Orientation Day
Author's note: this is not a resolution story, just a bit of nonsense that came to me this morning
A group of twenty boys, all about fourteen years of age, shuffle their way into an auditorium in a school, a school they will be attending for the next four years of their lives.
A woman enters onto the stage, and comes to a podium, and begins to speak.
“Good morning. My name is Clara, and I am the headmistress of this school. After a few unfortunate incidents, it has become policy for us to have this orientation, because it seems that some parents have either gotten the wrong idea about us, or they have given the wrong impression to you, our prospective students.
So let me point out the school policy book that was given to you as you entered today, and make very clear the first portion, so there will be no confusion going forward.
What we do here is NOT ‘forced feminization’. The very idea of using dressing in women’s clothes as a punishment is abhorrent to us, as is the idea of trying to make boys dress up against their will.
To us, such a thing would be just as bad as forcing a boy who wishes to dress up or even become a girl to deny that desire and ‘man up’.
What we do here is give boys the freedom to explore their feminine side in a place of safety, with no judgement.
It may be that some of you discover you were always a girl inside, and in that case we have licensed psychologists on staff to walk you through the positives and negatives of a transition.
But most of you will not wish to go so far, and there will be NO pressure on you to do so.
Regardless of your eventual status, we hope you will find dressing up a joy and a pleasure you can try without pressure, but with encouragement.
If you have any questions or concerns, please bring them to me or any of the teachers. We take very seriously the mental health of our students, and will do our very best to help you however you may need it
Lastly, if you find the idea of being feminine completely against your nature, please tell us. As I have said, we are not here to cause harm to your well being, and will help you make other arrangements if needed.
Thank you for listening to me, and you are dismissed to go to your first classes.
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So the day after orientation day
is when they start to explore gender orientation?
Nice nonsense.
thanks, Bru !
High praise, coming from you!
Oh my goodness
I see a novella in that story. Something told in first person of a student who finds himself in that orientation.
If you're not going to write it, may I have a shot at it?
Great set up, I like it a lot.
Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin ein femininer Mann
go ahead, hon
I have a half dozen or more unfinished stories I should be working on, so have fun with the idea!
I'll copy and paste it into my word processor so I'll have it for reference. Don't hold your breath for it to show up. You're not the only one to have things you should be working on. At any given time, I have 6 to 12 pieces of unfinished stories. The one my muse is interested in is the one that gets work one.
Since this idea is fresh, it'll at least get a couple of K words. At any rate, I'll want to quote the speech verbatim. But that's all I'll need beyond the idea.
When I get it done, I'll PM you the finished product. I'll give you the right to disallow this permission if I'm not faithful to the spirit of your work.
All I need to work out now is the name of the school and a title that works.
Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin ein femininer Mann
tutum spatium scholae
that's Latin for "safe space school"
just a suggestion.
have fun, and have a huggle!
Orientation, bumped up please.
I like that this story takes a positive approach to feminization. Not only for those wanting to transition but those who might not understand how strong their desire is. Having been subjected to male orientation, I spent over a decade or two, with on-again, off-again struggles with my identity. Even in writing, I have trouble explaining this part of identity and their struggles.
Hugs, Jessie C
Jessica E. Connors
Jessica Connors
I prefer the idea of a positive approach to feminization
making being feminine a "punishment" just doesn't seem right to me anymore.
An interesting concept……
But one that would require either parents who are totally understanding and supportive of their child’s desire to cross-dress, or possible feelings of gender dysphoria, or parents that are in fact trying to use the school as punishment through petticoating or forced feminization.
In a way, this reminds me of The Scholarship by Julie O.
D. Eden
Dum Vivimus, Vivamus
thanks for the link, Dallas!
Julie is an amazing author, though, me, I'm just a duffer.
I Imagine
... some students being caught by surprise, looking around, and thinking, "What the hay?"
-- Daphne Xu
that would be rather awkward
"gee, I thought I signed up for Manly Man U!"
I used to joke
That I missed orientation at my new job, and have been disoriented ever since. Liked the story
aww, huggles, hon
glad you liked the story!
Orientation Day
A fragment, but a promising one.
thanks very much!
If my muse agrees, I wouldn't mind expanding this
Now, why couldn't I have gone to a school like that?
I would never have gone back to wearing men's clothes, of course! lol
hey, me either!
huggles, and thanks for the comment, Mona!
Yeah . . . What a wonderful world!
Thanks, Dot. It’s be a niche market for sure — but an enthusiastic one!
— Emma
those who like it, like it a lot!
sounds like that would make a good commercial for the place !
Next day...
They blindfold you and spin you around before releasing you into the dark. It's Disorientation Day.
eek !
that would be no fun, at least for me!
Orientation, like the story
I am not speaking for myself, but I hope one or more writers might continue the story.
Jessie C
Jessica E. Connors
Jessica Connors
Patricia said she's going to give it a shot
and who knows, my muse may bless me with more in this universe
Orientation, like the story
I am not speaking for myself, but I hope one or more writers might continue the story.
Jessie C
Jessica E. Connors
Jessica Connors
Why not have girls too, then
Why not have girls too, then there will be people with more experience with what you are trying out ?
Maybe then they could join Karen Pages' SPA schools ?
having girls at the school
be more interesting if the girls were interested in going the other way and becoming masculine!