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(aka Bike) Part 614 by Angharad |
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“Are you alright?” asked a chap who’d drawn up beside us and helped us pick the bikes up.
The girls were howling and holding on to me. “I think so, although my shoulder hurts, I broke my collar bone a month or so ago and I don’t think this has helped it.”
“It’s a miracle you weren’t hurt, what was that bloke thinking about?”
“Murder, I think.”
“What? You think he meant it?”
“As it’s the second time in as many days, yes.”
“You must call the police, here, use my phone.” He handed me his mobile.
I dialled 999. “Hello, yes, police please. Thank you.” I was connected by the emergency operator. “Hello, my name is Cathy Watts, my address is…” Someone was obviously taking all this down at the other end, presumably on a computer screen. “What happened? Some one just tried to kill us in a car as we were cycling. No it wasn’t an accident, someone tried to run me down in Morrison’s car park yesterday. Yes, that Cathy Watts. Okay, we’ll wait for them to get here. No, I didn’t see the car too clearly, hang on I have a witness.”
I passed the phone back to it’s owner. “Well, I sort of saw it, it was one of those huge land cruiser things, silver in colour, no, I didn’t see the number. When? About five minutes ago. Yes towards Gosport. My name, John Dearlove, no, I live in Winchester. Okay, I’ll wait with them.” He switched off his mobile. “The boys in blue are on their way. Sadly, they’ll be too late.”
“What?” I gasped, and while we all looked at him, he pulled out a gun from under his jacket and went to switch off the safety. I pushed the girls to the floor and aimed a kick at him, catching him in the chest. The gun went sort of ‘phutt’ and slug ricocheted off the pavement as he staggered backwards straight in front of a passing truck.
I gasped as his body was whipped into the air and then under the wheels as the driver of the unfortunate truck struggled to control it. I ran to get the girls and face them away from the accident. There was blood everywhere. Moments later the sound of sirens filled the air.
The police called for reinforcements and Inspector Dodd was sent for. When the coppers attending realised we only lived down the road, they let me take the girls home rather than look at the gruesome picture of minced assassin.
A young copper walked me home, while another calmed down the lorry driver, who was having forty fits of hysterics. Compared to him, the girls were doing very well–mind you, I think he was French, which explained a few things.
The road was closed within minutes and police were crawling about like flies. I sat weeping in the dining room while Tom made tea for us, a woman PC was looking after the girls in the lounge.
After drinking the tea, I felt sick, so I rushed into the cloakroom and voided my stomach. So far so bad. Inspector Dodd arrived and with her was a plain clothes man, who it transpired was a detective superintendent.
I repeated my story for the umpteenth time. The DS asked why the man hadn’t just shot us? “I don’t know, unless he wanted to make sure it was me.”
“But to allow you to call us, that’s bizarre.”
“I appreciate that, Superintendent, but perhaps he needed to hear me speak about the incident yesterday at the supermarket.”
“Could be, this is a professional hit squad, who have you pissed off enough to involve organised crime?”
“No one as far as I know, I’m a biologist turned foster mum, I’m not a criminal. I don’t do drugs, I hardly even drink. Could this be about the bank?”
“Which bank, Miss Watts?”
“High Street Bank, my future father in law is the chairman and majority shareholder, and my fiancé works there too.”
“You’re marrying into the Camerons?”
“Yes, why?”
“Nothing, my dear, okay Irene, get someone to speak with the bank, see if anything is happening.”
“Shouldn’t we warn Henry and Simon, if someone is after me, what’s to stop them going after them?”
“Do you have numbers for them?”
“Um, no, they’re on my mobile, I never think about the numbers, press one for Simon and three for Henry.” He took my phone and went off into the hallway to make the calls.
“Can’t get hold of Simon, Henry is taking precautions. Right, I want you and your dad to pack enough clothes and toiletries for a fortnight, for you and the children.”
“We’re moving you to a safe house.”
“But my daughter starts school in just over a week.”
“If you tell us where we’ll speak to them.”
“That’s not the point, it’s her first school.” I burst into tears and felt a combination of hopelessness and anger. “Who’s the bastard who wants to kill me, and why? I haven’t done anything and my kids are innocents, why harm them?”
“It’s alright, Miss Watts, these scum bags don’t care about anything but their own ends, but rest assured, we’ll get ‘em.”
“Where are you taking us?”
“Somewhere safe and defendable.”
“I’ll go and pack. I don’t suppose I’ll need any bike gear?”
“I don’t think so.”
I ran upstairs and packed three huge suitcases and a sports bag, inside which I packed a large knife and my arrows. The bow went into the largest case along with armfuls of my clothing. I packed the girls a case each and grabbed shampoos and toothpaste, antiperspirant and perfumes. I threw in shoes and couple of towels, plus my oestrogen pills.
Two burly coppers carried the cases down as I helped Tom pack his case. He was in a daze and kept repeating to himself, “It’s a sair fecht.” I grabbed Kiki’s lead, her dish and her bean bag. We packed a shopping bag full of toys for each of the girls and my laptop.
Finally, we were loaded into a minibus, Tom cuddling Trish, while I held Meems. They were both upset, mind you so was Tom, and I was hardly happy. Kiki sat on the floor, and an armed copper climbed in with the driver. We were escorted by a police car fore and aft, a big BMW and Range Rover.
At a pre-arranged place we switched cars, getting into a dark Mercedes and it roared off into the night while the convoy went on another route, behind us was silver BMW, which contained our guards, two heavily armed police.
We headed north I think, then I dunno, I lost it and fell asleep with Meems cuddled into me and also asleep. I’d seen that Tom and Trish were similarly occupied before I nodded off.
I woke when the car seemed to stop. “Where are we?” I asked sleepily.
“A safe house, and a long way from Portsmouth.”
“Yeah, but where?”
“You’ll find out in the morning.”

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Who dood it?
My, Cathy has upset somebody. Or maybe several somebodies, the hit & run people may be a different group from the shooter. After all, it's kinda hard to make a shooting look accidental.
And I'm thinking it may not be a bank hostile takeover bid. If it were, Cathy and the kids would be of more use as hostages.
Hmmm, maybe Stella is really pissed off at Cathy? ;-)
They know they can survive
I Know Who's After Cathy!
It's Angharad's cat Bonzi! He wants Cathy's pet dormouse, Spike! :-)
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
Stanman you in troublllllllllle. either Bonzi gonna get you or Angharad gonna for blowin' bonzi's cover
it's the woman who was with Simon when Cathy talked with him. She's after the title and the cash. Mwahahaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Bright Blessings
enough hints!
aren't we forgetting Cathy's run in with the Russian Mafia? they're not exacty the sort to forgive and forget. An Ang has given us a big clue with the mention of the bow an arrows she defended herself with in the last assault by them...
Don't forget
Angharad has this habit of not writing what we guess she's going to.
They know they can survive
Trisha won't forget this birthday.
Hopefully Simon is ok and not two timing Cathy. Guess we'll find out eventually. Angharad, you are painfully clever at extending the uncertainty.
>> mind you, I think he was French
Next she'll be on about the Americans again...
A tender heart is an asset to an editor: it helps us be ruthless in a tactful way.
--- The Chicago Manual of Style
What about Meems's mum?
I seem to remember she was involved with some unsavoury characters. Could that part of the story come back to haunt them? The plot thickens.
Foul Fliss, the Psycho Pshrink…
…has our vote,
Hilary and ’er upstairs asleep (I hope!)
I'm worried about the coppers who took the family werever
Who's to say they aren't in on it, and it isn't the real coppers that they went with. Why else would they not tell her were they are. It is no big secret to them. This has me worried. The russian Mafia has spies everywhere and I'm sure they infiltrated this police department. They may have intercepted the 999 phone call, and it didn't go to the real police department. They made it look official, but really it is all a show, with fake police.
They all may be in grave danger. I bet they are going to hold them for Ransom to get to the bank.
This is getting deep and crazy.
I guess we will have to wait. Who was it that got killed in the car at the parking lot. Why can they not identify that person? They should have that info by now.
I don't think they are in a safe house, something big is a foot.
Nice going Angharad, this got my heart started again. I hope I survive this story.
those where my thoughts too
I was wondering if I'm the only one who thinks along those lines, but it seems not. That makes me only fear more for Cathy and her family.
Friendship is like glass,
once broken it can be mented,
but there will always be a crack.
Police Are Legit
Inspector Dodd was present. She was first introduced when she accompanied PC Bond in Pt 610. Of course that doesn't mean there aren't some bad ones.
Goodness! When It Rains, It Pours
When it rains, it pours. This whole episode just adds another layer to Cathy's stress level. I wonder where Simon is? The biggest question I have is Stella and Puddin? Who is going to protect them at the hospital and provide Puddin's blue treatment?
Angharad, Cathy's story as
Angharad, Cathy's story as more twists and turns than a corkscrew, but what a ride! I just hope she has not placed herself, Tom, the girls and Kiki in complete trouble with this group of "coppers". Guess we all with just have to wait for the next thrilling chapter of "Cathy-Amazon Queen", who works under her Native American name "She who uses a Bow". :) J-Lynn
WOW, Here we go again
That's all I'll Say! Richard
possible suspects
1)mad eye doctor fliss
2)the nature guy she will be competing with on the bbc
3)nicole cook - british cycling champion
4)The british royal family
5)KIA for not supplying them with dormouse's for their commercials
6)All the terrorist in the southern hemisphere that meem's parent's ticked off
7)Trish's original parents
Jenna From FL
TopShelf BigCloset
It is a long road ahead but I will finally become who I should be.
Of course.That's were they're at.
Usually When I go past this wonderful town I think it is the gateway to nowhere as civilisation seems to vanish. So there is no hope at all that anyone will find them there.They can vanish into the Somerset/Cornish countryside nothing can happen to them there. They are as safe as safe can be.
Two and two makes twenty-three?
Hmmmm, Dorchester—home of Meadows and Bonzi. And Meadows drives a land cruiser thingy. Whatever next? Maybe we have a crossover here and Meadows has spread his anti-bike crusade to the Portsmouth area. Must be Totally Insane.
Confused of somewhere in England.
Might be...
... the anti cliffhanger brigade. Nasty short-tempered bunch with attention span 'issues'.
Just as an aside there's a History of India thing running here Sunday nights, the last ep was about the silk road and the spice trade form the Kerala western Indian area, a few hundred AD. The host quoted a couple of recipes from a Roman book, whole stuffed flamingo and pickled (or was that marinated?) dormouse. Such gourmands those Romans. Curried Dormouse anyone?
Clearly Cathy Is Not a Soft Touch
... so I suspect there will be an escalation above and beyond the already extremely murderous and violent attempts. Whoever is after them has a lot of information about them to be able to track them to the supermarket and their home.
To protect herself and her family she will need to call in any friends and allies to give her a hand. She should not be standing alone as she is now facing a most powerful enemy.
Night Vision Goggles?
Ah, but did Cathy remember her night vision googles? If not Cathy, who is going to protect the officer's watching her?
Michelle B
I am totally clueless at this point.
Reminds me of the other half of the saying.
Your enemies will pick themselves.
Blenchley Park !
Spelled that wrong. Ok the DS knows more then he'll admit. Cathy's packing for trouble, sharp knife, arrows, compound bow, Bren gun, missile launcher, check. If she had them she'd pack them. Henry might help with the Bren though.
Cathy is ready for anything, she makes a bear with cubs look wishy-washy.