
The Second Happiest Day, Chapter 1

Kara Jenkins is an attorney whose life is going well apart from one thing, she doesn't have someone to share it with. Until one fateful day she meets Madison Roberts in the park. The two hit it off right away, and it feels like a case of love at first sight. Will their feelings for each other be enough to hold or will Kara's past keep them apart?

The Bat and the Dragon

The Bat and the Dragon
By Paul Calhoun

I've been desirous of going back to romance plots and this one (like everything else) has been in the pipe for a long time.

My first time writing a gay couple starting that way rather than becoming through disguise and circumstance. I couldn't resist putting in a bit of stereotypical dialogue (though stereotype for me is very different since mine comes from reading so many books written by LGBT scholars).

Oh, right, plot. Halloween party, one decides he's tired of being the only married gay couple at the parties, skinsuit, catwoman, evening out. Obligatory cameo by characters from other story arc. How big is this town anyway and how come there are so many people buying skinsuits there? Hey, that sounds like the plot of a story!

The Red Stilettos

Who can resist the lure of a gorgeous pair of red stilettos? Could you? Perhaps the bigger question is, how far would you let it go, and how would you deal with the consequences?

The Special Ones. Vad's Story.

We come to the third part in the "Special Ones" Trilogy. Never guessed for one moment when I started my little story I would end up with my very own trilogy!

Vad's story, you probably are not going to be too surprised to find out, is about Vad. Through him we find out a little more of the back story of the Special Ones and we bring things to a conclusion, with a few bumps and a few hugs on the way of course.

I have tried to create three distinct stories, each with their own character and feel. But tied together with one common thread running through them. I hope it has worked? And you have/will enjoy the journey. :-)

Oh, and a big thank you for the many kind words and encouragement, it really has spured me on. Thanks.


Jessica Rabbit

Jessica Rabbit written by Barbie Lee. Edited by Catherine Linda Michel. This is a re-edit and expanded version of the FM story.

The bleeding edge of research is called experimental for a very good reason. No one knows exactly where it is going to lead. Ricky needed help with his research. The only one he trusted was his boyhood lifelong friend Tom. Little boys never grow up, they get older. Ricky played a Halloween joke on Tom inside that experimental machine.
The Mexicans thought the lab was a drug lab and destroyed the lab and machine in their efforts to acquire it. The Cartel, Mexican Gov, FBI, CIA, NSA and even the Russians want what they think that lab was and the man who built it. Ricky and Jessica are forced to flee for their lives. How long can one hate their best friend for turning one into every man's wet dream with no way back?

Feeling Keystrokes

Feeling Keystrokes

We met online it wasn’t even what either of us were expecting and nothing that we were looking for.

I was typing away on a site with one of my hobby sites and it just started as these little exchanges.

Friendly talking and quirky.

God I loved that.

The Special Ones

It's been nine months since we last saw Petra and Catarina and life has been good. But ghosts of the past have not forgotten them and storm clouds are gathering. Can their love survive?

Although 'The Special Ones' can be read as a stand alone I would suggest reading 'The Special One' first as there are a number of references to the earlier story.

I consider myself very much a beginner and always looking for ways to improve my story telling. This time I am trying a few pictures, they take an age to do and I would love to know if you feel they add to the story or distract? Any comments gratefully received, though please be kind there is a fragile newbee's ego on the line here :-)


Life Renewed II: Love Renewed


Life Renewed II: Love Renewed
By StefB

After surviving a life threatening attack by her ex-boyfriend Sara had thought she was on her way to a happy life with Adam, but now his past is threatening their future.
This story takes place immediately following the events of Life Renewed. It is highly recommended you read that story first.

Life Renewed Chapters 10-19

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Life Renewed (Chapters 10-19)

By StefB

Sara Collins had finally come to terms with the changes that occurred to her on her eighteenth birthday and built a comfortable life for her and her son but seeing the twin sister of the woman who turned her world upside down brought on an onslaught of painful memories.
Her life changes drastically afterwards but through the joy and the pain she sees the chance at a life renewed.
This story takes place within my Goddess Realm

This is the second part of a new storyline taking place within my Goddess Realm. It is not necessary to read Saved by a Goddess or Saved By a Goddess: Gifts to enjoy this story but admittedly it does help and is recommended.

Curse the Protagonist 2: Rise of the Antagonist

Curse the Protagonist 2: Rise of the Antagonist

Time has passed since the strange happenings from before and Kayla has become very adjusted to her new self. However, things are about to get a whole lot stranger.

The Maiden, the Vixen, and the Amazon

My memories of life before the island keep slipping away from me. I think I had an office job of some kind and was good at making money but bad at relationships. I took a cruise to get over the last woman who'd dumped me for being so distant, and I was thrown overboard in a storm. I'd been wearing my swim trunks when it hit, and I washed ashore naked.

Omega - Chapter 3


Gradually the waves of pleasure dissipated and, slowly, oh so slowly, her reason returned. Something had happened. At first she could not recall what. She imagined she had dreamed. Perhaps she had fallen, and hit her head. She? She knew that was wrong. She was he. He was he. His sister had been here…with a lover. That’s when she had started dreaming of things that could not be. The hunger no longer gripped her. Like fog fading in the morning sun, the mists clouding her mind began to clear.

Omega - Chapter 1


The young man used several colorful words as he turned the car around. He was already nearly a half hour outward bound from his parent’s house and now he had to go back. He’d lose a full hour. How could he have been so goddamn dumb as to leave his cell phone on the coffee table? He knew there was no help for it. The Human Resources rep for a pharma company was likely to call about a summer internship he was after. It was a paid internship and a starving college student needed all the income he could manage. So, it was back to the house.

Omega - Prologue


He lived among men and women, yet he was always apart from them; perhaps even more isolated from normal people than the others of his kind. He was human, right enough. He had hands, and feet, two eyes, two arms, and two legs. His skeleton, brain and bone were indistinguishable from his more common brothers and sisters. Down to his DNA, he was human.

But he did not, could not, live as did other men. None of them could.

Let it Rain

girl in field

Writers block, life in general as well as a lack of a muse has contributed to the sharp drop of stories. I hope that this story meets with those expectations that many who like my stories have had in the past; hopefully it will transport them into a place and time that they will remember fondly. Thank you, Anon Allsop

Let it Rain
By Anon Allsop

A shrill whistle woke the young woman. She raised her head up from the crook of her arm and took in her surroundings. The first thin light of dawn was breaking the horizon, golden rays of sunshine creating a strange glow within the car. The gentle rocking and steady rhythmic clacking of the train reminded her of where she was.

Catburglar 6: Catburglar's Cradle

Catburglar’s Cradle
By Paul Calhoun

The final installment of Catburglar. Kelly takes care of loose ends, Ned comes to terms with his forthcoming death of personality and Mike lets the nanites loose on Kelly.

Contains foreshadowing for an Allie story that is forthcoming this week which in turn is foreshadowing for the Unplanned Adventures.

Catburglar 5: Fantoccini’s Feline

Fantoccini’s Feline
By Paul Calhoun

A certain someone mentioned that I don't do sweet/sentimental/positive sex scenes. Simple answer to that: it's usually my clients who want the hardcore stuff and I like to go the discreet path in my more upbeat work. However, I figured Kelly and Reg getting together was a really special occasion, so enjoy some sex scenes in which everyone is happy, knows who the partner is and is having a blast.

Kelly gets the Blue Fairy Treatment and we have spoilers/foreshadowing for the Allie series.

Being Christina Chase | Chapter 54: The Journey (Final)

"Who gives this woman away to be married to this man?" asked the minister, shaking Christina out of her admiration of Richard.

"I do," Alek answered. He looked at Christina who returned his gaze. He knew that his niece was a modern woman, and she didn't look upon the ceremony the same way that he did. For Christina, this was an opportunity to wear a pretty dress in front of the whole town and live out the fantasy wedding that she'd been dreaming of. For Alek, the traditional implication of the ceremony was all too clear. He was giving his precious child away to the care of another man, and he knew that things would never be the same again.

Being Christina Chase
Chapter 54 - The Journey
(Final Chapter)

by Admiral Krunch

Copyright © 2007,2013 Admiral Krunch
All Rights Reserved.

Being Christina Chase | Chapter 53: The Question

"Hey Andrei," Steph said with a poorly veiled sense of trepidation. "I got a major 411. Ollie heard through the grapevine that the cops found Christina's car last night. They had it towed to the lot at public services."

"They found her?" he said in disbelief. Andrei did not notice that the rest of the family, including the large German Shepherd that was lurking behind the couch, took notice.

"No," Steph answered. "They just found the car. No Christina."

Being Christina Chase
Chapter 53 - The Question

by Admiral Krunch

Copyright © 2007,2013 Admiral Krunch
All Rights Reserved.

The Bewitching of Charlie Thatcher - Chapter 1

It was just an ordinary cottage. Not made of gingerbread or standing on giant chicken's legs or anything. Just an ordinary, if a little run down, cottage. Moss on the roof, ivy on the walls. Tiny windows with thick, bulbous panes of glass. The privy stood separate from the main building at the opposite end of a small garden, most of which was given over to herbs and vegetables. A goat stood patiently at the end of its tether, staring at me with its freakish eyes.

I've never been able to stare down a goat; the eyes are just too weird.

Being Christina Chase | Chapter 52: Linger

It was the end of the summer, which was one of the best times on the mountain. The air was still warm enough that no one needed to wear a coat and there were still a few weeks of life left in the world before the chill set in and all the trees that weren’t evergreens started to lose their leaves. To Christina, it felt as though she were walking through an insubstantial world of dust. While everyone else in town was holding on to the last vibrant breath of summer, Christina felt the onset of fall on every inch of her skin.

She could tell that the world was growing cold.
Being Christina Chase
Chapter 52 - Linger

by Admiral Krunch

Copyright © 2007,2013 Admiral Krunch
All Rights Reserved.

Wigging Out

Wigging Out
By Paul Calhoun

A man finds a female disguise and then forgets to take it off before he answers the door.

A test of a couple of masking elements I wanted to try out. First the mask itself which is unlike those I usually use and also an exploration of what happens when the target boyfriend knows from almost the very beginning who the female really is.

Being Christina Chase | Chapter 51: Eggshell

"I can't believe you," Christina said as she shook her head. "You're so disgusted that you went through all this just to make sure no one in Oak Grove found out about me."

"Is that what you really think?" Richard said with a mix of hurt and anger.

"Why else, then?"

"If I was so ashamed, do you really think I would have told all of my business partners?" he shot back. "Why do you think I cashed in every last favor I had with them to convince them to keep up this charade against their best instincts?"

Christina shook her head. She didn't want to listen to a word he was saying. She eventually asked, "Why?"

Being Christina Chase
Chapter 51 - Eggshell

by Admiral Krunch

Copyright © 2007,2013 Admiral Krunch
All Rights Reserved.


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