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Dormice (aka Bike) Part 650 by Angharad |
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I was waiting for Trish at the school, and people were giving me funny looks. Then the Range Rover of Mrs Snotty-Git arrived with Petunia and they sneered at me, “Lady ha! Not even a bloody woman.” Then giggling they walked past me and I felt the tears start.
Trish came out and found me sitting in the car crying. She got in and it was obvious from her eyes that she had been crying too. “They said horrible things about you, Mummy, and they said I was probably queer too. What does that mean?”
I hugged her and we cried together–the nightmare had started. Oh yeah, I was in demand, the BBC were chasing Erin for me to do the programme on Harvest Mice, but it was destroying me socially and affecting my children.
Simon came in armed with a pile of tabloid newspapers, “They all like your programme and say you’re a natural, but they all pick up on the sex change, bloody vultures, still I suppose it’s giving MPs a rest.”
“How can you be so calm?” I said to him.
“Easy, it’s not real is it.”
“What do you mean, it’s not real?”
“Well it’s all a dream, isn’t it?”
“What?” I heard someone scream, and someone grabbed me.
“Cathy, what’s the matter?” It was Simon’s voice.
“You know what’s the matter,” I sobbed.
“How do I know, we were both asleep, it’s two in the morning.”
“What? we were talking about the tabloids outing me again after my dormouse programme.”
“Hold me please,” I sobbed and sniffed. He put his arm around me.
“You’re shaking, what’s the problem?” He pulled me into a hug and I cried on his shoulder and chest. “Hey, c’mon, nothing’s that bad, is it?”
“I shouldn’t have made that film, it’s going to lose us the kids.”
“When the tabloids and TV start making enquiries they’re going to discover the kids are only my foster kids, and will demand they re-home them.”
“Re-home them, they’re not bloody kittens,” said Simon, “besides, they’d be crossing a judge and they’re pretty powerful people.”
“What if they go to another judge who isn’t sympathetic?”
“We appeal. Hell, Dad’s beginning to see those girls as his grandchildren, so he’ll call up his legal team if necessary.”
“He’d be taking on the might of the Social Services and the county council.”
“I don’t think they’d really want to mix it with a bank, we could embarrass them quite a lot, as well as cause them to have loans called in and other little touches.”
“Isn’t that illegal?”
“Uh uh, immoral, but not illegal–think MPs allowances.”
“Couldn’t it all backfire on you?”
“No, we have enough friends in high places to do us favours if we need them.”
“I’m not sure I like where this is going, Simon.”
“Hopefully, it isn’t going far at all. One or two newspapers could find themselves in difficult places, if they do something to offend us.”
“You can influence the tabloids?”
“They all owe us money, they may find we want it back in a hurry, which could cause them to be destabilised financially.”
“That is immoral, Simon.”
“I’m not denying it, it’s a tough old world.”
“But they’d expose you for it, wouldn’t they and then you could get into problems.”
“I doubt it, besides we are solvent which is more than most newspaper owners. Isn’t it immoral, that having exposed you once, they do so again. It’s old news and you’ve done nothing wrong, it’s not like being a criminal or a paedo, is it?”
“No, of course not.”
“You’re not even gay, you’re a woman in a heterosexual relationship and we’re going to be married–that it’s quite a powerful family is pure coincidence.”
“Sometimes I think we should have got married as soon as I got that form through.”
“Speak to your friend Marguerite, see if she can do a quickie ceremony, we can always make it up to the others with a second one.”
“It would stop people calling me Lady Catherine by mistake.”
“Nah, if they call you Lord Catherine, that’s a mistake.”
I snorted, and had to wipe his arm, I did apologise. I also called him, “a silly bugger.” He cuddled me and I went to sleep again, this time with no horrible dreams.
I don’t for one minute believe that the BBC can show my film without there being some unfortunate feedback. Maybe if they were to put it on at three in the morning, they could avoid it, but prime viewing time–there has to be interest in this woman who counts dormice.
If necessary, we’ll go abroad for a few weeks, Simon has contacts in Menorca, I quite fancy going there, they have dormice–though not my darling Muscardinus–but the girls would enjoy it, I’m sure. I wonder what we’d need to do to get them passports?
I woke up when the girls squeezed into bed alongside us, I peeped at the clock, it was six; time for another hour’s sleep. So I did, and regretted it, I awoke with a head like a bucket and felt terribly sleepy and leaden limbed. Trish’s hair was clean enough so I just washed her and dressed her and gave her breakfast. While she was eating, I washed and dressed myself and Meems. We were both in jeans and tops, Trish grumbled about having to wear a skirt or dress to school.
“It goes with the territory, kiddo. You’re a girl, right?”
She nodded, and said, “You know I am, Mummy.”
“The school has a dress code, girls wear dresses or skirts. If you want to wear trousers, we’ll have to find a boy’s school.”
“No! I’ll wear the skirt.”
“Wiww I have to go to a boy’s schoow, Mummy?” said Mima.
“Not unless you can convince me you’re a boy and not a girl.”
“I’m not a boy, siwwy Mummy.”
“In which case, you’ll go to a girl’s school as well, and you’ll wear what they say you have to.”
“I wear a dwess, Mummy.”
“Yes I know, Meems, so will Trish, she’s just having a whinge.” Trish nodded.
It has always struck me as absurd that we fight for the right to wear skirts and be women, and as soon as we get it, we wear trousers. Oh well, it’s about choice I suppose or put another way, the freedom to choose.

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Life's contradictions
It has always struck me as absurd that we fight for the right to wear skirts and be women, and as soon as we get it, we wear trousers.
I really do like to see a pretty girl in a skirt, but jeans are so much more practical. And don't forget, women had to fight to be allowed to wear pants anyplace besides their backyards. When I was in high school, girls could only wear shorts or jeans in PE classes, the rest of the time skirts or dresses were mandatory.
They know they can survive
No kidding.
I worked at my last company for almost 7 years ( just got laid off by them FWIW ) and over that entire time I can count the number of times I had worn a skirt at work on the fingers of one hand. One time I came in the suit because I was going to a funeral service and everyone thought I was interviewing :).
Point is, whatever a woman wears ( no jock straps now ) AUTOMATICALLY become woman's clothing, with some pretty rare exceptions, in western society these days.
AH, well, back to the grindstone, nose
No, I'm not really complaining. but with part 650, it's time for me to compile another 50 parts together on TGLibrary.
The first 600 have been up in liumps of 50, but I alologize for the formatting problems that crept into part 401-450 & 451-500.
I've tried ot fix it, but TGLibrary isn't cooperation, and final s have had Erin tied up.
After she has a few days off, maybe we ( spelled 'she' ) can get it fixed.
I'll try to get the latest 50 parts posted this weekend, and then in a day or two Erin can link it up, or take the time to teach me.
It’s not given to anyone to have no regrets; only to decide, through the choices we make, which regrets we’ll have,
David Weber – In Fury Born
It's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice.
Wish there was something that
could raise Cathy's confidence to a point where she could relax a little about the film and her reputation. Considering some of the things she's done, she's a pretty extraordinary woman. I suspect that somehow the country will see that. And btw - call Marguerite, one marriage ceremony for real and a second for show isn't a bad idea at all, and it sure would liven up that castle... in a nice way this time.
Isn't Cathy's thought at the end just about anyone's right to be contrary now and then?
Bring on the wedding...
It might solve a lot of Cathy's problems and settle her doubts when she and Simon finally tie the knot.
Bike Resources
Something that always struck me as strange!
Something that always struck me as strange... When i was young, sweet, and innocent!!! Was girls being made to wear a tie as part of there school uniform...Thankfully, Its not very often that you see an adult women wearing that ridiculous piece of male apparel !!! Never could work out what use they served!
Fighting for the right...
Yeah - Freedom to choose. As things stand, the freedom "exists" only if a person is willing to live with the consequences. *sighs*
Nightmares do happen. As much as we might wish they wouldn't. Though, to the best of my knowledge, they're not black horses as depicted in Piers Anthony's land of Xanth... :-) And, one of those "night mares" aranged to no longer carry the bad dreams. LOL
Thanks for keeping this going. It makes me think at times, and also provides many hours of enjoyment. I hope new readers are not discouraged by the number of episodes... They'll miss out on quite a yarn.
I was definitely NOT!
Discouraged by the number of episodes, that is! In fact, it was Angharad herself who originally directed me to this site and this saga from Maddy Bell's site (well, via the GabyZone, actually)! I'd gotten hooked on some of her Gaby FanFic stories and wrote to thank her. In her reply, she told me about Top Shelf; and I'm ever so glad that she did.
I had been a regular reader of stories at Fictionmania until its demise last fall; and was hard pressed to find a suitable replacement until she directed me here. I not only found her delightful tale; but I discovered that several series which I'd begun reading at FM were either continuing or concluded here!
I was glad to see that today's episode, despite its somber beginning, was relatively mild and that Cathy was only having a nightmare. It's obvious that she still has emotional scars from her youth. She needs to have another session with her therapist before the documentary is aired so that she can have her confidence boosted. The rest of the world sees her only as the lovely young woman she has become; she needs to realize that herself, and her confidence would be that much stronger.
Being the "OLD" person I am,
Being the "OLD" person I am, I can remember when girls were allowed to wear pants under their skirts or dresses during winter, but ONLY until they got to school and then off with them. It almost seemed like you were going straight to Hell, if you even thought about wearing pants rather than skirts or dresses. What a blessed change in these days, altho I do see some outfits on various girls and women that make me wonder what it is they are trying to say. That said, no one, female or male should be required to wear a necktie. That has got to be one of the most stupid items of clothing ever invented or worn.
Now, now. Don't be bad mouthing such a unique piece of apparel. Ties have many fine uses. A good one can be safely used to clean your glasses without scratching the cheap lenses made today. A tie can also be used to clean a camera lens, or wipe off your cell phone screen so it can be read, or binocular eyepieces, or a rifle scope. A tie can also be used to clean that drip off your chin before your soup makes it's way to your nice shirt. Failing all else, you can use a tie to wipe your eyes when dust gets behind the lenses, or ( a particularly good use) you can use it to stop Post nasal drip from embarrassing yourself. See, you thought they were worthless.
Not only that
When worn by a physician, a tie can transfer bacteria and viruses from one sick person to another. Kind of a "Darwin" thing, survival of the fitest. If you hadn't got sick in the first place, you wouldn't have to see the doctor where you caught all manner of secondary infections, eh?
I tend to agree with Heinlein, ties are a statement to your neighbors that you are willing to be uncomfortable to conform. They serve no real purpose, other that to give a machine or a unfriendly person something to grab to draw you close.
Dresses, on the other hand, look comfortable. Since I am not Scottish I canna get by with wearing one.
Trish Is Being A Girl
Wait till she starts getting older and noticing boys.
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
Am I Too CRAZY? Boik 650
The last line in that chapter really struck me. I've been out approaching 6 years, and post op by nearly 2 years, and I still get pissed and petulant when I have to wear pants! So, what is wrong with me? Can it be that I am still quite angry about the years of skirt deprivation?
To me pants are hot and uncomfortable for my new winky oven. I can simply fluff my skirt and cool off. My skirts are waltz length and I even wear them on my Lady Trek 7100. Perhaps I am simply being a very delusional snob?
sneaky feeling
I'm a thinking that Newspaper guy (forgot their names) that Cathy saved his wife from drowning will be in her life big time to save the day, when her dormouse show hits air.
my FAV motto on what I wear is - I wear what is appropriate to whatever I'm doing (hopefully - giggles)
I live in Oregon, I go camping, dresses & camping dont mix
I garden (as USA variety), dresses & gardens dont mix
lots more things but one gets drift :-)
How did we get on Kilts, regemental or not ?
Gwen, remember the expression, 'what ever blows wind under your skirt' ? When ever possible, baggy cargo shorts are a must. Especially in the torrid area I live in, similar to yours ?
I have a friend that goes to Majorca, she says dormice are there. I think we have them in the northern parts of the US ( don't come here in winter, brrr)
The dormice in Majorca
are likely to be the Garden Dormouse not the hazel one.