Attack of the Beast - Part 6

twin_suns.jpgAttack of the Beast
by Anon Allsop
Part 6

Chapter 21

It had been almost three years since Parker was home. I studied the floor under the pew as the elderly Pastor gave his sermon. My mind had come quite a long way since that day when Park left, growing more and more accepting to the way my body was behaving. It had taken me almost three months to finally shave my legs. Once I had done it, I realized that there were several reasons why I should have been doing it all along. After that little step, another hurdle would come up.

One by one the little nuances of what makes a girl into a woman transpired over my life, each one taking me closer and closer to the result that most women learn when they are my age. It is almost as if going up a great long stairway, each step, closer to the final result. My mind reeled with these confusing thoughts when I should have been listening to the sermon, so drawn into these ideas and theory's that I was startled when the entire church stood with a thunderous roar. I glanced around; some were hugging, crying profusely while others were clapping and singing their praises toward the heavens.

I slowly stood, confusion etched upon my face; Carmen embraced me with a cheerful exuberance. "Oh my God, Christian! Can you believe it?" She cried.

"What has happened?" I whispered, not sure of how my response would be interpreted.

"The war, it's over!" She danced, spinning me into the aisle of the church.

"Over?" I choked, my throat tightening as if being constricted in a vice.

"The enemy has surrendered! Their capital fell sometime last night!" Again, I was spun so quickly, I almost fell.

Before I could calm my dizzying brain, she held her hands upon each side of my face, "Our men are coming home! Your husband is coming home to you!”

The news she revealed caused me to sit down hard, staring toward the wall as I ran a trembling hand over my lips. For the colony, the news was incredible…I wasn’t sure how I should be taking it. In stunned silence I sat there in the pew as happy, glorious voices rang in the room with joy.

It was quite a while before the Pastor was able to regain control of his parishioners. We reverently bowed in thankful prayer, and then he turned the multitudes loose on the streets to further spread our happy news. I remained in my seat until the church emptied, unsure of whether to be happy or terrified at the moment.

Part of me was so excited that I wanted to stand up and shout at the top of my lungs, yet part was still uneasy about what Parker would be expecting or not expecting, when he came through our front door.

I felt a kindly hand on my slender shoulder, glancing up I saw that it was the Pastor. "Care to talk about it, Christian?"

I shrugged and gathered my purse from beneath the pew. "It's been so long since I last saw... my husband."

I swallowed and raised my eyes toward the elderly minister. "I'm not sure that he'll still see me in the same light as before."

"You are wondering if he'll still love you?" he asked.

I chuckled softly, "If it were only that simple."

"You have found another love, then?" He had a soft kind look on his face, hoping I wouldn't have an answer for his last question.

I shook my head gently, my long hair softly moving in the motion. "There's no one else." The Minister sighed, and then smiled.

"You're afraid he won't love you anymore?" He gave me a knowing look, and then smiled. "If he loved you enough to ask for your hand in marriage, then, I'm sure he loves you still."
I sighed, "That's not it."

"What then, child? What troubles you so much on such a happy day?" He placed his thin arm around my shoulders as he crouched beside me in the aisle as I remained seating.

I felt I could trust him, so I took a deep breath and let everything out in one great gasping sentence.

"We were married, and then he left for the war so soon after my becoming a woman. I'm afraid that I'll never be able to do what everyone expects me to do! And besides that point, I don't know if he will ever be able to look at me like a woman in ANY event."

I had never divulged my secret to anyone, but as soon as I spoke I realized that it was a mistake to tell this kindly man! Fortunately, he smiled and patted my slender hand.

"You were but a girl when you were married, a budding woman on the day he left." He smiled, stood and reached behind his neck, removing a small chain, at the end was a flat golden oval with a bright red stone in its middle.

"My mother gave me this when I was first married to my wife; she said that it was the stone of lovers. I was like you, young and unsure of my commitment." He held it up and carefully placed it into my hand, "Mother said that it would be a comfort to me when I needed it most, and it was. Now, I want you to have it."

He opened his wallet and showed me a picture of an attractive, older woman; the image was yellowed and worn.

"She died almost 3 years ago; we were married for 53 years."

I looked into his eyes, and I saw tears were forming as he held his wife's portrait and admired his lost love.

"I can't take this." I choked, trying to place the necklace back into his hand. "You need to give it to one of your children."

He laughed, "They didn't need the help. They gave me almost twenty grandchildren and six great grandchildren." He handed it back to me, "Besides, she said I was to give it to someone who needed it as much as I did. No, you keep it. It doesn’t do anything’s just a keepsake from old Earth."

I thanked him and slowly stood up, gently slinging my purse over my shoulder. "You'll be okay." He smiled. "Bring that fella around when he gets home; I'd like to meet him!"

"I will... and, thank you again." I walked out of the wide double doors of the church; the sunshine was dappling the sidewalk where the shadows fell from the trees. I paused at the bottom of the white steps, the little necklace still cradled in my palm. I smiled, looking back up to the waving minister and began walking toward my home. A soft breeze whispered through the trees as if speaking to them as a lover might. As I walked on, people were gathering and singing, happy joy had enveloped our little colony with its unbridled glee.

Each little corner that I passed had people waving and blowing their craft alarms with excitement, leaning out and shouting happily at anyone who would listen. I smiled and continued onward with a song on my lips and a smile on my face, I headed home to ready the house for Parker's return.


For almost a week I waited for news of Parker's arrival, afraid to get my hopes up for fear of something horrible happening. Finally, I received word that he would be arriving the next afternoon! As I ended the call, I closed my eyes and silently thanked God for returning him safely to me. A long emotional sigh of relief escaped my lips as I thankfully headed out to pick up the things I knew he would be wanting once he returned home.

Chapter 22

A bright blast of evening sunshine crossed the landing platform as I watched the troop transport craft settle down; it was as good a landing as I had ever seen performed.

My pounding heart leaped as I watched the soldier’s stream down the steps. Leading the way walked Parker; I would recognize his commanding swagger anywhere.

He looked tired, a bit thin and his stubble gave him a battle-hardened look, but his eyes bespoke of their happiness to be home once again. He saluted a uniformed officer who also shook his hand as he passed.

All around us women were crying and hugging their husbands and boyfriends, kissing long and passionately. Meanwhile, Park ignored them as if it were just any other day.

Finally, our eyes met, he smiled briefly and he began to work his way toward me.

I closed my eyes and whispered, "Help me Park, how do you want me to be?" He was too far away to hear, for I had only been asking myself.

As he approached, he smiled and gazed into my eyes, boring a hole into my soul long before giving me a hug. Almost as if he were trying to size me up, finally he spoke.

"I was wondering who would be out here to meet me when I arrived." His smile was bright and winning, confusing me even greater of his intentions with me.

"You knew I'd be here." I replied softly, we hugged, I held his face in my hands and studied his eyes; they appeared cold and distant, almost as though he was deep in thought.

"How else would you get home?" He replied coolly.

I was taken aback at his treating me more like a sister than his wife. I felt like crying but hid it well. I felt my arms drop to my side, spurned by the man I had married. Without any additional words, we turned and slowly headed for my personal craft.

He threw his bags into the back, "I still can't get used to believing I’m home, what's it been? Something like... three years?"

I nodded, slowly piloting our craft along the ground, and trying to hide the tears that began to well in my eyes. I tried to answer, but the words became stuck, choking in my throat. Finally I stammered softly, "I still have a hard time believing it myself... especially since the war started right after we got back... from the other planet."

“Have you heard the news about that trip?” He asked, as if I were still privy to news military in nature.

“No. I’ve heard nothing.” I gave him a hesitant glance. “What’s up about it?”

“I heard they are planning another trip there.” He shook his head and gave a short laugh. “They wouldn’t think of that if they had seen what I had seen.

“I was there too...or did you forget?” I frowned, unbelieving that he would ever forget what had happened to us.

He quickly frowned and looked down at his hands as he began to fidget with the strap on his duffle bag. “I’m sorry Christian...sometimes I have a hard time remembering that you and the male Christian are one in the same.

His comment really ate at me, it seemed such a crass statement that I couldn’t move past it. I wanted to tell him that I wasn't one in the same with the male Christian, and found myself at the verge of snapping verbally at him, but knew that me lashing out was the last thing he needed to hear after returning from deployment. What would I have thought had our roles been reversed...he was married and had none of the benefits that the other soldiers enjoyed.

It had been almost three years since many of them had seen their wives, and I felt guilty that we ended up greeting like I was picking him up from a day at the factory. Part of me felt guilty that I wasn't fawning all over him, yet part of me actually wanted to greet him in that way. I was just unsure how Park would respond. Now, I was so confused by his actions that I ended up doing nothing at all. I just surmised that Parker's problem with me was that he was there during my transformation, and knew what I once had been. He had seemed subdued and almost as unsure of me, as I was of him, and our mutual silence was growing uncomfortable.

I could feel him watching me as we flew so close to the ground.

"Be good to be back in my own house." He sighed.

I nodded, "It's been quiet around there without you." I glanced at him. He was trying to hide his face as he shifted in the seat beside me, but I watched his face grow red and he smiled as if he were embarrassed.

Chapter 23

We entered the house through the back door; Parker headed straight toward the replicator and called up a drink. "Has this been updated in the past three years?" He asked, taking out the beer and looking at its label closely.

"I had it updated just yesterday, knowing that you'd be heading there, first." I laughed and put my key-chip inside my bag.

"It could be worse for you, I could be like half a million other guys around here and be dragging my wife back into the bedroom right about now." He laughed and took a long drink, his gaze slowly drifting along my body.

I glanced at him, part of me wishing that he would do exactly as he said the other men would be doing! I knew that the control I was witnessing must be incredible for Park to endure. Inwardly, I just accepted that he could not get past the monstrous hurdle of me being a former male as well as his best friend.

"So, did you bring me anything?" I interjected, trying to change the uneasiness of our subject by looking inside of his pack for a surprise.

He guided me away and stood his bag on end, pulling a small box that was wrapped from within.
"I guess you can have this." He said smiling.

He opened it up, inside were two very thin gold bands with one glistening diamond perched on it. "What..." I began to ask quizzically.

He gently lifted them from the box, saying, "I never was able to give you a diamond when we were married... I felt bad and wanted to make it up to you." He slowly pushed them upon the ring finger of my left hand.

"There, that'll make a proper wife of you." He smiled.

I studied the glistening diamond on my finger. It was so beautiful and made my hand seem even more…lovely!

"Do you like it?" He said smiling.

"It's beautiful!" I replied, still staring at the shimmering stone. "I love it!"

"I couldn't wait to see it on you when I found it on the way home!" He smiled and took another small sip, "I just don't want you to think that I'm expecting anything for it!"

I ignored his comment and smiled, "It's lovely! I'll cherish it forever!" It was at that moment that realized that I was failing miserably as his wife.

"It's getting late, have you had supper yet?" I asked as I began toward our kitchen.

He shrugged, "Depends on what you call supper? I had something that resembled food on the flight home... but that tasted like... well, like crap."

"Sit down; I'll fix you a sandwich or two." I gently pushed him into a chair and turned toward the kitchen.

"I like a forceful woman... even if it is you, Christian." He joked, taking a playful swipe at my backside.

"After supper I'm going to take a real shower. It'll be the first one in almost three years!"

"I was wondering what that odor was!" I shot back, smiling; feeling good to be able to tease my best friend once again after all these years.

"I'll get out your civilian clothes so you have something clean to wear as soon as I have these sandwiches finished."

"Thanks! That'll feel real good to be back in normal clothing!" He laughed, as I placed his first sandwich in front of him. He watched me for a long while as I made a second sandwich, then finally he cleared his throat.

"Did you ever get over your meeting with Roger?" He asked.

I hesitated, then said quietly, "It was so sad, I really felt sorry for him." I looked away, "No one should die the way he did." I folded my arms under my breasts, "Do you know how he was injured?"

Parker nodded slowly, "We were advancing down a small ravine and I was just behind him when the enemy lobbed a plasma bomb near us." Park sighed, gently touching my arm.

"If it wouldn't have been for him shoving me out of the way, I'd have died right there on that planet. Roger saved my life; after all that I had said to him... all that was done." He touched the corner of his eye with an unsteady finger, "Just when you have a guy all figured out... he ends up doing something that throws everything out of kilter."

"He didn't turn out to be such a bad guy after all." I whispered, "I thank God that he was there to save you!"

He patted my arm, "And I'm thankful that you chose to be with him up until he died... that showed real class, Christian."

I nodded, and tears began to well in his eyes again. I hugged him for a moment, and then excused myself to save his embarrassment of me seeing him cry.

Leaving him to compose himself, I slipped back into his bedroom and fingered the drawer pulls on his dresser. I sighed deeply and set out clean clothes, thankful to have him return back to me, even if it was not as I had hoped. It was hopelessly apparent to me that he held no interest in me as a female, after all I had been through, and I might have as well been isolated on some distant colony.

I frowned at my thoughts, and became angry. Here I was expecting him to treat me like a woman, his wife and he had just been to hell and back in the war. I had no right to want anything from him, aside from the respect and comfort of his home which he has always given me, I should need nothing more.

I returned to my bedroom, then closed the door and sat down upon the bed in quiet meditation. Finally my eyes were brought to the diamond on my finger, which was the second gift I had ever received from him since our marriage. I remembered the drawer that contained his first gift, given to me long ago.

I stood up and made my way to the drawer, slowly pulling it open I lifted out the yellow, silken garment. A cardboard tag swung down from a label, I held it up and read it to myself. 'This garment is made from the finest Ultarian silk.’ I brushed it against my cheek, and a slight thrill raced into my chest at its coolness.

Again, I turned my eyes back to the door, I heard him moving about in the kitchen. I felt a shudder race through my body as I dropped it down on my bed, unsure of what I wanted to do.

I stood staring at the silky garment as it lay there, then with hesitancy I touched the material gently as if it were a wild animal. I slowly brought the soft material again to my cheek; my eyes drew to the setting sunlight filtering through my window.

It had been three long years since I became the woman that I now was. I could never return to the life that I once led. I knew it; I would stay this way forever, until the day I die. In those three years, I had adapted to this life as well as could be expected, and there were times that I wished Park could hold me as any man would hold his woman, that was while he was gone. In a strange way, it had helped that he was mustered out and gone for all that time, but, now that he was back, I had begun to have those strange longing feminine feelings again.

Inside of me lurked that small dread that every woman has, a clock ticking that is slowly passing the time away. I placed a hand against my flat stomach, 'Would there ever be a little one that I could nurture growing inside of me?' I felt a sting of tears as my eyes glazed over. I never asked for this life! It just happened, but when that vile creature came into contact with me, everything changed!

My eyes drifted toward my vanity, and there hanging with many other necklaces was the little golden medallion with the red stone. I found myself lifting it over my head, the stone settling between my young breasts. I felt I could use the courage the minister had implied, even if it was a meaningless charm.

Since all of this first happened, I could feel the changes within my mind slowly alter the way I had been thinking for the first twenty or so years of my life. At first, when this change happened, I would see a young family and feel pity for myself when I realized that I would never be able to produce a child. Now, being the woman, I would be forced to carry the child, nurture it and be there to pick it up when it fell. Before, it had bothered me... now, after all these years, I longed for it. I sighed deeply, and again looked at the shimmering yellow material lying before me on the bed.

Here I was today... a woman and a wife, with a handsome man in the same dwelling. I trembled, 'Would he want me as a man would want a woman? Could he look past what I had been some three long years ago?' I felt tears burning, and I gently wiped my eyes with a trembling finger. I didn't want to live out the rest of my life alone and ashamed of being who the creature made of me! I again looked down at the filmy material then up to the beautiful stone of the necklace.

I firmed my jaw, tonight I would make my stand. No longer would I live in this house as his permanent guest; tonight, I would give Park a reason for me to continue living in his home, only this time, it would have to be as his wife. I bit my lip, for I knew that there was much that I didn't understand that would be asked of me. But I also knew that this body was made for the one thing that I could share with Park, and if it couldn't be him, then, there would be no other.

Chapter 24

I opened the door to my bedroom slowly; the coldness of the movement brought the gooseflesh out upon my skin. Across the hall was a huge mirror, from my reflection I could see that the silky outfit was stunning, and had me aroused completely! I controlled myself as best I could, but the slippery material caused my nipples to announce themselves to the hall even before I closed the door behind me. It was dark as I felt my way down toward his room. He was finished with his shower and had already entered his bedroom. I gently pushed his door open and found that he was reading, with his back toward me. Smiling to myself, I moved closer to my husband.

He heard me approaching and glanced over his shoulder, "Oh, Christian... I..." He sat up and laid the book on the stand beside the bed. "Wow... I... uh" He stammered like a schoolboy.

I placed my finger to his lips, quieting him. "Please let me say this, and get it off my chest." I whispered, the passion I was feeling evident in my tone. He smiled and nodded, slowly looking my body over with his shocked gaze.

"Park, you have been truly good to me, I owe you a lot."

He began to speak again and I stopped him, again placing my slender finger upon his lips, "I know you have been away for three years, and I feel guilty for not treating you as the other women did their men when you arrived. For that, I'm sorry."

Park grinned, slowly taking his hand and gently pushed a tear away from my cheek.

"I'm here to correct that mistake right now." My voice trailed off as the emotion seemed to take control.

"You don't have to..." He whispered.

"I want to; I'll not live as a separate spouse any longer."

I looked down; kneeling upon his bed covers, below the silky yellow material was my stunningly smooth legs. "If I can be more... more like a wife... then maybe..." I whispered to him.

He looked deeply into my eyes, smiled, then gently traced the band and diamond I was wearing, "You can't imagine how long I have prayed to hear you say that."

He leaned slowly, gently, our lips touched. Within that one kiss, I felt as if my life came full circle. As my eyes opened from our kiss, he was smiling. "I have to tell you... you are just about all I thought of for the entire time I was at war, how many times I dreamed of holding you close, loving you."

His voice grew softer the more he spoke. I was unsure of whether he was embarrassed for thinking of me, or that he was unsure of how wise it would be to confide his deepest thoughts out loud.

I snaked my slender arms around his thick neck, pulling him closer with another kiss. "Don't dream about it any more, Park, let’s make it reality."

In one motion he lifted me from my knees, gently moving me to lie along side of him. "Are you sure?" He gently asked.

I nodded slowly, and then to emphasize my position, I placed his warm hand upon my gently heaving breast. His eyes quickly darted down, as if he were unable to fathom where his hand was now resting.

"I'm here for you... always!" I whispered into his ear. "I want to be your wife in more than name only."

I could feel his penis as it strained against my smooth leg, where I rested next to him, confined only by his sleeping shorts. "It's been three long years for the both of us..." I said erotically pulling his lower lip into my mouth and sucking it. "Let’s end that wait... tonight."

I was expecting a man, hungry for the love of a woman after being denied for three long years. What I received was a surprise, ushered in by his tenderness and passion. He gently eased me onto my back and raised himself over me, slowly slipping the thin silky straps down over my shoulders.

Gently, he began to kiss my neck and work his way gradually down, and with each kiss permeated a fire that I was sure would engulf our room within its flames. My heart began to race, and I closed my eyes. At first, I worried that I couldn’t fulfill the role I had been dealt. Now I hesitated, unsure if I was ready for where this union would take me.

I felt his hot kisses fall upon my flesh; I knew then that we would make love, as husband and wife. I returned his kiss and smiled, finally, I am able to accept the possibility that our lovemaking could produce a child, our child, and relish in that hope.

One by one, his kisses inched their way down my cleavage. The closer he neared to each soft mound, the harder it became for me to breathe. It was so easy to accept being the woman to him, his passion and eroticism was making it effortless for me. I soon found myself just lying back, enjoying what was happening!

Park slowly eased up to a kneeling position, each strong, warm hand resting upon my own slender knees.

"Are you sure?" He said again, hesitating for only a moment. I can only assume that my silence was enough of a commitment to the question than anything, however, I had a feeling that the small flirting smile I gave him was more than obvious.

He gently raised himself up and pushed his pajama shorts off, allowing for his erection to swing free. I tried not to look, I had seen him naked before, albeit many years ago when I wore another form. Back then, it didn’t have the same effect on me as it did today. But... this, now it was different, I was vulnerable to his physical size. Once again, he surprised me as I waited for a quick removal of my own clothing, but it was not to be... just yet.

His hands slowly caressed my sides as they moved upward, stopping just outside my soft shoulders. He lowered his head and kissed my moist lips gently, below my vision, I could feel his swelling penis as it gradually danced upward, along the inside of my sleek thigh. Each slight tap of it as it moved, brought my breath out, and released it in short bursts as if he were slowly forcing it from my body.

He lay along my chest, slightly off to one side to prevent the crushing of my smaller body. I raised my head slightly up, so his muscular bicep could act as my pillow. Powerful hands played within the long curls of my hair as it fell over his arm, "I'm glad you never cut your hair, it makes you look so beautiful with it long!" His mouth was close to my own as he spoke, his warm breath sending chills along my spine.

I found my eyes closing as he spoke, a great, longing tremor escaping with each caress. Slowly he touched me, kissing my soft cheek again. I felt his tongue trace along my lower lip, the erotic movement causing my nipples to engorge and swell with arousal. His hand ran lightly along my side, pausing at the top of a thigh. 'Was it involuntary, or did I just move my leg aside to allow him greater access?' My mind spoke softly, but I already knew the answer.

Through our building passion, I tried to remain alert to what was happening. Whether it was by design, or because I was falling into a great black void of lust, I felt as though I was losing complete control of my senses. Seemingly, I found myself being passionately assailed on two separate fronts; one was eagerly kissing my open mouth, frenching me with expert abilities never possessed by another lover. The second, coming at the expense of my nether regions, the gentle ministrations at the very gates of my feminine folds, were generating strange tingling pulses that raced into my mind and then back down again.

Time itself stood still. A moan perched itself upon my lips, then escaped, as if it suddenly took flight. I could feel Park caress me lower and lower with his kisses as they began to fall against the rolling hills of my breasts.

I felt as though I should somehow reciprocate some of the wonderful feelings I was receiving back upon Park, as I had no right to keep them all for myself. Using my leg, I gently pushed against him, causing Park to roll onto his back. As he came to a rest, his penis sprang from confinement, into a rigid tower beside my thigh. Gently I let my hand slide down and play in the thick curls at its base, he slowly closed his eyes as my kisses fell softly onto his nipples. With every kiss that fell upon those dime-sized nubs, I would part my lips and erotically tongue each one with a tender, moist caress.

"Two can play this game..." I cooed sexily into his ear, as I began to assail his neck and chest with hundreds of light butterfly kisses, all the while, lightly tracing my nails along his stiff penis.

Taking him gently in my small hand, my long hair acting as a shroud; I began to manipulate my husband, and his rhythmic gasps brought a smile to my lips. Faster and faster I moved until I was sure he could bear it no more, and then I stopped. His raspy sigh was like music to my ears, I wanted him to be ready, but I didn't want to send him over the edge too soon. I backed away from Park, rising up to my knees where I tried to give him my best striptease, inching the yellow silken garment down toward my hips a little bit at a time.

He gave me a lustful grin and used his foot to push it the rest of the way to my knees, then stretched his leg out between my thighs, sliding it as closely to my folds as possible. I could feel my body shudder at his light touch, he noticed too and gave me a soft chuckle. One leg at a time was removed from the silky lingerie, slowly, as if to entice his lust further, I let the panty slip to the floor beside his shorts.

I leaned forward; my slim, overtly cool hands against his hips caused him to gasp. He smiled, apparently liking what I was doing, and wagged his finger, motioning for me to move closer. I wasn't done with him, easing myself downward I touched his navel with my wet tongue. A kiss fell just below the first, then another and another. Soon my cheek was stroking the length of his rigid penis, kissing the warm skin as I worked toward the top. Park sighed deeply, fondling my hair as it fell in a cascading shroud over my subject once again. From time to time my half closed eyes would spy a flash of the ring he had given, a sparkling diamond to remind me of my reason for being here, like I was... with him. Again and again I assailed his penis, more and more his breathing became ragged and labored with arousal.

Finally, when he could stand it no more, he gently pulled at my shoulders, trying to draw me back up from my current position. His eyes fell upon my hanging, soft globes. A tender touch, a stroke against the underside sent a staggering thrill into my loins! He gently drew me down to his kiss, positioning me between his thighs.

I rose up and adjusted myself so his stiff penis was pushing up between my legs, through the soft curling hair of my feminine mound. I leaned back, allowing my long hair to gently brush against his lower legs, and then fixing a seductive gaze upon his eyes, I began to gently work my feminine hips.

During my sexually stimulating dance, an innocent forward motion by me brought his glorious tip directly upon the gates of my sweltering maidenhead. Finally I could resist no longer, nor did I want to... it would be here and now that I would give myself to my husband. Forever sealing me as his wife, in love would I remain at his side until I would be laid to rest somewhere hopefully in my long distant future.

Gently he pushed through the thin veneer that lies between a mere girl and a mature woman; I now belonged to Parker, a virgin no more, he made me his own! As we continued our lovemaking deep into the dark night, he pushed me close to a euphoria that I had never embraced before... and I took him into the brink of his own sweet release, each keeping the other at bay long enough to tease.

He finally would have no more, with sweat glistening upon my breasts; he rolled me onto my back and began to work me deeply with his warm, penetrating caress. With each push, I could feel the thin veil of caution become slowly massaged into the background. Each push created a maelstrom of emotion within my mind, part lust, part arousal, part need. Deeper into his pillows I felt my head fall, arching my hips in tune with each rhythmic movement of my lover. Then, as if the heavens broke out in a chorus of song, I felt a slight wash of erotic energy crash against my very soul, shaking me deeply under its thunderous wave.

The strange feeling began to build down below, gradually increasing pressure as a harmless ripple in the middle of a great body of water, growing stronger as it approaches the shore. Then as if the great tidal surge fell upon me, it crashed down with a force a hundred fold of what I had been experiencing!

Greater and greater came the feeling, as it permeated out its erotic tendrils of pulsing energy, escaping through the three great zones of my being! It was a gasping moan that caught in my throat as my whole world turned itself inside out, and great dazzling stars lit my vision as sexual lightning streaked across my skies! My legs began to shake as another Tsunami came crashing down, out of breath I gasped for what little air I could intake!

I felt his body become rigid and shake, and then a low throb from within as his breath trembled in my ear. He caught his gasp, and continued to assail my body, his thrusts becoming erratic and staggered. He moaned and softly grunted, his back shuddering so greatly that I felt the movement upon our bed, then somewhere within I felt a great burst of energy as pulse after pulse was sent streaming into my young womb! We each shared an embrace as our breathing regained a somewhat normal regularity, while a slow tear began to make its way down my cheek.

He glanced up and kissed it away, "Are you sorry we..."

I shook my head, pulling his face toward mine, interrupting him. "Never!"

"Then... why the tears?" He whispered softly.

I hugged him and sighed, "It's because... I'm so happy!"

He lowered his face to mine and kissed me gently as our tongues met, our naked embrace seemed to last forever.

Chapter 25

I opened my eyes, and saw that there was bright sun filtering across the bed from the window. I sat up and turned Park's clock so I could see it better.

"I was wondering when you were going to wake up." I quickly glanced over my shoulder; Park was sitting in a overstuffed chair, beside the bed.

"I normally don't sleep in this late." I sat up and held the sheet over my bare chest. "Were you...watching me sleep?"

He smiled, "All the while I had to keep reminding myself that what happened last night was true!" He grinned and lifted his steaming coffee to his lips, then lowered it slightly. "You aren't regretting it any, are you?"

"No, not at all..." I reached out, taking the cup from him, still gazing toward Park, I took a sip. "Are you?

"Never…" He whispered, and then smiled as I took another sip and handed it back to him. Slowly he raised his cup and nodded toward it, "You want me to get you one?"

I grinned, teasing him. "I'm fine, I like sharing."

He sat his cup on the nightstand and slowly eased himself back into the bed, stretching out and facing me.

"So, where do we go from here?" He asked as he retrieved his cup from the nightstand where he had placed it and took a sip.

His eyes danced along my face, his fingers lightly touching my cheek. I pushed my cheek into his palm, relishing the warmth and love he radiated. Smiled at him seductively, and again took the cup from his hand causing him to laugh.

I returned the cup I had playfully stolen, "I don't plan on going anywhere, but here."

He watched as I placed the cup on the nightstand, "That's fine with me!"

Turning back, he ran his fingers through the long hair that cascaded over my slender, naked shoulders. His attention was focused toward me, and it made my heart want to leap for joy.

I sat up and leaned against his pillows, drew my knees up and folded my arms around them, keeping the sheet to conceal my nakedness. He sat up beside me, smiled and pulled me close, so my head was resting against his chest.

"I couldn't have done what you did, these past three years."

I smiled, "I'm finding it hard to believe it myself."

He ran his fingers along my back, and then gave me a slight hug.

"I guess I just had to make the best of a strange situation and accept it as reality." I said as I took my finger and slowly traced his lips, relishing in my nearness to my husband.

"What about children?" He asked. "Do you think we'll ever have any?"

I sat up, looking him in his beautiful eyes, "We'd better! I'd hate to think of having to go through all of this, and NOT having children!" I patted my bare chest as I indicated my transformation. "I wanted a family even before this happened, I just didn't expect to be on the bearing end of it."

He said hopefully, "I would like at least two." His voice was slightly higher, the words drifted from his mouth as in a song.

"A boy and a girl perhaps?" I smiled, laying my hand on his thick chest, fingering the dark hair that grew there. Again the sparkling diamond I was wearing caught my eye, the glimmering stone reminding me of our union. "Really, as long as they're healthy, I don't mind what they are."

I lay my head again upon his chest, my diminutive hand splayed out against his dark skin. He held me close, our bodies cuddling against each other, his hand gently playing in the curls that hung about my shoulders.

"Do... do you ever wish that you could go back?" Park asked softly.

"Back? Do you mean back to being a guy?" I whispered, my breath moving his chest hairs closest to my mouth. "I've come to look at the past three years as destiny, if I remained as I was before, I would never be able to enjoy this moment, right now."

"You're amazing!" He whispered, and then kissed the top of my head. "How the heck did I ever get so lucky?"

I glanced up, "How did WE ever get so lucky?"

He smiled at my whisper, and then gently took my chin in his large hand. Our lips touched lightly at first, then settled into an all out, erotic kiss of passion.

Slowly he rolled me onto my back, I slid my hands inside of his robe and gently pushed it from his shoulders, and he pulled his arms through the sleeves.

"Make love to your wife." I sighed erotically, softer than the beat of a butterfly's wing.

"Gladly." He whispered into my ear, and then followed it with a kiss.

It was glorious, as our bodies merged in love. A love that descended from the heavens, brought on by an accident that played itself out in a distant land. As we moved with the rhythms of passion, my fleeting mind remembered the little trinket that the Minister had given me. I touched the stone upon my chest as it swung freely and smiled, knowing that it was now my turn to pass it along. I needed its reassurance no more. Slowly my mind was drawn back to what my husband was doing to me.

Park slowly slid his hands along my side and grasped my hips in his embrace, together we worked in unison, our bodies dancing to the song of ages. I smiled, thankful for the day so long ago when we landed upon that strange planet.

Perhaps Carmen would be right, maybe I will have a little one growing inside my womb within a year... at least, I hoped so.

The End?

I would like to thank my editors, Jim P. and Mr. Ram, their eager assistance, superb suggestions, and tireless efforts made this story much better than I could ever have imagined. Thank you both for your faith in my writing ability!

When I first wrote this story, this was the original 'end'...after going back through it, I think that there might just be more to this story. I have started a continuation to it, but will have to take my time on posting so it can be edited. Please bear with me.

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