The Dead Kid Returns - Chapter 6: Talking in your sleep

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The Dead Kid Returns; Chapter 6: Talking in your sleep

For the next week, things slipped back into their former routine. Every day, they would find a quiet spot, and read beside each other. The new kid never mentioned the kiss, and Beth was too happy to have her friend back to push the issue.

When Beth finished the book the new kid had given her, the new kid gave her another, and the days slipped by quietly. Beth was no closer to figuring out how to get the girl inside the new kid free, but she had felt less anxious about that since she had felt her prayers being answered.

That anxiety continued to bubble up from time to time, but she kept remembering hearing that soft voice that first night saying “Let it go. Give it to me. Let me take care of it.” and she could make herself relax.

Then one day, something really weird happened. The two of them were sitting in the library, when the new kid, whose eyes had been fluttering for several minutes, started snoring. Just when Beth decided to wake the new kid up, she heard a sweet, feminine voice say “Hey Beth. I dont have a lot of time here.”

She looked at the new kid, at it was like double vision. one was the male version of the new kid, who was asleep. The other was totally female version, who was wide awake, and grinning at her.

“What’s ... what’s going on?” Beth managed.

“Sorry, no time. Just wanted to say thanks for the kiss. I needed it. And even HE,” at this she pointed to the sleeping form below her,” enjoyed it a lot, not that he’d say so. Boys. What can you do with them?”

“Who... what are you?”

“Ah. I guess we never really did get introduced officially, even though we’ve kissed. Twice, in fact. My name is Constance, but you can call me Connie.”

“Twice?” Beth asked, but before the girl could answer, the boy form stirred, and the girl form disappeared like smoke.

Beth considered telling the new kid when they woke, but decided against it. “Why would he believe me?” she thought, and so kept quiet.

Later, after she had said her goodbyes and headed home. That night, she prayed “Help me out here. What do I do?”

And the answer came to her. “Have faith. Have patience.....”

So Beth did.

After that, “Connie” would show up and disappear at random times, but never long enough for Beth to figure her out. She’d seem giggly one time, in tears the next, sometimes she talked about the male body she was attached to with affection like “he” was her brother, other times, she seemed frustrated and angry with him.

And never did the male part show even the slightest sign that they knew “Connie” was even there.

Beth tried to remain patient, but there was a growing anxiety in her prayers as she worried how long this situation could continue before something bad happened. Then, one day she saw a book called “I will fear no evil” and it seemed to call to her. She bought it, read it, and wept at the end of it. The new kid noticed her tears, and asked, “What’s wrong?”

“You have to read this one.” Beth said, and handed it to the new kid. A couple of days later, the boy side handed it back to her, but it was Connie who thanked her for the book.

“He’s ready.” She said. “I’m going to introduce myself to him. Wish me luck.”

Beth replied. “I’m praying for more than luck.”

Connie smiled, and then faded from view as the boy side woke up.

A couple of days later, when they met at their favorite reading spot the new kid said to her, “I... I think I need help. I think I’m crazy.”

“Why? What’s wrong?” Beth asked.

“I ... I think I’m a girl.”

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Now it's getting

Now it's getting interesting! ^^

grtz & hugs,

Sarah xxx

I'm glad you think so

this one has been a bit stubborn in terms of coming out. I'm glad you're enjoying it.

Dorothycolleen, member of Bailey's Angels


Dead New Kids On The Block


No! Not a girl! Anything but that...


Lisa Danielle
(may be a girl, in part or whole, too)


well, it might be a touch confusing for them. I mean, they were dead, now they are alive. They always thought of themselves as a boy, and now a girl self has introduced herself. I remember for myself thinking that I had to be utterly crazy. (I was, but that's a different story....)

Thanks for commenting, angel sis.

Dorothycolleen, member of Bailey's Angels


Still enjoying the story.

Wendy Jean's picture

A lot, Hard to comment on short chapters though.

glad you're enjoying it.

short comments for short chapters work!
