(aka Bike) Part 702 by Angharad |
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My fingers were much better and the next morning I was back to my chores properly. I’d taken the girls to school and got back to do some stuff with Mima. After I played with her, we made some cakes, I did a mix for the bread maker and had just switched it on and likewise with the kettle–Stella was coming for a cuppa as soon as she’d bathed Puddin’–when the phone rang.
“Lady Catherine?”
“Yes, who wants her?”
“It’s Sister East on the children’s unit.”
“Hello Sister, what can I do for you?” I felt a shudder of uncertainty flow through me; what if Daisy had relapsed or was worse, especially after walking yesterday. I was filled with dread.
“Could you come in and meet with Mr Matthews, say at 1.45pm today?”
“Who is he?” not her solicitor, I hope.
“The orthopaedic surgeon, who’s been looking after Daisy.”
“She hasn’t relapsed has she?”
“No, on the contrary, we can’t get her to stay in bed.”
“So what does the surgeon want?”
“To meet you, that’s all.”
“If I spot a stake with faggots of wood all around it, I’m doing a runner.”
“Stake? Oh as in burning at? No, I don’t think so. Mr Matthews is quite down to earth.”
“If you can assure me that it’s not going to get unpleasant, I’ll come.”
“Daisy’s father is going to be here too.”
“Maybe, I’ll just give it a miss then, too many cooks–oh, is that the time, I have to go, I’ve got a bun in the oven…” I plunged the phone down quickly and went back to make the tea.
“What’s the matter, you look worried?” asked Stella pouring me a cuppa.
“That was the hospital, they want me to meet the surgeon to talk about what happened yesterday.”
“What did happen yesterday? You’ve been rather quiet about it ever since you got home.”
“Nothing much.”
“If that was the case, you’d hardly be afraid of going back there today, would you?”
“I’m not afraid, I just don’t want to crowd the place, if Daisy’s dad is going to be there too.”
“Don’t make excuses, what happened yesterday?”
“Nothing, I read to Daisy and she fell asleep. I was my usual boring self.”
“And they want you to speak with the surgeon? What are you leaving out? Spill the beans, Cathy?”
“Nothing, except she woke up and got out of bed to go to the loo.”
“She did what?”
“I just told you what she did.”
“But she had spinal problems and fractures to both legs! Didn’t she?”
“Perhaps they looked at the wrong X-rays? Wouldn’t be the first time.”
“Sure, and all the symptoms she’s had, like loss of function and sensation.”
“Could be shock, and now she’s over it.”
“Pull the other one, Cathy, it’s got bells on.”
“Well, I can’t see that I have anything to contribute to the discussion.”
“That’s up to you, but it could also be one of the most exciting events in modern medicine, a genuine miracle worker.”
“Stop it, that’s why I don’t want to go. I’m not some freak, there has to be a rational explanation for all of it.”
“Yeah, the New Testament is full of explanations.”
“Don’t start the G word stuff, I want nothing to do with ancient superstitions.”
“Ironic, isn’t it?” said Stella sipping her tea and taking a biscuit.
“What is?”
“That the very person least comfortable with this miraculous ability to heal, should be the one who seems to have it.”
“Are you implying something?”
“No, I’m merely making an observation, that’s all.”
I could smell something burning, “Ahhh, the cakes.” I jumped up and pulled them out of the oven. I’d caught them just in time. If they’d burnt, Mima would have been really upset.
The phone rang again, “Can you answer it?” I pleaded with Stella.
She nodded and went to get it, a moment later she called, “Are you in to Dr Rose?”
I was tempted to say, “No” but that would have been churlish. I took the phone from her. “Hello, Sam.”
“Cathy, look please hear me out before you put the phone down.”
“I don’t want to discuss Daisy with anyone, I don’t know what happened, so I can’t help, end of story.”
“Cathy, don’t you dare put the phone down. None of us know what happened with Daisy, nor why her mother came around after being in a coma for four days, at exactly the moment Daisy claims she travelled on a beam of blue light generated by you, to see her mother.”
“It’s coincidence, that’s all.”
“Some coincidence, Cathy.”
“Okay, synchronicity–isn’t that what Jung called it?”
“What about the fact that this child had fractures, albeit hairline ones in both femurs, and spinal lesion that they were too frightened to try and reduce with surgery, even though it was likely to paralyse her below the waist.”
“Spontaneous healing, happens all the time. I told her she could be a bridesmaid, and she developed the means to do it.”
“Are you trying to tell me it was psychosomatic?”
“How do I know, I’m a biologist not a physician?”
“Why are you so afraid of me?”
“I’m not, Sam, I’d come and talk with you anytime, but I don’t know what happened, it had nothing to do with me.”
“In which case, you have nothing to feel embarrassed about, do you?”
“Look, I don’t feel embarrassed; at the same time, Paul is going to be clutching at any straws he can find for Maria to get better. I don’t want to be one of those straws. It’s too much responsibility, I can’t guarantee anything.”
“Who said we expected it of you?”
“No one, but I can’t control what happened, it just happens when it feels like it.”
“Do you know two other kids, who should have died, survived the night. Not only that but they seem to be improving.”
“See, maybe it’s just the place, or perhaps you lot are doing your job better than you think.”
“It happened while you were there, the crises seemed to pass and the two children seemed to suddenly make progress.”
“It has to be coincidence.”
“Probably, but it seems one helluva coincidence.”
“Look, keep it rational, Sam. It has to have a rational explanation.”
“Sure, so come on in and let’s discuss it?”
“I don’t think so, Sam, I can’t afford to let Daisy down, she seems to expect me to cure her mother–I can’t, I’m a biologist, Sam, that’s all–I’m not Jesus or any other supposed miracle worker.”
“Cathy, okay, I’ll level with you–we have a child admitted an hour ago, she is critical, we can’t do a thing for her, except to make her comfortable, we think she is going to die. Will you come in and sit with her, just for a few minutes?”
“Why me, Sam, I can’t do anything?” I felt tears pouring down my cheeks, “What if she dies? Is it my fault?”
“Of course not, but somehow her mother got to hear of what happened yesterday and has begged me to get you to come to see her daughter.”
“But, I’m not special, Sam, I can’t do anything.”
“You can give her mother hope, which is more than we can.”
“Is false hope worse than that?”
“Maybe you don’t do anything, maybe you’re simply a catalyst, but whatever, this child has just hours to live, can you walk away from a dying four year old, when you might have been able to help?”
I felt dreadful, my heart was breaking but my head wanted nothing to do with it. “Sam, if I come, this once, promise me you’ll never ask me to do it again?”
“Okay, I promise. No one expects you to do anything except to come and try to work your magic.”
“I don’t do anything, Sam, how often do I have to tell you?”
“Thank you, Cathy, thank you so much.”
“I’m on my way.”
“Is this a good idea?” asked Stella.
“No, it’s a bloody stupid one, but maybe if this kid dies they’ll leave me in peace?”
“But she won’t will she?”
“How do I know?”
“But you do, don’t you?”
“Don’t ask silly questions.”
“You do know, don’t you?”
“Alright, I do know. She’s already recovering, okay, her aorta is healing and the multiple fractures are reducing, especially the ones in her skull.”
“How the hell do you know that?”
“I can see her, her name is Susan Green.”
“God, my head hurts, I’m going to be sick…” I just made it to the cloakroom where I threw up and everything went black.

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Cathy has a wonderful gift
Cathy has a wonderful gift that she can't accept while being a "rational" scientist (biologist). If she can actually see what is happening with a person and even knows who they are by name, she definitely needs to be seeing her Pastor friend and have a nice sit-down with her. Stranger things have happened before. Except she is just sitting there with the child(ren)holding their hand(s); she sounds very much like Edgar Cayce, who was known at "The Sleeping Prophet" (1890s-1945). He would go into a trance (sleep) in Kentucky and later Virgina, and diagnose people's medical problems across the US and other sections of the world. J-Lynn
Another cliffhanger
SOED6: Cliffhanger a serial film in in which each episode ends in a desperate situation; a story etc. with the outcome excitingly uncertain.
Thanks, Angharad, you've done it again, and this installment definitely lives up to the definition. I for one will be eagerly coming back for tomorrow's episode.
Precipice Scrambler
Bike Resources
Out Of Hand
This whole healing-powers theme is getting a bit out of hand. I can't imagine where it goes from here. Cathy getting martyred by desperate supplicants?
Or waking up and finding the
Or waking up and finding the latest incidents were all part of a wish fulfilling dream.
Why Stop There?
The whole thing has had a rather dream-like quality to it. Maybe she's still in coma from the accident in episode 1?
Sooner Or Later
Sooner or later Cathy is going to have to use her scientific mind to piece the evidence together and arrive at a clear Hypothesis. I wonder if someone could videotape the healing sessions and have the blue glow show up? Her mother might have to come to her and show her a few things. There is pretty strong evidence that people who have a near death experience, come back with enhanced powers like Clairvoyance, Clairaudience, The ability to communicate with spirits or healing powers. I know of three friends who have these abilities . I have some abilities, but they are not as strong. When I was younger, I knew that someone was going to die in my family, but I didn't know exactly who. I had this feeling for two weeks before my great grandmother died of a heart attack. I have sensed when my mother was about to suffer a severe medical crisis. A deep feeling of foreboding sets in ten to fifteen minutes before something happens. The last three serious Asthma attacks that she has experienced have been felt beforehand by me. One night I begged my brothers or sister to go return a video to the store instead of me. I had the same feeling come over me and a few minutes later I was involved in a car accident that nearly became fatal for the other driver who hit me. Someone was watching over both of us that night. I have learned to pay attention any time that feeling comes over me.
These Gifts
are more real than you think. Some people even get them after severe head trauma... say... after a car wreck?
Interesting plot twist Aunty! ^^
Sephrena Lynn Miller
BigCloset TopShelf
being knocked off a bike?
that was a surprise ending!
“Alright, I do know. She’s already recovering, okay, her aorta is healing and the multiple fractures are reducing, especially the ones in her skull.â€
And just the thing everyone was worried about - Cathy's being called on to work miracles on other children. How long before she needs to go into hiding? How long before the tabuloids are parked at her door? This is more frightening than being stabbed.
Cathy Is Scared
Of her Gift, not that it works, but that it will make her into a celebrity when all that she wants is a quiet life with Simon and her girls as she does her field work. I just hope that nobody hurts Spike, or her Gift can hurt those who piss her off.
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
Cathy's gift
she needs to be real careful here, I see a lab rat in the future.
Oh Boy.
So it begins. However, she can avoid this a bit by simply by doing distance healing. Can't pin it on her that way.
BTW - I doubt Dr Rose can hold to his promise of not calling her again.
Oh and what is this affinity of Cathy's for the cloakroom and puking ? Man, I will hate to put any coats in there again :).
On another thought, I know what will really make her day - all those priests and bishops that may come her way to 'test' her. *shakes head*.
In all honesty, Angharad is the true miracle worker !
And I've just been watching "Medium" reruns this afternoon (Do you have "Medium" in the UK? Surely you have all the American stuff there, eh?) So, it's like déjà vu all over again!
Yours from the Great White North,
Jenny Grier (Mrs.)
Yours from the Great White North,
Jenny Grier (Mrs.)
You make me feel....
sooo sorry for Cathy.
You know, if it turns out she's right - there at the end - it'll just get worse for her... I kinda feel sorry for this character. One wonders (okay, I wonder) how Simon will take all of this. Stella's taking it awful calmly. Is this her preparing to "wind" Cathy up? (and getting a strange result) or is it her meds - calming her down... Or? Oh, I dunno...
If, Cathy (or something about her) is doing these things... I wonder how much energy she has, and when she'll run out... And, one wonders about what happens to her, if she comes to believe she's at least a catalyst for what's happening... Does she have ethical problems deciding when to grant her cures? I can really see ethical issues coming to the forefront in her thoughts. I know I'd have problems.
I think the reason
I think the reason Stella is taking this so calmly is twofold. First, she is a nurse and can look at the situation clinically. Second, she has seen Cathy's power first hand with her own daughter and knows the special gift her future sister-in-law has.
I'll agree that Cathy is a catalyst; but I don't see her gift running out. Somehow, despite her agnostic beliefs, God is working his healing miracles through her; and I can't see Him suddenly stopping doing so. Apparently, Cathy doesn't choose who will be helped; but she does know when it is happening.
I like It
Really getting interesting, i wish you could put more than one chapter per day, but i understand the creative juices have to simmer and flow...
Still very Good writting, keep up the good work
jo ann
Jo Ann D
At times I wonder......
why I keep reading this serial, like it is the last series on earth, but I do, almost religiously (pun here. This episode shows me again the wonderful nature of Angharad's muse and why I keep avidly reading every episode.
Well Angharad
you do seem to have stirred up something with the reappearance of the blue light, Normally it takes mention of food to get this many comments, So i guess it shows what we all think about Cathys strange blue light
For my part, I do think there are too many strange things that happen in this world for any of us to say that this could not happen .... Having said that you do feel however, That too much publicity would not be a good thing for Cathy's family... After all, Those of us who live in the U.K. know just how intrusive the press can be!!!
Remote / Deniability / Consequences
Well, at least this new wrinkle, the remote healing, gives Cathy complete deniability. "I have no idea what you're talking about. I had nothing to do with it. I never met her, I never touched her, no one even told me her name."
Which is not to say that the manifestation of god-, or messiah-, like qualities in our heroine isn't at least a teensy bit disturbing. In literature, there's always a price to pay for things like this. Mishap, martyrdom, tragedy.
The loss of consciousness at the end of this Part should be a bit worrying to the readership, too, as it's a perfect segue for a change in setting/focus (e.g. "the dream scenario").
This could be tricky...
For Cathy to resolve in her own mind that these occurrences are some kind of sub-consciously controlled natural events rather than some God ordained miracles. She will have work with the doctors and risk the whole "Lab Rat" label by the powers that be, or "St. Miracle Worker" label by the media and religious fanatics. Or she could continue to ignore them and hope nobody notices. (Yah Right)
I can't wait to see how this whole stream of Angharad's fantasy moves along.....
I have become,
Comfortably Numb........
I have become,
Comfortably Numb........
I can see MI5/MI6, a bunch of USA 3letter agencies runnin around trying to spirit her off to some lab for experiments. The tabloids claiming a new mesiah is here. people from miles around coming to get healed, people trying to kidnap her or her kids, so they can have their own personal healer.
thinks this story line got out of hand or Angharad is gonna drop a "big" one on us in next couple chapters
I'll keep a reading WHEW what a ride :-)
Ordinary people have extraordinary experiences
I've come back to this episode as I was unsure of the blue light on first reading. What I read now is that although Cathy has extraordinary experiences she is sure it does not change the fact that she is an ordinary women. Many readers will have had the temptation to believe some good, bad or simply weird experience marks them out as special but I like that Cathy keeps her feet on the ground. What the blue light is remains subjective for both the characters and the reader. Thank you Angharad.
Rhona McCloud
Wow, the flood gates have
Wow, the flood gates have opened up. Soon BBC will pick up on this, Cathy won't have a moment.