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(aka Bike) Part 684 by Angharad |
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I wondered about sleeping in Livvie's bed as she was in mine, then wondered if it would be seen as a form of rejection, plus if she was left alone with Simon, could that put him in a compromising situation? Reluctantly, I got into bed.
Livvie was snuggled into Simon’s back and facing away from me. I slipped carefully into the bed and pulled the lightweight duvet over me, then turned away from the child. I was sleeping on the edge of the bed, and unlike the joke, didn’t drop off—not easily.
I woke at one point feeling a small hand clasp me round the waist and a sleepy voice sigh, “Mummy.” I tried to get back to sleep but my mind was in turmoil and my head was still tender from the bashing Simon had given it.
Mostly I was irritated by finding the child in my bed. I was tired and wanted to sleep, which really meant wanting her out and in her own bed. Bloody Simon was fast asleep and oblivious to what was happening and in my stupified state, I resented that, too. Why do these things happen to me? I kept asking myself, feeling very full of self pity.
The answer that came back was one of two, that interchanged depending upon how awake I was. The first answer was simple logic, it happens because it can: the second, was less logical and more emotional. It happens to me because I have the capacity to deal with it. I am lumbered with three kids because the universe thinks I can care for them. At times I feel in agreement, at others, I feel at odds. Tonight, I’m so tired, I don’t know what I feel.
I did sleep eventually, not because I’d resolved anything, rather exhaustion had meant I could no longer stay awake to think. I drifted off very aware of the hand around my waist and the warm little body clamped to me.
I awoke with Simon and Livvie talking to each other. He was lying on his back and must have gone to the loo already, because he usually wakes up with a large boner, I believe is the term, and that would not be very appropriate with a child in the bed.
I tried to screen them out, sneaking a glance at the clock, it was only half six, she had robbed me of most of the night’s sleep, one way and another. Okay, none of it was deliberate, but I was still very tired, which fuelled my resentment. Do all parents feel like this? If so, no wonder so many kids get battered. I’m not condoning it, rather explaining why some people lose it with their otherwise much loved children.
“When do we have to go back to school, Daddy?”
“When the swine flu business is over, whenever that is.”
“When will that be?”
“I don’t know, Liv, keep your voice down you’ll wake Cathy.” I felt like purring at him for thinking of me. However, a moment later I could have hit him. “You know what’s she’s like when you wake her up—crabby as a lobster.”
‘And you’re never grumpy, Simon Cameron?’ I thought, pulling the duvet tightly around me.
“Did Mummy hear you, Daddy?”
“Nah, she’s fast asleep,” he whispered at about the same number of decibels that Sharapova produces when serving an ace. Bugger it’s Wimbledon and I haven’t seen any yet, let alone Andy Murray winning anything. I keep up to date via the radio, which tells me briefly who beat whom, but it’s much better to see it happen on TV.
I was drifting back off again when the radio alarm went off, and Jim Naughty was asking someone awkward questions, about Michael Jackson. Michael Jackson? My tired little brain tried to sort it out. What’s he in the news for? Oh, he’s doing all those concerts in July. Then I dreamt he was dead.
I know I was dreaming, he’s doing all those concerts in London, and Simon had half promised to take me to one—he had a contact for tickets. I hope he does some of his Killer stuff, with the moon-walking, which I think is so clever.
Jim Naughty seemed intent on spoiling my dream, because he asked someone in LA, where this happened, what was known to have happened. Some sort of cardiac arrest, possisbly from an overdose of painkillers. My dream seemed particularly weird, and I felt myself crying, even though I was half asleep.
“You alright, babes?” he said loudly to me.
I burst into floods of tears, "Michael Jackson’s dead. You were going to take me, remember?”
“Yeah, I expect it’s a mistake.”
“I doubt it, he really is dead.”
The news headlines were repeated and this time he heard them. “Bloody hell, Jacko is a gonner, oh shit! Sorry, babes, unless this is a hoax, that concert looks unlikely.”
“It’s June not April.” I grumbled back.
“I know, I do paperwork, remember?”
“Bloody pen-pusher,” I snapped.
“Well it keeps you in dolly mixtures,” he said back at me.
“If you say so, I thought I bought my own.”
We were startled by the sound of weeping from between us. Livvie. I turned over and said, “What’s the matter, sweetheart?”
“I don’t like you fighting, my old Mummy and Daddy, used to do that all the time.”
“I’m sorry, sweetheart, it wasn’t meant to be like this.”
“Yeah, don’t take any notice of us, it’s not real fighting,” quipped Simon, “she’s just crabby ‘cos she can’t see a music show.”
If that were all, I’d feel much easier about things, but I chose not to reveal anything else of my misgivings and resentment. It was near enough time to wake and think about how I could convince Simon to take Livvie down for breakfast and allow me to sleep bit longer. Normally, I can wrap him around my finger, today he seems a bit bolshie.
Two minutes later, the other two musketeerettes arrived and the morning lie-in was forgotten. Bloody children!

(Sorry too tired to do any more tonight—Angharad).
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Thank You Angharad
For giving us Bike when you are away from home. No nrrd to apologize, we should for not thanking you.
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
Very fond of that word, for some reason.
A tender heart is an asset to an editor: it helps us be ruthless in a tactful way.
--- The Chicago Manual of Style
That's the ballet company, innit? ;-)
As Dennis the Menace once said, "Why don't they just hire taller girls?" :-)
They know they can survive
That's the one....
Always adds a nice little touch of culture to mention the Bolshoi.
A tender heart is an asset to an editor: it helps us be ruthless in a tactful way.
--- The Chicago Manual of Style
No, no, no!
You're talking about the Borzoi, those big dog thingies!
Ah, the "joys" of parenting.
Ah, the "joys" of parenting. Sorry, Cathy, all Mums and Dads know this type of stuff all to well. It just comes with the territory, but some days are better than others, and then there are the little things that make up for everything. Cathy is and has been just so overwhelmed recently, she needs a real "time out" holidays for like about 6 weeks to get back on track. J-Lynn
Didn't really expect a chapter tonight
So anything is a huge bonus!
Shame on Cathy for her nasty thoughts toward Livvie after this, "I woke at one point feeling a small hand clasp me round the waist and a sleepy voice sighed, “Mummy.†I don't care how tired she is, that child needs her and is showing it. But, everyone needs a chance to rest so I do hope Cathy can get a day off or a night off. At least a chance to do things for herself or maybe just sleep. Too much worry and lack of sleep and she'll end up sick or worse.
Thanks Angharad! Hope you enjoy your holiday.
Mmmm An unexpected treat
... Having read Angharads blog i'd resigned myself to a EAFOB free weekend Nice then to wake up and find a new episode waiting for me to enjoy.. Thanks Angharad.
Touching chapter
This was a very touching chapter, Angharad! Thanks for taking the time while on your trip to keep this tale going!
Trish will eventually learn that, despite their occasional squabbles, Cathy and Simon love each other very deeply. The love and care they show her will help her overcome her fear of rejection.
It was a nice touch to put in the tragic passing of Michael Jackson; little touches like that add to the realism of the story by tying it in with real world events.
What a thing to wake up to...
I got a text message from my 21 yr old letting me know that "the gloved one" was dead. I really enjoyed the "Captain Eo" Ride that used to be in Epcot (World of Imagination).
Parents do occasionally "argue"... But, Cathy and Simon do seem to argue - often. Typically because they don't take time to "understand" where the other's coming from. They really DO need to learn to talk. They regularly show signs that they care for each other - though Cathy seems to have difficulty remembering this when her "emotions get charged"... Perhaps they should "consider" a moratorium on "cutting" and other snyde type of remarks for a while - to see if they can learn to actually TALK.
Okay, I know Simon's a guy. And, talking's not always a guy thing... But, some do manage. (I've seen it!)
Hope you have pleasant dreams!
Michael Jackson
There is a case where parenting went wrong. We will never know what his life was like, and do not assume he is guilty of everything that is claimed. There were rumors he was a castrato, which would be truly horrible if true.
Again, we will never know. He may have been guilty of something, but I saw a lot of people, parents especially, setting things up to tap into what was once a pretty decent fortune. RIP guy.
Ang, you start when the rest are asleep.
Boner, we used to call it a piss-on. the other can happen just walking down the street, or so I'm told.
Hope Simon took your advise, and wears shorts to bed.