
Catburglar 4: The Catburglar Who Came in From the Cold

The Catburglar Who Came in From the Cold
By Paul Calhoun

Kelly spends Christmas with Reg's family and Reg tells Kelly what he's known for awhile now. Also, Kelly continues to adjust to life as a female with a loving family. A few scenes that don't advance the plot added because I thought they added character.

Being Christina Chase | Chapter 50: In Charge

"Uncle Alek?" Christina pleaded. "Where are we? What happened to me?" Her thoughts, which had been sluggish and unfocused, were now racing in her mind as they processed the darkness and the intense pain.

Alek placed his hand on his niece's head and stroked her hair. "Tina," he said softly. "Tina," he repeated, this time commanding the girl's attention. "You are in the hospital. You have had an accident." Alek was fairly certain that "accident" was not the correct term, but that wasn't important right now. "You had an accident but you will be alright."

Christina nodded slowly. She felt completely disoriented and untethered to the world except for the feeling of her uncle's hand on her head. "It hurts," she winced.

"I know Sweetheart," Alek said as he reached for a plastic bulb hanging from a wire on the wall. He felt the button on its tip and pressed it, summoning the nurse.

Being Christina Chase
Chapter 50 - In Charge

by Admiral Krunch

Copyright © 2007,2013 Admiral Krunch
All Rights Reserved.

Catburglar 3: Foxy Catburglar

Foxy Catburglar
By Paul Calhoun

I was going to do the discovery, but I like to give my characters a vacation every so often, so here's some gratuitous fursuiting and romance. As if there's such a thing.

I've had this idea kicking around ever since I read a most excellent story about a girlfriend pranking her boyfriend by feigning injury and when he runs out to the car, she does a quick change into a werewolf costume and chases him around. Go read it, it's great:

Being Christina Chase | Chapter 49: Crash

On the way back to Nina's room, Christina felt a mechanical rumble from the back pocket of her jeans. She took out her cell phone and saw that Richard was calling. She immediately froze, feeling a slight tightness in her chest. She was transfixed by the name on the tiny screen and was unable to move her fingers on the device before the call went to voice mail. Christina waited for the notification that indicated there was a new voice message, but it never came. Instead, there was a second rumble indicating that she'd just received a text message. She felt her stomach sink and it was though she'd temporarily lost her ability to differentiate up from down. She forced herself to read the message.

It read simply, "We should talk."

Being Christina Chase
Chapter 49 - Crash

by Admiral Krunch

Copyright © 2007,2013 Admiral Krunch
All Rights Reserved.

Catburglar 2: Seeing Double

Seeing Double
By Paul Calhoun

Kelly and Reg have been dating for awhile, but Ned is starting to worry that the elusive Starling is becoming too notorious. He's also worried that he and Kelly never show up in the same place. He can decrease the number of heists he pulls as Kelly, but she'll need her boyfriend's help to fix the second. The only problem is that she'll have to get him to do it without him knowing why!

Jigsaw Pieces

Jigsaw pieces
by Maeryn Lamonte
jigsaws.png   A trip to a shopping mall. A sympathetic shop assistant. A chance to be who I am inside just for a few minutes. Will it end when I step out of the changing room or is there the possibility for more?

Being Christina Chase | Chapter 48: The Anniversary

“I really love you,” she repeated. “I’ve never felt this way about … anyone. Ever. Lately, when I’m not with you it feels like … I dunno. It’s like everything is a commercial, and the movie doesn’t start again until you’re there.”
Richard said “I feel the same way,” as he snuggled his date.
“Yes,” he said tenderly. “You’ve turned my whole world upside down and now I find I can’t go back to living right side up.”
“What if,” Christina said as she watched the stars poke holes in the night, “we couldn’t be together? Would you be sorry?..."

Being Christina Chase
Chapter 48 - The Anniversary

by Admiral Krunch

Copyright © 2007,2013 Admiral Krunch
All Rights Reserved.

Trans. Plant. Heart. Chapter 4

The nurse took the CNA’s hand. “It’s basically a big, strong magnet,” she said. “It will stop the defibrillator from shocking him and restarting his heart.”
Aubrey felt her chest grow numb, and her arms and legs suddenly chilled. “Why the hell does he need something like that?” she whispered almost inaudibly.

Trans. Plant. Heart.
Chapter 4

by **Sigh**
Copyright © 2013 plaintivesigh
All Rights Reserved.

Trans. Plant. Heart. Chapter 3

"Fish! God, no! Not that, not again! Please don't! What will your wife think?"
"Hell, Honey. I'm filming this. This gets my own rocks off," laughed Mamie.

Trans. Plant. Heart.
Chapter 3

by **Sigh**
Copyright © 2013 plaintivesigh
All Rights Reserved.

Trans. Plant. Heart. Chapter 2

"Bambi, why would you say that? You're 'living the dream', so to speak."
She looked up at him with tear-striped cheeks. "I'm living a nightmare!

Trans. Plant. Heart.
Chapter 2

by **Sigh**
Copyright © 2013 plaintivesigh
All Rights Reserved.

Being Christina Chase | Chapter 47: Letting Go

Alek walked alongside his wife as they passed various vendors offering hot dogs, cotton candy, and all the other delights of summer found at the county fair. While everyone around him was having fun, he was in a particularly foul mood. Not only had Christina left Boris with him, soon after, the girl and her boyfriend had disappeared. Keeping a sharp eye on his daughter and her ginger haired boyfriend who were walking several paces ahead of them, he vowed not to lose another one of his girls.

Being Christina Chase
Chapter 47 - Letting Go

by Admiral Krunch

Copyright © 2007,2013 Admiral Krunch
All Rights Reserved.

Being Christina Chase | Chapter 46: Priorities

Looking over her shoulder, Christina saw the man she loved, though she'd never seen him in such a state. It was clear that he hadn't shaved, and judging by the way his hair stuck up at the part on the left side of his head, it was evident that he'd either not showered or hadn't spent any time on his hair that morning. Christina had never seen the man with so much of as a thread out of place. Seeing him, she picked up her pace, which was promptly matched by her cousin and Steph.

"Wait," he begged.

Turning around, Andrei stopped and threatened, "Stay away from her."

...Christina had never heard him sound this angry before.
Being Christina Chase
Chapter 46 - Priorities

by Admiral Krunch

Copyright © 2007,2013 Admiral Krunch
All Rights Reserved.

Being Christina Chase | Chapter 45: Princess

As right as it felt, Christina knew she’d eventually have to leave this life behind.
There would be no storybook ending for Christina Chase; there was no way she could conceive of it.
Even if she could figure out a way to remain Christina forever, she could never believe that anyone
would ever want to marry her. Since coming to Oak Grove, Christina had experienced being popular
and the intoxication of feeling desired, but the essential truth remained the same; in the end,

everyone would always leave her.

Being Christina Chase
Chapter 45 - Princess

by Admiral Krunch

Copyright © 2007,2013 Admiral Krunch
All Rights Reserved.

Red Shoes - Part 5

Red Shoes - Part Five
by KaylaKayKee

Wednesday July 26

Dearest Diary,

Had another great day, even if I didn’t got to see Mike. But I think I am getting to find my new style! I know, I used to dress really boring and not taking much time to make myself presentable. But now, I discover all these really cute clothes I have that I never bothered with before. Can you imagine?

Song for a Winters Night

Song for a Winters Night

Based on the song by Gordon Lightfoot
Story and characters  © Diana Michelle Howe 2012, song lyric  © Gordon Lightfoot 1967
I would like to thank the following people for their kind assistance: Sephrena for editing assistance, Bill for beta reading and suggestions and My lovely muse Dani. Happy Holidays.

Gift Exchange


Gift Exchange

by Beyogi

Chris has been friendzoned just again. Christmas is coming and as he doesn't want to spend it alone he's returning to his parents. Yet he's not destined to arrive.

Copyright © 2012 Beyogi
All Rights Reserved.

Thanks to Janet Miles for editing.
Thanks to Draflow and Sleethr for proofreading and their suggestions.

Mountain Drive


Nikki has a long drive to her parent's for Christmas Eve break and would be the first time seeing her Father in over a year.
The snow was piling up and the drive worse than she ever imagined...

will she make it home?

Mountain Drive

by Nikki Thong

Copyright © 2012 Nikki Thong
All Rights Reserved.

A .pdf file is attached for those who want to download and read it later. If you do, Just please remember to vote if you enjoyed my story, thanks! ~ Nikki

The Family Feud.

Its been 5 years since I left my family. It seems so much longer to me though. But that was the only way I could survive. It all started before I was born, actually even further than that if I understand the family history. It started with a feud over a stupid pig. A pig have made its way over the fence of some family yard into a neighbors yard and ate their turnip patch.

Preincarnation: Chapter 2

by AoifeM

Noticing how quickly I was becoming comfortable with both my new body and my environment irritated me. Looking at my reflection from a rather dirty mirror only made things worse. I was as Asian as anyone else around here. My body was curved to perfection and without much inspection I could already see I was extremely attractive. I also looked rather young, like 16 or so. I suppose in this culture I could be considered a young adult, but even that made me feel a little uncomfortable.

Looking at myself I wanted to shout every expletive I knew. I tried to remember sentences and fragments of old English, but I couldn’t, only reinforcing my unfortunate predicament. It literally was all foreign to me. I’m guessing that anything I’ve learned from a later life can’t be remembered in this one. As in fact, the only thing I could remember was that I was a man.

Pretty Woman

An oldie one movie and song, I saw this movie yesterday on tv, just wanted to share it with all the pretty ladies in this site, isn’t lovely ?


Pretty woman, walking down the street
Pretty woman, the kind I like to meet
Pretty woman, I don’t believe you’re not the truth
No one could look as good as you, mercy



By Karen J. Taylor

Copyright 2009/2012 by Karen J. Taylor
This story is based in part on something that happened to my brother, I added the TG plotline.
Thanks to John in Wauwatosa and PB for their assistance, as always what is posted is my decision.

I paused eating to watch the girls, well some young and some not-so-young women as they buzzed around taking care of the morning rush. One saw me watching and flashed a quick smile before grabbing the next order from the counter to hand out the drive-thru window. Almost everybody knew me, I was there every morning. Either stopping by on the way to work for a sausage & egg biscuit or stopping in and eating scrambled eggs and hash browns when I wasn’t working.

Confused Ramblings of a Gardener

----------=BigCloset Retro Classic!=----------

I think she sensed that her news made me unhappy as she continued chirpily. "So, what's been going on over the last two years with you? I followed the reports of the tribunal in the newspapers. It looked fairly unpleasant. I'm really sorry I didn't come and support you then, but Dad set an ultimatum, I could support you or I could support him. I had to choose not to support you for Mum's sake.

"One of the reports said you had been taking hormones; was that true? Isn't that the first step"

" going all the way?" I helped out.

Confused Ramblings of a Gardener


Audrey Cooper

Game Theory: Learning To Play

Game Theory-Learning To Play

Synopsis: Randy invites two friends up to his new vacation home for a long weekend of cards and beer. When he breaks out some magic rings, things take a turn that threatens to effect them long after they return.


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