The Wolf, The Owl, And The Cheshire Part 8

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“Jack, look out!” Nick throws the survival knife she had in her hand and throws it into the guy’s back.

Jack scrambles out of the way, as the guy falls forward towards her. There was a gash on the side of Jack’s right leg where she had been slashed by one of their attackers. Just as Jack moved, a guy managed to get close to her.

“Where do you think you’re going, bitch.”

Jack gets kicked in her side by the guy. She feels several of her ribs crack from the kick. She grits her teeth rolls out of the way and springs up. She turns around and delivers a roundhouse kick to the guy.

Jack followed up with a punch to the guy’s throat, as hard as she could. She feels a sharp burning sensation to her arm, as it goes numb. She turns around and spots the person who just shot at her.

Jack spots a gun lying on the ground nearby. She dives for the gun and shoots a guy coming towards her. The blood from the guy splatters on her.

There is a loud explosion nearby as drones fly by and start dropping hand grenades near her, Nick, and Cheshire. Nick aims for the drones and starts firing at them.

“I’m getting tired of this.” Nick shoots another drone.

Just as he says that more drones show up. They start dropping more grenades.

“Take cover!” Nick dives towards some trees.

Just as Nick, Cheshire, and Jack find cover. The air around them becomes heavy and a portal opens up. Nick spots Samson emerging from the portal and heading straight for the drones. Behind Samson, was Shere Khan, and just as the portal was closing was Chaos.

Shere Khan and Chaos start heading for the men still standing. There are screams as Shere Khan and Chaos attack them.

“How did they get here?” Cheshire watches Shere Khan and Chaos go to town on the men still attacking them.

Nick looks up into the sky and watches Samson take on the drones. A smile appears on his face as he watches his huge owl tear the drones up.
Jack had spotted the portal and a smile appeared on his face. He figures Rae must have been able to find him and Cheshire. He watches as Chaos takes down three more men.

“How did our pets find us?” Cheshire wonders how Chaos, Shere Khan, and she guesses the huge owl fighting the drones belonged to Jack’s buddy, Nick.

“Rae must have sent them.” Jack knew his newest daughter specialized in magic and could use it to find them.

“How come she didn’t come herself?” Nick was curious.

“I don’t know, but she did manage to send us some help.” Jack wonders if Chaos will recognize him.

After the three animals take down the attackers, they turn their attention back to the three humans. Chaos looks at Jack and a low growl builds in his throat as his lips move back.

“Sàil!” Jack looks at Chaos with the same commanding authority.

Chaos stops and looks at the woman standing in front of him. He approaches her slowly and when he gets closer to her, he sniffs her. He looks into her eyes and familiarly feels her stroke him.

Jack strokes Chaos like he has always had. He knew it would cause Chaos to know it was him.

“It’s me, boy.” Jack keeps petting Chaos.

Nick whistles a tune, only he knows to grab Samson’s attention. He watches as Samson comes flying down to him. He holds his arm out for the huge owl to land on.

Cheshire whistles at Shere Khan. The huge liger comes walking over to her and butts his head against her chest.

“I’m happy to see you too, Khan.” Cheshire scratches Shere Khan between his ears.

“Do you think your daughter can undo what Sataria did to us?” Nick looks towards Jack as she holds Samson.

“If she was here yes, I do. Her magic is different and her sword might be able to kill Sataria.” Jack knew Rae performed magic that no one had seen before.

“I wonder why she didn’t come herself? Or send anyone else.” Cheshire was curious.

“I don’t know.” Jack wonders what is going on with his children.

Back On Jack’s Ranch:
All hell had broken out on Jack’s property. A group of men dressed in black tactical gear appeared out of thin air and started attacking the main house and the farm hands. The wolves on the ranch had gathered and started going after the intruders. The ranch hands had grabbed weapons from the barn and silo. All the children and grandchildren were put in the safe rooms at Julia’s, Gina’s, and the main house.

The housekeepers at Gina’s and Julia’s houses were protecting the kids. Selina was at the main house, protecting the twins and Rae’s daughter. All hell was breaking loose and everyone was doing everything they could to protect everyone. Even Tizzy and her family had shown up. Her children were at Gina’s house being protected by Gina’s housekeeper and Arnold.

Rae and her husband were using magic and when Julia suggested she backtracked where these men came from. Rae and her husband combined their magic and managed to locate where the men came from. They were also surprised when they locked onto the location of Jack and Cheshire.

Nick’s son had come to the ranch to help find his father and brought Samson with him. It was like the bird knew Nick was in trouble. As soon as the portal opened, Shere Khan, Chaos, and Samson went towards it and entered it.

Rae and her husband tried to keep the portal open. But because of how weak the mystical energies were at Jack’s ranch, they couldn’t keep it open.

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Things are looking up

Samantha Heart's picture

For out trio of heros the calvary has arrived at least some of it. They at least some help.

Love Samantha Renée Heart.