Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 2046

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The Daily Dormouse.
(aka Bike)
Part 2046
by Angharad

Copyright © 2013 Angharad
All Rights Reserved.

Back at home I emailed Jason for news of Neal and he suggested they were close to arranging bail which I agreed to guarantee. I also told him Gloria was conscious and perhaps some sort of statement could be taken as an affidavit or the police invited to see her themselves. He told me he’d get back to me as soon as Neal was free.

Given my reputation with the forces of law and order, at least in this neck of the woods, you’d think they’d listen to me or my representative–but no–I suspect they actually fancy getting one over on me–but it ain’t gonna happen.

Stella had already fed little Lizzie so all Phoebe had to do was clean her up–she had no idea–so guess who had to show her how to do it. The milk was still in the fridge so Stella obviously gave her organic milk straight from the source–wonder if it counts as organic?

When Tom arrived with three rather smug looking schoolgirls we knew he’d called in to the ice cream shop en route. My computer beeped as Trish was telling me this long involved story of how she’d out manoeuvred one of the teachers in a science lesson. Did I tell you she’s thinking of offering to stand in for Professor Brian Cox at the university of Manchester when he’s next busy doing television work? Her ego might even be bigger than her brain.

Simon texted to say they were running late and to go ahead with dinner without them. I sent one back saying we’d keep it warm for them. The it turned out to be Chicken Kief with garlic butter and mushroom stuffing. We ate them with new potatoes dripping with butter–oh not just any old potatoes, but Jersey Royals–a side salad based upon watercress and celery with cherry tomatoes and fresh egg custard tart for dessert–delish!

Jason emailed to say bail had been granted at five thousand and he signed a cheque for that amount on my behalf. I replied to say I’d come and collect Neal immediately. About twenty minutes later Phoebe and I collected him outside the police HQ and he actually cried when we hugged him.

He pleaded guilty to the driving while under the influence but not to any assault on his wife. Jason told us that the police had been to see Gloria whose amnesia didn’t help anyone.

Once we got back to his house, Neal went up to shower and change before I ran him to the hospital to get his car where it had been since he was arrested. I hoped they hadn’t clamped it as well. He would drive home and have something to eat before going to see Gloria and then he’d come and get the baby.

I asked him if he’d like to leave the baby until the morning so he’d get a proper night’s sleep and he didn’t know what to do. I left it up to him but to let me know. I said nothing about my conversation with Gloria, but Phoebe wouldn’t be hushed, and she told him about it in no uncertain terms including her calling me, Mummy.

The poor chap admitted he’d committed a faux pas with me a few days before so he understood how easy it was, however he would speak to Gloria if she was still being transphobic. I wasn’t sure that’s what she was, rather just angry projecting all her resentment at me as a convenient target, and the one area where I was vulnerable–my inability to have children, whereas real women could–yeah, sure.

We took him to the hospital and a note was left attached to the windscreen telling him proceedings would be taken out against him because he was displaying no parking ticket. I took it off him and said I’d deal with it.

After this he thanked me for being a true friend and that he’d sort Gloria out. I warned him about his phraseology and it took him a minute to see what I’d meant.

“Cathy, you’ve been an absolute brick right through this and you’ve stood by us despite all Glo’s nastiness over the baby. I’m really grateful for all you’ve done especially taking care of Lizzie. Ever since I saw you that day you came in to tell us about your change of lifestyle, I thought you were a good looking woman, I still think that and you’re one of the nicest, kindest people I know.

“Phoebe thinks of you as a second mother and I can see why, I’m sure our mum would have been pleased that you took over bringing her up. I don’t mind what she calls you, but I’m glad to call you friend.” We hugged and he went home and we went back to our place.

There the place was in uproar as Cate had been sick all over Tom–he was sitting her on his lap and bouncing her. At first she burped and laughed and then it was a techicolor burp–all over him. As I’ve told him before I didn’t have much sympathy for the auld galoot but I got landed for laundering his clothes. Thankfully he tends to buy his stuff in M&S so it’s all machine washable.

I spent time with the kids after they finished their homework and I got them all to bed by a quarter to nine–as it’s still light then–they don’t really want to go. I was fair wabbit as the Scots say, meaning tired. Visiting time would be over soon so we’d know what Neal wanted to do with the baby in the next half an hour or so.

I went to the kitchen to make myself some tea when Phoebe and Julie came down and asked if they could feed the baby. I decided I’d do it because my breasts felt full and were oozing a little, they shrugged but left it to me.

I was in the middle of feeding the little darling when the phone rang. Jacquie answered it and held it out to me, “It’s Gloria?” I nodded. “She wants to talk to you.”

I sighed and held out my free hand for the cordless handset. “Hello?”

“Is that you, Cathy?”

“Yes, Gloria, what’s the problem?”

“I’m worried about Neal.”


“He came to see me and we had a right row–they threatened to throw him out. He was defending you and I really went for him. He stormed off in high dudgeon but I’m worried about him. He’s not answering his phone or the landline. Would you go and check he’s okay?”

“That would explain why he hasn’t come for Lizzie, who I’m feeding at this moment.”

“As soon as you finish, could you go and check on him, and give her ladyship a kiss from me. I’m really sorry about what I said, you’re a real friend, Cathy. I can see that now. I’m such a fool but I do love him even if he deserves better.”

“Okay, I’ll pop round as soon as madam has stopped sucking me inside out.”

There was pregnant pause on the phone before, “I’m glad you’re feeding her, I hope to be out in a day or so, so could you keep a hold of her until then, I don’t think Neal would cope at the moment?”

“Course I will.”

She rang off and switched Lizzie to my other breast, the little bugger wanted to sleep more than feed and I called Julie down. She took the baby while I expressed milk into a bottle and she could feed her the rest. I told Phoebe I was going to try and calm Neal down and she asked to come as I thought she might.

We drove round to his house and his car was in the driveway. Things didn’t feel right and I tried the front door, it was unlocked. We both walked in and I called out to Neal who it was. There was no sound except the refrigerator buzzing away in the kitchen.

I began to feel very uneasy and started to climb the stairs calling his name loudly, it was then I saw him, or his feet swaying over the stairs. I screamed to Phoebe to call an ambulance and rushed upstairs. I stood under his body trying to take the weight off his neck. She came rushing up stairs and screamed.

“Get a neighbour, we need someone to help get him down–hurry!” She ran off and moments later two young men came rushing back with her. One had a knife and we cut through the tow rope he’d used. Then it was pull it off his throat and start CPR.

The second man tried to comfort Phoebe while the one with the knife and I tried to resuscitate poor Neal. I could feel the energy pouring into his body but I had my doubts about it working. I did the breaths and the man did the compressions. Could we keep him alive or were we already too late? I didn’t know, I really didn’t.


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Not Good

littlerocksilver's picture

I was going to suggest that a divorce might possibly be the best solution; however, that might be a moot point, now.


very troubling about Neal...but as to Gloria?

Neal dies or survives but his brain or spine are damaged will she go to prison? You can be charged for incitement to riot. Why not incitement to commit suicide? She was witnessed verbally assaulting her husband and berating the woman who had helped BOTH of them. NOT a very smart thing to have done IF Neal dies or is permanently injured as a result.

Or at least lose her child because she is an unfit mother?

She is at best mercurial and crude.

She could just as well be a transophobic as Neal worried and simply manages to hide it for short periods.

So does our heroine save the day or is her duty to the child to get justice?

In which case Gloria is toast.

They may not burn you at the stake these days but for Gloria...

John in Wauwatosa

John in Wauwatosa

Oh 'eck!

Cathy's no sooner out of the frying pan than she's back in it again.

This is why I love 'Bike' - never a dull moment. And when peace does reign, you know that our esteemed authors have their paws in something icky.


WOW! Cathy

sure has her work cut out for her. Why did Neal do what he did? Is there some unknown reason that Cathy has yet to confront for them?

May Your Light Forever Shine

Not Good

OK, I admit it. I have been out of town since last Wednesday morning, and just returned home, and began catching up on Bike since last Tuesday's episode. This has been quite a trying few episodes for we 'Bikers' and now it doesn't look good for either Gloria or Neal. What to do...what to do... what to do?? And does this mean that Cathy will once more have to check or her dormice daily, or will someone else lab qualified show up? What to do...what to do... what to do??

Don't let someone else talk you out of your dreams. How can we have dreams come true, if we have no dreams?

Katrina Gayle "Stormy" Storm

Oh shit!

Here we go again.

Gloria's obviously got issues and Neal has problems dealing with them. Does Gloria's apparent trans/homo/phobia have a cyclical element. Hope Neal's not dead. My fingernails are getting sore with all this cliff-hanging.

Still lovin' it though.




Were his nails blue?

When does that happen anyhow? Gloria is right mill stone around Neil's neck; reminds me of my X. Is Cathy going to have another house guest and her baby? Cor, I hope not.


Whew, life just keeps gettting more

complex for Cathy and family. If Neal survives I sure hope he gets some help. Do men get post-partum depression?

This is the one thing I hate when dealing with other women

... is the mercurial cattiness that pops out at the weirdest times.

Gloria really personifies that trait as she digs down deep to hurt her 'opposition'.

God knows why Neal is trying to off himself. I doubt Gloria can get by without his help.

Oh boy/girl.



I don't get the "suicide" thing... Oh, I get the " the world would be a better place without me " thoughts and the " it's too hard to deal with "thoughts and such... been there, done that, got the t-shirt (different reason though). But then, talking to several shrinks - there seems to be some sort of "wiring" that if present, depression and suicide are options and if not present, they just don't happen... I dunno.

But, sounds (from the outside) like Neal and Gloria need help. (Assuming Neal's able. And, if Neal's not... I wonder how Gloria'll cope.) But, we've known that. (Heck, Cathy & Simon seem to need some help on occasion - given the rows they've had.)

Just don't need both Neal & Gloria kicking the bucket... Aunt Phoebe's not ready to be the mummy...

Glad Cathy has help with the CPR/breathing this time around! They can "switch off" (we were trained in that... Told if there were two, switching places they could go far longer than one at a time...).

Can we say this is a very tangled web...

Could someone explain what Chicken Kief is? (Is it the same thing we yanks call Chicken Kiev?) And, what's so special about Jersey Potatoes? (Call me an ignorant Yank - just not where my mom can hear. She'd be disappointed.)

Thank you,

Chicken Kiev

I've always had these as a sort of thick chicken burger with garlic butter in the middle. I cook them in a convection oven. There may well be other recipes.

Potatoes are often a matter of choice; some are good for roasting, some for mashing, some for salads, some as new potatoes, etc.. Jersey Royals are obviously popular in the Cameron household. Jersey, in the UK Channel Islands off the North-west coast of France, is well known for its produce, especially milk and potatoes.

And virtually all the Americans I've met have been friendly, helpful and generous, so an ignorant Yank you are not!


And all Cathy

wanted to do was help... Sometimes it just makes things worse... You cannot help but feel sorry for Neal the last few days have been nothing short of a disaster for him, What with Gloria's accident and then discovering what his wife really thought of Cathy , It just all got too much for him.... Hopefully Cathy and Phoebe got there in time for Neal to have the chance to sort everything out, But it does look touch and go..
