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(aka Bike) Part 692 by Angharad |
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After drying us all, and then drying the girl’s hair and plaiting it, I managed to dry my own hair and tied it back in a ponytail. It was getting quite long, so maybe I needed to speak with Stella, ask her to trim it.
I rubbed some arnica cream on my bruised backside–Simon would pay for that, the pig. Revenge is a dish, best served cold, besides I had to sort out three girls. I threw on jeans and tee shirt, after my customary bra and panties. These days, I probably needed a bra much of the time, I seemed to have had a growth spurt–in the chest, come to think of it, my bum seems a bit bigger too, stretching out the jeans I had on. Must be putting on some weight–I need to get back into riding again.
I asked Simon to check if the school was back or still off. He called back two minutes later, saying they were back. “Okay, girls, school uniform dresses, school is back in session,” except they break up for summer holiday in two or three weeks.
Mima, bless her, had dressed herself. She was actually quite adept, and wore a simple dress something like a school uniform. Next year, I’d get her into nursery, I believed they had one at the convent. At this rate it might be cheaper for Simon to buy the school outright.
I rushed them down to breakfast, which Simon had started making for them, and while they ate, I did their packed lunches–some fruit salad in little pots, some yoghurt, a sandwich each, an apple and small bag of crisps; plus of course the obligatory chocolate bar.
I barely had time for a cup of tea before whisking the girls off to go to school. Mima decided to come with us today, bringing along her little backpack, copying the others. I gave her an apple to put in hers.
The parking outside the school seemed very easy, we were the only vehicle there. I couldn’t understand it, so we all walked in to the school playground and towards the school. It was all locked up. What’s going on? I called home on my mobile and Stella answered. Simon had left. I tried his mobile, but if he’s driving and forgotten to wear his blue-tooth thingy, he won’t answer.
I got his voice mail, and left a message. Glancing at my phone I saw the time. It wasn’t yet eight o’clock, we were nearly an hour early. No wonder the radio hadn’t come on.
We got back in the car and I drove down to the nearest convenience store. I bought them each a cereal bar for elevenses, in case they were hungry. I ate mine in the car, well, I’d had no breakfast. After parking up again outside the school, I decided we’d play a story telling game, where each of us would add a line to that of the others. I knew it would get silly very quickly, but they would at least laugh and stay awake.
It went something like this: Once upon a time, there was a young lady who…
…wanted to grow up to be a princess…except her daddy wasn’t a king or anything…and she was ugwy, with a face wike a tomato…she went to see the local doctor…who sent her to the hospital…by ambulance, with the blue lights flashing…’cos she was so ugwy, they had to keep their eyes cwosed…Driving with their eyes closed meant they had to go very slowly…in case they crashed into other cars and things…they did crash, driving over a ditch they couldn’t see…and they aww died happiwy ever after.
Despite the tragedy of our tomato faced ugly princess, they all roared with laughter, so it seems I might be raising a brood of sociopaths. By the time we’d finished killing her off, I saw the headmistress drive into the school, then one or two others, I presumed were teachers.
When the first parent and child arrived, we disembarked and walked back to the school. The headmistress welcomed us back and asked Livvie how she felt. “I don’t hate my old mummy and daddy anymore, Mummy Cathy, helped me to write them a letter so they won’t come and frighten me when I sleep.”
“Your new mummy, seems to be a clever lady, doesn’t she?”
“She is clever, she knows Latin.”
“That is clever indeed, all I ever managed to learn was the odd word.” She looked at me–oh poo.
What I should have said was anything, only in English, instead what came out was definitely not English. “Mea culpa, mea maxima culpa.” I blushed, well I was to blame for the wrongful opinion of my foster child, but some days I didn’t help myself.
The kids looked on with astonishment all over their faces, “What does that mean, Mummy?”
“It’s my fault or blame, all my fault, or near enough, though that would be omnia, not maxima, wouldn’t it?”
The headmistress looked on in what looked like awe, she was nodding but I suspect she had no idea what I was talking about. “You wouldn’t like to teach some Latin here, would you?”
“Um, no, it’s not good enough for anything except the odd crossword and occasionally translating gravestones. As a Latin scholar, I made a good scientist.”
“You’re far too modest, Lady Cameron.” Oh poo, she will project that title on me.
“I tell you what, when they start labelling bicycle components in Latin, I’ll brush up on it and teach your kids. Until then, I’m afraid I’ll have to decline your offer.”
“Decline, oh very funny,” I took me a moment to get the joke. It was too early in the morning, my sense of humour was still tucked up in bed like a hibernating dormouse.
We took our leave just as Mrs Browne-cow arrived. We nodded at each other with minimal politeness, and as I expected, she was parked so close, we had to climb in from the passenger side of the car. I quickly reversed out of the narrow space, and then nipped back in and deflated one of her tyres. We were gone before she came back, but I’ve seen how much effort is required to undo the wheel nuts on a 4x4, so that should keep her busy for a few minutes. I swore Mima to secrecy as we drove home, she thought it was hilarious.
Nobody had seen me, I hoped, and the half a minute it took, no one arrived or departed. Revenge is perhaps a dish most enjoyed if taken when hungry, but not ravenous.
As we drove home Simon called and I told him what I’d done. He laughed but warned me to be careful in future. I assured him I would, and to myself remembered he had a surprise coming soon too. All I had to do was think of one. Then in the supermarket, I hatched a plan, buying the essential ingredients.
That night after the girls were in bed, the wine flowed freely, at least with Simon and Tom, it did. They both went to bed almost legless, and once in bed, Simon almost went into a coma. I set to work. It took me a good half an hour and I was surprised he didn’t wake up. I hid all the things, and went to bed. I was almost too excited for when he woke up the next morning.
The girls invaded as usual, and this time I checked out the time. I got them all washed and dressed while Simon lay groaning in bed, it was some time since he’d got plastered. He still hadn’t spotted my modification on him. I sent the girls downstairs after they were dressed and Simon lumbered on unsteady feet towards the bathroom. I stood at the top of the stairs. I heard him use the toilet and was amazed he hadn’t noticed. Then the shower began to run and I heard him call, “CATHY–what the hell have you done…?” I didn’t hear anymore, I was flying down the stairs.
The girls were busy eating their breakfasts when he came down, he looked daggers at me, “I’ll see you later,” he snapped.
“Don’t I even get a goodbye kiss?”
He ignored me and bustled past. Stella came into the kitchen yawning. “What’s up with him? I heard him yelling.”
“He’s had a bit of a surprise,” I said innocently.
“What have you done?”
We moved out of earshot, and I told her. “You didn’t?”
“Yes, I did.”
“Yes, I thought it would look spectacular.”
“If only I’d had the chance when we used to do things to each other.”
“He started it, marking my bottom.”
“So you marked his front?”
“I had to, he was lying on his back.”
“But bright pink, Cathy, it’s pure malicious genius.”
“Of course.”
“And he didn’t wake while you were trimming it?”
“No, he didn’t even notice when he went to the loo. But he did when he got in the shower.”
“I’ll bet he did, bright pink, heart shaped pubes–that is so funny, pity you didn’t get a photo.”
“Who says I didn’t?”

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It always escalates
Giving Browne Cow a flat, giving Simon a heart-on
That was funny. Simon will see the humor too, eventually.
That Story
That story Cathy and the girls were making up left me in stitches. The girls definitely have warped tendencies LOL! Cathy deflating Brown Cow's tire and trimming and dyeing Simon's pubes was the icing on the cake! Cathy's girls are going to learn from one of the best.
Serves Brown-Cow right
She should'nt have parked so close...But maybe Cathy should have let down another tyre... After all how many cars carry two spare wheels?
Do you really think Brown-Cow will
change her own tire? Autoclub call (RAC?). Lets hope it takes them a while to get there.
Fantastic! Both really fine examples of revenge and (mostly) harmless too. Well done.
That which does not kill me only serves to delay the inevitable. My blog => <= note new address
Oh My! Poor Simon! Thing Is
That he will also blame Stella! Revwnge is a dish best served cold, and with victim out cold.
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
Looks to me that Cathy is
Looks to me that Cathy is someone you don't want to cross as she can come up with some rather nifty "pay backs". PINK!!!!! Oh, my. What a laugher that is. J-Lynn
It's been said before...
but it bears repeating:
Don't piss off Lady Cameron!
Cathy's brain isn't switched on in the mornings...
...evidently mine has turned off by 10pm at night...
Could someone explain the decline joke?
All I can think of is a play on decline meaning both to refuse an offer (the intended context) and a downward slope (the opposite of incline - which I suppose could be related to "brush up" earlier in the sentence). Am I in the right ballpark?
As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!
You obviously didn't do Latin
You decline Latin verbs eg Amo, amas, amat etc. I love, thou lovest, he loves...
Declining .... Ah I remember it well ...
.... particularly ...
Amo, amas,
I met a lass
and she was tall and slender.
Amas, amat,
I laid her flat
and tickled her feminine gender.
One of the benefits of a classical education. Alas (alat?) They don't write them like that any more.
Limer Risky
There once was a man with a shaven pate
Who swore that he'd ne'er take a mate
On a monk's diet he'd batten
But he never took Latin
He simply declined to conjugate.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
Maybe we are…
…in our declining years.
And a Latin study group
Would obviously be mutual condeclension.
A tender heart is an asset to an editor: it helps us be ruthless in a tactful way.
--- The Chicago Manual of Style
Amamus carrus
But not I think too heavily trimmed pubes as they can get prickly. Sorry about "carrus" but the alternative would have be bicyclus which is ugly and the Romans didn't ride them except maybe in Monty Python
Rhona McCloud
Hit the iter Jack
Could this be why the popularity of Latin is declining ?
Latin is the base of all of our warm European languages, lots of vowels, not like another language.
It's been a long time, what color is Cathy's hair ?