Penance sometimes takes the strangest forms. If James McAllister's was to ever make it into heaven then he'd have to learn to forgive himself. Perhaps living a while, in the body of a young victim, might give him that chance.

Lilim Tales - Part 3

FotoFlexer_Photo4.jpg Cassandra has at last learned who transformed her: mythical demons called lilim; the incubi and succubi of horror stories. Luna now promises to change her back to Cody if Cassandra helps save Jayden. Cassandra doesn't know if she can trust Luna, but since she figures her 'condition' can't get any worse, she has nothing to lose. She couldn't be more mistaken.

The Lilim Tales - Part 3
by Armond

Randi and the College Professor - Chapters 12, 13 & 14 (Conclusion)

Randi and the College Professor — Chapters 12, 13 & 14

By Portia Bennett

We have learned quite a bit about Betty and her origin; however, it remains to be seen what she can do in her confrontation against the combined forces of the Lewis’s, Brewers, Schmedlaps, and others. If the good guys win, what is going to happen with Betty. What are the implications of a rogue witch?

Jamie and the Peach - 12 plus 1


This is a new occasional series that takes its basis and some of its storyline from the cancelled Tokyopop Manga, Yubisaki Milk Tea by Tomochika Miyano. It’s a great series and well worth looking out, it’s a mystery why they cancelled it. For my version I’ve changed the setting from Japan to England and of course the names, then I’ve added some new characters and situations to produce Jamie and the Peach. The original series was cancelled before completion but I intend to take my version somewhat further!

Maddy Bell, June 2010

Jamie and the Peach

Chapter 12 plus 1

by Maddy Bell
Copyright © 2010 Maddy Bell
All Rights Reserved.

Randi and the College Professor - Chapters 10 & 11

Randi and the College Professor — Chapters 10 & 11

By Portia Bennett

The big questions now are who is this Betty Brown and where has she come from. She has obviously ‘captured’ Frank Deere. How did she do it, and why? What is motivating her? Betty has been a bit of an enigma up to now; however, as we delve into her past, things may become a bit clearer.


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