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Dormice (aka Bike) Part 652 by Angharad |
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I decided that although there was little chance that Peaches would discover Trish’s little secret, I would put her in a room on her own anyway, because she and Trish would probably talk half the night if I didn’t.
The bedtime story would be told downstairs and after the three girls had changed ready for bed and teeth cleaned. I popped Peaches school dress in the machine and then into the tumble drier, so it would be ready for the morning.
Thankfully with six bedrooms, the house was large enough to take boarders, in fact Tom’s wife had played with the idea that they could do B&B when he retired; sadly it wasn’t to be.
I made up the bed in a guest room we only used normally for storage of clothes, it was somewhere to air things when it was damp outside. I’d obviously tidied it up, and was just finishing the bed making, when Simon came rushing up, “Your programme’s on in ten minutes,” he gasped.
“They said owing to technical difficulties they were postponing the scheduled Nature File or whatever they call it, and were showing a new film on dormice–there can’t be too many can there?”
“Oh shit! Tape it will you, I’ve got to get the kids to bed.”
“Let ‘em watch it first, then bed.”
“You think?”
“Okay,” I shrugged.
He turned and rushed back downstairs, just then the phone rang. “Hello?”
“Hi, Cathy, it’s Erin, your film’s on in ten minutes, they’ve had to reschedule it. I’m a bit angry as they had a nice build up to it featured, now all that’s gone.” I felt happier; it gave less time for the press to feature me as a bigger exhibit than my little furry friends. I knew there’d be fall out, but this way it could be better.
Erin rang off and I went down and switched on the video, Simon was still rounding up the girls. They came in and after drinks of milk, they settled down and my programme started.
I watched the first two minutes and felt incredibly embarrassed, and had to leave the room. How could they suggest I was the thinking man’s crumpet replacement for Sir David Attenborough? I was dreadful.
I busied myself with cleaning up the kitchen and ironing. I did Peaches dress, which had come up beautifully, as had Trish’s blouse and skirt. On the sixth of Simon’s shirts, I felt quite tired, and left the rest in the basket. I had done four of Tom’s as well and a dress of my own–well Simon didn’t wear them, did he?
I heard the music of the programme finish and Simon led the girls out with Tom bringing up the rear. “That was brilliant, babes, it really was.”
I shrugged, I mean he would say that wouldn’t he? “It was vewy good, Mummy, I wiked the bit with the dormice in their beds.”
“It was brill,” said Trish hugging my waist, “my Mummy’s been on the telly,” she sang and hugged me again. I wasn’t so sure it was such a good thing at all.
“I liked it lot’s, Auntie Cathy, the pictures were fab, and you looked very nice too.”
“Thank you, Peaches, you’re very kind. Now everyone, it’s bedtime, so chop chop; Trish, show Peaches her room, please. Meems, in the bathroom and clean your teeth.”
I wandered up the stairs behind the herd of wilde-kids, just in case there were any predatory dormice about. Well you can’t be too careful. Instead of reading them stories, I put a CD player on the landing in which I put a CD of Martin Jarvis reading a Just William story.
There was a bathroom next to Peaches bedroom and I left a small safety light on for her to be able to find it in the night if she needed, I also pointed out which was my bedroom, if she needed me.
I left her to put her own pyjamas on and then supervised her cleaning of teeth, and those of my two, who were already changed into their sleepwear. I tucked them all in and kissed them all goodnight. Then as I went downstairs I started the CD player and assured myself they could all hear it. They could.
Stella was making tea for everyone, “That film was very good, Cathy, you did great justice to Des’s photography.” She had tears in her eyes.
“Yes, Alan was good, but not as good as Des.” We hugged for a moment and she went back to pouring teas.
“Weel, lassie, that was every bit as guid as I expected it to be.” Tom hugged me, “I’m prood o’ ye.”
“Thanks, Daddy,” I kissed him on the cheek.
“Hey, I said it was good first, how come he gets a kiss and I don’t?” Simon complained.
“You’ll get your kiss later, if you're lucky,” I winked.
“Hmmm,” grumbled Simon, “if you’re not too tired.”
I shrugged, he could be right, I was yawning and it was only nine o’clock. Stella brought Puddin’ down for a feed and I ended up doing it, but it was a labour of love, and her bright eyes sparkled as I held her.
“Hello, darling,” I said to her and she gurgled. She took her bottle and I burped her, then changed her nappy. I’d managed to persuade Stella to use the environmentally friendly ones–the terry towelling ones, and had even bought her a dozen of the gold ones. They weren’t gold in colour, but in quality, being thicker than the silver ones.
I nodded off with her sleeping in my arms as we continued watching telly, ensconced in an armchair, and her holding one of my nipples in her fingers, through my bra and top. I woke when Stella lifted her off me and Puddin’ held onto my nipple, it tweaked and for a moment I thought it was Simon.
“Come on, Puddy, let’s get you off to bed,” she cooed at the sleeping infant. “Night everyone,” she called as she went up to bed.
“Okay, babes, let’s go on up,” Simon winked at me.
I yawned by way of reply, then got up and kissed Tom on the cheek and wished him goodnight. Simon took my hand and pulled me up the stairs. My little wash and change, plus tooth brushing took about ten minutes by which time Simon was lying in bed and tapping my side with an expectant grin on his face.
I felt very tired, but decided he’d been quite patient and almost useful–so I let him try to excite me. He did, and the inevitable happened, which we both enjoyed. Instead of becoming comatose as he usually does, he asked me if I’d spoken to Marguerite?
“Marguerite?” I said dabbing a tissue under me.
“Yes, your lady vicar.”
“Oh, that Marguerite?”
“Is there another?” he asked and I had to admit there wasn’t.
“No, I haven’t had time, and I doubt I will tomorrow morning.”
“Today, you mean, it’s nearly one.”
“Oh.” I sighed: here I was now fully awake when I should have been fast asleep, and with him asking about weddings and things, I was likely to stay that way for a bit. I loved him to bits, but at times I wondered why?
I went for a little wash to save soiling the bed and mused in the bathroom whether I should go for the early quick wedding and then a more formal blessing later, or do things just the once on a grander scale. I was pretty sure Marguerite would still marry us, even if we did it somewhere other than her church, although, my recollections of it were quite special. I needed to go and see her again and check it out, she could after all be very busy and fitting us in might be a problem.
I crawled back to bed, Simon was now asleep and I lay there thinking about how tired I would be the next morning as I watched the clock.

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See the Rev
Yes, Cathy needs to make time to go see Rev. Marguerite. Not only can she marry them, she likely has some words of wisdom for Cathy. An outsider's viewpoint would certainly be beneficial.
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
Fouteen more to go until lucky number ...
666, my favorite number as it ticks off the religious nutters.
John in Wauwatosa
P.S. Um, will this be like Monty Python's début at some weird hour of the night? A small amount of immediate response then in a blink of a eye, -- a few weeks tops - KABOOM!
I fear her anonymity is going going gone. Not sure about the girl's mom, maybe just hard working for her family and trapped in the lower echelons, or just maybe the girl is right and mom is a user. I sure hope not. With Cathy's luck, Mom will die in a traffic accident or a meteor will squash her flat and , can you say, daughter number 3?
John in Wauwatosa
I don't wish any bad on
Pea's mom but I do wonder if
a) Cathy gets another daughter somehow
b) Mom gets freaked out when she realizes that Cathy is not a genetic woman. (and I can see her getting a lecture from her little daughter about the quality of mothering "Aunt Cathy" exhibits!)
May well have been 616, as that's what's listed in some of the earliest manuscripts.
Episode 616 was Wodgerwing Dorwian, a prophetic name if ever there was one, and Cathy not only saved everyone, but brought final judgement upon a few of the evildoers. Dang! I missed the obvious implication! Cathy's not a mere saint, but rather an archangel or...
A tender heart is an asset to an editor: it helps us be ruthless in a tactful way.
--- The Chicago Manual of Style
Your evil
Me too. :D
Me, I Wonder What She'll Say
When she finds out just how many children that Cathy has.
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
Thinking man's crumpet.
The sad thing is that the thinking man's crumpet of my time is now an official spokesperson for the elderly. However, Joan Bakewell is still beautiful and still very bright and I still think she's lovely. I hasten to add she's also older than I am ... not much, but she is ... honest. I wonder if she was the first woman to earn that sobriquet? Cathy has big boots to fill. I'm sure she'll cope.
Perhaps it's a good idea that Cathy's film came out with little warning. It meant that there was no time for a build up that may have stressed things other than dormice. Looking forward to the reactions from our old(ish) friend Mrs Brown Cow and her calf.
I've seen myself on video a few times
and I never think it's as good as others do. Understand Cathy's response completely! Bet the kids are proud of her though and wonder if the program will be talked about at school tomorrow. Suspect with two bright kids having watched it, it will.
Loved the line... "I felt very tired, but decided he’d been quite patient and almost useful—so I let him try to excite me. He did, and the inevitable happened, which we both enjoyed. Instead of becoming comatose as he usually does, he asked me if I’d spoken to Marguerite?"
Wow - Simon's pushing her on the wedding. He'd better be careful. Put pressure on Cathy and she follows Newton's law - "opposite reaction." But seems like she's thinking about it seriously. I'll bet Marguerite will not have trouble fitting Cathy in.
it's daunting at times...
I used to do a "consulting witch" programme on late night TV, a part of Creature Features in my local area, and it's hard not to be extremely critical of one's appearance and (especially!) any nervous tics or mistakes. Then I did a show on Web programming, which was better, as I'd become blasé by then, and didn't give a damn what I looked like, and only nerds watched it, and everyone knows that real nerds never actually *watch* TV, they hear it over their shoulders as they madly type away. So, if they saw me, they weren't part of my demographic, and who cared what they thought?
A tender heart is an asset to an editor: it helps us be ruthless in a tactful way.
--- The Chicago Manual of Style
We used cloth diapers for three children
Did it with a diaper service that picked up the dirty ones and delivered clean ones. We hated the idea of filling the landfills with disposable diapers. Not sure if that's even an option anymore.
Two of one half a dozen of another
Diaper services are most environmentally friendly only if there are a lot of takers 'cause then you will have economy of scale and it takes less petro to pick up and deliver the stuff. It also takes energy and water to wash them, both becoming precious commodities these days.
True, you still have to dispose of a diaper and it takes energy to make a diaper and deliver the diaper but those are processes that have economy of scale backing them up.
It is a losing battle I am afraid.
Just William
Here's hoping that listening to the Just William stories, Does'nt give Cathys girls any ideas about emulating Violet Elizabeth Bott, Who if i remember correctly used to say "i'll thcream and thcream 'till i'm thick"... When she could'nt get her own way!
:-) The Plot, she thickens....
So, it's likely that Peaches' mom now knows who Cathy is (at least some)... Nice it's been on the telly now.
Simon encouraging Cathy to talk with Margurite IS a good sign... Many guys "run" from that, and just say "tell me when, and what to wear, and I'll show up"... It'd be nice to get things "fixed" now it's possible.
Thanks for more "fun".
Technical Difficulties
I wonder if the proposed episode of "Nature File" was being produced by BBC Southampton...
...and the assistant producer was Lorna...
(Yeah, I know I'm writing this a few months after the story, but I want to get into practice at writing comments before I catch up in a a few days' time, judging by the rate at which I'm ploughing through this!)
As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!
Digital electronics
There are 10 kinds of people in the world - those who understand binary and those who don't...
Then there is tri-state logic, those who don't care.
Digital Electronics
Not really digital, but then when a person is asked,
"What the two biggest problems that face the world today?"
And the answer is, "I don't know and I don't care!"
Ignorance and Apathy is the correct answer, which oftentimes leads to prejudice.
Don't let someone else talk you out of your dreams. How can we have dreams come true, if we have no dreams?
Katrina Gayle "Stormy" Storm
Cathy is a movie star,
The Binary system is easy, think of a light switch, on, off. you now understand binary. 1 - 0 -1 -0. Now, base 12, that's weird.
The quick showing, meant no build up, and no man into woman nonsense before hand.
'Thinking man's crumpet' That is an interesting moniker, can we now call her Cathy Crumpet, Or better yet, Lady Catherine Crumpet. Sounds like something from an Agatha Christie book, don't it ?
This looks worse then a penny farthing to ride.