Castle The Series - 0036 Selena, Grace, Raquel

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Word Usage Key is at the end. The brackets after a character eg CLAIRE (4nc) indicates Claire is a character who is 4 years old. nc indicates new character not encountered before.

29th of Towin Day 2

Sætwæn had arrived at the healers’ in plenty of time to take Selena to dinner in the Greathall. He met her outside the small refectory and greeted her saying, “You look even prettier in that gown.”

She demurred though she thought so too. The gown she had been given by the seamstresses was an attractive one, and she thought it particularly suitable for her figure and colouring. She hadn’t expected him to be so early, and she telt him, “I intended to nurse Borage before going to the dinner.” She wished to attract Sætwæn, and sending him away whilst she nursed Borage wasn’t the best way to do it, but she didn’t wish him to feel he was being pursued. She thought hard, trying to decide what was acceptable in terms of this new society she found herself in. She decided to explain herself and take a chance, “I don’t know how things work here, or exactly what is and what is not acceptable, so please don’t think ill of me if what I ask is not proper. I ask because of what you said when we first met. Would you like to talk to me whilst I nurse Borage?”

Sætwæn smiled and said, “I understand your difficulty and limitet(1) familiarity with our customs. It is only fair, in view of the honour you have done me by asking, to explain what the implications would be had you been folkbirtht.(2) We bethink(3) us naught of a woman nursing a babe any where a babe needs to be nurst.(4) It is regardet(5) as a normal and necessary thing, and is considert(6) part of the education of the young, particularly of girls. Men are movt(7) by the sight of any woman nursing, but it is considert to be indicative of a special level of intimacy, usually between a mother and her man or her intendet,(8) for a woman to ask a man if he would like to watch her nurse her babe.”

Selena blushed bright red at this, and mortified she said, “I didn’t know. It was just you said you thought it a wonderful thing earlier.”

Sætwæn reached to hold both her hands and said, “It is a wonderful thing, and you have naught to be worryt(9) over. You did me a great honour by asking.” Letting go of one of her hands he stroked her hair and said, “I should be even more honourt(10) if, knowing what you now know, you would ask me again. I haven’t stopt(11) thinking of you since we partet,(12) and I was going to ask you later in the eve if you would take me as your man, but somehow it seems more appropriate to so do now.”

Selena, who had been thinking of Sætwæn since they parted, mostly of how she could become better acquainted with him, realised Castle had given her the opportunity for a new life with a child and a husband, whom admittedly she barely knew, but whom she was interested in. She thought there may be considerable competition for men when the more than a hundred women who had arrived with her started looking for them. All things considered she felt it was sensible to marry Sætwæn. Selena smiled at Sætwæn and asked, “Would you like to watch me nurse Borage before we go to the dinner? Because I should like you to.”

Sætwæn replied, “Yes, I should. I telt you it is an honour and a privilege.” He taekt(13) both her hands in his again and asked, “Will you to have agreement with me, Selena?”

Selena leant forward a little to kiss him, and after the kiss replied, “Yes, I do, and I understand that means we are now married doesn’t it?”


“I should still like to go to the dinner and dance, Sætwæn, but I don’t want to stop to the end. I think I should like an early night.”

Sætwæn smiled and said, “I bethink me that would be a most appropriate way to spend the rest of the eve.”

Selena held her hand out and said, “Borage is in my chamber with Tabby watching him. I’ll nurse him, and then we’ll go for dinner.”

The rest of the eve progressed as Selena had suggested, and whilst they danced Borage was entertained by those not dancing. They left early and returned to Selena’s chamber because there was nowhere for Borage to sleep at Sætwæn’s chamber and they were going to sort out accommodation nextday.(14) After settling Borage, they went to bed, and spent the rest of the eve and a good portion of the night making love and discussing their future life. They decided they wished more children, but Selena wished to have them herself, not adopt. She also decided she would like to join the weavers as a lærer.(15)





29th of Towin Day 2

That eve at the dinner dance Grace had been introduced to Gatekeeper who was to take her into dinner. He was, he telt(16) her, twenty-eight and a member of the Master at arms staff. He had four children between the ages of ten and two and had lost his wife and a child to the fevers last year. Gatekeeper was a solidly built man who was slighter taller than average with dark brunet hair and brown eyes. He had a lively sense of humour, and Grace was interested to the point of marriage before they had finished eating. Her only worry was of her inability to conceive. She was not prepared to enter a relationship with that unaired, and after dinner whilst the kitcheners(17) reorganised the hall so the dancing could begin, she explained the situation to Gatekeeper over a glass, fruit juice for her and wine for him.

Gatekeeper asked, “Does this worry you, Grace?”

She had replied, “Yes, it does because I am hoping it is not going to make a difference to you. I like you and if you ask me to marry you I intend to say yes, but I won’t try to deceive you about the chances of me having any children.”

Gatekeeper taekt her hand and kissed it and said, “I am asking you to marry me, and I am hoping you will say yes.”

Grace kissed his hand with hers still in it and said,“Yes.”

Gatekeeper telt her, “I don’t especially wish for more children, but if it happens you conceive I shall be happy for both of us. If it happens we shall have to take great care you don’t do aught that may decrease our chances of a happy outcome. I know the loss of a babe is a terrible thing for a woman, but let us not bring grief to ourselfs(18) unnecessarily by considering things that may not happen.”

Grace, who was happy she now had a husband and the family she wished, was even happier with Gatekeeper’s understanding. They danced till half to midnight when they decided they had had enough, and Gatekeeper taekt his wife home explaining, “We shall be on our own thiseve,(19) the children are with my brother and his wife, which gives us the opportunity for you to see the chambers before we retire to bed.”

He said the last with a smile and Grace smiled back saying, “We don’t have to look at the chambers if you don’t wish me to. I quite like the sound of retiring to bed.”

Gatekeeper laught, kissed her and said, “We’ll look at the chambers in the forenoon then.”





29th of Towin Day 2

Mint and a couple of other young women escorted Raquel to the Greathall in plenty of time for dinner, where she saw Thistle spaeking(20) with Celandine. Even wearing more formal clothes there was no disguising the powerful build he had.
“Here she is,” Celandine said, as she moved to greet Raquel. She taekt Raquel by the hand and telt her, “Thistle would like to take you in to dinner, my dear. My sorrow if I were presumptuous, but I telt him I was sure you would accept.” Raquel nodded and stammered her acquiescence.

Thistle escorted her to a table for two and asked, “Would you like me to bring you a drink? Wine or fruit juice may hap?”

“Ju—juice, please,” she answered.

He went for two fruit juices, and when he sat down admitted, “It’s all I drink. I don’t consider alcohol mixes safely with hot steel early in the following forenoon.” When they were asked what they wished to eat, Thistle said he would have the venison steak with rowan-berry sauce and meatcakes,(21) mixt fungi and roast waxroots,(22) and asked the kitchener what else was available. Whilst the man was reciting the list Thistle kept a close eye on Raquel’s face. She knew he was doing it and was grateful.

She nodded to him when the man said, “Flatfish with tart wild apple sauce, samphire(23) and seagreen.”(24)

Thistle asked her, “Would you like the flatfish, Raquel?” She smiled and nodded again. Thistle said to the man, “Raquel would like the flatfish please.”

The man went away, and Raquel asked, “Sa—sa—sa—samphire? Su—su—su—sea gruh—gruh green?”

“Samphire is a vegetable that grows on the coast collectet by the foragers,” explained Thistle, “It’s usually servt(25) with fish, lightly steamt(26) so it is still a bit crisp, and it can be a little salty. Seagreen is a thin, delicately flavourt,(27) riband looking plant that grows in the sea, there are red varieties of it too.” She nodded her understanding, and Thistle asked her, “I am quite happy to wait for you to say what you will to say, and I am equally happy to suggest things for you to agree or disagree with, but I don’t wish to be presumptuous. What I really wish to know is what do you will me to do?”

Raquel looked at him and said, “Yu—yu—you se—se—say.”

She waited, and Thistle asked, “Are you telling, me you will me to say things for you to agree with or no?”


They enjoyed the crudités with the green hotroot(28) sauce starter which had been a novelty to Raquel, and when their main course arrived they ate in companionable silence. Raquel thought the fish tasted wonderful, and she enjoyed the surprise of the salty, crisp samphire and the delicate flavoured but firm textured seagreen, both complemented by the sharpth(29) of the unsweetened, red, wild apple. When they had finished and were asked what would they like for pudding, Thistle telt her what was available, and she indicated she would like dessert fruit rather than a pudding. He chose cheese. Raquel on seeing his selection of cheese asked if she could try some, and they shared both fruit and cheese with the mixt(30) nuts Thistle had asked a kitchener for. Raquel particularly enjoyed the knarlenut(31) which she explained was a taste she had never experienced before. After dinner, they sat at a side table and listened to the musicians tuning up.

Thistle taekt hold of Raquel’s hand and asked, “I know you are seeking a husband and wish for children. May I tell you of me in the hope I may be that husband?” Raquel nodded, she had had a similar thought when sharing the dessert, which would have probably been a pedestrian and ordinary event for most women, but the sharing with a man had been an exciting experience for her. She liekt(32) Thistle, his body which she had noticed in the courtyard excited her, and he was kindth(33) itself with her stammer.

“I am twenty-three, and I have been a farrier since the age of thirteen. I have never marryt.(34) I was a clumsy apprentice and oft the despair of Astrid my Mistress. To overcome that, I spent a lot of hours working the forge when others had finisht(35) for the day.” That was something Raquel understood, working long hours from necessity. “I never had time to spend on a woman. None is interestet(36) in a failt(37) crafter. I could have goen(38) back to my family, they’re poultry crafters, but my pride wouldn’t let me. Eventually my skill grew, and now I am no different from any other farrier of my age, except they’re all marryt with children. So here I am unmarryt(39) at twenty-three and still seeking a wife. I should like children too. Is there aught you would like to ask now before we dance, or do you wish to leave it for in between dances?”

Raquel nodded and said, “Ju—just wu—wu—why me?”

Thistle taekt her other hand as well and said,“You are beautiful, and when I seeën(40) you in the courtyard I knoewn(41) I had to come to the dinner. I had no thought of it before then. I only came because I knoewn you would be here.”

Raquel thought that through, and running the afternoon over in her head realised Celandine must have promoted the match somehow. “Wu—wu—wu—what a—about?” Raquel stopped, and taking one of her hands back indicated her mouth.

Thistle asked, “What of your stammer, is that what you are asking me?” Raquel nodded.

“What of it? I’m trying to find a wife, and there’s naught more important than that, and we’re managing perfectly. Celandine telt me you are happy to write things down, so you could do that if you become too frustratet(42) with things, but I’m quite happy to wait. Is there aught else before we have some fun on the dance floor?”

Raquel shook her head, and Thistle led her out to dance. They were both physically attractive and drew quite a lot of attention, especially since Thistle was an accomplished dancer and Raquel was light on her feet and a fast learner. “They dance most featly(43) together,” was a remark maekt(44) by many. Raquel was observant, and she soon realised Thistle was being watched by a lot of women which maekt her start to feel possessive. That she could gain the interest of such a good-looking man would only a few hours ago have been straight out of those fantasies of childhood færie tales. She didn’t realise the notice she was attracting from other men, nor did Thistle for he was only noticing her. They danced and chatted all eve, Raquel finding it easier but still difficult, and she was grateful to Thistle for his usually accurate predictions of what she was trying to say. That he always repeated things back to her for confirmation maekt him the best conversationalist she had ever met.

By the time it was nearly midnight, Raquel knew she wished to marry Thistle for many reasons, but her most compelling reason was for the first time in her life she felt she was a part of the society she found herself in, and it was Thistle who had maekt that possible. She fancied him physically, and she knew it was reciprocated. She knew he would ask her again to marry him, and she knew she was going to be making love with him in an hour or so. For her that only left one problem: she was a virgin, and she felt she should tell him. She knew she would make a mess of trying to tell him in words, so she needed paper and something to write with.

As she had known he would, when they were sitting down again Thistle asked her, “Will you marry me, Raquel?”

She nodded and said, “Yu—yes. Pu—pu—pu—paper.”

“Do you wish some paper and a stylus to write with?”


“Since you have sayt(45) you will marry me, are we going to my chambers thisnight?”(46)


“Do you will the paper here or will at my chambers do?”


“Back at my chambers will do?”

Raquel nodded again, “Yu—yes.”

“The dance has another two hours to go. Do you wish to continue dancing?”


“Do you wish to go to our chambers now?”

Raquel smiled, held her hand out for his and nodded vigorously, “Yu—yes.” His use of the expression our chambers maekt her happier than she had been in her entire life.

“Then let’s collect our coats and go home then.”

They collected their coats and left arm in arm. When they reached the chambers, Thistle lit some candles and telt her, “The facility is there,” pointing to a door, “and the bedchamber is there,” pointing to another. “Would you like some leaf or aught else to drink?” Raquel shook her head and pointed to the facility door. As she went that way, Thistle said, “I’ll bring the paper for you and a stylus.” He was sitting to the table with the paper and stylus when she came back and sat beside him. He pushed the paper and instrument to her. She wrote on it and gave it back to him sitting bolt upright in her chair.

Thistle read, I am a virgin.

He wrote on the paper and gave it to her to read. She read, Me too.

She smiled at him, she hadn’t thought he would be very experienced, but she hadn’t thought he would be of no experience. She wrote again, Lots of fun!

He read that and wrote, Yes!

They both stood, and Thistle asked, “Bedtime?”

Raquel nodded, and hand in hand as they entered the bedchamber, she said, “Fu—fu—funtime!”

Word Usage Key

1 Limitet, limited.
2 Folkbirtht, Folk born.
3 Bethink, think.
4 Nurst, nursed.
5 Regardet, regarded.
6 Considert, considered.
7 Movt, moved.
8 Intendet, fiancé in this instance.
9 Worryt, worried.
10 Honourt, honoured.
11 Stopt, stopped.
12 Partet, parted.
13 Taekt, took.
14 Nextday, tomorrow.
15 Lærer, adult apprentice, trainee.
16 Telt, told.
17 Kitcheners, a distinct craft that manage all in the kitchens and refectories other than cooking.
18 Ourselfs, ourselves.
19 Thiseve, this evening.
20 Spaeking, speaking.
21 Meatcake, mixt cereal flour batter oven cooked in very hot fat which makes it expand to a light airy cake many times its original volume, equivalent to Yorkshire pudding. Literally a cake served with meat, usually roast meat.
22 Waxroots, waxy potatoes. Only floury potatoes are usually referred to as starchroots, though the distinction is neither absolute nor strictly adhered to.
23 Samphire is a marine vegetable that grows abundantly on shorelines, in marshy shallows and on salty mudflats. It has a crisp texture and tastes of the sea.
24 Seagreen, sea lettuce, Ulva lactuca, an ocean leaf.
25 Servt, served.
26 Steamt, steamed.
27 Flavourt, flavoured.
28 Green hotroot, wasabi, Eutrema japonicum.
29 Sharpth, sharpness.
30 Mixt, mixed.
31 Knarlenut, a full flavoured nut unique to Castle.
32 Liekt, liked.
33 Kindth, kindness.
34 Marryt, married.
35 Finisht, finished.
36 Interestet, interested.
37 Failt, failed.
38 Goen, gone.
39 Unmarryt, unmarried.
40 Seeën, saw.
41 Knoewn, knew.
42 Frustratet, frustrated.
43 Featly, elegantly, gracefully in this context, but also neatly as in ‘She sews her hems most featly.’
44 Maekt, made.
45 Sayt, said.
46 Thisnight, tonight.

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