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(aka Bike) Part 701 by Angharad |
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The next day came and went ever so quickly, my fingers were still strapped up but were less swollen, although moving them was painful. The cuts and grazes were slowly healing as well and I wasn’t quite so sore. I don’t know if it was shock, but I seemed to be very tired all the time, although I did do most of my own chores. I found a large rubber glove so was even able to do things like washing the girls’ hair.
Suddenly it was down to me to visit Daisy again, and I tried to dress up a little so as not to look such a vagabond as last time. I even managed a bit of make up and did my hair in more of a style than just a ponytail. I took her in a few more bits and pieces, like some hand cream and some cologne. I also got her a soft and fluffy pussy cat thing, it was only small and looked more like it had a permanent hissy fit, but it was the sort of thing that appealed to young girls.
“Hello, Daisy, how are you today?”
“My back hurts and I can hardly feel my feet.”
“Oh dear, that doesn’t sound too good.”
“Can you sit and read to me, Auntie Cathy, I haven’t been able to do any since you were here last.”
“Of course I will, sweetheart.” She held out her hand again and I clasped it in my injured hand.
“How are your fingers?” she asked, presumably feeling the strapping.
“A little better, thank you.” I held her hand and concentrated on finding my place in the story. I could feel my fingers tingling, but they had been injured so it didn’t concern me.
“Your hand is making mine tingle, it feels like needles and pins.”
“Pins and needles is the usual expression. Shall I let go?”
“No, it’s really funny, the tingling is going down my back all the way to my toes. Ooh, it’s making my feet jump.” I watched down the bed and her feet were moving under the sheets, then her leg jumped and so did the other. “That feels really funny,” said Daisy.
I wondered if something was happening again. “Can you see anything at our hands, Daisy?”
“No, why?”
“I just wondered if there was a blue light anywhere?”
“Oh that, yeah, it’s always with you, shouldn’t it be?”
“I don’t know, Daisy, I can’t see it.”
“Can’t you? How funny, I can. Oh, it’s moving down my arm, my arm feels quite cold–it’s really strange, like my arm was in the fridge. Hey, that coldness is moving down my back now it’s in my legs. Are you an angel or something?”
“Not that I’m aware of, I’ve never noticed wings when in the bath or shower and I’m sure my girls would if I had them.”
“I feel really strange, please don’t go…” she seemed to pass out and I pushed the nurse call button.
“Yes? We’re awfully busy, just had an emergency in, what’s the problem?” asked a very harassed looking staff nurse.
“Daisy just seemed to go off while she was talking to me.”
The nurse gave her a quick exam, “I think she’s just fallen asleep. Where’s that blue light shining from? Gosh it’s bright.”
“Dunno,” I feigned ignorance.
“Okay, it isn’t disturbing her, I’ll come back later.” She practically ran down the ward.
I continued holding on to Daisy’s hand and after about half an hour my fingers got incredibly warm, verging on uncomfortably hot. Then it stopped, the heat, I mean. I could move them normally and there was no pain. I was obviously asleep and dreaming.
Daisy, came around or woke up. “Hi, Auntie Cathy, what was I saying?”
“You were complaining about your feet tingling.”
“My feet are fine, look,” she pulled her legs up and out of the bedclothes. “See?”
“They look good to me, young lady.”
“I need to go for a wee, I’ll be right back.” Before I could stop her, she hopped out of bed and walked to the bathroom. I sat there in total astonishment. I was terrified to say anything to her in case she fell.
I walked over to the bathroom to walk her back, but she didn’t appear to need it.
“How does the back feel?”
“It’s okay, a bit stiff, weren’t you going to read to me?” So I did.
The ward sister brought me another cuppa, and a glass of milk for Daisy, who sat up and drank it herself. The sister nearly dropped my tea. She looked at me and nodded to a part of the ward near her office. I went as I was bid.
“What have you done to her?”
“I didn’t do anything.”
“Someone told me they saw her walk to the bathroom, is that true?”
“Um, yes.” I blushed.
“How the hell did she do that, she had a contusion on her spinal cord. There was a large swelling pressing down on it, she couldn’t move her legs, let alone walk.”
“Maybe it just shrank , you know, spontaneously?”
“Shrank, my arse.”
I glanced at her derriere, “That would be a miracle, sister,” I replied and she snorted.
“Lady Catherine Cameron, what on earth do you keep doing to my patients?”
“I haven’t done anything except sit with her.”
“Maybe we need you to sit with some of the others.”
“I’m not sure their parents would approve of me.”
She shook her head, “I’m going to have the surgeon down here tomorrow to check her over and hopefully we’ll get her in the scanner sometime before lunch. I’d like to see how the injury is progressing, and she had fractures in her legs, too. How the hell did she walk?”
“How do I know, I didn’t do anything.”
The sister looked at my back, then felt my shoulder blades, “Nah, there’s no wings there.”
“What do you think I am? A giant fly?”
“No, maybe one of those mysterious creatures who come with wings. Sent from someone above.”
“What, on the next floor?” I asked and left to drink my tea.
“I saw my mummy, Auntie Cathy.”
“When?” I hoped this didn’t mean her mother had croaked.
“When I was asleep, I floated on this blue light and it took me to her, she was lying in bed attached to all these machines and her head was all bandaged. I told her she was going to be alright, and she opened her eyes and winked at me and said, yes, she would but it would take a bit longer yet. She was doing things as fast as she could, but it would take some time.”
“I told you that the other day,” I agreed.
“See, I knew Jesus would help me.”
“I told you he couldn’t resist a request from such a lovely girl.”
“He’s come through you, hasn’t he? In Sunday school, we heard about angels doing God’s work. You’ve helped me and are now helping Mummy.”
“I wish it was as simple as that, Daisy, I’d love nothing better than to go and see your mummy and make her completely better.”
“I’m going to tell Daddy to ask you to.”
“I think your daddy has enough to worry about, without raising his hopes, don’t you?”
“But I saw her and I know she is going to get better again, she said so.”
“Then I’m sure you’re right, but let’s not worry your daddy, just let nature do what it does, and let her heal slowly but surely.”
“Why don’t you want to help my mummy?”
“I do, sweetheart, that’s why I’m here. I am sure that the thing which is helping your mummy the most is the time your daddy can spend with her. He’s the one who’s performing the magic, not me.”
“I don’t believe you, Auntie Cathy.”
“I’m sorry, but that’s what I think.” I left soon afterwards, wondering if her progress would be maintained or would she be back to square one the next day? Life can be very cruel and I hoped it wasn’t going to be so with her.

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Poor Cathy
She still can not believe in her blue light. If she was to actually see it in a mittor touch and heal, she would believe.
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
Cathy needs to start
Cathy needs to start wondering about the blue light that everyone else can see around her. She has "gifts from above" that she doesn't realize she has and I do beleive that these gifts one day will guide her in faith when she really needs it. There are many, many stories of out of body experiences where people have said they traveled to another location and saw someone important in their life; so Daisy saying this about her mother is not unusal at all. J-Lynn
So Cathy's
blue light strikes again!! Any more of this and the doctors and nurses will start to worry about their jobs!!!
At least Daisy's mum looks to be on the road to recovery, So any chance of daughter number four seems to have gone for the moment!... Although given that Daisy has only a mum and dad and no other relatives does worry me a little!!
we all expected it
“I just wondered if there was a blue light anywhere?â€
“Oh that, yeah, it’s always with you, shouldn’t it be?â€
This time Cathy was very aware of it. I like the tingling, cold, heat process. Time to apply her scientific background to the thing. Oh, did her fingers get healed too?
"after about half an hour my fingers got incredibly warm, verging on uncomfortably hot. Then it stopped, the heat, I mean. I could move them normally and there was no pain."
Seems like it. Going to be pretty hard to deny the blue light special now. Too much data!
I'm glad
these healings (miracles?) remain unwitnessed except by biased parties. I cannot imagine the toll on her if the hospital called on her every time a desperate case comes in. In a way her cynicism is good because it prevents her from wanting to spend her entire life healing people and not have a life of her own as Cathy is very kindhearted and would be hard pressed to say no to such a request.
How it happens now is for the best, as it is fate that guides her to where she is needed and not conscious intent.
Also, I understand why the mother need not be healed so quickly, though I suspect she was given a 'boost' by Cathy that is just enough to get her out of danger and letting her heal herself. That lady needs the time to reflect on the stupidity of what she did.
Ya know, an interesting way to end the series is for Cathy to discover she is pregnant despite having no 'bits'. A bit of a miracle from the deity, eh ?
Hard to deny the "miracle" if
Cathy ends up pregnant. Afterall, the recent exam shows no uterus. Suspect she could grow one now that the blue light has started to work on her too. Wonder, does it heal to what was, what should be, or what is wanted? Oh... philosophy... I'm a plain old computer scientist, don't even try to get me to do deep thoughts.
Interesting that...
Cathy's fingers were feeling better. One might think she accidentally "healed" herself... Perhaps it was a side effect of the "blue haze" fixing anything that was "off"... :-)
Thanks for sharing this interesting story.
Since Cathy was able to do the blue light special long distance (with Puddin,) she may very have helped Daisy's mom -- perhaps by using Daisy as a conduit.
I think you just
I think you just might be onto something here, Ray! Since, apparently, the power of the blue light was so much stronger this time, to the point where it was almost painful, it was definitely working overtime here. The fact that Daisy was, while asleep, able to visit her mother and was assured that they both would be getting better indicates, at least to me, that this is the case.
With Daisy pressing her father to have Cathy visit his wife, I have a feeling it won't be long before Cathy is sent to the other hospital to work her blue light special on the mother as well!
Definitely a heartwarming chapter, Angharad! I can't wait for the next chapter!
Instead of raisin his hopes, how 'bout cherries
Accept it, bet your fingers are healed too. So, Daisy flew in a blue cloud to visit her mum.
Wow that's a first, even for Cathy.