Teenage or High School

Just A Manicure Part 2

Hey, before the chapter, I want to say that I've scrapped the two versions idea because it was dumb.

After Julian left his sister’s room, he went on with his day. On occasion, he would stop to stare at his nails, and appreciate how cute they made him feel. Over the course of the week the week his nails wore out. He was staring at his nails more, this time with disappointment.

Heat Rises - Chapter 6 of 6

Heat Rises

Chapter 6

A couple of days later, my cell phone rang. It was Ken. “Hey Chrissy, I’m lonesome.”

“Aww. Why don’t you get some friends to come over?”

“Why do you think I’m calling you?”

“You were supposed to call me when you got out of the hospital. You’ve been in school for a couple of days … maybe I missed that call.”

“I talked to you at school.”

“You promised to call as soon as you … never mind.”

My Super-powered Diary: Chapter 1

My Super-powered Diary
Chapter 1


When Maddock Ainsley gets involved in a rescue operation with his unit things go horribly wrong and his life is forever changed. Can the newly minted Merida cope with being a girl and a teenage super hero?

The timer on the bomb continued to tick downward. 8…7…

Castle The Series - 0012 Confrontation - Marcy




Marcy smiled and said, “Forget it, Freddy, just don’t call me mate please. I’ve never been a boy. My friends called me by my name or my nickname: Marce. I’m a girl. Ok?”





Margæt was struck by the resemblance of twelve year old incomer Phillip to Woodcock, her sister Alsike’s eleven year old son, who had dien four lunes since. A thought so dreadful in its apparent cruelty, yet to her so clearly a path out of Adze’s despair and Alsike’s desperation to reach through to him occurred, and she hesitated but a moment before deciding it had to be done.

Tommy - The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl? - Chapter 204

The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl?

A Novel By Teddie S.

Copyright © 2019 Teddie S.
All Rights Reserved.

Chapter 204

The first barbecue. Yes!
A trip to Taos.
The Fish and Wildlife people again.
Now, why did you do this?

The first barbecue and a thunderstorm. ~o~O~o~ A talk with Chief Clah and others. ~o~O~o~ Taos and Kit Carson. Not a friend! ~o~O~o~
The Eaglets are really trying to fly. ~o~O~o~ Mr. Schoonover, why?


New Girl on the Cheer Squad chapter 2

New Girl on the Cheer Squad

By Julia Michelle
Owen now is Olivia is realizing the incredible demands they are making on him and decides to make a few of his own demands in return.
Only, he realizes his own demands are digging him deeper into this commitment.

Chapter 2

Heat Rises - Chapter 5 of 6

Heat Rises

Chapter 5

The day after the funeral, I got my mom to take me to visit Ken at the hospital. He was sitting up in bed looking as healthy as could be, and he smiled when I went into the room,

“Hey, Chrissy! How’s it going?”

“Fine! I wanted to come by to talk just a bit. First, I want to say thank you!”

He was obviously confused. “For …?”

“Saving my life, of course!”

“I did? Oh, yeah! Well, thank you for breaking my fall!”

Heat Rises - Chapter 4 of 6

Heat Rises

Chapter 4

To catch up … Chrissy and her mom have visited Claire in the hospital after a school shooting.

In the hospital hall, I saw Aspen Jennings. She always knew the latest news, so I asked her if she had heard anything.

“One student was killed,” she said breathlessly. “All I know is that his first name is ‘James’.” Even though it was bad news I could tell she loved being the font of all knowledge.

Heat Rises - Chapter 2 of 6

Heat Rises

Chapter 2

On day two of the protest, it was hard to find a boy wearing pants. Some of the meeker souls were encouraged by the number of boys who were ‘en femme’ on the first day. During first period, again I once again got a ‘summons’ and went to the office expecting detention or worse. Imagine my surprise when Principal Hammond gave in.

Summer with Em - Part 35


Summer With Em - Chapter 35

By Julie D Cole

We giggled for a while before Frankie reluctantly decided that we should get up and go to work. I knew she had a very responsible management job and I shouldn’t distract her or encourage her to set a bad example to her staff. I also wanted to be respectful to Bec’s since she had been so kind to me and I enjoyed the job I was doing.

New Girl on the Cheer Squad chapter 1

The New Girl on the Cheer Squad

By Julia Michelle

A boy is convinced and blackmailed into agreeing to go to school as a girl and try out for the girls cheer squad. Its one of the favorite TG fiction themes that almost every TG writer has to try at least once.I think its a law.
I tried to ground it in some reality and I think its still silly. I guess if one tries the 'boy tries out for a cheer squad as a girl' Reality goes out the window. Unless one wants to use a actual TG theme and has him transition. But then hes just another girl. I dont really want that. So fine, this is still going to be a fun story to write. Goodbye reality.

Chapter 1

Heat Rises - Chapter 1 of 6

Heat Rises
Chapter 1 of 6

The heat was record-breaking. Most of the businesses in town were well equipped for hot weather, but the air conditioners at the high school couldn’t keep up and it was 80 ͦ in the coolest part of the school. Most of the girls were coping pretty well, as skirts and dresses got shorter and thinner. But the dress code proscribed the wearing of shorts, so the boys suffered in long pants while the girls managed to get a cool breeze on their nether regions.

Castle The Series - 0010 George / Gage




Only thirty-five thousand people on a whole world! George hadn’t thought it through, but one thing was crystal clear to his intelligent, albeit informally educated, mind, there had to be plenty of opportunities for him to pursue his passion, and he doubted any would even care. No keepers, wrathful farmers or water bailiffs to be avoided here. Maybe he could have a shotgun.

All It Would Take - 11

willy milly

All It Would Take

Fan Fiction Sequel of the 1986 movie Willy Milly

11 – Malcolm

By Sasha Zarya Nexus

Completed Novel

This fan fiction piece is based on the original work, Willy Milly aka Something Special by Willy Milly Associates, Concorde, copyright 1985.. All original characters and plot lines are the property of the owners, and any resemblance to individuals either living or dead is coincidental. This piece is for entertainment purposes only and is not intended as a copyright infringement. No income is being derived from this fan fiction piece. The new characters and situations that I have invented herein are my own and I retain all rights to their not for profit presentation.

The Princess

The Princess
By Julia Michelle
A suffering princess struggles to regain the crown after it was seized it from years ago. A mysterious prince lands on the shores to help restore her to her rightful place, for a price.
This is the first chapter in what I hope to be a epic story
Chapter 1

CMC 19: Mom, Dad, and Who Cindy Goes Home With

Cindy at Music Camp
By Teek
© 2019

Chapter 19
Mom, Dad, and Who Cindy Goes Home With

Summary: Camp is over and it is time to go home. Cindy's future is in the balance. Where is Mom and how will she impact Cindy's future? Dad stood up to Mom at the concert, can he keep it up? A surprise guest shows up who will change everything.

Babs' New Year's Resolution 11

Steady progress is being made by drug addicted Angela to wards a cure while Olivia and Lola continue living at Bab's canalside cottage with police protection.

P.S. I've noticed that comments seem to be falling off right accross the board on Big Closet.

Comments are the life blood that supports motivation for many authors on this site. Might I respectfully ask that readers are more forthcoming with comments. Authers often find the feedback helps their creativity.

From the Streets - Chapter 2

Here we are again!! Chapter 2 of From the streets, Just wanted to give a big shoutout thank you to everyone on bigcloset and to all those who support us on Patreon!!! To those of you who buy our books from Doppler press! Zoe and I thank you all!

“Hello Mrs. Murphy?” Amanda spoke. “This is Amanda Davenshaw , I spoke with your assistant, Mary-ann, she said to call your extension.”

“Ah yes, hello Miss Davenshaw, what can I do for you today?” Mrs. Murphy asked. She had the demeanor of a school teacher, which Amanda supposed suited someone with child and family services.


Early in July, men started dying from what we were telt was a virus and there was no cure or immunisation. Men died, boys died, baby boys died, even baby boys in the womb were still born. It was happening all over the country. Then we heard it was all over Europe too, and within a fortnight there wasn’t anywhere on the globe unaffected.

Babs' New Year's Resolution 10

Bab’s New Year’s Resolution 10

Barbara. Chief Protagonist AKA Bab’s.

Lola (Seventeen) Barbara’s oldest adopted child. Transgendered girl rescued from an attempted murder.

Olivia. (Fifteen) Barbara’s second adopted daughter: Black lesbian girl fostered out of care then adopted. (With Olivia’s consent!)

Joyce Banks. Bristol Social worker.

Aaron Talbot Surgical registrar – married to -

Shirley Talbot Lecturer at Local university.

They are a married couple who own a narrow-boat on the canal. Friends of Lola

Helen's Diary: New Shoes

Dear Diary,

This is my first entry. I'm not realy sure how to get this started so imma just dive in.

My name is Helen Rodriguez. Not Ellen. Not El. If you call me Lenny i swear now that you know i will find you and throw you in front of a literal rogue bus going 200mph (322kph) and watch you liquefy... Sorry. I get a little heated when people are being assholes. Yah know? Now that i think about it I'm doing a fabulous job considering i live in a bible belt.

Tommy - The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl? - Chapter 203

The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl?

A Novel By Teddie S.

Copyright © 2019 Teddie S.
All Rights Reserved.

Chapter 203

I’m a boy dressed as a girl?
Spirits from the courtyard fire pit.
I want to talk to him first.
In charge of the barbecue?

I’m a boy dressed as a girl? Of course I am. ~o~O~o~ FBI Special Agent Adams? ~o~O~o~ The spirits in our fire pit are strong. ~o~O~o~
Another meeting with a misguided student. ~o~O~o~ Off to a barbecue.


Pioneers, part 08 of 15

Was he into me? It kind of looked that way. Not that we could do anything about it; I was grounded indefinitely, and his parents would never let him date a trans girl.

Labor Day Weekend at the Beach 8 – Time to Be

Labor Day Weekend at the Beach
8 – Time to Be

By Jessica C


Jack said, “I could be there in an hour or so, but I thought you’d have a football game to go to.”

Warriors way chapter 8...they use twins in magic shows!

Warriors way chapter 8...they use twins in magic shows!

So what will happen now, the story goes on!

New story in the growing Hekawi universe!
Read the others in this new universe

Meagan's Tail

“Necessity is the Mother of Invention” and “Déjà vu”





“Girls” for the Summer Club

How “the game” began.

By the time their ‘game’ began neither boy could remember how today’s events came to be. Was it a Truth or Dare consequence; a lost video game contest? The truth is they both WANTED to play their ‘game’. An excuse would let them justify doing what they wanted to do anyway – wear panties, apply and wear makeup. The motto of their game was “Whatever you do to me I get to do to you.” It seemed fair.

Stuck in a Rut - Part 50

Stuck in a Rut.
By Rosalie Redd

Casey Church is dealing with the usual things that any Fourteen year old girl has to deal with. That is... if they are a girl in a world where girls aren’t born, they are transformed. Leaving her male life behind is difficult, and new threats are on the horizon.


Chapter 50

Tommy - The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl? - Chapter 202

The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl?

A Novel By Teddie S.

Copyright © 2019 Teddie S.
All Rights Reserved.

Chapter 202

What a surprise.
The blessing for the hogan.
We’re going in the wrong direction.
Go to graduation. No. But, …

Quah Ah is here! ~o~O~o~ Ajie wasn't the first to spend a night in the new hogan. ~o~O~o~ The computer design course just isn't the way to go. ~o~O~o~ Amy is not happy with the management of the ER.


Helen's Diary

This is the diary of the daily life of Helen Rodriguez. She's just you average girl. She does harbor a lifelong secret that only one other person in the world knows. You see, Helen is actually a transgender girl. Watch her day to day as she navigates the perils of the closet.

(Image created using Avatar Makers Factory app)

Harry Potter - Season of Change - Chapter 35

Season of Change


There were only a few things in Harry Potter's life that never changed, he was the son of Lily and James Potter and that he was born a male. What happens when he discovers the truth.



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