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(aka Bike) Part 629 by Angharad |
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How I made it up the stairs to my bedroom, I’ll never know. My heart was breaking and I wanted to die. Simon was saying something behind me, but I was too upset to listen. It was over–the end of a dream. I still had the girls and Tom but it was Simon I fell in love with, and probably always will love. Sadly, I just don’t seem to be able to live with him.
I threw myself on the bed and cried myself to sleep. I awoke some time in the night–it was still dark, my eyes were sore and so was my throat. I had a headache to go with the rest of my symptoms and felt awful when I went to the loo.
I hadn’t even cleaned my teeth, so I did that, then undressing and throwing on a nightdress, I crawled back into bed and tossed and turned and cried some more.
The girls came in sometime later. “Where’s Daddy?” they asked.
“I don’t know,” I said and tried to go back to sleep. I felt like an old dish rag, completely washed out. They both got into bed with me, but they kept whispering to each other over me. “Look, either lie down and be quiet or go back to your own beds, I don’t feel very well.”
“Sowwee, Mummy,” said one voice.
“Soz, Mumsy-wumsy,” said another and they lay down with me. The peace and quiet didn’t last long. They began to fidget and when they heard noises downstairs they went off to investigate. It was Tom apparently, because he brought me up a cup of tea.
“Cathy, I’ve brought you some tea.”
“Thank you, Daddy.”
“Where’s Simon?”
“I don’t know.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yes, positive. I asked him to leave, where he went, I have no idea.”
“For whit did ye ask him tae go?”
“He was two timing me.”
“Whit? Are ye sure?”
“I think so. I confronted him last night and threw him out.”
“Did he confess then?”
“Not exactly, but near enough for me.”
“Ye can be awfu’ hasty, lassie.”
“Yeah, well, I gave him another chance last time he upset me. This was his last one and he blew it.”
“I see. Whit aboot the bairns, d’they hae nae say in things?”
“Why should they? It’s me who’s fostering them.”
“Aye, but they’re very attached to Simon, that’s all.”
“Okay, well bloody get Simon back and I’ll go. How’s that?” I threw the mug of tea into the fireplace where it shattered on the hearth. Then I pulled the clothes over my head and refused to speak with him.
I heard him clear up the mess. I was truly sorry for that, I really was, but I was too upset to say so. Why couldn’t he just have left me alone? That was all I wanted.
As soon as I heard him leave, I quickly washed and dressed and sneaked downstairs and out the door to my car. I drove off, not knowing where I was going or how to get there. I ended up on top of the Downs in a car park for a viewing point. I sat and cried for a while, then I got out and wrapping myself up tightly in my coat, I went for a walk.
I have no idea how long I was away, but when I got back some bastard had broken a window and nicked my spare wheel, along with my jack and toolkit. The boot was still open. I howled first with hopelessness, then with anger.
I drove home and called the police, then went on the internet and organised repairs and a new wheel and tools. It was going to cost me several hundred, so I called my insurance company and made a claim.
The girls were out with Tom and Kiki, where they’d gone and when, I had no idea, but my tummy began to rumble so I made some tea and a sandwich. I used up the last of the bread, so filled and switched on the breadmaker machine.
I checked my mobile: Henry had called–probably to sack me. After what had happened this morning, I was ready to tell the Queen herself, where to go. I’d be better off well away from the Camerons altogether.
“Hello, Henry, you asked me to call you back.”
“Yes m’dear, I did. I had Simon on the phone early this morning, did a chap out of his beauty sleep, ya know.”
“Is that it?” I asked feeling increasingly irritable.
“No, now I have no idea what went on between you two last night, but Simon is absolutely gutted.”
“I threw him out.”
“What, physically? With your bad shoulder–a might dangerous, in my opinion.”
“No, I asked him to leave and gave him his ring back.”
There was a snorting sound the other end and I had half a mind to put the receiver down. “Whatever for?”
“He was two timing me.”
“We are talking about Simon, here, aren’t we?”
“Of course, who else?”
“Well, quite honestly, I can’t see him two timing you if he wanted to.”
“Why not?” I demanded.
“Firstly, because he loves you to bits; secondly because he wouldn’t have the gumption and finally, because I’d kill him myself.”
“That would do a lot of good, wouldn’t it?”
“Mebbe, mebbe not. There is no way he was betraying you.”
“I heard the woman call him to dinner, called him ‘darling’, or ‘darling Simon’, I heard it on the phone.”
“Before he went to Russia?”
“Well, yes”–duh, these aristos were too thick to know how to breath and walk at the same time.
“Hmm, he did go to dinner with Lady Lancaster, before he went away; she has contacts in Russia.”
“It was another sort of contact she was after, I could tell from the tone of her voice.”
“She’s old enough to be his mother, and she calls everyone darling.”

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Soup, Again?
Cathy's in it.
Not soup...
Crow. Lots and lots of crow. Cathy seems to need a steady diet of it.
As for Simon, what'n heck is he thinking? Does he think that his volatile hunny is going to sit around and let him hem and haw? He needs to proclaim his innocence first, and say 'oh shit' later.
But failing that, he should have the cojones to stick around (sleep on the couch or in his sister's room) and protest his innocence after he wakes up -- with Tom's help.
I think that the world's biggest sonic boom is going to occur if those two ever decide to pull their heads out of their respective rectums at the same time.
Foot in Mouth Syndrome
It seems both Cathy and Simon fail to engage their brains before opening their mouths. This results in experiencing the very nasty flavor of toenails.
Auntie A. has done it again. Her ability to fool us is totally unrivaled.
Lady Lancaster?
I wasn't aware there was a Lady Lancaster, but there is a Duke of Lancaster, who happens, unusually, to be female and old enough to be Simon's grandmother. He certainly seems to be moving in high-flying circles.
You are an evil plotter, Ang, spinning it out like this, or is it Bonzi who is pulling your strings?
Yours, in an agony of suspense,
Hum, is a member of the aristocrasy TG?
If there isn’t a Lady Lancaster but there is a Duke, maybe he’s a cross-dresses, after all the leader of England is a raging queen,
Oh … that’s a reigning Queen. That’s different, very different, never mind.
John in Wauwatosa channeling Emily Litlella .
John in Wauwatosa
Did it again...
Jumped off the dead end without a lanyard. But why didn't Simon say who he was with in the first place? I guess we'll just have to wait and see...

Advantage Simon
In case no one else has been keeping count, the Hoof in Mouth Championship (UK) stands:
Cathy 137
Simon 136
The other players are non-starters.
Has anyone been keeping track of the "I'm sorry" count?
Is Henry
Capable of knocking some sense into the two? Get them to communicate?
OK, George, Then Why Did Your Son Say
Oh ****? Was he with that Lady? Or another?
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
Regarding Cathy's behavior
Regarding Cathy's behavior followed by Simon, I will just paraphrase a certain TV personality "DOH!!!" as it seems to say it all. J-Lynn
No solid proof at this point
... that Simon was with Mrs Robin .. err Lady Lancaster when he made that call. If Simon was that innocent then he should have protested more vociferously when Cathy made that accusation and named Lady Lancaster as the lady in question, unless he is trying to protect Lancaster for some reason ?
I for one am still in the dark as to Simon's innocence. What I do know is that Simon was being a totally insensitive jerk with regard to what Cathy went through. He did not rush in and say 'Thank God you are all right' or some such, instead all he could focus on was the fact Cathy acted violently to protect herself and the children. WTF ?
All I can say is that the Camerons are keeping too many secrets from Cathy - kinda like the way Italian Mobsters in the US try to avoid involving their families in their activities. Cathy needs to be fully cognizant of any affairs that may jeopardize her and her children before committing any further. Simon can stew for all I care at this point. I hope Cathy asks some more pointed questions before accepting another round of Cameron obfuscations.
Some times...
it's easier not knowing. What you don't know can't be tortured out of you. Also, if you are ignorant of your family's less-than-legal activities, you aren't an accomplice.
... as you can tell she is already involved one way or another. Simon doesn't have the brains or the bottle to run the Cameron Empire so Cathy will wind up in the deep end anyway. But, keep in mind that if she is involved, she might be able to steer said empire away from the unsavory stuff.
Whoops cathy!!!!!!!!! jumped the gun again,this off on relationship is just what the social services will lap up
Let the man have his say, then decide. She is not much of a scientist.
Henry kick your son in the jewels, and make him appologise
Now why didn't the stupid sot say so. Instead he kept yanking Cathy's chain about being a cold killer. He's too thick to be around other people !!!